Выражение падежных отношений с помощью предлогов — КиберПедия 

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Историки об Елизавете Петровне: Елизавета попала между двумя встречными культурными течениями, воспитывалась среди новых европейских веяний и преданий...

Выражение падежных отношений с помощью предлогов

2017-10-11 839
Выражение падежных отношений с помощью предлогов 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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В русском языке Предлог В английском языке
именительный падеж (кто? что?)   – This student reads well. Этот студент хорошо читает. The lessons begin at 9 o'clock. Занятия начинаются в 9 часов.
родительный падеж (кого? чего?) of The book of the boy is on the table. Книга мальчика на столе.
дательный падеж (кому? чему?) to He gave this book to the teacher. Он дал эту книгу учителю.
винительный падеж (кого? что?)   – The teacher asked the students many questions. Преподаватель задал студентам много вопросов We like these books. Нам нравятся эти книги.
творительный падеж (кем? чем?) by   with   This article is written by Pavlov. Эта статья написана Павловым. I write with a fountain-pen. Я пишу авторучкой.
предложный падеж (о ком? о чем?)   about   of   I speak about the book. Я говорю о книге. I think of the experiment. Я думаю об этом эксперименте.


Self-correcting Exercises


Exercise 1. Give the plural forms of the following nouns:

bed, classroom, day, factory, teacher, map, student, picture, desk, president, match, text beds, classrooms, days, factories, teachers, maps, students, pictures, desks, presidents, matches, texts

Exercise 2. Read the nouns in the plural.

women, phenomena, media, children, knives, pages, teeth, advice, magazines, heroes, men ['wımın], [fı'nɔmınə], ['mi:dıə], ['ʧıldrən], [naıvz], [peıʤız], [ti:θ], [æd'vaıs], [mægə'zi:nz], ['hıərouz], [men]

Exercise 3. Match nouns in common and possessive cases.

Model: Jack – Jack's, boys – boys'

Union, country, children, women, government, parliament, the Earth, brother, friends, journalist, scientist, Peter, page Union's, country's, children's, women's, government's, parliament's, the Earth's, brother's, friends', journalist's, scientist's, Peter's, page's

Exercise 4. Replace of- phrases by nouns in the possessive case.

1. The son of Ann. 2. The dog of Mr. Taylor. 3. The name of the boy. 4. The flat of my sisters. 5. The families of these workers. 6. The economy of the country. 7. The article of the resear-ches. 8. The pictures of the artist. 9. The cover of the book. 10. The plan of the President. 1. Ann's son. 2. Mr. Taylor's dog. 3. The boy's name. 4. My sisters' flat. 5. These workers' families. 6. The country's economy. 7. The researchers' article. 8. The artist's pictures. 9. The book's cover. 10. The President's plan.

Exercise 5. Translate into Russian, note the case relations between the words.

1. This is the plan of the report. 2. He wrote a letter to his friend. 3. I see a man in the street. 4. I like writing with a pen. 5. I am reading a book by Ivanov. 6. I've read an interesting book about animals. Это план доклада. Он написал письмо другу. Я вижу человека на улице. Я люблю писать ручкой. Я читаю книгу Иванова. Я прочел интересную книгу о животных.


Self-training Exercises


Exercise 1. Find nouns in the plural form.

Positions, news, box, seas, problems, clothes, level, bus, countries, women, phenomenon, theses, money, crises, people, glass, class.

Exercise 2. Give the singular form.

Women, feet, children, analyses, data, news, theses, means, series, glasses, leaves, knives, sheep, shorts, plays, books.

Exercise 3. Translate into Russian.

1. Britain's trade. 2. A day's work. 3. My friend's hat. 4. The sister's letter. 5. The world's first spaceman. 6. The children's hands. 7. An hour's walk. 8. The women's magazines. 9. The Parliament's session. 10. A week's rest.

Exercise 4. Use the possessive case.

1. The book by this writer is interesting. 2. The foot of my son is big. 3. The prospects of the company are good. 4. These are the notebooks of his students. 5. The newspaper of the party was a daily one. 6. The uncle of Tom is a scientist. 7. The favourite sport of my brother is tennis. 8. The programme of two months was fulfilled. 9. The dream of the mankind to fly into space came true.

Exercise 5. Answer the questions. Example: Whose dog is this? (Ann) – This is Ann's dog.

1. Whose teacher is this? (My son) 2. Whose car is this? (The Browns) 3. Whose cat is this? (Children) 4. Whose pens are these? (My friends) 5. Whose coat is this? (Miss White) 6. Whose article is this? (My teacher)

Exercise 6. Translate into English.

1. Это новая программа правительства. 2. Лунный свет красивый. 3. Сын моего брата – историк. 4. Мать моего друга – пожилая женщина. 5. Это кабинет декана. 6. Улицы города широкие. 7. Переводы этих студентов – очень хорошие. 8. Доход фирмы растет. 9. Мне нравится машина Джона. 10. Студенческие каникулы закончились. 11. Друзья моих родителей – пенсионеры.


Лексико-грамматический тест

Exercise 1. Complete the sentences using a word from the following list: shorts, species, means, scissors. Sometimes you need a or some.

1. My eyes aren't very good. I need …………...

2. This plant is....... very rare.…….

3. Footballers don't wear trousers when they play. They wear....................................

4. The bicycle is................................................... of transport.

5. The bicycle and the car are................................................... of transport.

6. I want to cut this piece of material. I need....................................................

7. Ann is going to write............................................... of articles for her local newspaper.

8. There are a lot of American TV.......................................... shown on British television.

9. While we were out walking, we saw 25 different............................................ of bird.

Exercise 2. In each example the words on the left are connected with an activity (for example, a sport or an academic subject). Write the name of the activity. Each time the beginning of the word is given.

1. calculate algebra equation 2. government election minister 3. finance trade industry 4. running jumping throwing 5. light heat gravity 6. exercises somersault parallel bars 7. computer silicon chip video games m……………… p......................... e......................... a...................... ph................... gy....................... el........................

Exercise 3. Choose the correct form of the verb, singular or plural. In one sentence either the singular or plural verb is possible.

1. Gymnastics is/are my favourite sport.

2. The trousers you bought for me doesn't/don't fit me.

3. The police want/wants to interview two men about the robbery last week.

4. Physics was/were my best subject at school.

5. Can I borrow your scissors? Mine isn't/aren't sharp enough.

6. Fortunately the news wasn't/weren't as bad as we expected.

7. Where does/do your family live?

8. Three days isn't/aren't long enough for a good holiday.

9. I can't find my binoculars. Do you know where it is / they are?

10. Do you think the people is/are happy with the government?

11. Does/Do the police know how the accident happened?

12. I don't like very hot weather. Thirty degrees is/are too warm for me.

Exercise 4. Most of these sentences are wrong. Correct them where necessary; put "right" if the sentence is already correct.

1. The government want to increase taxes...……………………..

2. Susan was wearing a black jeans. …………………………...

3. Brazil are playing Italy in a football match next Wednesday. ………………..

4. I like Martin and Jill. They're very nice persons ………………………...

5. I need more money than that. Ten pounds are not enough. …………………...

6. I'm going to buy a new pyjama......................................................................................

7. The committee haven't made a decision yet..............................................................

8. Many people has given up smoking.........................................................................

9. There was a police standing at the corner of the street........................................

10. Has the police arrived yet?............................................................................................

11. This scissors is not very sharp.................................................................................

Exercise 5. Join the two (or three) nouns. Sometimes you have to use -'s or -s'; and sometimes you have to use of.

1. the owner / that car 2. the mother / Ann
3. the jacket / that man 4. the top / the page
5. the daughter/ Charles 6. the cause / the problem
7. the newspaper / yesterday 8. the birthday / my father
9. the name / this street 10. the new manager / the company
11. the toys / the children 12. the garden / our neighbours
13. the result / the football match 14. the children / Don and Mary
15. the ground floor / the building 16. the economic policy / the governmen
17. the husband/ Catherine 18. the husband / the woman-talking to Mary
19. the wedding / the friend / Helen 20. the car / the parents / Mike

Exercise 6. What is another way of saying these things? Use -'s.

1. a hat for a woman 3. clothes for children 2. a name for a boy 4. school for girls
5. a nest for a bird 5. a magazine for women

Exercise 7. Read each sentence and write a new sentence beginning with the highlighted words.

1. The meeting tomorrow has been cancelled.

2. The storm last week caused a lot of damage

3. The only cinema in the town has closed down.

4. Exports from Britain to the United States have fallen recently.

5. Tourism is the main industry in the region.

Exercise 8. Use the information given to complete the sentences.

1. If I leave my house at 9 o'clock and drive to London, I arrive at about 12. So it's about …………………to London from my house. (drive)

2. If I leave my house at 8.55 and walk to the station, I get there at 9 o'clock. So it's only............................................................ from my house to the station. (walk)

3. I'm going on holiday on the 12th. I have to be back at work on the 26th. So I've got............................................................................. (holiday)

4. I went to sleep at 3 o'clock this morning and woke up an hour later. After that I couldn't sleep. So last night I only had.........................................................................(sleep).


1. Артикль: 1) неопределенный   a book (books), an actor (actors)
2) определенный the book (the books), the actor (the actors)
2. Местоимения: 1) притяжательные   my (your, his, her, its, our, your, their) book
2) указательные this / that book these / those books the same book; such book
3) вопросительные Whatbook have you read? Which month is the warmest? Whose book is this?
4) неопределенные each, every, some, any, no, much, many little, few, all, both, other, another, one, either Each student of our group knows it. Some students go there every day.
3. Существительные (в притяжательном падеже)   Jack's mother is a doctor.
Употребление: перед существительными
Перевод: артикли обычно не переводятся; местоимения и существительные переводятся в зависимости от их значений


Артикль не имеет самостоятельного значения и является определителем существительного. В английском языке есть два артикля: неопределенный a (an) и определенный the. Неопределенный артикль имеет два варианта написания и произношения: а [ə] – перед словами, начинающимися с согласной (a boy, a pen), и an [ən] – перед словами, начинающимися с гласной (an apple). Определенный артикль the также имеет два варианта произношения: the [ðə] – перед словами, начинающимися с согласной (the boy) и the [ði:] – перед словами, начинающимися с гласной (the apple). Наличие артикля исключает употребление других определителей существительного: указательного, притяжательного, неопределенного местоимений и т. д.


а the my this some Pete's     bag


Неопределенный артикль произошел от числительного один и поэтому может употребляться перед исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе, давая понятия о предмете, обозначая название предмета или класса, к которому относится предмет. В русском языке перед таким существительным можно поставить слова один, какой-то, любой.

Give me a book, please. Дайте мне, пожалуйста, книгу (какую-нибудь, любую).

Определенный артикль the произошел от указательного местоимения that (тот). The употребляется как с исчисляемыми существительными в единственном и множественном числе, так и с неисчисляемыми существительными. Существительные с определенным артиклем обозначают не название предмета, вещества, а конкретный, данный предмет, который рассматривается как уже известный и говорящему, и слушающему.

Give me the books that I gave you yesterday. Дайте мне (те самые) книги, которые я дал вам вчера.




1) с исчисляемыми существительны-ми, когда они упоминаются впервые; 2) с существительным, являющимся частью составного именного сказуе-мого; 3) с существительным после оборота there is..., а также после it is..., this is...; 4) после слов such, rather, quite, what; 5) с существительными в роли приложения; 6) перед числительными a dozen, a hundred, a thousand, a million, в выражениях a lot (of), a great many of; 7) в некоторых оборотах:   8) в сочетаниях с глаголами I can see a book on the table.   My brother is a doctor. He is a clever young man.   There is a new music school in our street. It is a pen. This is a pencil. Tom is such a nice boy. My grandmother, a schoolteacher, is on pension now. I've read a lot about this author.     it is a pleasure, as a result, as a matter of fact, as a rule, to be in a hurry, it's a pity, at a time, for a short (long) time, in a loud (low) voice. to have, to take, to give: to have a cold, to have a good time, to have a toothache, to have a rest, to have a smoke, to take a shower, to give a hand.




1) с существительным в единственном и множественном числе, когда гово-рящему ясно, о каком предмете идет речь; 2) с существительным, которое упо-минается в контексте не впервые; 3) когда перед существительным стоит: а) порядковое числительное,   б) прилагательное в превосходной степени, в) одно из прилагательных: following, last, next, same, very, only Ho: next door, last week, last year; 4) когда существительное имеет при себе уточняющее или ограничивающее определение; 5) с существительными, обозначаю-щими предметы, единственные в своем роде: the Sun, the Moon, the Earth, the sky, the world, the air, а также в словосочетаниях: in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, in the night, in the country, in the corner, in the middle, on the right (left), on the one (other) hand, on the whole, the day before yesterday, the day after tomorrow, the other day, to go to the cinema (the pictures, the theatre), to tell the truth, to pass the time. What is the time? 6) с исчисляемыми существительными, обозначая весь класс однородных предметов, а не выделяя один предмет из рода ему подобных; 7) с названиями: а) водных бассейнов, горных цепей, групп островов, пустынь   б) некоторых стран и местностей, в) некоторых исторических зданий (учреждений), музеев, театров, библиотек, организаций, английских газет, г) сторон света: the North, the South, the East, the West; но без артикля: from East to West, from North to South; д) при существительном, обозначающим фамилию, когда речь идет о всей семье в целом, е) с именами прилагательными и причастиями, превратившимися в имена существительные со значением множественного числа: the rich, the poor, the old, the young, the blind, the deaf, the sick, the dead, the disabled, the unemployed, the injured. Here is the magazine you want to read. Open the window, please.   I saw a new film on TV yesterday. The film was not very interesting.   Gagarin is the first cosmonaut of the world. Minsk is the largest city in Belarus.   Answer the following questions. She is the only child in the family.   The price of fruit is high this year. Somebody is knocking at the door of our flat. The sky is blue and the sun shines brightly in summer. The air is fresh and the ground is covered with leaves in autumn. I get up at 7 o'clock in the morning and go to bed at 11 o'clock in the evening.     The cow is a domestic animal. The article is a structural part of speech used with nouns. The snowdrop is the first spring flower.   the Thames, the Volga, the Black Sea, the English Channel, the Atlantic Ocean, the Urals the United States (the USA), the Crimea the Kremlin, the British Museum, the National Gallery, the United Nations Organisation, The Times. He works in the North. In the West Belarus borders on Poland.     The Browns spend their holidays in Italy.   There are special schools for the blind.  




1) перед существительным, которое имеет определение, выраженное местоимением (притяжательным, указательным, вопросительным, неопределенно-личным), именем собственным в притяжательном падеже или количественным числительным; 2) с существительными во множественном числе, которые являются частью именного сказуемого; 3) с неисчисляемыми существи-тельными, если они не имеют ограничительных или уточняющих определителей; 4) с названиями дней недели, месяцев и времен года; 5) с именами собственными; 6) с существительными, обозна-чающими названия наук и учебных предметов; 7) в ряде устойчивых сочетаний: Give me your plan, please. There are some books on the table. This man is John's father. Where is room six? I have five English books. Open your books at page 5 and do exercise 10. We are friends. Nick and Tom are doctors.   Do you like tea or coffee? Ho: The coffee is cold.     Winter begins in December. My day off is Sunday. Mary, London, Pushkin Street My favourite subject ishistory. My brother isgood at physics.   at night, at dinner (breakfast, supper), at home, at school, at work, at dawn (sunset), at sunrise, at first sight, in (on) time, at war, in debt, in fact, in conclusion, on board a ship, on sale, by bus (train, tram), by air, by post, by heart, by chance, by mistake, by name, day after day, day and night, to be in bed, to go to bed, after school, from morning to (till) night, from time to time; to have breakfast (dinner, supper), to be in hospital, to keep house, to start (finish) work, to go (come, arrive, get) home.


Self-correcting exercises

Exercise 1. Answer the questions.

Mоdel: Is it a pen? – Yes, it is a pen.

1. Is it flat five? 2. Is it a ball? 3. Would you like an apple? 4. Is this the oldest car? 5. Is the article short? 6. Is your favourite subject English? 7. Does the sun shine brightly? 8. Is London on the Thames? Yes, it is flat five. Yes, it is a ball. Yes, I would like an apple. Yes, this is the oldest car. Yes, the article is short. Yes, my favourite subject is English. Yes, it does. The sun shines brightly. Yes, it is. London is on the Thames.

Exercise 2. Put in articles where necessary.

1. These... flowers are beautiful. 2.... textbook is in... bag. 3. I live in... Kirov Street. 4. We have... five exams in winter. 5. My parents are... engineers. 6. Where is... book? 7. Meet... engineers from... Moscow. 8. Here are... your books. 9.... Mr Black will come at five. 10.... Thames is... river. 11. He told me... way to... the theatre. 1.- 2. The, the 3. - 4. – 5. - 6. the 7. the, - 8. -9. – 10. The, a. 11. the, the  


Self-training Exercises

Exercise 1. Explain the use of the article.

1. This is a pencil. It's a red pencil. The red pencil is on the table. 2. I'm a teacher. I'm at home now. This is my room. The room is large and clean. 3. Open your books at page thirteen and read text 10. 4. This is a black tie and that is a white tie. 5. Yesterday I met my friend with a young girl. The girl is a first-year student of the University. She lives on the second floor in the house not far from us. 6. Summer is the most beautiful season of the year. There are many flowers in the fields and gardens everywhere. The flowers are very beautiful in your garden. 7. Victory Square is in the centre of Minsk. I live in Kirov Street. The Black Sea is in the South of our country. I live in Belarus but my uncle lives in Moldova.

Exercise 2. Insert the articles.

1.... Volga is... longest river in... European part of... Russia. 2. I'd like to go on... excursion to... Crimea. 3. There is... stadium not far from our... house.... stadium is... largest in our town. 4. My brother is a pupil of...8th form and he wants to become... engineer. 5.... chemistry is his favourite subject at... school. 6.... children like... ice-cream. 7. Can you tell me... way to... theatre? 8. Here is... book you need. 9.... walls of our classroom are yellow.

Exercise 3. Translate into English.

1. В городе есть памятник Нельсону. Памятник находится в центре города. 2. Посреди комнаты стоит стол. Этот стол новый. 3. Я послал ему письмо. Письмо очень длинное. 4. В кинотеатре идет новый фильм. (Этот) фильм – детектив. 5. Мне задали много вопросов. Вопросы были легкие. 6. Я обычно пью чай с сахаром. 7. Чай очень горячий, добавьте в него молока. 8. Мир –это жизнь, война – страдания и смерть. 9. Мои друзья уехали на юг сегодня вечером. 10. Жаль, что я не могу поужинать с вами.

Лексико-грамматический тест


Exercise 1. Find the errors in these sentences. Rewrite each sentence.

a) Have you ever visited United Kingdom?

b) On our trip, we visited the Canterbury Cathedral.

c) Love is wonderful thing.

d) The pets are not permitted in this hotel.

e) Rabbit is small wild furry animal with long ears.

f) The New York is in United States of the America.

g) The judge sent David to the prison for a month.

Exercise 2. Put a/an or leave the space blank

a) …... love makes the world go round.

b) Sheila has got....... German car.

c) Rita works in …….. office in ………….West Street.

d) I've got....... friend who is....... electrician.

e) Paul goes to....... special school for....... musicians.

f) You are....... silly boy! This is....... cat not....... dog!

g) Jack is in....... hospital and can't go to....... school.

h) Carol wants to go to....... university and study to be....... doctor.

Exercise 3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.

a) Mary teaches English. Mary.……… English teacher.

b) Charles has a factory job. Charles works................................. factory.

c) You are not allowed to park here....................................... is not allowed here.

d) Jim is on a ship at the moment. At the moment........................................ sea.

e) Susan conducts the orchestra. Susan................................... of the orchestra.

f) We walked to the station. We went............................................. foot.

g) Frogs are small amphibious animals................................................... animal.

Exercise 4. Choose the correct word highlighted in each sentence.

a) Where's an/the electric heater? I can't find it.

b) What happened at an/the end of a/the film?

c) David has an/the appointment at a/the optician's.

d) An/The old person sometimes feels lonely.

e) Peter owns a/the largest model plane in a/the world.

f) Luckily a/the fire brigade soon came and put out a/the fire.

g) Harry's mother bought him a/the guitar for his birthday present.

h) I'm thinking of buying a/the new pair of trousers.

i) In the end there was a/the war between the two countries.

j) I didn't know an/the answer to a/the question, so I left it out.

Exercise 5. Complete the second sentence so that it has а similar meaning to the first sentence.

a) Jim is a very good pianist. b) Poor people need help from the Government. c) Helen‘s bike is taster than everyone else s. d) Tom has a doctor's appointment. e) The film was about an artist's life. f) The only goal of the match was scored by Italy. g) The school term finishes today. h) h) No one in the class is taller than Jane. .………..very well. The Government should... poor. Helen’s...fastest. Tom... doctor's. The film... of an artist. The... Italians. This is... school term. Jane is... class.

Exercise 6. Put a/an or the in each space or leave the space blank.

a)... President is...largest cruise ship in...world.

b) Everyone in... class agreed that... happiness was important.

c) There's... strange person at... door.

d) Someone who saw... robbery called... police.

e) At... beginning of... film,... very tall man sat down in front of me.

f) When I arrived at... station, I ate... sandwich and waited for... train.

g)... person with... good education usually gets... good job.

h) Have you seen... new film at... Embassy cinema?

i) In... past, most of... population lived in... country.

j) I needed... new pair of trousers so my mother gave me... money.

Exercise 7. Put a/an/the in each space, or leave the space blank.

a) Italians eat... lot of..... spaghetti.

b)....... most people thought that....... Beatles were....... very good group.

c) I usually drink ….. glass of …..milk in ……..morning.

d) What's.......difference between....... rabbit and....... hare?

e)....... first person who crosses....... finishing line is....... winner.

f)....... playing....... guitar is....... interesting....... hobby.

g)....... Helen got on....... bus and bought....... ticket.

h) There's....... newspaper shop at....... end of....... street.

Exercise 8. Correct the errors in these sentences by adding or removing a/an/the.

a) Could you get loaf of bread from baker's?

b) The milk is good for the children

c) The John is at a work at moment.

d) We travelled to the Italy by a car.

e) Have you got a brother or the sister?

f) War between two countries was longest in the history.

g) Who was first astronaut who landed on moon?

h) Nile is longest river in world.


Exercise 9. Rewrite each sentence so that it has a similar meaning and contains the word given.

a) We travelled there by train. on …………………
b) There isn't a larger size than this one. largest …………………
c) Clara sings for her living. singer …………………
d) People who are unemployed often feel depressed. the …………………
e) Anna is learning to be a guitarist. play …………………
f) Mike is an office-worker. works …………………
g) Marie is a Frenchwoman. France …………………
h) David is still working. at …………………

Exercise 10. Complete each sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.

a) I didn't expect to see George. …………..last person I expected to see.
b) Do you have a dog in your house? Do...............................................home?
c) Nick teaches chemistry. Nick is....................................... teacher.
d) My friends gave me a wonderful present.   ......................... gave me was wonderful.
e) The Australian capital is Canberra. Canberra................................. Australia.
f) The French lesson is the first tomorrow. ...................................….......... French.
g) Someone is phoning you. There's someone on..........................…..
h) We saw a very entertaining film last night.   ............................. was very entertaining.

Exercise 11. Put a/an/the in each space, or leave the space blank.

... (1) friend of mine, Sally Milton, wanted to become....... (2) dancer when she was....... (3) girl........ (4) every morning before....... (5) school she used to practise in....... (6) living room at....... (7) home........ (8) dancers need....... (9) lot of.......(10) exercise, so Sally used to go to....... (11) gym two or three times....... 12) week. In....... (13) end she got....... (14) job in....... (15) theatre company and became....... (16) actress. In....... (17) fact,....... (18) last week I saw her in....... (19) programme on....... (20) television!


Вид Формы
Именительный падеж Объектный падеж
Личные местоимения (Personal Pronouns)   I – я you – ты, вы he – он she – она it – он, она, оно (неодуш.) we – мы you – вы they – они mе – меня, мне you – тебя, тебе him – его, ему her – ее, ей it – его, ее, ему, ей us – нас,нам you – вас, вам them – их, им
Притяжатель-ные местоимения (Possessive Pronouns)   I форма II форма
my мой (-я, -е, -и) your – твой (-я, -е, -и) Ваш (-а, -е, -и) his – его her – ее its – его, ее (неодуш.) our – наш (-а, -е, -и) their – их mine – мой (-я, -е, -и yours – твой (-я, -е, -и) Ваш (-а, -е, -и) his – его hers – ее its – его, ее ours – наш (-а, -е, -и) theirs – их
Примечание: 1) все эти местоимения могут переводиться как свой. 2) II форма притяжательных местоимений (притяжательные местоимения в абсолютной форме) употребляются самостоятельно, т. е. вместо существительных.
Вид Формы
Возвратные и усилительные местоимения (Reflexive and Emphatic Pronouns) (совпадают по звучанию и написанию) myself – (я) себя, сам (-а) yourself – (ты, Вы) себя, сам (-и) himself – (он) себя, сам herself – (она) себя, сама itself – (оно) себя, само ourselves – (мы) себя, сами yourselves – (вы) себя, сами themselves – (они) себя, сами
Взаимные местоимения (Reciprocal Pronouns) each other – друг друга one another – один другого
Указательные местоимения (Demonstrative Pronouns) Единственное число Множественное число
this – этот (-а, -о) that – тот (та, то) these – эти those – те
such – такой (такие) the same – тот же самый, такой же
Вопросительные местоимения (Interrogative Pronouns)   who (whom) – кто (кого) whose – чей what – что, каков, какой, кто which – который, какой, кто, что
Относительные и соединительные местоимения (Relative and Conjunctive Pronouns) who (whom) – кто (кого), который (которого) whose – чей, которого what – что, какой which – который, какой, кто, что that – который
Неопределенные местоимения (Indefinite Pronouns) some – какой-то, некоторые, немного (в утв. предл.) (something, somebody, somewhere) any – 1) какой-нибудь, некоторые (в вопр. и отрицат. предл.) (anything, anybody, anywhere) 2) любой one – некто, некий
all – все, весь, вся, все each – каждый every – всякий, каждый other – другой (-ие) another – другой (-я) both – оба many – много, многие (исчисляемые)   much – много (неисчисл.) few – мало (исчисл.) a few – несколько little – мало (неисчисл.) a little– немного either – любой (из двух) no – никакой, ни один, нет none – никто, ничто neither – ни тот, ни другой, никто, ничто
1. Личные I shall speak to him. подлежащее
I shall speak to him. дополнение
That was he. часть сказуемого
2. Притяжатель-ные Her paper was interesting. определение
My room is large, yours is larger. подлежащее
This paper is his. часть сказуемого
We haven't seen your paper; we have seen only theirs. дополнение
3. Возвратные и усилительные I wash myself. дополнение
He himself saw it. He saw it himself.  
4. Взаимные They greeted each other. дополнение
5. Указательные This was pleasant. подлежащее
He likes this. дополнение
It was that. часть сказуемого
I know these songs. определение
6. Вопросительные Who knows this story? подлежащее
What did you see there? дополнение
What has she become? часть сказуемого
Which month is the warmest? определение
7. Относительные и соединительные The man who is sitting there is my friend. подлежащее
I don't know whom he sent there. дополнение
The question is who will go there. часть сказуемого
I don't know whose paper this is. определение
8. Неопределенные One must do it. подлежащее
He told us something. дополнение
Any student can do it. определение
It is too much for me. часть сказуемого
Перевод: местоимениями


Self-correcting Exercises


Exercise 1. Translate into Russian.

1. Give me the pen, please. 2. He reads his books. 3. I change my books at the library myself. 4. She left her book at home. She can take mine. 5. This is her mother. 6. These texts are easier than those we read yesterday. 7. That was a nice day. 8. Those books are new. 9. Tell us the truth. Дай мне ручку, пожалуйста. Он читает свои книги. Я сам меняю свои книги в библиотеке.   Она забыла свою книгу дома. Она может взять мою. Это ее мама. Эти тексты легче, чем те, которые мы читали вчера. Это был хороший день. Те книги – новые. Скажи нам правду.

Exercise 2. Choose the necessary pronoun.

1.Here are (some, any) letters for you. 2. Take (any, some) jam, please. 3. There aren't (any, some) matches left. 4. Give me (anything, something) to eat. 5. (Nobody, anybody) knows him. 6. How (many, much) time does it take you to get there? 7. He has (little, few) knowledge about it. Here are some letters for you. Take some jam, please. There aren't any matches left. Give me something to eat. Nobody knows him. How much time does it take you to get there? He has little knowledge about it.


Self-training Exercises

Exercise 1. Open the brackets.

1. Give (they, they) notebooks. 2. She lives in Minsk with (she) family. 3. He is a friend of (I). 4. (We) plant is very large. 5. Let (I) know if anything happens. 6. If you find (some, any) money on the floor, it's (I). 7. (Somebody, anybody) must understand (he). 8. May I have (some, any) wine please? 9. He has (few, a few) friends, only five.

Exercise 2. Fill in the blanks. Use the pronouns or their derivatives.

a) some, any, no, every

1. You must ask... to help you in this work. 2. If I have... free time, I shall go... tonight. 3. Did you hear... about out plan? 4. Did you say...? – No, I said.... 5. I have... to tell him.

b) much, many, more, less, (a) little, (a) few.

1. How... English words do you know? 2. There are... parks in our city. 3. Does he read...? – It's a pity but he reads too.... 4. Hurry up. We have... time to waste. 5. Please, try to make... noise. 6. Do you spend... time on your English exercises? 7. He drank... water and felt better. 8. There was very... water in the glass. 9. May I have... coffee, please? 10. They were... surprised.

Exercise 3. Answer the questions.

1. What are you speaking about? 2. Who were you speaking to? 3. Who(m) are you waiting for? 4. Whose dictionary is this? 5. Which of you goes in for sport? 6. Which book do you like best?

Exercise 4. Translate into English.

а) 1. Ее зовут Анна. 2. Я забыл (left behind) свою книгу. – Возьми мою. 3. Встреть меня, пожалуйста. 4. Его доклад слушали внимательно. 5. Их аудитория находится немного дальше. 6. Мне очень нравится этот город. 7. Моя мама работает в той школе. 8. Это лето очень холодное. 9. Они хотят прожить в этой стране еще год. 10. Где я могу купить хлеб? 11. Некоторые студенты уже сдали экзамен. 12. Кто-то оставил дверь открытой. 13. Никто из них вчера не приходил. 14. Он написал несколько слов.

б) 1. Бесполезно его об этом спрашивать. 2. Это ваш новый студент? 3. Необходимо послать туда наших инженеров. 4. Книга на столе. Дай мне ее. 5. Мы переводим текст. Он не очень трудный. 6. Интересно наблюдать за игрой детей. 7. Хотите чаю? – Он очень сладкий. 8. Петров получил новую квартиру. Она просторная. 9. Важно уметь логично мыслить.

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