Новосибирск: Изд-во Сиб.гос.унив.водн.трансп., 2015. – 130 с. — КиберПедия 

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Новосибирск: Изд-во Сиб.гос.унив.водн.трансп., 2015. – 130 с.

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Новосибирск: Изд-во Сиб.гос.унив.водн.трансп., 2015. – 130 с. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Новосибирск: Изд-во Сиб.гос.унив.водн.трансп., 2015. – 130 с.



Учебное пособие представляет собой разработки устных разговорных тем для 1-2 курсов всех специальностей, изучающих иностранный язык по программе «Базовый английский язык». По каждой теме даны тексты сюжетного или познавательного характера и большое количество лексических и речевых упражнений, направленных на развитие навыков неподготовленной речи, а так же на развитие письменной речи.

Пособие предназначено для студентов младших курсов неязыковых специальностей и может быть использовано всеми, кто интересуется английским языком.


ISBN 978-5-8119-0612-3



© English topics, 2015

© ФГБОУ ВО «СГУВТ»; 2015



Предисловие ………………………………………………………………………..4
Часть 1. Приветствия ………………………………………………………………………..5
Часть 2. Семья ………………………………………………………………………13
Часть 3. Внешность ………………………………………………………………………22
Часть 4. Университет ………………………………………………………………………36
Часть 5. Поездка по городу ………………………………………………………………………53
Часть 6. Еда ………………………………………………………………………59
Часть 7. Магазины ………………………………………………………………………71
Часть 8. У врача ………………………………………………………………………78
Часть 9. Россия ………………………………………………………………………85
Часть 10. Новосибирск ………………………………………………………………………94
Часть 11. Великобритания ………………………………………………………………………99
Часть 12. Лондон ……………………………………………………………………..106
Часть 13. США ……………………………………………………………………..112



Настоящий сборник разговорных тем и лексических упражнений адресован студентам младших курсов всех факультетов университета. Пособие призвано помочь более глубокому изучению и расширению словарного потенциала, а также развитию умений и навыков устной и письменной речи. Сборник состоит из 13 тематических разделов:

Приветствия (Михайловская И.С.)

Семья (Орлова Г.Г.)

Внешность (Дементьева Е.А.)

Университет (Полякова О.В.)

Поездка по городу (Бутенко И.Г.)

Еда (Солнцева Е.Н.)

Магазины (Иванова О.Л.)

У врача (Орлова Г.Г.)

Россия (Симушкина Н.Ю.)

Новосибирск (Щербак С.Е.)

Великобритания (Жигалкина Е.В.)

Лондон (Кривошеева Т.В.)

США (Далецкая Т.А.)

Каждый раздел состоит из введения лексики по данной теме, ее отработки в упражнениях, работы с текстами.

Выражаем благодарность коллегам по кафедре за ценные рекомендации и советы и заранее признательны тем, кто выскажет свои критические замечания и пожелания.

Список использованной литературы приводится в конце каждой темы сборника.


Now look at the different ways you can make conversation with friends and strangers.

People you know already.


Beginning Replying


Greetings How are you? Fine, thanks.

I’m very well.


Conversations starters How are things? Not too bad.

How’s it going? Great.

Lovely weather! OK (Fine)

How’s work?


Conversation closers I haven’t seen you No, I’ve been

for ages. busy (away).

See you soon (later). Good bye.

I must be going. See you soon.

I’ll be in touch. Bye for now.


People you haven’t met before


Beginning Replying


Introductions May (can) I introduce Nice to meet you.

myself (my colleague …)


Greetings How do you do? How do you do?

Pleased to meet you. Glad to meet you.


Conversation starters Have you been here long? No, I’ve just arrived.

Have you been here before? No, this is my first visit.

Lovely weather? Yes, marvelous, isn’t it?


Conversation closers I’m glad (pleased) to have It’s nice to have met

met you. you too.

It’s been very interesting If you are ever in … you

talking to you. must get in touch.

Role play.


You are at the conference reception. Some of the peoples are your friends and some are strangers. Talk to as many people as possible.


Cover the following points:

1. Introduce yourself

2. Greet the person

3. Start a conversation

4. Close the conversation

5. Introduce the stranger to a colleague of yours if possible.

6. Say good-bye using different parting phrases.



relative parents grandparents sister brother cousin uncle aunt niece nephew wife husband daughter son mother-in-law- father-in-law- engineer worker doctor businessman accountant housewife be born study consist of enter finish (to leave) be busy be married get married get retired (on) keep house live be... years old have a family of one's own native town old/older/elder young/younger secondary school be fond of be interested in offer a number of courses the humanities natural sciences be essential I really think I could say get completely lost in get by from it discuss professional matters vessel prospective occupation challenging job well-paid job keep fit родственник родители дедушка и бабушка сестра брат двоюродный брат/сестра дядя тетя племянница племянник жена муж дочь сын тёша/свекровь тесть/свёкор инженер IS рабочий врач бизнесмен бухгалтер домохозяйка родиться учиться состоять (из) поступать (в учебное заведение) оканчивать (среднюю школу) быть занятым быть женатым/замужем выйти замуж/жениться уйти (на пенсию) вести домашнее хозяйство жить быть в возрасте...лет иметь свою семью родной город старый/старше/старший молодой/младше, младший средняя школа увлекаться, нравиться интересоваться предлагать курсы гуманитарные предметы естественные науки быть основным я бы сказал уйти с головой зарабатывать на жизнь обсуждать профессиональные вопросы судно будущая профессия ответственная работа высокооплачиваемая работа поддерживать форму


1. Prepare for the discussion:

1.​ What are your habits?

2.​ What bad habits do you want to get rid of?

3.​ On what occasions do you lose your temper?

4.​ Do you think that your appearance shows your personality?

5.​ Are you more keen on sports or reading?

6.​ What qualities do you value in people most of all?

7.​ What things make a person happy?


2. Agree or disagree with statements:

1.​ You should have some luck to enter the university.

2.​ You should be calm and friendly towards others.

3.​ You are the best student in your group.

4.​ It is hard to study English.

5.​ It is no use in taking part in the social and sports activities of your school.

6.​ Specialized classes solve some problems as to choosing the way in life.

7.​ There are no easy roads to success.



My plans for future.

Hi! My full name is Alexander Gordeyev, but friends normally call me Alex. I am 17 years old. I was born in Vladivostok but we left for Novosibirsk in 1998.

I have finished a secondary school. It offers a number of courses: the humanities, natural sciences, mathematics. I specialized in mathematics and IT (information technologies). Good knowledge of mathematics is essential for my studies and professional career. As to IT, one can't imagine the XXIst century without them and I simply love computers as many of my friends do.

By the way, my elder brother works with computers. He spends most of his time, I really think I could say that more than 50 per cent of his time sitting in front of his computer screen working. He just gets completely lost in it. He is working from home, as a programmer. I think he's quite successful, or he manages to get by from it at list.

But my chief interest is ships. I love the sea and dream of visiting far away countries. My father works as a navigator. As a child, I listened to my father discussing professional matters and created the models of different vessels.

Later I began thinking of Navigation as my prospective occupation. I would like to have an interesting and challenging job, that would involve meeting people and going on business trips and would be a well-paid one. One needs to earn enough money to be independent.

One more thing about being successful in life concerns our ways with other people. I am sure that being sympathetic and friendly towards others is much better than disregarding and tramping down on competitors. That's why I am trying to foster patience and understanding in my character.

I am fond of many things. I usually read a lot of books. My favourite author is Agatha Christie. I have read a lot of her detective stories and novels. I like listening to classical and pop music. I and my friends often go for walk to the country. We also visit dance-clubs and shows quite often.

Twice a week I attend a sports section. I go in for wrestling. I'm sure everyone should keep fit and take part in some sports. Wrestling does me a lot of good as it helps me to be physically fit. I am stronger, faster and healthier now than I used to be. And I am strongly against smoking, drinking alcohol, taking drugs. These are detrimental and can simply ruin your life.

I have a lot of friends and enjoy my life. It is just great to be young and to have the whole life ahead of you!


Supplementary reading

About myself.

Read and translate the text

It's not an easy thing to speak about yourself, but at the same time who knows you better than you yourself do? So to begin with I should say that I am a boy of sixteen with dark hair and blue eyes. I am fairly tall, but not of a very powerful build. I am shortsighted and I have to wear glasses most of the time.

I was born on 25th of April 1996 in Novosibirsk where I live now together with my parents and my younger sister. I wasn't sent to a kindergarten because of my delicate health.

At the age of 7 I went to school and studied at this school for 11 years. In senior classes my favourite subjects were Russian Literature and Biology. And I think I was rather good at those subjects. Besides studying I did karate, attended a sports club and did a bit of photography. At school I got the qualification of a driver. All these things were interesting for me.

Several months ago I passed my final exams at school and faced a new life with a mixed feeling of sadness and joy. School wasn't just learning for me. I had made good friends there.

Now a few words about my character and interests. My friends say that I am sociable, honest, helpful and cheerful. But my parents and my teachers sometimes say that T am stubborn and hard to deal with. I often lose my temper but I am not aggressive. I appreciate people's honesty, kindness, sense of justice and intelligence. My favourite occupation is playing the guitar, reading and going to the theater. I am fond of sports as well. Of late I have hardly had any time to do it since I have been extremely busy at the University. That's all I can say about myself.


2. Translate the following phrases:

1.​ Это нелегко говорить о себе

2.​ Для начала, следует сказать

3.​ Я близорук

4.​ Слабое здоровье

5.​ Хорошо успевать по....

6.​ заниматься каратэ

7.​ немного фотографировать

8.​ получать специальность

9.​ смешанное чувство

10.​ упрямый и не простой в общении

11.​ выходить из себя



twin близнец
sibling родной брат / сестра
fabulous phenomenon удивительное явление
masterpiece шедевр
genius creation гениальное творение
immortal бессмертный
root корень
prehistoric доисторический
adorable восхитительный
offspring отпрыск
perfection совершенствование
search for ways искать пути
family ties семейные узы
stir двигать, возбуждать
cope with справляться с
manly hug мужская поддержка
loving embrace любящее объятие
restore from ashes восставать из пепла
nuclear family родители и дети
extended family родственники
single-parent family семья с одним родителем
encourage способствовать, ободрять
intact family полная семья, в состав которой входят оба супруга


A vocabulary defines a family as "people who are closely related". A family consisting of mother, father and their children, who are either twins or siblings is a nuclear family. Some of them are one-parent or single parent families. The family including aunts, uncles, nephews, cousins, nieces, grandparents, daughters- and sons- in law is an extended family.

To my mind there is no exact definition, what a family is. It is definitely a fabulous phenomenon, cemented by blood. It is really a masterpiece and as every genius creation of humanity it is immortal. Its roots date back to prehistoric times. Prehistoric mothers used to be as caring, over-protective and ambitious about their adorable offsprings, as all today's mothers are.

As it often happens to a masterpiece too much perfection can spoil it Sometimes the parents believe that their critical comments would encourage their children to greater efforts. Sadly they have exactly the opposite effect. After a number of criticism the child looses not only his interest in creating, but a great deal of his confidence. So being an ideal parent is a very delicate task demanding tact, patience and diligence.

Every masterpiece is born in pain, so it would be a mistake to think that a happy family doesn't face any problems. However, clever and understanding parents axe always ready to experiment and find the way out. For example, the teenagers are very radical in their opinions.

A clever parent will show how excited he is by his child's originality and search for ways to take it further.

The fantastic thing about family ties is that it always stirs the best feelings in people. Children return to support their helpless parents, bound to bed. A husband or a wife becomes the best nurses, when their spouse gets seriously ill.

To finish with, I'd like to say that there are times in our lives, when everything seems to be going badly. We all have problems we can't cope with. We feel depressed and dispirited. A father's manly hug or a mother's loving embrace can really restore you from ashes. And as every great masterpiece the family will remain in your soul forever.



1.​ What is a family?

2.​ Why is the family one of the nature's masterpieces?

3.​ What things can spoil the nature's masterpiece?

4.​ What problem does a happy family face?

5.​ Why will the family remain in one's heart forever?


Text 4. About my family.

I believe that everything has its beginning in the family. Family is very important for every person, because it gives you a sense of stability and tradition, a feeling of having support and understanding. In happy families parents are frank and honest with their children. They treat their children with respect without moralizing or bossing them all the time and children in their turn learn how to treat other people, how to form relationship among their equals. In a friendly family people are gentle, respectful and loving. They always share joys and sorrows as well as domestic chores. And that is how my family of three is build.

My family consists of my father, my mother and me, their son. So 1 am only a child in the family and don't very much mind it. We are an average family by modern standards.

I think I'd better start my story with my father, the head and the main supporter of our family. His name is Ivan Petrovich. He is in his late forties, but he looks powerful and impressive. He is tall with dark hair and brown eyes and he is of a strong build. At present, he is a director of a large plant. To goes without saying that he is very busy, always concentrated on his work and having very little time for private life. I like it very much when he finds time to talk with me about school and my interests. There is a lot of likeness between me and dad both in appearance and in character.

My mother's name is Larisa Ivanovna. She is an economist by education. She is very interested in her work, she is a good professional and she enjoys respect from her colleagues. Mum's life is not easy, of course, because she has to keep the house in addition to her work. My mother is a quiet and charming person. She is very kind and she does a good job of being a mother. I know I can be a real pain sometimes. Mum understands me in the way no other person would, and she always finds proper words to comfort me.

At present my Granny lives with us as well, so there are four of us sharing a three-room flat. But I must say we hardly have any serious problems with three generations under one roof. There is no 6 'father s-and-sons" problem in our family, though we often argue and disagree on certain issues. I can always bring my friends home and my parents are very positive about my friends although they don't always approve of our tastes, views and clothes.

I think we are a united family. I am really attached to my parents, I admire my Mum, Dad and Granny.


5. Prepare for the discussion of the following questions:

1.​ What is the right age for young people to get married in your opinion?

2.​ Are you for small or large family?

3.​ What do you do if your parents are not right in your opinion?

4.​ Why does the fathers-and-sons problem always exist?

5.​ What do your parents make you do that you don't like doing?

6.​ What is your parents' attitude to your friends?

7.​ Which of your actions upset your parents most of all?

8.​ What is your idea of a good husband (wife)?


6. Translate the following phrases:

1.​ всё начинается в семье

2.​ чувство стабильности и традиций

3.​ без морали и постоянных распоряжений

4.​ в свою очередь

5.​ относиться к другим людям

6.​ выстраивать отношения со сверстниками

7.​ разделять радость и печаль

8.​ единственный ребёнок в семье

9.​ крепкое телосложение

10.​ сходство во внешности и характере

11.​ хороший специалист

12.​ быть невыносимым

13.​ найти нужные слова

14.​ спорить и не соглашаться по некоторым вопросам

15.​ не одобрять чьих-либо вкусов

7. Write a composition entitled: "The family of my Dreams".



General expressions (общее описание):

appearance внешность
beautiful красивый (о женщине)
good-looking красивый, с приятн.внешност.
handsome красивый (о мужчине)
plain простой, невзрачный
pretty прелестный, симпатичный
ugly некрасивый, уродливый
attractive привлекательный
look like выглядеть
e.g. What does he/she look like? Как он/она выглядит?
What’s he/she like?  

Age [eiʤ] (возраст):

old/young старый/молодой
middle-aged среднего возраста
elderly пожилой
at the age of … в возрасте …

Height [hait]and Build (рост и телосложение/фигура):

tall/short высокий / низкий
(of) medium height среднего роста
slim / overweight стройный, полный
(of) medium build среднего телосложения
well-built=well-made хорошо сложенный
fat/thin (not polite) толстый/худой (не вежливо)
broad shouldered широкоплечий
clumsy неуклюжий

Hair [hɛə] (sing.) (волосы):

e.g. Her hair is long and fair. У нее длинные светлые волосы.
dark/fair темные/светлые
long/short/shoulder-long длинные/короткие/до плеч
thin/thick редкие (тонкие)/густые
straight/curly/wavy прямые, кудрявые, волнистые
bald лысый
red/brown/black рыжие, каштановые, черные
dyed окрашенный
blond(e) блондин, светлый
hair cut стрижка
hairdo прическа
fringe чёлка
hairdresser’s/barber’s парикмахерская (жен./муж.)

Face [feis] and Head [hed] (лицо и голова):

eyes can be: глаз(а)
big/small большие/маленькие
blue/brown/green/grey голубые/карие/зеленые/ серые
hazel светло-карие
nose can be: нос
straight/snub/hook прямой/курносый/ горбатый
small/long маленький/длинный
eyebrow бровь
eyelash ресница
forehead may be: лоб
high/low высокий/низкий
straight/open прямой/открытый
mouth рот
lips may be: губы
thin/thick/full тонкие/толстые/полные
tooth (pl.teeth) зуб (мн.ч. зубы)
cheek/ear щека/ухо
chin may be: подбородок
round/pointed/square круглый, острый, квадратный
features may be: черты лица (мн.ч.)
delicate/coarse тонкие/грубые, крупные
regular/irregular правильные/ неправильные
complexion may be: цвет лица
dark/fair темный/светлый
pale / bronze бледный/смуглый
you can have, you can wear: вы можете иметь/носить
beard борода
moustache усы
whiskers=sideburns бакенбарды
double chin двойной подбородок
dimples ямочки
freckles/wrinkles веснушки/морщины
glasses/lenses (lens sing/) очки/
scar / mole шрам/родинка
be unshaven/clean-shaven небритый/чисто выбритый
e.g. He is always clean-shaven. Он всегда чисто выбрит.
e.g. wear a beard (moustache) Носить бороду (усы)
wear one’s hair short Носить короткие волосы

Body [bɔdi] (тело/туловище):

neck/shoulder шея/плечо
back/chest спина/грудная клетка
arm/elbow/hand/finger рука/локоть/кисть/палец
leg/knee/foot(feet)/toe нога/коленка/ стопа(стопы), палец


1. Practiсe these sentence patterns:

- How old is she? – She is a good-looking middle-aged woman.

- How tall are you? – I am 185 cm tall.

- How much does she weigh? – She is rather slim, she weighs about 50 kilos.

- What colour are his eyes? – His eyes are blue and big, but he wears glasses.

- What kind of hair has she got? – She has got dark curly hair with a fringe.

- What does she look like? – She is short, overweight with straight fair hair. She looks like her mother.

- What is he like? – He is tall, well-built with a small scar on his right cheek. He’s got a beard.

- Who does he look like? – He looks like his father. He is handsome with dark complexion and regular features.

- Would you like to change anything in your appearance? – May be the colour of my hair.

- Do you have any special features? – Yes, I have a tattoo on my left shoulder.


2. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. My brother is tall and well-built.

2. She is very pretty; she’s got big brown eyes and long red hair.

3. Mark is overweight and has a double chin and dimples on the cheeks.

4. She is plain, she is of medium height and build and has grey hair and a snub nose.

5. My aunt is an attractive woman at the age of 45; she has beautiful hazel eyes and a charming smile.

6. My uncle is an elderly bald man; he has high forehead, thin eyebrows, a long nose and a pointed chin.

7. His grandfather is old, he wears grey moustache and whiskers.

8. My sister is a nice slim long-haired girl with pretty freckles.

9. He is rather ugly, he wears a beard and has got a hairy chest and a tattoo.

10. I prefer clean-shaven men with a short haircut.

11. Women often go to a hairdresser to get a new hairdo.

12. When you are not satisfied with the colour of your hair you can dye it.


3. Express the following in one word:

1. the part of the face above the eyebrows;

2. the part of the face between the nose and the ears;

3. the part of the body from the hand to the shoulder;

4. the part of the body that connects the head and the shoulders;

5. the front of the head;

6. the part of the face with which we smell;

7. the part of the face with which we hear;

8. the part of the face with which we see;

9. the end of the human arm;

10. the end of the human leg;

11. the upper part of the human body;

12. the cover of the head

Ask and answer:




What do we kiss with?


take things

taste things


4. Fill in the blanks with the words given in brackets:

A. Alice is 13 years old. She is tall for her …. Her hair is …. Her eyes are … and her cheeks are …; she has a …a mouth and pretty … teeth. But she has a … nose and doesn’t like it. (white, snub, rosy, fair, age, grey, small).

B. Near the park I saw a man on horseback. He was at the age of 40. He was very … and well-dressed. His face was … and …,the eyes were … and…, the mouth was …. His … hair was …. He had a beard and a …. (thin, long, tall, large, dark, wavy, small, black, moustache).

C. Mr. Priestley is not a … man, but he is not …, somewhere about 44. He is a … man, …, rather thin with … hair just beginning to go …. (old, young, tall, dark-brown, good-looking, grey).

5. Complete the sentences in a suitable way:

1. He plays basketball, because he is very …

2. If you eat too much, you will be ….

3. Models are usually very ….

4. She doesn’t like men with hairy …

5. Her brother has got broad ….

6. Both men were good- … and well ….

7. She has got very pale ….

8. He met a very … girl in the disco last night.

9. She is beautiful but her younger sister is really ….

10. I think John is getting a bit …, he eats too much.

11. I think she’s hoping to meet a … man at the tennis club.

12. Most people want to stay …, that’s why they go to the fitness club.

6. Describe the people in these pictures:


1 2 3 4


7. Label without looking into the vocabulary:

8. Check yourself. Translate into English:

стройная фигура, редкие волосы, полные губы, длинные пальцы, короткие ноги, большие руки, низкий лоб, горбатый нос, длинные ресницы, круглый подбородок, короткая шея, прямой высокий лоб, рыжая борода, седые усы, низкий полный мужчина, человек с приятной внешностью, высокий стройный юноша, бледный цвет лица, милый ребенок, кудрявые волосы, широкоплечий хорошо сложенный мужчина, белые зубы, маленький рот, правильные черты лица, пожилой человек с бакенбардами, крашеные волосы, привлекательная молодая девушка с милой улыбкой, некрасивый мужчина со шрамом.



1. Read the following composition and put it in the right order:

a) Julie is quite short and slim. She’s got a round face with beautiful almond-shaped eyes and a slightly upturned nose. She often wears her shoulder length fair hair in a pony tail. Julie prefers comfortable clothes and can often be seen wearing a blue jumper, pair of denim jeans and trainers.

b) Over the years, I have shared many good times with Julie. She has been one of my best and most trusted friends. I feel fortunate to have met her.

c) I have known Julie since my first day at school, when we were only five. I can remember her smiling face as the teacher, Mrs Snow, asked me to share the same desk with her.

d) One of Julie’s favourite hobbies is cycling. She also enjoys reading people’s horoscopes and trying to predict what will happen in the future. Julie likes going to the cinema and is especially fond of adventure films.

e) Although Julie is quite reserved, she is a kind person who will listen to your problems and try to help you. She is also quite active and enjoys outdoor activities.


2. Read and translate:

A. His mother is forty years old. She is tall and straight, and her figure is graceful. She usually wears a simple black dress with a white collar round her neck. Her hair is black and thick. She has a small nose and brown eyes. She has small but strong hands which can do any work.

B. When I was nineteen years old, I was a handsome young man. I was not very tall and had a wall-made figure and a broad chest. My hair was wavy and coal-black and eyes large and dark.

C. The newcomer was very tall. With dark complexion, fine expressive black eyes and curly hair, also black. His well-formed nose, thin lips and his fine figure impressed the company with the idea of something uncommon.

D. Cedric was not tall, long-armed, but broad-shouldered. His face was broad with large blue eyes, fine teeth and a well-formed head. His long yellow hair was not yet grey, although he was almost sixty.

E. Among the passengers there were two who interested me very much. One, a man of about thirty, was one of the tallest men I ever saw. He had yellow hair, a thick yellow beard, a handsome face and large eyes. The other man was short, overweight and dark. He was always very neat; he always wore an eye-glass in the right eye, and he never took it out.

F. The colonel is a fine-looking man. His hair is white. So is his moustache. His face is of bronzed complexion. The expression of his face is kind though firm. The colonel has three sons. Basil, the oldest of the boys, is seventeen years of age. He is a fine-looking lad though not handsome. He looks very brave and strong. His hair is straight and black. He is, in fact, the son of his father. How very unlike him is Lucien, the second of age. Lucien is delicate, with light complexion and very fair hair. He is more like what his mother was, for she was a blonde. The colonel’s youngest son is a curly-haired boy, cheerful at all times.


3. Read the dialogue:

- Hi, Paul!

- Hi, Jane! How are you?

- Oh, Paul! I think I’m in love.

- Really? Who is it?

- It’s a friend of Peter’s.

- How did you meet him?

- I met him at the party on Saturday and it was love at the first sight!

- What does he look like?

-He is very handsome. What eyes! What a smile!

- I know you are excited but tell me something more about him.

- He has fair hair and big eyes. He’s got a crew cut.

- What colour are his eyes?

- They are blue.

- How tall is he?

- He is well-built and very tall: he is about 180 cm tall.

- Has he got special features?

- He’s got dimples and a wonderful smile.

- What’s his name?

- I don’t know, but I’m going to ask Peter next time.

- So you didn’t even talk to him at the party?

- No, but he asked me to dance once…



Attitude towards people (по отношению к людям):

(un)friendly (не)дружелюбный
generous /mean великодушный/скупой
(dis)honest (не)честный
(im)polite (не)вежливый
(un)sociable (не)общительный
open/rude открытый/грубый
easygoing/nervy с легким характером/нервный
shy/modest застенчивый,робкий/скро мный
(un)kind (не)добрый
(self)reserved скрытный
well-bred / ill-bred хорошо/плохо воспитанный

Attitude towards life (по отношению к жизни):

cheerful/lively веселый/активный, деятельный
(self)confident (само)уверенный
energetic энергичный
sensible = down- to-earth благоразумный, практичный
clever/intelligent умный/сообразительный
stupid=thick (разг.) глупый
calm/quiet спокойный/ тихий
talkative разговорчивый

Attitude towards work (по отношению к работе):

(un)ambitious (не) честолюбивый
hard-working трудолюбивый
punctual Точный, аккуратный
organized организованный
lazy ленивый
(in)flexible (не)гибкий, легко приспосабл.
(un)reliable (не)надежный


1. Express the following in one word:

a person who thinks positively; a happy and smiling person; a person who always comes on time; a person who seldom does any work; a person who always tells the truth; a person who always wants to be successful; a person who you cannot trust; a person able to change his opinion; a person who doesn’t show his feelings; a person who never gives to others; a person who finds it difficult to talk to people and make conversation; a person who has lots of common sense; a person who can take the necessary action; a person who is nervous and worries a lot; a person who is happy to give; a person who always wants what other people have got; a person who always sees the bright side of things.

Match the words (1-13) to their opposites (a-m):

1. warm and kind a. weak

2. easygoing b. dishonest

3. strong c. ill-bred

4. generous d. nervy

5. honest e. mean

6. hard-working f. unfriendly

7. open g. quiet

8. clever h. lazy

9. reliable i. shy

10. sociable j. unreliable

11. optimistic k. reserved

12. talkative l. pessimistic

13. well-bred m. stupid

Match the words (1 - 9) to their synonyms or near-synonyms (a - i):

1. down-to-earth a. thick

2. clever b. modest

3. cheerful c. confident

4. stupid d. punctual

5. kind e. lively

6. calm f. intelligent

7. shy g. friendly

8. organized h. quiet

9. ambitious i. sensible


2. Explain the fixed expressions about character and mood and find the Russian equivalents:

to be a cold fish; to be a pain in the neck; to be over the moon; to be on the top of the world; to have a heart of gold

as cunning as a fox; as good as gold; as busy as a bee; as quiet as a mouse; as strong as an axe

Read the text and A) find adjectives which describe Salvador, B) cover the text, look at the heading 1 to 4 and say if what you can remember.


My grandfather’s name’s Salvador. He was a farmer but he has retired. He’s eighty six, and he’s the oldest of my relatives. Last year my grandmother died, so he came to live with us. 1. NAME AGE JOB
He is very tall and quite fat and he’s got grey hair and a beard. He’s got blue eyes, and he wears glasses. He usually wears a jacket and trousers, and at weekends when he goes out he always wears a tie. 2. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION CLOTHES
I think he’s wonderful. He’s very strong and he’s never ill. He’s really active, and although he’s retired he works hard in our garden and in his fields. He’s young at heart and friendly to everyone. People who meet him always love him. 3. PERSONALITY HABITS
He loves walking in the country and reading. He spends most of his time reading novels and newspapers, and now he’s studying French too. When he was young he learnt French in prison during the Civil War and now he wants to remember it again. 4. LIKES AND INTERESTS
When I’m old, I’d like to be like my grandfather. He’s a very special person.    

4. Fill in the crosswords and read the italicized word in A:




Down: 1. спина 6. рука

2. ямочки 7. волосы

3. цвет лица 8. курносый

4. борода 9. усы

5. лицо 10.лоб




Across: Down:

3. открытый (4) 1. гибкий (8)

5.дружелюбный (8) 2. застенчивый (3)

8. спокойный (4) 4. вежливый (6)

10.общительный (8) 6. грубый (4)

11.надежный (8) 7. ленивый (4)

14.тихий (5) 8. умный (6)

15.глупый (6) 9. скромный, сдержанный (6)

16.жизнерадостный (8) 11.скрытный (8)

18.щедрый (8) 12.пунктуальный, точный (8)

19.разговорчивый (9) 13.добрый (4)

17.честный (6)

The University


education compulsory education the right to education primary education secondary education higher education educated higher educational institution school leaver private school fee-paying school fee(s) scholarship scholar, scientist science natural sciences technical sciences the humanities teach teacher tutor   tutor   subject study student junior student senior student study for study up studious studies (pl) credit   examination examination- paper examine examinee examiner lecture hold a lecture lecturer   grind   grind at college     course course of training extramural course evening course compulsory optimal course exercise, drill prepare train train specialists training college trainee program of training in smith   branch consist of compulsory faculty, department full-time department correspondence department curriculum applicant enter entrance enroll be enrolled competitive achieve stated score of points Certificate of Secondary Education Health certificate admission requirements graduate graduate (from) undergraduate candidate degree doctoral degree academic buildings provide accommodation be located, to be situated be founded involve kinds of learning activities practical training academic year research term paper classes attend classes miss classes practical skills qualified specialist modern facilities for studies computer center simulator workshops well-equipped laboratories audio-visual aids employment образование обязательное образование право на образование начальное образование среднее образование высшее образование образованный вуз выпускник частная школа платная школа плата за обучение стипендия (grant) ученый наука естественные науки технические науки гуманитарные науки учить, обучать учитель, преподаватель давать частные уроки, обучать (амер.) брать уроки домашний учитель, репетитор преподаватель предмет изучать, исследовать учиться, заниматься студент студент младших курсов студент старших курсов готовиться к чему-либо подогнать, подучить готовиться к экзамену прилежный, усердный учение, занятия (амер.)- зачет (удостоверение о прохождении какого- либо курса) экзамен экзаменационный билет, экзаменационная работа экзаменовать экзаменатор экзаменующийся, экзаменуемый лекция читать лекцию лектор преподаватель (колледжа, университета) (разг.) зубрежка (амер.) зубрила (разг.) усердно работать колледж; частная средняя школа специальное высшее учебное заведение (военное, морское и т.п.) курс (лекций, обучения) курс обучения заочное обучение вечернее обучение обязатеьный курс курс упражнение приготавливать, готовить заранее учить, об

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