Putting Our Security At Risk — КиберПедия 

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Putting Our Security At Risk

2017-09-28 307
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Imagine it’s the summer and about 50 per cent of your local police force is made up of young students who, at best, have completed two weeks of basic training.

The students wear the uniform and the badge like a police officer. And to the general public, this is exactly what they appear to be — full-fledged and trained police officers. 1. __ (D) __

While customs officers’ duties vary greatly from police officers’, their role in protecting Canada from security threats is just as important. Customs officers exercise control over the movement of goods, vehicles and people entering Canada. They intercept drugs and firearms, and identify and examine people who may present a high risk to security. 2. _____


Yet, despite this intensive training process, each summer the Customs and Revenue Agency hires university and college students, gives them two to three weeks of training and then sends them - during the year’s peak travel period - to perform 95 per cent of the duties of a full-time customs officer. 3. _____


It’s highly unlikely that they have all of the information they need to make the right call every time they deal with individuals or goods coming into the country. This is not the vote of confidence Canadians are looking for, especially in the post-Sept. 11 world where the vulnerability of our borders is of grave concern.


Canada Customs defends the hiring of students by stating that after their training, students continue to get on -the-job instruction, and they work under the supervision of experienced, full-time customs officers.

But how much supervision can a student really be expected to rely on when working alone in an inspection booth? 4. _____


Colette Gentes-Hawn, a spokesperson for Canada Customs and Revenue, is not concerned with the employment of students as customs officers.5. _____

This is probably true. But, it avoids the more important issue of whether or not students with very little training can be expected to effectively safeguard Canada against possible risks to the country’s security.

Student customs officers need to be replaced by more full-time, fully trained personnel, immediately and regardless of cost. 6. _____


A. The security of Canadians is too important to be put at risk.

B. It doesn’t seem likely that a superintendent by telephone would be much help to a student.

C. Full-time customs officers go through a rigorous eight-week program at Rigaud College in Quebec. This is followed by weeks of on-the-job training.

D. Obviously, this is not the case in police organizations across Canada. Regrettably, this is exactly what is happening across the country at Canada

E. With such a limited amount of training, how can these students possibly be expected to perform all the duties expected of them?

F. “Our students are a very, very important part of our workforce,” she says. “We have nothing but praise for the work they’ve done for us.”


Reading and Speaking. Work in groups


a) Group A. Discuss the advantages of employing university and collegestudents with as full-time customs-officers.

b) Group B. Discuss the disadvantages of employing university and collegestudents with no experience at all as full-time customs-officers.


Translation. Render the following text into English


По причине попытки терракта, когда злоумышленник (criminal) пронес пластиковую взрывчатку (explosive) на борт самолета в кроссовках и пытался

ее привести в действие, в аэропортах Европы и Америки отныне производится выборочная (selective) проверка обуви при личном досмотре (personal examination). Она также будет просвечена рентгеном (to x-ray) и обнюхана (to sniff) собаками.


Unit 8 Customs Procedures and Regulations Development

Pre-Text Assignments

8.1.1 Practice the reading of the following words and guess their meaning:


responsible identify guideline intergovernmental
circulation amendment traffic seize
adoption application ensure attain
uniformity antiquity competence draft


8.1.2 Check up the meaning of the following verbs:

prepare propose secure establish recommend Interprete address emphasize


8.1.3 Read the following words and their translation:

secure – обеспечить

attain – достигать

draft – черновик, проект

amendment – поправка

interpretation – толкование

application – практическое применение intergovernmental – межправительственный as regards – что касается fraud – мошенничество

theft – кража

illicit – незаконный

mutual – двусторонний, обоюдный

combat – бороться

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