Упражнение. Express your opinion or argue with your partner — КиберПедия 

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Упражнение. Express your opinion or argue with your partner

2017-09-28 190
Упражнение. Express your opinion or argue with your partner 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Instructions:Take it in turns to throw the dice and move your counter around the table.

Topic square – talk about the topic question for 30 seconds. (1 point)

Argue square - Have a 40-second conversation with the last partner disagreeing about the topic they just presented.

(1 point each). At the end, the player with the most points is the winner.


Section 4. Have Your Say

Will restrictions on Swiss gun ownership reduce crime?

Are you in Switzerland? Do you keep a weapon at home? Should gun ownership in Switzerland be restricted? Would the move reduce suicides and gun crime? Will any changes undermine the military?


(В Швейцарии армия формируется по милиционному принципу, и все мужчины от 20 до 50 лет считаются военнослужащими. В 20 лет они проходят военную подготовку (3 месяца) в школах рекрутов, после чего раз в год являются на обязательные сборы. Все это время у резервистов дома хранится выданное в армии оружие — винтовка, пистолет-пулемет или пистолет. После 50 государство снимает резервиста с учета, забирает оружие, но дарит ему помповое ружье. Количество единиц оружия в частных руках в Швейцарии с населением в 7,7 миллиона человек составляет, по разным оценкам, от 2,3 до 3,4 миллиона единиц. Из этого числа армейское оружие составляет от 1,45 до 1,7 миллиона единиц. Сторонники инициативы о запрете свободного хранения оружия указывают на то, что в Швейцарии самое большое число самоубийств в Европе пропорционально количеству населения. По их данным, в год около 300 швейцарцев кончают жизнь самоубийством при помощи огнестрельного оружия.


1. stanblogger wrote: It is self evident in my opinion that the few weapons that there are around the better. Unfortunately, there are individuals who decide that they wish to kill wild animals for fun, and some who want to kill their fellow humans. It is unlikely that society will ever succeed in curing or at least restraining these individuals. But every effort should be made to ensure that it is difficult for them to get hold of the most effective weapons, like military assault rifles. A maniac armed with an automatic rifle can kill many more people before he or she is disarmed, than someone armed with a kitchen knife.

2. yellowsandydog wrote: I understand that Switzerland already has a low rate of violent crime so it may make no difference there. But I think a change away from keeping guns at home could reduce the suicide rate. It must be so easy for a suicidal man to point the gun at his head and pull the trigger. Once the gun has been fired there is no going back. With a drug overdose there is the possibility of vomitting the drugs back up and seeking treatment.

3. Aged Citizen wrote: The more weapons that are in circulation, the larger the numbers that will fall into the wrong hands and end up being used for crime, therefore any reduction in the number of weapons available has to be a good thing.Knife crime in the UK, was going to be curtailed by the introduction of much harsher sentences for those found in possession of a knife.

4. BluesBerry wrote: Should gun ownership in Switzerland be restricted? No. Switzerland, like the United States & Israel, cherish the right to bear arms. Switzerland is a country where you are both a citizen and a soldier. Social, economic and historical factors influence my answer. Gun-control laws in Brazil and Mexico are among the strictest in the world; yet, violent crime in both countries is far worse than in the United States. Ask someone in Brazil or Mexico if it is difficult to obtain an illegal firearm. Yet Switzerland has not experienced much in the way of violent crime, and then of course, there's that longstanding tradition for the militia to keep military firearms within reach, ready to go.

6.Gazenraged wrote: Although I personally don`t own a firearm I know people who do, legally I hasten to add, I think that if ownership of guns is properly registered and policed then no problem. I also believe in the right to protect ones property and if all those who wish to pursue a life of crime knew that potentially they could be shot they might think twice. Of course there would be abuses but that unfortunately is a fact of life and a baseball bat or knife can be just as lethal as a gun.

7.ruffled_feathers wrote: With a low crime rate, I don't know what this has to do with us? As for the suicide issue, I'm afraid if someone is determined to end their life, they will find another way unless they are placed in an empty padded cell. Dealing with the issue of WHY they might commit suicide would be more useful. So I do wonder why this is happening all of a sudden! I wonder what has happened 'politically' / 'culturally' to bring this about?

9. Syni_cal wrote: Will restrictions on Swiss gun ownership reduce crime? I suspect that a change in Swiss gun laws would have a negligible affect on gun crime in Switzerland which would pale into insignificance compared with a change in the number of deaths caused by the groups, individuals and governments that use Swiss banks for the Anonymity provided by Swiss banking law. A referendum on Swiss banking law would be a much worthier subject for both actual referendum in Switzerland and debate on this HYS.

Section 5. Picture




Section 1. Практикум Линн Виссон

Текст 10

Международное сотрудничество в использовании космического пространства в мирных целях (ООН, 1995)

International Cooperation for the Use of Outer Space for Peaceful Purposes (UN, 1995)

(Читается в нормальном темпе с канадским акцентом, в быстром — с американским акцентом)


1.Господин Председатель, У нас нет сомнений — Комитет по космосу, причем облечен­ный адекватными полномочиями,нужен мировому сообществу. У него есть надежная шкала ценностей, богатый опыт диалога и со­лидный капиталвзаимодействия, которые, безусловно, должны быть сполна задействованы в интересах мирного освоения космоса. Было бы во многих отношениях полезно развернуть работу над проектом принципов международного сотрудничества в космической области, тем более что соответствующий интег­рированный рабочий документявляется неплохой основой для выработки, в конечном счете, согласованных решений. Тогда, ду­мается, пессимистический сценарийработы над этим пунктом по­вестки дня, презумпция обреченного на неуспех диалога смени­лись бы продуктивным настроением на созидательное общение. Предстоящая в следующем году работа над вопросом о дели­митации воздушного и космического пространства явно тоже требует повышенного внимания. Здесь есть реальные возможно­стидля нахождения компромиссов в методологии его дальней­шего рассмотрения.     2.Согласованный вопросник по аэрокосмическим объектам охватывает важные смысловые моменты, поощряет обновление логического и понятийного подходов к проблеме делимитации. Возможно, на каком-то этапе все же удастся найти общее пони­мание среди сторонников и критиковрассмотрения вопросов раз­граничения пространств, подняться на более высокий уровень диалога. Для этого требуется прежде всего сообща решить, ка­кие именно элементы нынешней парадигмы остаются и какие нуждаются в коррективах. В новых координатахнуждается и работа над темой Геоста­ционарной орбиты. Здесь объективно необходимо оживить ди­алог по различным аспектам справедливого и эффективного использования ГСО. Важно также в полной мере осознать, что духовное подвижничествои стремление к справедливости реали­зуемы только на основе бережного обращения с реальными фактамии обстоятельствами.     Теперь о нашем видении темы «космического мусора»в каче­стве потенциального пункта повестки дня Юридического подко­митета. В этом году эта проблема была центральным элементом многих выступлений представителей государств. Доминирую­щим было, как представляется, конструктивное стремление обсудить пути и средства перехода к нормотворчествув этой сложной и чувствительной сфере.   3.Анализируя перспективы международно-правового регули­рования техногенного засорения космоса, мы, конечно же, не предлагаем абстрагироваться от сложности рассматриваемых вопросов, обойти фазу детального изучения технических аспек­тов проблемы, которое как раз и позволило бы свести в единую систему все явления, связанные с «космическим мусором». Пренебрежение этим обстоятельствомсулит нам всем одно — мы рискуем оказаться в положении, при котором стихийное творческое начало возымеет верх над рациональной схемой; импровизации и сиюминутные помыслы станут важнее общей сообща задуманнойпозитивной работы.   Исходим из понимания, что истина станет общим достояни­ем только в том случае, если мы будем действовать сообща, добросовестно проявляя восприимчивость к точкам зрения друг друга, рассудительно и спокойно анализируя как перспективы долгосрочных решений в этой области, так и возможности среднесрочных компромиссных решений. В целом, в конструктивном направленииидет обсуждение вопроса о созыве новой всемирной конференции по космосу. Благодарю Вас, г-н Председатель.   1.Mr. Chairman, We have no doubt/it is perfectly clear to us/there is no question that/it goes without saying that/the Committee on outer space, given/ provided/with/if the Committee is given/the appropriate authority/ competencies,is needed by/fulfills a need of/the international community. It has a reliable system of values, extensive experience in dialogue, and a long/impressive record of cooperation/interaction,which clearly/obviously/must be fully used/put to use/utilized/made use of/in the peaceful exploration of outer space. It would be useful in many ways/in many respects/to expand/ continue/work on the draft of principles for international cooperation in the field of outer space, in particular since the relevant consolidated working paperis/forms/represents a good basis for finalizing/taking agreed decisions. Then/in that case/we feel, a worse case scenario regarding/a pessimistic outcometo/this agenda item, the assumption/ notion/that dialogue/cannot succeed/is doomed to fail/failure, would be replaced by/give way/yield to/a positive attitude regarding/impetus towards/creative interaction/contacts. The work awaiting us next year/Next year's work/The work forthcoming next year/on the question/issue of the delimitation of air and outer space also clearly requires/calls for greater/increased/ enhanced attention. Here there/are real possibilities/real opportunities /is real potentialfor seeking/finding compromises regarding the methodology/to be considered/for further consideration of this subject. 2.The questionnaire which has been agreed on objects in outer space covers significant/important ideas/concepts,/and encourages/ stimulates/promptsa more/increasingly logical and conceptual/a revitalized logical approach to the problem of delimitation. It is possible that at some stage it may yet/still be possible to reach an understanding among both the supporters and opponents of consideration of issues of delimitation of outer space, and to move to a higher/more sophisticated level of dialogue. This requires above all/first and foremost a joint decision as to precisely which elements of the present paradigm will remain and which require modification/adjustments/ restructuring. New points of reference/structural elements are also needed in work on the subject of the geostationary orbit. Here there is a real need to revive/infuse a new spirit in/revitalize dialogue on various aspects of the fair and effective use of the GSO. It is also important to fully recognize/be fully aware that/noble/good/positive intentions/ constructive involvement/work for the common good and the desire to see justice done are possible only given/through a careful treatment of existing facts/realities and circumstances. Now we turn to our view of the subject of "space debris" as a possible agenda item of the Legal Subcommittee. This year that problem was a major subject/key element in many statements by representatives of states. The dominant theme/what predominated was,/as we see it, a constructive desire to discuss the ways and means for/to bring about/a transition to the setting of standards/normsin this complex and sensitive field/area. 3.In/while analyzing the prospects for international-legal regulation of man-made/technologically generated littering of outer space, we of course/naturally/are not proposing/intending to ignore the complexity of the issues under consideration or to avoid/circumvent/sidestep the stage of a detailed study of the technical aspects of the problem, which in fact has made it possible to consolidate in/bring together in/a single system all of the factors/phenomena linked/connected to "space debris." Ignoring this aspect/this facet/factor can only mean/ lead to/result in/one thing for all of us — we risk finding/are likely to find/ourselves in a situation in which a random/spontaneous creative approach prevails over rational planning/thinking/patterns, in which improvisation/flights of fancy and considerations of expediency/ short-term considerations/become more important than our shared/ collectively planned positive/constructive project/work. We believe/take as our starting point/that truth will become our shared legacy/will be shared by all of us only if we all act together/in concert, conscientiously displaying/demonstrating sensitivity towards each other's points of view, thoughtfully/and calmly analyzing both the prospects for long-term decisions in this field and the possibilities/opportunities for medium term compromise solutions. On the whole/generally speaking, the discussion of the question of convening a new global/world conference on outer space is moving in a constructive direction/taking place in a constructive atmosphere/ manner/spirit/tone. A constructive atmosphere/tone is prevailing/ dominating in/characterizing the discussion of the question of convening a new global/world conference on outer space. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


Section 2. Phrasal Verbs


1. Will it do if I come at six? 2. I'm quite done up after that fuss. 3. He must do away with smoking (smoking must be done away with) if he wants to find favour in her eyes. 4. I advise you not to have anything to do with that mean person. 5. Can you do without a smoke for an hour or two? 6. I must confess they have done me many a good turn. 7. I want to have my room done up this spring. 8. We were told he did his bit in organizing that ama­teur performance. 9. Mary will have to do for her niece and nephew while her sister is in hospital. 10. Mr. White is done for due to his unruly sons. 11. I'm sure this new medicine will do him good. 12. If you want to do up your face, go to the powder room, please.   1. Will it be convenient if I come at six? 2. I'm sick and tired after that fuss. 3. He must give up smoking if he wants to find favour in her eyes. 4. I advise you not to have anything in common with that mean person. 5. Can you manage without a smoke for an hour or two? 6. I must confess they treated me generously. 7. I want to have my room whitewashed and papered this spring. 8. We were told he took his share in organizing that amateur performance. 9. Mary will have to look after her niece and nephew while her sister is in hospital. 10. Mr. White /5 ruined due to his unruly sons. 11. I'm sure this new medicine will have good effect on his health. 12. If you want to make up your face, go to the powder room, please.



1. He always runs after his elders. 2. Our conversation ran on our immediate needs. 3. We must run over our parts, to be on the safe side. 4. Let's run up the camp flag, first of all. 5. She ran on so that nobody could utter a word. 6. The water is running out of the old tank. 7. They ran through all their money in a few months. 8. He was run over by a passing car. 9. Hearing their mother's steps on the stairs the children ran away from the pantry. 10. The mad bull ran at his victim in the village street. 11. The man was run in just when he was going to leave his house. 12. Let's run up these figures.   1. He always seeks the society of his elders. 2. Our conversation dealt with our immediate needs. 3. We must rehearse our parts, to be on the safe side. 4. Let's hoist the camp flag, first of all. 5 She talked so rapidly and incessantly that nobody could utter a word. 6. The water is leaking out of the old tank. 7. They have wasted all their money in a few months. 8. He was killed by a passing car. 9. Hearing their mother's steps on the stairs the children fled from the pantry. 10. The mad bull attacked his victim in the village street. 11. The man was taken into custody just when he was going to leave his house. 12. Let's add up these figures.


Section 3. Typical Drill

Brain teaser. Read the passage below, and then answer the question at the end.


1.One day a man went into a clothes shop and asked for a T-shirt.

The assistant showed him several, and finally he said, "I think I'll have this one. How much is it?"

"That one is £8," said the assistant, and the man gave her a £20 note.

The assistant didn't have enough change, so she went to the butcher's shop next door to see if he could change the note for her. The butcher gave her a £10 note, a £5 note and five £1 coins for the £20 note, and she went back to her shop and gave the man his change. He left the shop with the change and the T-shirt.

Ten minutes later, the butcher ran into the shop waving the £20 note.

"Look," he said angrily, "this note is a forgery. Give me my money back!"

The assistant looked carefully at the note, agreed, and gave him back his £20. What did the clothes shop lose?


2.In a certain African village there live 800 women. Three per cent of them are wearing one earring. Of the other 97 per cent, half are wearing two earrings, half are wearing none. How many earrings altogether are being worn by the women?


3. Can you solve the following problem?

A logician once arrived at a small town. He decided to have his hair cut but the town only had two barbers, each with his own shop. The logician glanced into one shop and saw that it was extremely untidy. The barber needed a shave, his clothes were unkempt, his hair was badly cut. The other shop was extremely neat. The barber was freshly shaven and spotlessly dressed, his hair was neatly cut. The logician returned to the first shop for his haircut. Can you explain why?

Section 4. Have Your Say


Is Google Making Us Stupid?

Nicholas Car’s new book is The Shallows: How the internet is changing the way we think, read and remember. Here's how Nicholas describes his reading now: “My mind now expects to take in information the way the Net distributes it: in a swiftly moving stream of particles.

Once I was a scuba diver in the sea of words.

Now I zip along the surface like a guy on a Jet Ski.”

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