Unit 5. Intonation of imperatives — КиберПедия 

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Unit 5. Intonation of imperatives

2017-10-11 547
Unit 5. Intonation of imperatives 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Обычно команды, приказы, инструкции произносятся нисходящим тоном, а просьбы — восходящим. Например:



Exercise I. Read the commands and requests. Observe the intonation they are pronounced with.



Exercise II. Listen to the following conversational situations. Concentrate your attention on the in-tonation of the reply.




Exercise III. Ask your fellow students:

(a) in a form of commands;

(b) in a form of requests.


(a) 1. to open the books at page 12. 2. to translate Text 5. 3. to underline all the verbs in the sentence. 4. to read the sentence aloud. 5. to correct the mistakes in the test. 6. to render Text 1. 7. to open the window. 8. not to look at you.


(b) 1. to wait a moment. 2. to open the book. 3. to fetch some chalk. 4. to repeat reading rules.


5. to write a letter to his friend. 6. to go to the cinema. 7, to find a new pen. 8. to cheer, up. 9. not to ask many questions. 10. not to read aloud.

Exercise IV. Listen to the dialogues. Practise and memorize them.1. — Let's go to the theatre.

— Fine. Phone Ann and invite her too. Tell her to meet us at 6.


— Right. Shall I do it now?

— Don't be silly. Do it when you can.


2. — Will you tell me the way to Trafalgar Square?

— Certainly. Go down Regent Street to Piccadilly Circus. Turn to the left then.


— Thank you. Is there a bus?

— There's sure to be. Ask the policeman over there. Exercise V. Make up your own dialogues of the same kind.

Exercise VI. Play the game. Divide the group into two teams. The leader commands: "Turn yourheads to the right." The rest of the students must fulfil his command. If they fail to do it, they will be out of game. The list of commands:


Turn your head to the left/to the right; Bend your body to the left/to the right; Forward; Hands up/down; Open/Close your eyes; Put your hands on your head; Right hand up; Left hand down; Touch your right ear, etc.






Общие вопросы обычно произносятся восходящим тоном. Например:



Exercise I. Read the sentences according to the given model.


1. Is Peter twenty? 2. Is your name John? 3. Do you speak English? 4. Do you study at the In-stitute? 5. Do you live in the hostel? 6. Does she like to work in the garden? 7. Does she know Mary?


8. Is your family large? 9. Are your brothers teachers? 10. Is it difficult to find a job in London? 11. Does Helen study at a local comprehensive school? 12. Are you a pupil?


Exercise II. Listen to your fellow-student reading these questions. Tell him what his errors in intona-tion are.


1. Are you eighteen? 2. Are you a first-year student? 3. Do you study at the Moscow Teacher Training University? 4. Do you know English well? 5. Is your future speciality history? 6. Are you a future teacher? 7. Do you live with your parents? 8. Is your University far from your home? 9. Will it take you an hour to get to the University? 10. Did you have four exams last term?

Exercise III. Ask to repeat the following statements using general questions as in the given model.


1. This is a large park. 2. This is an interesting book. 3. This is Peter's brother. 4. This is her younger sister. 5. This is their new flat. 6. This is a comfortable arm-chair. 7. This is a student. 8. This is his wife. 9. This is their teacher. 10. This is exercise three. 11. This is a difficult text.

Exercise IV. Ask general questions using the given model.



1. I am not a university student. 2. Yes, my mother is a secretary. 3. Peter hasn't a family of his own. 4. Olga is fond of music. 5. I study at the Institute. 6. Her name is Mary. 7. I have no grandpa-rents. 8. They live in London. 9. Ann is ten. 10. She doesn't like coffee. 11. She prefers tea.


Exercise V. Listen to the dialogues and reproduce them. Observe the intonation of general questions.

1. — Am I a teacher? — Yes, you are.


— Are you a student? — Yes. I am.

— Are you English? — No, I am not.


— Do you speak English? — Yes, I do.


—- Does your friend speak — Yes, he does, but only a little. English?

2. — We want to go on a hike on Sunday. Will you join us?

— Certainly. Shall we go to Golitsino? The place is delightful.


— Yes. Shall we take Alice with us?

— Of course. Can you meet her at the station?

— Yes.

Exercise VI. Complete these sentences. Observe correct pronunciation of general questions.


1. Is your name... 2. Are you... 3. Are you fond of... 4. Have you ... 6. Is your brother... 6. Is your sister... 7. Do you study... 8. Do you live... 9. Are your parents... 10. Do you know...


Exercise VII. Play the game "Guess an object". Mark the stresses and tunes.

1. Is it in this room? — Yes; 2. Can I see it? — Yes;
3. Is it made of metal? — No; 4. Is.it made of wood? — Yes;
5. Could I carry it? — No; 6. Is it useful? — Yes;
7. Has it got legs? — Yes; 8. Is it the chair? — No;
9. Is it the table? — Yes.  



1. Are you quite well-prepared for your exams? 2. Shall we write a test tomorrow? 3. Are you ready to go? 4. Can you do it? 5. Do you have time to go in for sports? 6. Does your brother play the piano? 7. Is it raining? 8. Is your mother Russian? 9. Will you invite me to your evening party? 10. Is Paris as large as London? 11. Do you live in London? 12. Does Peter smoke?



Exercise X. Read the dialogue and act it out.

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