Make a plan and retell Text 2. — КиберПедия 

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Make a plan and retell Text 2.

2017-09-30 337
Make a plan and retell Text 2. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Unit IV
Aims. Teaching methods. Entry requirements.

I. Read and remember these words and word combinations:

1.Broadly based education Образование широкого профиля
2.To reason logically Рассуждать логически
3.To undertake research Проводить исследования
4.To communicate to Сообщать, передавать
5.To equip the graduate Дать выпускнику необходимые знания
6.To be creatively responsive Творчески реагировать
7 To maintain interest Поддерживать интерес
8.Current Современный
9.Commitment Стремление
10.Cope with the changing and emerging conditions Справляться с изменяющимися и возникающими условиями
11.In compliance with the requirements Согласно требованиям
12.Liberal education Общее (гуманитарное) образование
13.Teaching staff Преподавательский состав
14.Applicant Абитуриент
15.General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) Аттестат о среднем образовании
16.To assess the facilities Оценить помещения (оборудование)
17.Communication skills Навыки общения
18.Unified State Examination ЕГЭ
19. Job and wealth creation Создание рабочих мест и благосостояния

Text 3.


Aims. The aims of the course are: to provide a broadly based education in planning and construction which gives students the ability to think clearly, to reason logically, to undertake systematic research and to communicate facts and ideas to other people.

To equip the graduate not only to undertake planning work but also to be creatively responsive to a rapidly changing world in which economic development and job and wealth creation are important.

Students are expected to research fully and analytically in order to develop the best possible solution of design problems. Students are expected to maintain a highly interest in current design trends and developments through reading and study and to increase their confidence and commitment to achieve high standards of professional skill.

Teaching methods. At present it’s quite evident that our University is moving away from its traditional methods. It is tending to organize more realistic courses to cope with the changing and emerging conditions in the practice of architecture and construction industry that requires graduates with a modern approach to construction. And the University tries to give its students the contemporary education in compliance with the requirements of modern market economy.

Communication skills are essential for future specialist. Students are placed in realistic situations requiring problems to be solved and decisions to be made. Providing liberal and practical education our teaching staff tries to develop the creative and critical potential of each student.

Entry requirements. Before entering university applicants think a lot, attend Welcome Day which is generally held in winter and spring, surf the Internet and then make their decision.

For entry any higher school you should have General Certificate of Secondary Education and Unified State Examinations Certificate. USE is taken by all the pupils in Russia. There are 2 compulsory exams (Mathematics, Russian Language and Literature) and any number of optional exams.

On Welcome Day applicants are given the opportunity to visit the relevant Department and to assess the University and its facilities.

1. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the aims of the courses?

2. What do you know about teaching methods in our University?

3. What education should you have to enter our University?

4. When you entered the University who was the first to congratulate you?

5. What are the entry requirements for applicants?

6. What is your purpose in learning English?

7. What should you do to acquire a good knowledge of English?

8. Where would you like to work in future? Why?

9. Was it difficult to realize your dream – to become a student of chosen specialty? If so, why?

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