I. Read and translate the text — КиберПедия 

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I. Read and translate the text

2017-09-29 309
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Automobile Industry, industry that produces automobiles and other gasoline-powered vehicles, such as buses, trucks, and motorcycles. The automobile industry is one of the most important industries in the world, affecting not only the economy but also the cultures of the world. It provides jobs for millions of people, generates billions of dollars in worldwide revenues, and provides the basis for a multitude of related service and support industries. Automobiles revolutionized transportation in the 20th century, changing forever the way people live, travel, and do business.

The automobile has enabled people to travel and transport goods farther and faster, and has opened wider market areas for business and commerce. The auto industry has also reduced the overall cost of transportation by using methods such as mass production (making several products at once, rather than one at a time), mass marketing (selling products nationally rather than locally), and globalization of production (assembling products with parts made worldwide). Between 1886 and 1898, about 300 automobiles were built, but there was no real established industry. A century later, with automakers and auto buyers expanding globally, automaking became the world's largest manufacturing activity, with more than 53 million new vehicles built each year worldwide.

As a result of easier and faster transportation, the United States and world economies have become dependent on the mobility that automobiles, trucks, and buses provide. This mobility allowed remote populations to interact with one another, which increased commerce. The transportation of goods to consumers and consumers to goods has become an industry in itself. The automobile has also brought related problems, such as air pollution, congested traffic, and highway fatalities. Nevertheless, the automobile industry continues to be an important source of employment and transportation for millions of people worldwide.

II. Learn the vocabulary to the text:

revenue-годовой доход to expand-расширять(ся)

multitude-множество,масса activity-деятельность

related services-дочерние предприятия mobility-подвижность

to enable-давать возможность,право remote-отдаленный

to reduce-уменьшать increase-повышать(ся)

overall cost-высокие цены congested traffic-перегруженное уличное движение

to assemble-монтировать highway fatality-авария со смертельным исходом

automaking-автомобилестроение source-источник


III. Translate into English.

1.Автомобильная промышленность влияет не только на экономику, но и на культуру


2.Эта отрасль обеспечивает ежегодный мировой доход в биллион долларов.

3.Автомобиль дал людям возможность дальше и быстрее перемещаться и уменьшил

цены на транспортировку.

4.Автомобилестроение стало крупнейшей в мире промышленностью, производящей свыше 53 миллионов новых автомобилей в год во всем мире.

5. Многие страны стали зависимы от мобильности, которую обеспечивают автомобили, грузовики и автобусы.

6. Транспортировка товаров потребления сама по себе стала промышленностью.

7. Конечно, автомобили стали причиной относительных проблем, таких как загрязнение воздуха, перегруженное уличное движение, и многочисленные аварии со смертельным исходом.

8. Все же, автомобильная промышленность является важным источником передвижения и перевозки грузов, а так же обеспечивает миллионы людей во всем мире работой.


IV. Fill in the gap with the necessary word.

1. Automobile industry provides jobs for millions of people, generates billions of dollars in worldwide ______, and provides the basis for a _____ of related service and support industries.

2. The automobile has enabled people to _____ and _____ goods farther and faster, and has opened wider market areas for business and commerce.

3. The automobile industry affects not only the ______ but also the cultures of the world.

4. The mobility allowed ______________ to interact with one another, which increased commerce.

5. The ______ has also reduced the overall cost of _________ by using methods such as mass production, mass marketing and globalization of production.


(transportation, multitude, revenues, travel, economy, transport, auto industry, remote population)


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