Movies in the USA / Фильмы в США — КиберПедия 

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Movies in the USA / Фильмы в США

2017-10-11 640
Movies in the USA / Фильмы в США 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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What is a "typical" American movie? People throughout the world are sure they know. A characteristic American film has flamboyant special effects and a rich decor. They reflect America influence over the whole world. Also American movies show fast-paced actions; celebrate human heroes and make you be interested in a well-dressed Hollywood star. In addition, they feature love stories that often lead to happy endings

Yet over the past 15 years, for every high-tech "Mission Impossible" film, there are serious and even disturbing films such as American Beauty and The Hours. For every Hollywood blockbuster that appeals to 12-year-old boys, there have been complex movies, such as Traffic, Shakespeare in Love, Magnolia and About Schmidt that are made for grown-ups.

What is remarkable about contemporary American movies is their variety. The film producers try to explore social and psychological sides of life in modern America. Believe it or not, American movies are a good combination of entertainment with artistry.



flamboyant — броский, яркий, показной

fast-paced actions — быстро сменяющие одна другую сцены фильма

high-tech — высокотехнологичный

disturbing films — волнующие фильмы

to appeal to smb — обращаться к кому либо, привлекать чье-либо внимание

to be remarkable — замечательный

entertainment — развлечение

artistry — мастерство

My summer holidays / Мои летние каникулы

I am a student. Every day I have to visit classes and do my homework. I work hard to achieve my aim. I want to become a teacher of biology. Sometimes I get tired and need a good rest. Then I meet my friends and we have a lot of fun. But the best me to rest is my summer holidays. When summer comes, I can meet my friends every day. I can visit my relatives more often. We may talk for hours, discuss our family life and plans for future.

I have a lot of hobbies. They are music, nature and communication. In summer I have more time for my favourite music and may listen to it for hours. Almost every summer I spend in the village, where my parents live. I try to help my parents with the house work and spend with them my free time. In my native village I have a lot of friends. With some of them we studied at the same school and still have common interests and hobbies. In the evening we gather together, go for a walk or organize a party.

When I am in the village, I like to observe the life of animal and plants. It is interesting and useful for me. And when I spend time with my friends, we usually go to the river, lie in the sun, do sports and have a lot of fun. After my summer holidays I am full of energy and desire to study further.


hard — тяжело
to achieve — достигать
to need — нуждаться
communication — общение
favourite — любимый
to gather together — собираться вместе
to do sports — заниматься спортом
desire — желание

Teenage life in Great Britain / Жизнь подростков в Великобритании

About 20 % of British teenagers leave home between the ages of 16 and 20. Some of them are students. They get help from the government (grants) or their parents to study away from home. But they go back home during their holidays, so they have not really left.

Most of the 20 % leave home because they want to get work and experience of the world. However, accommodation is a big problem. Sometimes young people share flats Jut most young people have to live in bedsitters, which are rooms you sleep and live in. These bedsitters have washing and cooking facilities. There are cases, when teenagers live in empty houses. This is called squatting. There are also hostels for the homeless. Apart from accommodation, the main problems are loneliness, getting a job and being able to do the washing, cooking, etc.

In Britain, although, it is natural for children to leave home. In fact, only 9 % of the people aged over 65 live with their children. Many older parents who cannot look after themselves have to live in old people’s homes.



to leave home — покидать дом, уезжать из дома

experience — опыт

accommodation — жилье

bedsitters — однокомнатные квартиры

squatting — проживание в доме без разрешения и оплаты аренды

hostels for the homeless — общежития для людей, не имеющих жилья

loneliness — одиночество

to look after smb — ухаживать за кем-то, присматривать за кем-то

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