Text 11. 1. Technical means of Customs control — КиберПедия 

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Text 11. 1. Technical means of Customs control

2017-09-30 1110
Text 11. 1. Technical means of Customs control 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Customs Administrations are responsible for facilitating trade while maintaining an appropriate level of control to prevent smuggling and other illegal Customs related activities. Today Customs Services have at their disposal a range of advanced technologies1 suitable for checkpoint, vehicle and suspect item inspection at airports, railways, ports and other border crossings. These technologies vary in terms of their intrusiveness and their levels of technical sophistication. They can be categorized as manual and low-tech equipment, intrusive detection technology (seals), and higher technology equipment (radiation detection pagers, and X-ray and gamma ray scanners). Each technology has its security-enhancing benefits as well as its potential drawbacks.



1 Technologies – new machines, equipment, and ways of doing things thatare based on modern knowledge about science and computers.


X-ray based inspection systems are the most common form of noninvasive inspection technology currently in use. The power source for X-ray systems is electrical, so the power can be turned on and off. X-rays detect differences in material densities to produce an image of the vehicle or container contents.


Due to the nature of X-ray methods, specific materials cannot be identified; but it is possible with gamma ray systems to detect specific materials like drugs and explosives.


For searching entire vehicles, Cargosearch, a giant X-ray machine, is used. Cargosearch is housed in an equipment building with an adjacent X-ray bay that vehicles are taken through by means of a transport mechanism.


The transport lifts the front of the vehicle about two inches off the cement and carries it through the bay, stopping automatically at the end of the scan.


It can rapidly scan a truck much more efficiently than hand searching, utilizing fewer inspectors per search.

When a suspect area is found, conventional means including the canine enforcement officer teams and inspectors armed with density meters, laser range finders, fiberoptic scopes and dielectrometers are used to further detect any contraband. After that comes the hard work of inspectors with metal saws, tire breakdown machines and cutting torches.




I. Describe to your classmates one of the tools mentioned in the text without giving its name. Let your partner guess which tool you mean.


II. Match the words on the left (a–j) with their corresponding definitions on the right (1–10).


a. gas proof torch 1. тяжелые плоскогубцы
b. heavy duty pliers 2. разводной ключ
c. wire snips 3. буравчик
d. shifting spanner 4. щуп
e. screw driver 5. заклепочный молоток и набор за-



f. gimlet holesaw 6. ломик «фомка»
g. rivet gun and rivets 7. стальная проволока
h. tuck stick 8. ножницы для проволоки
i. steel wire 9. газобезопасный фонарь
j. jimmy 10. отвертка



Study the following words and word combinations from the text.


the applied use of information прикладное использование инфор-

technologies (IT) мац онных технологий (ИТ)


to support core Customs подде живать основные таможен-

functions ные функции


goods declaration processing бработка декларации товаров


automated decision support автоматизированная поддержка при-

on the release of goods нятия решений о выпуске товара


flexible service options for гибкие опции услуг для ведения

doing business бизнеса


a computerized imagery компьютеризованная система изоб-

system for capturing ражений / снимков для сбора / за-

photographic data in an писи фотографических данных в

electronic format электронном формате


contraband concealment методы сокрытия контрабанды




the Automated Targeting автоматизированная поисковая сис-
System (ATS) тема  
enforcement and decision инструмент правоприменения и под-
support tool держки принятия решений
meticulously [mɪˈtɪkjʊləslɪ] тщательно, скрупулезно
the application of selectivity применение критериев селективно-
criteria сти / выборочности
fraudulent мошеннический
the declared value of заявленная стоимость продукции
to fall outside predetermined выход ть за пределы заранее опре-
parameters деленных параметров
to support a wide range of подде живать широкий спектр
Customs operations таможенных операций
automated data processing технологии автоматизированной
technologies обработки данных



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