Future profession and career — КиберПедия 

Своеобразие русской архитектуры: Основной материал – дерево – быстрота постройки, но недолговечность и необходимость деления...

Кормораздатчик мобильный электрифицированный: схема и процесс работы устройства...

Future profession and career

2017-09-30 685
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Finishing school is the beginning of the independent life for millions of school leavers. Many roads are open to them: technical schools, institutes and universities. But it is not an easy thing to choose a profession out of more than 2000 existing professions in the world. Some pupils follow the advice of their parents, others can't decide even after leaving school.

Choosing the kind of career to follow is probably one of the most important decisions you will ever make. Before you make this decision you will have to do a lot of thinking about who you are, about the things you like to do and the things you do well.

Not all professions require higher education and they are of great demand now and satisfy the needs of society. But it goes without saying that for every occupation you have to acquire necessary skills and practical experience.

Your career is an evolving thing and it depends on your abilities and education. Being a highly educated person gives you top priority and a position in society and what is most important – self-satisfaction.

But whatever profession you choose if you are able to balance your wants and needs with your goals, talents and skills, you will be passionate about your work!

I. Read the text “Future profession and career” and answer the question:


What do you want to be when you graduate from the university?





a) Read the dialogues in pairs.



A. Is your family large?

B. No, it isn’t. We are only 3 in the family. (There are 3 of us in the family).

A. How old are your parents?

B. My mother is 40. My father is 43.

A. Do they still work?

B. Yes, they do.



A. Are you married?

B. Yes, I am.

A. Would you tell me about your family? How many children do you have?

B. I have two children, a son and a daughter.

A. How lucky you are



A. Are you married?

B. No, I’m not. I’m single.

A. Do you live with your parents?

B. No, I don’t. They live in Rostov.



A. Hi! My name is Tom Smith. I’m from Atlanta, Georgia. What’s your name?

B. I’m Pedro.

A. And where are you from, Pedro?

B. I’m from Madrid, Spain.

A. Oh, really? Nice to meet you.

B. Nice to meet you too.


b) Reproduce the short dialogues in similar situations.


I. Make up short situations based on the model.


Model: It’s Robert Brown. He’s 26.

He’s a journalist. He’s American.

He comes from New York.




Name Age Job Nationality Residence
Mary Smith Tom Stuart Jerry Brown Robert Grey Clair Jones Andrew Smith   architect secretary doctor mechanic actress lawyer English Irish Canadian Australian American Scottish London Dublin Ottawa Sydney New York Edinburgh


II. Study the Family Tree. Say whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).


Pete + Jane


Teresa Tom + Ann Dick + Mary Dorothy


Louis Charlie Beatrice


1. Jane is Dorothy’s mother.

2. Pete is Ann’s father.

3. Tom is Mary’s husband.

4. Teresa is Tom’s wife.

5. Louis is Charlie’s brother.

6. Beatrice is Louis’s cousin.

7. Dorothy is Beatrice’s aunt.

8. Tom is Louis’s uncle.

9. Charlie is Mary’s nephew.

10. Beatrice is Teresa’s niece.

11. Ann is Teresa’s sister-in-law.

12. Tom is Dorothy’s brother.

13. Dorothy is Pete’s daughter.

14. Ann is Mary’s sister.

15. Pete is Charlie’s grandfather.

16. Beatrice is an only child.

17. Dorothy has two children.

18. Jane is Beatrice’s grandmother.

19. Louis is Jane’s grandson.

20. Dorothy is single.


III. Work in pairs.

One student makes a sketch of his (her) family tree trying to remember all his (her) relatives, the other asks questions and draws the family tree. Then they compare the sketches.


IV. Speak about your own family. The following questions will help you.


1. How large is your family?

2. Are your family early risers? Why? What about you?

3. Are you the eldest of the family?

4. Do you have any special duties?

5. Who do you most take after, your mother or your father?

6. Who are you like in character?

7. Who do you look like?

8. Who is the head of your family?

9. Do you think that older and younger generations should live together?


V. Imagine that you are a small child lost in an unknown town. What will you tell a policeman about your father and mother to help him find them.


VI. Imagine that you are

a) a film star;

b) a 15-year-old girl (boy) who wants independence;

c) a 18-year-old girl (boy).


What will you say about your family to

a) a reporter;

b) your new friend;

c) a stranger.




1. Read the poem.


This is our dad, short and stout;

This is our mum, with children all about;

This is our sister, with a doll on her knee;

This is our brother, tall you see;

This is our baby, sure to grow;

And here is our family all in a row.


2. Read the jokes. Learn the funniest of them by heart.


- My mother-in-law is an angel.

- You lucky fellow! Mine is still alive!




The meeting-places of love:

Their eyes meet, their hands meet,

Their lips meet, their lawyers meet.




Jane: Is the man your sister’s going to marry rich?

Dick: I think not. Every time mother talks about the wedding father says “poor man!”




Ann: Why don’t you marry, Jane?

Jane: I will only marry a man who knows life and has learned its sorrows.

Ann: I see, a widower.


3. Here are some proverbs and sayings. Read them and find the Russian equivalents. Use the proverbs in a natural context.


He that has a wife has a master.

As the baker so the buns, as the father so the sons.

Necessity is a hard nurse, but she raises strong children.

To be born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth.


Unit 2


Grammar: 1. English Tenses (Active) 2. Simple (Indefinite) Tenses. Active Voice. 3. Word-building. The prefixes dis -, un -, in- Texts: A. Education in the Russian Federation B. University Education in Great Britain Conversation: Tula State University

Грамматический материал

English Tenses (Active)

В русском языке существует три категории времен глагола: настоящее, прошедшее и будущее. Каждое из этих времен имеет одну общую характерную черту – отнесенность ко времени: настоящему, прошедшему или будущему.

В английском языке глагол, помимо отнесенности ко времени (настоящее, прошедшее и будущее), имеет еще одну черту – характер протекания действия:


· действие обычное, повторяющееся;

· действие, продолжающееся какой-то период времени;

· действие, завершенное к определенному моменту;

· действие, длящееся до определенного момента времени.


В соответствии с этим выделяют четыре группы времен: Simple (Indefinite), Continuous, Perfect и Perfect Continuous.



  SIMPLE V CONTINUOUS be + V-ing PERFECT have + V-ed (V3) PERFECT CONTINUOUS have been + V-ing
PRESENT ask(s) действие совершается обычно     usually/generally always/never often/seldom sometimes/every day am is asking are действие в процессе, совершается в тот момент, когда о нем говорят   now at present at the moment Look! Listen! have asked has совершившееся действие, связано с настоящим     ever/never just/already/yet lately/recently this week/today by now/for/since have been asking has действие в процессе, начавшееся в прошлом и продолжающееся до настоящего момента for a month/ a long time since 5 o’clock how long/ since when
PAST asked took     действие совершалось в прошлом   yesterday last week 3 days ago in 2006 was asking were действие в процессе, совершалось в определенный момент или в течение четко ограниченного периода времени в прошлом   at 5 yesterday from 5 to 6 yesterday all day long/ the whole day when we came had asked предпрошедшее время, действие завершилось до определенного момента в прошлом   by 5 o’clock yesterday before he came by the end of last year had been asking действие в процессе, начавшееся до определенного момента в прошлом и еще продолжавшееся в этот момент He had been workingfor 2 hours when my brother came.
FUTURE will ask действие совершится в будущем   tomorrow next week in 3 days will be asking действие в процессе, будет совершаться в определенный момент в будущем     at 5 tomorrow from 5 to 6 tomorrow all day long tomorrow when he comes will have asked действие уже совершится к определенному моменту в будущем     by 5 o’clock tomorrow when he comes by next summer   will have been asking действие в процессе, которое начнется до определенного момента в будущем и будет продолжаться в этот момент When you come, I’ll have been workingfor 2 hours.    

Таблица времен английского языка (активный залог)

2. Simple (Indefinite) Tenses.


Времена группы Simple (Present, Past, Future) употребляются для выражения обычных, постоянных или повторяющихся действий в настоящем, прошедшем или будущем времени без указания на их длительность или завершенность.


Present Simple Tense

Запомните! 1. Present Simple Tense образуется от инфинитива глагола без частицы to.

2. В 3 л. ед. ч. глагол принимает окончание -s; если глагол оканчивается на гласную, шипящую или свистящую, окончание имеет форму -es.

ask + s = asks

go + es = goes

cross + es = crosses

3. Вопросительная и отрицательная формы образуются с помощью вспомогательного глагола do(does) и инфинитива смыслового глагола без частицы to.


Обратите внимание! Вспомогательный глагол употребляется в форме does только в 3 л. ед. ч.


Утвердительная форма Вопросительная форма Отрицательная форма
I ask He asks Do I ask? Does he ask? I do not (don’t) ask He does not (doesn’t) ask

Present Simple Tense выражает:

а) факты, отдельные действия.

The Sun rises in the East. Солнце восходит на востоке.


б) обычные, регулярно повторяющиеся действия.

I go to the Institute every day. Я хожу в институт каждый день.


в) последовательность событий, действий.

I get up, do my morning exercises and go to the bathroom. Я встаю, делаю зарядку и иду в ванную комнату.


г) будущее действие, связанное с расписанием транспорта, программами радио, телевидения и т.д.

The football match starts at 8 o’clock. Футбольный матч начнется в 8 часов.
Запомните! 1. Present Simple Tense часто употребляется с обстоятельствами:
    always всегда  
    as a rule как правило  
    every day (year, month, etc.) каждый день (год, месяц и т.д.)  
    from time to time время от времени  
    generally обычно, как правило  
    often часто  
    seldom редко  
    sometimes иногда  
    regularly обычно  
    usually обычно  
    never никогда  

2. Глаголы в Present Simple Tense переводятся на русский язык глаголами настоящего времени несовершенного вида.

They live in Moscow. Они живут в Москве.

The computer controls the motion of the robot arm. Компьютер управляет движением руки робота.


1. Обстоятельства as a rule, every day (week, month, year...) могут стоять в начале или в конце предложения.

Every day we read news.
We read news every day.
As a rule I get up at 7 o’clock.
I get up at 7 o’clock as a rule.

2. Наречия often, seldom, usually, always, sometimes, как правило, стоят:

а) перед смысловым глаголом:

They often read English newspapers.
They seldom go out in the evening.

б) после глагола to be, если сказуемое выражено глаголом to be:

His marks are always good.
She is usually on time.

Past Simple Tense.

Запомните! 1. По способу образования Past Simple Tense все глаголы делятся на стандартные (правильные) и нестандартные (неправильные).

2. Стандартные глаголы образуют утвердительную форму Past Simple прибавлением к 1-й форме глагола окончания -ed.

3. Форма Past Simple нестандартных глаголов приводится в словаре или в специальной таблице нестандартных глаголов (2-я колонка).

4. Как стандартные, так и нестандартные глаголы в Past Simple имеют одинаковую форму для всех лиц единственного и множественного числа.

5. Вопросительная и отрицательная формы Past Simple Tense (Active) образуются с помощью вспомогательного глагола did для всех лиц и чисел и инфинитива смыслового глагола без частицы to.

Утвердительная форма Вопросительная форма Отрицательная форма
I asked I went Did I ask? Did I go? I did not (didn’t) ask I did not (didn’t) go

Past Simple Tense выражает:

а) факты, отдельные действия в прошлом:
Не graduated from the Institute in 1980.
Он окончил институт в 1980 году.


б) обычные, регулярно повторяющиеся действия в прошлом:
I attended these lectures last term.
Я посещал эти лекции в прошлом семестре.


в) последовательность событий в прошлом:
That morning I got up early, had my breakfast and went to the office.
В то утро я встал рано, позавтракал и пошёл на работу.

Past Simple Tense употребляется в вопросах, начинающихся с вопросительного слова when.

When did you get into the University?
Когда ты поступил в университет?


Помните! 1. Past Simple Tense часто употребляется с обстоятельствами: yesterday – вчера; the day before yesterday – позавчера; last week (month, year, etc.) – на прошлой неделе (в прошлом месяце, году и т.д.); 2 days ago – 2 дня назад; in 1985 – в 1985 году.

2. Глаголы в Past Simple Tense переводятся чаще всего глаголами прошедшего времени неопределённого вида. Могут переводиться также глаголами совершенного вида.

Future Simple Tense.

Запомните! Future Simple Tense образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола will и инфинитива смыслового глагола без частицы to. Shall используется во фразах, выражающих предложение: Shall I help you? Shall we go to the movies?


Утвердительная форма Вопросительная форма Отрицательная форма
He will ask Will he ask? He will not (won’t) ask

Future SimpleTense выражает:

а) факты, отдельные действия в будущем:
We will translate this article next week.
Мы будем переводить эту статью на следующей неделе.


б) обычные, регулярно повторяющиеся действия в будущем:

I will attend these lectures twice a week next term.
Я буду посещать эти лекции 2 раза в неделю в следующем семестре.


в) последовательность событий в будущем:

Next Saturday she will visit the exhibition and in the evening she will go to the theatre.
В следующую субботу она посетит выставку, а вечером она пойдёт в театр.


Запомните! 1. Future Simple Tense обычно употребляется с обстоятельствами: tomorrow – завтра; the day after tomorrow – послезавтра; next year (week, month, etc.) – в следующем году (на следующей неделе, в следующем месяце и т.д.); in a day (a month) – через день (месяц); in 2030 – в 2030 году.  

2. Глаголы в Future SimpleTense переводятся на русский язык глаголами будущего времени как совершенного, так и несовершенного вида.



В придаточных предложениях времени и условия, относящихся к будущему времени, вместо будущего употребляется настоящее время.

Характерными условными и временными союзами являются: if – если, unless – если не, provided – при условии что, when – когда, after – после того как, before – до того как, till (until) – до тех пор пока (не).


He will come if I ask. – Он придёт, если я попрошу.


We will have dinner – Мы будем обедать, когда

when we get hungry. проголодаемся.

3. Словообразование. Приставки dis -, un -, in-

(Word-building. The prefixes dis -, un -, in-)

Приставки dis-, un-, in- имеют отрицательное значение.

Приставка dis- может выражать также противоположное действие.

to connect - соединять; to disconnect - разъединять

happy - счастливый; unhappy - несчастный

capable - способный; incapable - неспособный


Обратите внимание на орфографию!

Приставка in-:

перед буквой l превращается в il-;

перед буквой r превращается в ir-;

перед буквами m,p превращается в im-.


  logical – логичный; illogical – нелогичный
  regular – регулярный; irregular - нерегулярный
  possible – возможный; impossible – невозможный  

I. Make up sentences using the verbs in brackets.

Model: а) We ___ (to write) dictations in class.
We write dictations in class.

б) He ___ (to do) exercises at home.
He does exercises at home.

а) 1. We ___ (to read) English books every day. 2. They ___ (to speak) English at the lesson. 3. I ___ (to listen) to music in the morning. 4. You ___ (to go) to the University on weekdays. 5. I ___ (to prepare) my homework in the evening. 6. We ___ (to have) breakfast at 7 o’clock.

b) 7. He ___ (to write) letters home every month. 8. She ___ (to arrive) at the University at 7.30. 9. My friend ___ (to like) music very much. 10. He ___ (to speak) English very well. 11. She ___ (to have) breakfast at 9. 12. He ___ (to go) to the University by tram.

II. Make up new sentences with the words in brackets.

Model: I go to the University in the morning. (He)
He goes to the University in the morning.


We don’t have lunch at home. (He)
He doesn’t have lunch at home.

1. I have breakfast at 8. (My friend) 2. She studies at the University. (I) 3. We arrive at the office at 8.30. (She) 4. They don’t go to the cinema every week. (He) 5. She doesn’t like coffee. (I) 6. You live not far from the University. (She) 7. She doesn’t speak English. (They) 8. They often visit their friends. (He) 9. He seldom reads English books. (We) 10. We don’t take exams every month. (She)

III. Use the right forms of the verbs in brackets.


1. She (to like) to listen to music. 2. We (not, to study) Spanish at the University. 3. He (to translate) my English texts. 4. They (not, to speak) English. 5. I (to know) many English words. 6. You (to like) coffee and she (to like) tea. 7. She (to live) near her office. 8. We (to have) English classes twice a week. 9. She (not, to watch) TV in the morning. 10. I (to have) breakfast at 7 and my mother (to have) breakfast at 9.

IV. Change the sentences using the adverbs usually, often, seldom, sometimes.

Model: I get up at 7 o’clock.
I usually get up at 7 o’clock.

1. On Sundays we get up at 9. 2. He does his morning exercises. 3. We have coffee in the morning. 4. They play tennis on Saturdays. 5. She comes home late. 6. We write dictations. 7. She goes to bed at 12. 8. I have lunch at home. 9. My brother washes up after dinner. 10. My friend reads English newspapers.

V. Make up special questions beginning with the words in brackets.

Model: I have three English classes a day. (How many?)
How many English classes do you have a day?

1. We study at the University. (Where?) 2. They like to read English books. (What books?) 3. She goes to the office on weekdays. (When?) 4. They read the news in the morning. (What?) 5. She drinks a cup of coffee in the morning. (What?) 6. We learn many new words to speak English well. (Why?) 7. My friend speaks Italian very well. (How?) 8. Our University trains specialists in many fields of science and engineering. (What?) 9. We read, write and speak English at the lesson. (What?) 10. She comes home at 7. (When?)

VI. Put disjunctive questions to the following sentences.

а) model: We live in Tula.
We live in Tula, don’t we?

1. You get up at 7. 2. She arrives at the office at 8.30. 3. We have breakfast at home. 4. He speaks English well. 5. They work hard.

b) model: They don’t live in Moscow.
They don’t live in Moscow, do they?

1. You don’t speak Italian. 2. She doesn’t read English magazines. 3. We don’t study Spanish. 4. They don’t come home on time. 5. He doesn’t go to the University on foot.

VII. Translate into English.

1. Она учится в университете, а я работаю на заводе. 2. Мы изучаем много предметов в институте. 3. Я знаю английский, но не знаю немецкий. 4. Ты хорошо говоришь по-английски? 5. Когда ты приходишь домой? 6. Я не люблю кофе, я люблю чай. 7. Он живет далеко от университета и добирается до него на автобусе. Я живу рядом с университетом и хожу пешком. 8. Где ты живешь? 9. Мы много читаем и переводим на уроках английского языка. 10. Я обедаю дома, а где ты обедаешь? 11. Он часто ходит в кино, а мы редко ходим. 12. Обычно я делаю домашние задания вечером. А ты когда их делаешь?

VIII. Read the verbs in the Past Simple Active.

Помните! Окончание –ed читается как:

[d] – после гласных и звонких согласных;

[t] – после глухих согласных;

[id] – после звуков [t, d].

[d] [t] [id]
used described compared called answered happened placed produced developed danced asked cooked operated wanted ended heated depended started

IX. Form the Past Simple and the Past Participle of the following regular verbs.


[d] – live, open, call, design, examine, change, happen, cover, compare, love, share, answer, wonder, follow;

[t] – dance, hope, develop, stretch, place, ask, watch, work, help, hope;

[id] – end, visit, rest, start, last, want, point, represent.

X. Write the forms (the Infinitive, the Past Simple и the Past Participle) of the following verbs:


be, have, do, go, begin, come, eat, drink, know, read, write, sit, stand, understand, give, take, teach, put, cut, think, lie, lay, buy, bring, make, catch, fly, drive, draw, break, get, forget, hear, see, find, build, learn, meet, pay, say, speak, tell, show, spend, choose, grow, hold, keep, feel, fall, can, may, must, run, forgive, become, sell, sing, swim, cost, leave.

XI. Complete the sentences with the adverbial modifiers from the brackets:

1. I went to the library (as a rule, next week, yesterday).

2. This scientist published his new book (2 months ago, next year).

3. We were at the plant (next Friday, last week).

4. I had little free time (sometimes, last Sunday).

5. My friend and I visited the exhibition (the day before yesterday, next week).

XII. Put the following sentences in the Past Simple. Add the necessary time markers.

1. He teaches us English. 2. It begins to rain. 3. I lie in my bed. 4. He sits at his desk and writes letters. 5. The dog eats its dinner. 6. We fish in the river. 7. Richard knows George. 8. Mary comes to the University early. 9. They like our house. 10. The plane flies very high.

XIII. Use the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple.

1. He (to lose) his balance and (to fall). 2. Ann’s grandfather (to build) his house in 1901. 3. Clearing out the form I (to find) these old letters.4. I suddenly (to see) a face in the window. 5. The police (to open) fire and (to wound) two criminals. 6. We (to meet) last summer. 7. We (to go) for a walk every day before lunch. 8. It (to happen) a long time ago.

XIV. Answer the following questions.

1. When did you get up yesterday?

2. Did you cook your breakfast yourself?

3. How long did it take you to have breakfast?

4. Did you leave home at half past 7?

5. When did you come to the University?

6. How long did it take you to get to the University?

7. Yesterday you had one lecture and 2 practical classes, didn’t you?

8. When did you leave the University yesterday?

9. Did you go straight home?

10. How long did it take you to get home?

11. What did you do when you came home?

12. What time did you go to bed yesterday?

XV. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Future Simple.

1. He (to go) to the theatre tomorrow. 2. You (to help) your mother tomorrow? 3. They (not to take) care of the garden next summer. 4. Your brother (to go) to the exhibition next Sunday. 5. We (not to go) to the Zoo tomorrow. 6. What he (to read) tomorrow? 7.You (to give) me this book tomorrow?

XVI. Translate the sentences.

Обратите внимание! В придаточных предложениях времени и условия, относящихся к будущему и начинающихся с союзов if, when, provided, while, till, before, after, as soon as вместо the Future Simple употребляется the Present Simple Tense.

1. I will see the dean when I come to the University. 2. My friend will go to the exhibition if he is free. 3. You will improve your English provided you listen to audio materials. 4. If anything happens you will know about it. 5. We will have lunch when we get hungry. 6. He will finish the work before we return. 7. If he wins the competition it will be wonderful. 8. He will work at a foreign company after he graduates. 9. She will sing till she is exhausted. 10. You won’t achieve much unless you work hard.

XVII. Use the correct tense forms of the verbs in brackets.


1. If you (to make) a mistake, they will find you. If they (to find) you they will catch you. – If they (to catch) me, I shall confess. – If you (to confess) they will put you into prison. If you (to be) lucky, they won’t catch you.

2. If you (to go) to Rome, you’ll see the Coliseum. If you (to visit) London, probably you’ll see the Queen. If you (to stay) with me you won’t see anything, but I’ll be happy.

3. When he (to propose) to her, she’ll marry him. But she won’t be happy when she (to marry) him.

4. I’ll visit you as soon as I (to feel) better.

5. We’ll stay here as long as our money (to last).

6. They won’t send us a telegram unless there (to be) something urgent.

7. You’ll phone me before you (to go) away, won’t you?

8. I’ll come to London after they (to find) some place for us to stay at.

9. We’ll work till it (to get) absolutely dark.

10. Students won’t get financial rewards unless they (to get) high grades.

11. What will you do when summer (to come)?

12. If he not (to come) we’ll have a problem.

XVIII. Use the correct tense form.

1. If you (to see) this film, we (to discuss) it later. 2. If she (to have) a problem, I (to help) her. 3. If we (to travel) by car, we (to save) a lot of money. 4. If he not (to give) her flowers once a week she (to be) offended. 5. If they (to blame) him, it (to serve) him right. 6. When the children (to come) home for Christmas, the parents (to be happy). 7. When the summer season (to come), there (to be) a lot of tourists here. 8. When you (to go) shopping, use your credit card. 9. You (to feel) better, after you (to take) the tablet. 10. We (to buy) their car after father (to get) his salary. 11. I not (to try on) this dress before I (to know) how much it (to be). 12. I (to wake) you up as soon as I (get up). 13. They (to make) an announcement about the plane as soon as it (to land). 14. As soon as Tom (to fix) the engine we (to continue) our journey. 15. As soon as he (to write) to me I (to let) you know. 16. We (to lie) in the sun and (to swim) in the warm sea unless the weather (to change) for the worse. 17. She not (to marry) him unless he (to give up) his bad habits. 18. You not (to lose) weight unless you (to eat) less. 19. We (to have) a good time while our holiday (to last). 20. I (to keep) you here, until you (to tell) the truth.

XIX. Use thecorrect form of the verbs to complete the sentences below.

1. At our University classes usually (to begin) at a quarter to eight. 2. Yesterday we (to have) four lessons. 3. My brother (to get into) the University last year. 4. We (to be) engineers in five years. 5. The whole course of studies at a higher school (to last) four or five years. 6. She (to have) many relatives. 7. He always (to come) on time. 8. We (to do) this work tomorrow. 9. It usually (to take) me half an hour to get to the University, but yesterday it (to take) me more than an hour. 10. Sometimes he (to go) home on foot and from time to time he (to take) a bus. 11. You (to like) to read books? 12. What foreign language your friend (to study)? 13. When and where you (to be born)? 14. What your parents (to be)? 15. You (to live) in Tula or in Moscow?

XX. Respond to the following using the models.

Models: I went home after classes.
- So did I.

She wasn't here on Friday.
- Neither was I.

1. I studied Psychology last year. 2. We didn't like the TV show. 3. I went to the country for the weekend. 4. I didn't' have lunch today. 5. I understood the task. 6. We didn't hear the knock at the door. 7. I was busy the whole day yesterday. 8. We had a very good time last Saturday. 9. I didn't learn English last year. 10. She had a lot of dolls in childhood. 11. They were at home in the evening. 12. I wasn't angry.

XXI. Use the correct tense forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock every day. 2. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock yesterday. 3. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock tomorrow. 4. I (not to go) to the cinema every day 5. I (not to go) to the cinema yesterday. 6. I (not to go) to the cinema tomorrow. 7. You (to watch) TV every day? 8. You (to watch) TV yesterday? 9. You (to watch) TV tomorrow? 10. When you (to leave) home for the University every day? 11. When you (to leave) home for the University yesterday? 12. When you (to leave) home for the University tomorrow? 13. My brother (to go) to work every day. He (to leave) home at a quarter past eight. As the office he (to work) at (to be) near our house, he (to walk) there. He (not to take) a bus. Yesterday he (not to go) to work. Yesterday he (to get) up at nine o clock. 14. You (to have) a PT lesson yesterday? No, I.... 15. What you (to buy) at the shop yesterday? - I (to buy) a book. 16. Yesterday my father (not to read) the news because he (to be) very busy. He (to read) it tomorrow.

XXII. Translate into English.


1. Она никогда не опаздывает. Она всегда приходит вовремя. 2. У них два занятия по иностранному языку в неделю. 3. Мы начали этот опыт на прошлой неделе. 4. Погода была хорошая, и мы с друзьями пошли в парк. 5. Когда вы его видели в последний раз? 6. Когда вы начнете изучать иностранный язык? 7. Я надеюсь, вы хорошо напишете контрольную работу. 8. Когда наступит зима, я уеду в Индию. 9. Если вы сейчас не возьмете такси, вы опоздаете на самолет. 10. Вам помочь? 11. Он теперь редко путешествует. 12. Мы решили послать это письмо вчера.


XXIII. A. Form the new words.


a) with the prefix un-:

equal, happy, important, pleasant, known, official;

b) with the prefix dis-:

to like, to appear, to connect, honest, armament;

c) with the prefix in-. Mind the spelling:

ability, mobile, possible, regular, logical, direct, patient, complete.


B. Translate the words you've got. Consult the dictionary if necessary.


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