I. Match the following parts of the sentences. — КиберПедия 

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I. Match the following parts of the sentences.

2017-09-29 1559
I. Match the following parts of the sentences. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. If I go on a diet, A. we'll make a snowman. 1. D
2. If it's sunny tomorrow, B. I'll buy you some chocolate. 2.
3. If John doesn't hurry, C. she'll have to take a taxi. 3.
4. If it snows, D. I'll lose weight. 4.
5. If there are no buses, E. he'll be late. 5.
6. If you're a good girl, F. we'll go for a picnic 6.
7. If you keep pulling the cat's tail, G. take the day off. 7.
8. If you still feel awful tomorrow, H. the boss will definitely fire you. 8.
9. If you take another week off work, I. if you play that music so loudly. 9.
10. The neighbours will complain J. she'll scratch you. 10.

II. Fill in: unless or if.

1. __ If___ you make so much noise, I won't be able to sleep.

2. I'll tell you ________ there are any messages for you.

3. I won't finish the work _________ you help me.

4. _________ you're hungry, I'll make you a sandwich.

5. We'll miss the bus _________ we hurry.

6. They won't get married ________ he gets a job.

7. You won't understand ________ you listen carefully.

8. The match will be off ________ the weather doesn't clear up.


III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1. If the dog keeps barking, the neighbours will complain.

2. If you ___________ (eat) too much, you _______ (be) sick!

3. If the weather ________ (be) bad on Saturday, we _________ (stay) at home.

4. You should see a doctor if you ___________ (not/feel) well.

5. If you ________ (study) hard, you _________ (pass) your exam.

6. He __________ (put) on weight if he _________ (eat) so much.

7. If she _________ (not/take) her umbrella, she ________ (get) wet.

8. The animals at the zoo _________ (die) unless they_________ (be fed).

9. We __________ (miss) the lecture unless we ____________ (hurry).

10. He ___________ (be) furious if he ___________ (find) out about this.

Тип 2

  Придаточное предложение условия Главное предложение (результат) Использование
Тип 2 (нереальное условие в настоящем) If + Past simple or Past Continuous Would/could/might + инфинитив без to Нереальное условие – маловероятность события в настоящем или будущем. Также используется для выражения совета

I. Match the following parts of the sentences.

1. If you were really ill A. we could buy the house of our dreams. 1. I
2. If my English was absolutely perfect B. you'd be able to get up in the mornings. 2.
3. If his hair wasn't so long C. there wouldn't be so many accidents. 3.
4. If people didn't drive so fast on this road D. we could sit outside in the garden. 4.
5. If I had my address book with me E. I could get a job as an interpreter. 5.
6. If we won the lottery F. I'd be able to phone her. 6.
7. If Maria stayed in Britain for a year G. I'd love to do more cooking. 7.
8. If the weather wasn't so awful H. he'd look much smarter. 8.
9. If I had the time I. I'd be more sympathetic. 9.
10. If you didn't stay up so late J. her English would really improve. 10.

II. Finish the sentences in I in other ways.

e.g. 1. If you were really ill, you wouldn't be able to go for a walk.


III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1. If Robert _________ (do) a little more practice, he ________(be) an excellent guitarist.

2. I _________ (not/feel) so nervous if you ________(not/drive) so fast.

3. If my feet _______ (be/not) so big, I __________ (not/have) a problem of buying the shoes.

4. I __________ (appreciate) it if you ___________ (help) more about the house.

5. He __________ (can) look much smarter if he _________ (take) more interest in clothes.

6. If I __________ (be) you, I __________ (be) very careful what you say to him.

7. I ____________ (can) give you a lift home if my car _________ (be/not) at the garage.

8. You _________ (make) friends if you __________ (be) a little more sociable.

9. If we _________(have) some better players, we __________ (have) a chance of winning the cup.

10. She ____________ (think) you were boring if you ___________ (not/talk) about computers all the time.



Тип 3

  Придаточное предложение условия Главное предложение (результат) Использование
Тип 3 (нереальное условие в прошлом) If + Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous Would/could/might + have + past participle Нереальная ситуация в прошлом. Также используется для выражения сожаления и критики

I. Match the following parts of the sentences.

1. Barbara might have passed her exam interview A. if you hadn't eaten those shellfish. 1. I
2. If the weather had been better last weekend, B. I'd never have booked the holiday. 2.
3. I could have met you at the airport C. if I hadn't taken our raincoats. 3.
4. If I'd known this hotel was so awful, D. we might have gone to the seaside. 4.
5. We would have arrived at the party by now E. if I hadn't known how much petrol it uses. 5.
6. If you'd remembered to lock the car door, F. I'd have been in real trouble. 6.
7. I would never have bought this car G. if you hadn't spent so long in the bath. 7.
8. You wouldn't have got food poisoning H. if I'd known you were arriving today. 8.
9. We would have got soaked I. if she'd done more speaking practice. 9.
10 If the boss had discovered I'd taken the day off J. it wouldn't have been stolen. 10.

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