Text 2. 1. Dual-channel system — КиберПедия 

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Text 2. 1. Dual-channel system

2017-09-30 1724
Text 2. 1. Dual-channel system 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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All of goods, transporting through the Customs are subject to Customs control. The Revised Kyoto Convention (WCO 1999) defines Customs control as «the measures applied by Customs to ensure compliance with Customs law»1.


1 The Revised Kyoto Convention.


The dual-channel or red/green system is a simplified Customs control which enables Customs authorities to improve the flow of passenger traffic through the border; to deal efficiently with the increasing number of passengers without reducing the effectiveness of the control and without a corresponding increase in the number of Customs staff. It is compatible with the application of other controls unless the circums-tances require full control of all passengers and their baggage.

The dual-channel system should be operated as outlined below.

The system shall allow the passengers to choose between two types of channels:

a) one (green channel) for passengers having with them no goods or only goods which can be admitted free of import duties and taxes and which are not subject to import prohibitions or restrictions; and


b) the other (red channel) for other passengers.

Each channel shall be clearly and distinctively marked so that the choice between them can easily be understood by passengers. The basic distinctive marking shall be:


a) for the channel referred to as «green» - the words «Nothing to declare»;


b) for the channel referred to as «red» - the words «Goods to declare».

In addition, the channels should be identified by an inscription including the word «Customs».

Passengers must be sufficiently well informed to choose between the channels. For this purpose it is important: a) that passengers be informed about the functioning of the system and about the descriptions and quantities of goods they may have with them when using the green channel. This may be done by means of posters or panels at the airport or by means of leaflets available to the public at the airport or distributed through tourist agencies, airlines and other interested bodies;


b) that the route to the channels be clearly sign-posted.

As for airports the channels shall be located beyond the baggage delivery area so that passengers have all their baggage with them when choosing their channel. Moreover, the channels shall be so arranged that the passenger flow from that area to the airport exits is as direct as possible.



The distance between the baggage delivery area and the entrance to the channel shall be sufficient to allow passengers to decide which channel to choose and to move into that channel without causing congestion.


Passengers who have selected the green channel shall not be subject to any other Customs formalities unless they are the subject of a spot check; in the red channel, passengers shall accomplish the formalities required by Customs.




I. Find the verbs and phrases in the text which correspond to the following definitions.


1. make something not so complicated

2. give authority to do something

3. make or become better

4. be opposed to something in character

5. be liable, dependent


6. give, send out

7. achieve, complete


II. Match left to the right to make a word/phrase combination taken from the text.


1. to improve a. the effectiveness of the control

2. to deal with b. leaflets

3. to reduce c. congestion

4. to require d. the green/red channel


5. to distribute e. full control of passengers

6. to cause f. Customs authorities

7. to select g. the flow of passenger traffic

8. to accomplish h. the increasing number of


9. to enable i. formalities



III. You know that many English words can be used as either a verb or a noun without any change in form. Here are such words from the text. Mark how they are used in the text: V- verb or N- noun.







to in'crease (v)


but 'increase (n)



1. control 4. increase 7. use 10. move
2. flow 5. mark 8. interest  
3. deal 6. function 9. signpost  




Complete the following sentences using the words from the list above. Change the form of the words where necessary.


1. The red/green system enables Customs authorities … passengers.

2. The number of passengers at international airports … recently.

3. … of the dual-channel system shall improve the flow of passenger traffic.


4. There must be clear … on the route to the channels.

5. It is in … of Customs authorities that passengers must be well informed about the new system.

6. Customs authorities have to spend a good … of money to introduce the new system.


7. The dual-channel system can … without any increase in the number of Customs staff.

8. It's difficult to value goods if they have no trade …

9. A simplified Customs control is another … towards improving the flow of passenger traffic.



IV. Insert the right words. Choose from the list below.


1. passengers 11. the baggage delivery area

2. duties 12. the increasing number of

3. airlines passengers

4. their baggage 13. interested bodies

5. the entrance 14. quantity

6. the passenger flow 15. «Goods to declare»


7. taxes 16. the description

8. restrictions 17. prohibitions

9. tourist agencies

10. «Nothing to declare»


1. The dual-channel system enables Customs authorities to improve (a) and to deal with (b).


2. Sometimes the circumstances require full control of all (a) and (b).

3. The green channel is for passengers with goods that are not subject to import (a) or (b).

4. Passengers must be informed about (a) and (b) of goods they may have with them when using the green channel.


5. Leaflets may be distributed through (a), (b) and other (c).

6. The distance between (a) and (b) to the channel shall be sufficient to allow passengers to decide which channel to choose.

7. The basic distinctive marking of each channel shall be (a) or (b).

8. There must be a list of goods which can be admitted free of import (a) and (b).


V. Match left to the right to make a sentence taken from the text.


1. Passengers can use the green channel



2. Each channel shall be clearly marked



a. so that passengers are informed about the functioning of the system.


b. so that passengers have all their baggage with them.




3. Special leaflets shall be available to the public


4. Passengers going through the green channel shall not be subject to any Customs formalities


c. unless the circumstances require full control of all passengers and their baggage.


d. unless they have something to declare.


5. The channels shall be located beyond the baggage delivery area


e. so that passengers have time to decide which channel to choose.


6. The dual-channel system f. so that the choice between them

saves time and effort can easily be understood


7. The distance between the baggage delivery area and the entrance to the channel shall be sufficient



g. so that they can be sure in making their choice.


8. Passengers should know the description and quality of goods they have with them when using the green channel


h. unless they are the subject of a spot check.



VI. Nouns can be used as attributes in preposition.



passenger traffic

passenger flow

baggage delivery area





Make phrases by matching words from the left with words from the right and translate them.


exchange agency

import area

tourist flow

delivery prohibitions

spot control

baggage production

passport inspection

drug duties

airline check

passenger restrictions





Translate the following sentences using the phrases from the exercise above.


1. Какие товары подлежат запрету к ввозу или ограничению импорта?

2. Пункт выдачи багажа асположен до входа в «красный / зеленый коридоры».


3. Двойной коридор блегчает работу таможенников, особенно

в международных аэр п р ах, где поток пассажиров постоянно возрастает.

4. Даже при выборе «зеленого коридора» пассажиры могут быть подвержены выборочной проверке.


5. Было т брано несколько чемоданов для досмотра на предмет обнаружения нарк тиков.

6. Инф рмация о новой системе должна быть в распоряжении туристич ских агентств, авиакомпаний, аэропортов и других заин-т р сованных организаций.


7. Особ нно тщательную проверку проходит багаж пассажиров, прибывающих из районов, производящих наркотики.

8. Tаможенные службы мира отмечают, что за последнее время значительно увеличился поток наркотиков.



VII. Translate into English.


1. Что дает таможенным службам возможность эффективно справляться с растущим числом пассажиров, следующих через международные аэропорты?


2. Как должен действовать двойной коридор?

3. Как должны быть оформлены оба коридора?

4. Почему пассажиры должны быть хорошо проинформированы для того, чтобы выбрать один из коридоров?

5. Где пассажиры могут получить информацию о том, как дей-ствует система двойного коридора?


6. Почему двойной коридор должен быть расположен позади пункта выдачи багажа?

7. Почему важно, чтобы расстояние между пунктом выдачи багажа и входом в коридор было достаточным?


8. Проходят ли пассажиры, выбравшие «зеленый» коридор, какие-либо другие таможенные формальности?

9. Какие формальности должны выполнять пассажиры, избрав-шие «красный коридор»?

10. Совместима ли система двойного коридора с применением другого таможенного к нтр ля?



Study the following words and word combinations from the text.


to ascertain [æsəˈteɪn] устанавливать

Customs allowances нормы провоза (чего-либо) через



a baggage reclaim tag бирка получения багажа


articles of personal nature предметы личного характера



to check baggage for проверять багаж на предмет со-

concealments крытий


a criminal offence уголовное правонарушение


to be in the public eye быть в центре общественного вни-



to act with courtesy and действовать вежливо и диплома-

diplomacy тично


a container контейнер, емкость


contents содержимое


to place out of the passenger's помещать вне досягаемости пас-

reach сажира


to have a comprehensive иметь широкий выбор инструмен-

selection of tools and тов и оборудования



to make full use of the equipment at smb's disposal



в полной мере использовать обо-удован е, находящееся в чьем-


л бо аспоряжении



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