Глагол To Be в Present Simple — КиберПедия 

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Глагол To Be в Present Simple

2017-09-30 318
Глагол To Be в Present Simple 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Exercise 3.Fill in the gaps with the proper form of the verb "to be" in Present Simple.

1) The old men (to be) wise.

2) The math test (to be) difficult. That's why I (be) worried about it.

3) The workers (to be) tired. The have been working for six hours.

4) I (to be) happy.

5) The racecar (to be) fast.

6) My friend (to be) excited. He is buying a new car.

7) I (to be) at the beach with my family. It (to be) hot and sunny outside. The ocean water (to be) warm.

8) Jane and James (to be) very smart. Jane (to be) a scientist and James (to be) an engineer.

9) The library (to be) open until 9:00 p.m.

10) This school (to be) small.

Exercise 4.Make questions using the proper form of the verb "to be" in Present Simple. Provide the short answers.

1) Jaime and I (to be) best friends?

2) Tommy, Steven, and Teddy (to be) in the school play?

3) Beatrice (to be) at her house?

4) It (to be) hot outside?

5) You (to be) ready with the quiz?

6) You (to be) in my class?

7) It (to be) five o'clock yet?

8) The dog (to be) black?

9) Jim (to be) busy now.

10) I (to be) very well today.


Exercise 5. Make negative sentences using the proper form of the verb "to be" in Present Simple.

1) She (to be) on time for class.

2) The exercises for homework (to be) difficult.

3) We (to be) very good friends.

4) I (to be) in the same class as you.

5) This (to be) our new mail carrier.

6) It (to be) too hot.

7) She (to be) Sunny.

8) They (to be) sixteen.

9) The train (to be) at the station.

10) His father (to be) an accountant.

Глагол To Be в Past Simple

Exercise 6. Fill in the gaps with the proper form of the verb "to be" in Past Simple.

1) I (to be) happy.

2) You (to be) angry.

3) She (to be) in London last week.

4) He (to be) on holiday.

5) It (to be) cold.

6) We (to be) at school.

7) You (to be) at the cinema.

8) They (to be) at home.

9) The cat (to be) on the roof.

10) The children (to be) in the garden.

Exercise 7. Make questions using the proper form of the verb "to be" in Past Simple. Provide the short answers.

1) Tom (to be) in Spain last weekend?

2) Frank and Jim (to be) at the party last night?

3) He (to be) at the cinema last Monday?

4) The children (to be) quiet when their parents came home?

5) She (to be) a nice person?

6) He (to be) usually not at home at the weekend?

7) They (to be) good at English?

8) We (to be) in Lower Austria last summer?

9) My brother (to be) in China some weeks ago?

10) I (to be) in Copenhagen when my friends went there?

Exercise 8. Make negative sentences using the proper form of the verb "to be" in Past Simple.

1) Lisa and Carol (to be) in Mexico last year.

2) My parents (to be) abroad last night.

3) We (to be) at the cinema last Monday.

4) Tracy and Jill (to be) friends.

5) He (to be) a primary teacher.

6) She (to be) abroad.

7) George (to be) a good surfer.

8) You (to be) twenty last year.

9) My sister (to be) married.

10) I (to be) born in Kassel.

Конструкция There is/There are

Exercise 9. Fill in the gaps with the proper form of "There is/There are". Don’t forget about some/any when necessary.

1) (There is/are) five pens in the box.

1) (There is/are) a car in the garage.

3) (There is/are) some books on the table.

4) (There is/are) a telephone in the bedroom.

5) (There is/are) two tables in the kitchen.

6) (There is/are) many birds in that tree.

7) (There is/are) a magazine on the floor.

8) (There is/are) four chairs in the room.

9) (There is/are) seven days in a week.

10) (There is/are) a drink in the fridge.


Exercise 10. Make questions using the proper form of "There is/There are". Don’t forget about some/any when necessary. Provide the short answers.

1) (There is/are) a pencil on the kitchen table?

2) (There is/are) pullovers in the suitcase?

3) (There is/are) a football match on Saturday?

4) (There is/are) pets on the farm?

5) (There is/are) computers in your room?

6) (There is/are) a museum in your hometown?

7) (There is/are) many trees in that park over there?

8) (There is/are) a blue car in the garage?

9) (There is/are) berries in this forest?

10) (There is/are) 29 days in February this year?


Exercise 11. Make negative sentences using the proper form of "There is/There are". Don’t forget about some/any when necessary.

1) (There is/are) a key in the door.

2) (There is/are) three trees in the garden.

3) I love all kinds of music. (There is/are) a song that I hate.

4) (There is/are) great books which I want for Christmas.

5) (There is/are) three floors in the house.

6) (There is/are) food in the fridge. We need to go shopping.

7) (There is/are) enough minutes in the day!

8) (There is/are) so many stars in the sky tonight.

9) (There is/are) a new restaurant opening across the street.

10) (There is/are) four cups of coffee on the table.

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