The Nominative-with-the-Infinitive Construction (Complex Subject) — КиберПедия 

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The Nominative-with-the-Infinitive Construction (Complex Subject)

2017-09-30 758
The Nominative-with-the-Infinitive Construction (Complex Subject) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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The Nominative-with-the-Infinitive construction is a construction in which the infinitive is in predicate relation to a noun in the common case or a pronoun in the nominative case.

He was seen to cross the street. Видели, как он переходил улицу.

This construction has no single function in the sentence; its nominal element is the subject of the sentence and the verbal one is a part of the Compound Verbal Modal predicate of special type.

This construction has two models - with the predicate in the Passive voice and with the predicate in the Active voice.

1. Model I - the predicate is in the Passive voice.

This model can be used with the following categories of verbs:

A) Verbs of sense perception.

She was heard to sing merrily in the garden. Было слышно, как она весело напевает в саду.

Only the Indefinite Infinitive Active is used here.

B) Verbs of mental activity – to know, to consider, to suppose, to believe, etc.

All forms of the Infinitive can be used here.

He is known to have been rich once. Известно, что когда-то он был очень богат.

They are believed to be working at a new secret weapon. Предполагают, что они работают над новым секретным оружием.

He is considered to have been living here for many years. Считают, что он живет здесь уже много лет.

C) Verbs of information - to say, to report, to inform, to proclaim, to declare, to announce, etc. All forms of the Infinitive can be used here.

He is said to have been madly in love with an actress. Говорили, что он раньше был безумно влюблен в актрису.

He was declared the enemy of the people. Он был объявлен врагом народа.

D) Verbs of order and compulsionto order, to make, to force, to compel, etc.

The monument was ordered to be built in the place of the battle. Было приказано возвести монумент на месте сражения.

Verbs Frequently Used in the Passive:

to believe — полагать, считать to say — говорить
to suppose — предполагать, полагать to show - показывать
to think — считать, полагать to report — сообщать
to consider to hold >— считать to take to announce — объявлять
to assume -- допускать, предполагать to state — утверждать, констатировать
to know — знать (известно) to claim - утверждать, считать
to intend — иметь в виду, предполагать to hold — считать
to mean — полагать, считать to suffer — терпеть, допускать (чтобы)
to expect — ожидать, полагать, предполагать to pronounce — объявлять, провозглашать
to estimate — подсчитывать to find обнаруживать, оказываться
to prove — Доказывать to see — видеть
  to observe — наблюдать
  to feel — чувствовать, ощущать

Model II - the predicate is in the Active voice.

B) With the expressions to be sure = to be certain, to be likely, to be unlikely expressing somebody's supposition. All forms of the Infinitive can be used here.

He is unlikely to marry her. Навряд ли он женится на ней.

He is sure to have told them about it. Он наверняка сказал им об этом.

He is likely to have borrowed some money from his friends. Похоже, что он одолжил денег у своих друзей.

He is sure to be cramming now. Наверняка он сейчас зубрит.

C) With three pairs of synonymic verbs – to seem = to appear – казаться, to prove = to turn out – оказываться, to happen = to chance – случаться.

All forms of the Infinitive can be used here except the last pair where the actions are always simultaneous and so the Indefinite and the Continuous only can be used.

He seems to know about our plans. Кажется, он знает о наших планах.

He proved to have been a famous sportsman once. Оказывается, однажды он был известным спортсменом.

I happened to remember his telephone number.Я случайно запомнил его телефонный номер.

I happened to be passing her window at that moment. Случилось так, что в тот момент я как раз проходил мимо ее окна.

Exercise 1. Underline the Complex Subject. Identify the nominal element and the infinitive.

Example: He was seen to unlock the door. He -nominal element; to unlock - the infinitive.

7. The problems never really seemed to affect his mode of life.

8. The criminal is unlikely to rob the bank.

9. He was seen to be developing the film.

10. If you through mud, you are sure to slip in it.

11. She was heard to phone her friend.

12. In democracies the people seem to act as they please.

13. The new editor is supposed to take care of the staff.

14. They are expected to solve all the family problems.

15. Her ex-husband is believed to be living in Rome.

16. The article is known to have been published abroad.

Exercise 2. Write sentences using Complex Subject as in the example.

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