Технологическая карта по английскому языку — КиберПедия 

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Технологическая карта по английскому языку

2017-09-27 169
Технологическая карта по английскому языку 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Используемые учебники:

1. Frances Eales, Steve Oakes “Speakout” /upper intermediate/, Student’s Book, Pearson, 2012 2. Frances Eales, Steve Oakes “Speakout” /upper intermediate/, Workbook, Pearson, 2012 3. Paul Emerson “Business Grammar Builder”, Maсmillan Unit I I. Устная тема:“A personality profile: in what way each person would be a good match for you to enjoy meeting socially”. II.Грамматика: Direct and Indirect questions, Present Tenses, Present Perfect and Past Simple. a) “Speakout” p.128,1.1, 1.2 b) “Business Grammar Builder” p.10-14, p18-21 III. Ролевые ситуации: 1. You booked a flight ticket online, but you entered the wrong date for the return flight by mistake. Phone the customer service and try to change the booking. To prepare, make notes in two or three enquiries you will make and predict what the customer service person might say. (ex.6A p.15) 2. You work at the front desk of a hotel and handle reservations. A customer calls to check a booking and possibly upgrade to a better room. When the customer calls make sure you: - What the customer ‘s name is - don’t find the booking immediately…only after a delay. 3. Role-play a phone conversation between a tourist information officer and a customer (use ex.5A p.18)   IV. VOCABULARY: UNIT I (Student’s book) 1.1 1. to buddy up –подружиться 2. steep – крутой, чрезмерный, непомерно высокий 3. to spot – 1.замеать 2.пятнать, пачкать 4. to get on with - ладить 5. presumably [prɪ'zjuːməblɪ]- предположительно, возможно, вероятно, по-видимому 6. choosy – разборчивый 7. a lodger - жилец, квартирант, съёмщик 8. a people person - a person who enjoys or is particularly good at interacting with others 9. to be particular about -обращать особое внимание на 10. to pull one’s weight around the house – сделать свою часть работы 11. down-to-earth – разумный, практичный 12. a decent salary – приличная, достойная заработная плата 13. night gigs – ночные мероприятия, концерты 14. to be a good laugh – уметь от души посмеяться 15. to get into –to enjoy (a topic or activity) 16. to be divorced with- быть в разводе с 17. to keep myself to myself- to be introverted 18. gigs - выступление, концерт (особенно рок-концерт или концерт джазовой музыки); мероприятие 19. to be a good laugh – someone who is fun to be with 20. a computer geek - придурок, человек со странностями. Так часто называют людей, зациклившихся на каком-то профессиональном предмете, например "a computer geek". Cейчас его значение как бы и не ругательное, но раньше это слово имело оттенок сугубо негативный, будучи синонимом таких замечательных терминов как creep и weirdo (странная, отталкивающая, мерзкая личность) 21. tight-fisted - скаредный, скупой 22. handy – доступно, близко 1.2 23. to feel obliged - чувствовать себя обязанным кому-л 24. to show smb round- показывать 25. embarrassing –стеснительный, смущающий 26. brain dead – very stupid (in a very rude manner) 27. straightaway[ˌstreɪtə'weɪ] – прямо сейчас 28. from the outset – с самого начала 29. anxious['æŋ(k)ʃəs] - озабоченный, беспокоящийся 30. to relieve - ослаблять, уменьшать, облегчать 31. to get annoyed –раздражаться 32. to get frustrated - расстроиться to tread on one’s toes- наступать на пальцах 33. mundane – 1. земной, мирской, светский; 2. обычный, приземлённый; 3.космический 34. to totter - идти неверной, дрожащей походкой, ковылять 35. loathing – отвращение 36. a bonnet – капот 37. to tap into – вторгаться 38. recurring - периодический, повторяющийся, частый, рекуррентный 39. frustrated - расстроенный, недовольны, отчаявшийся, удручённый 40. awkward - неудобный; затруднительный, неловкий 41. embarrassed - смущённый; сконфуженный 42. similar- подобный, похожий 43. disappointed - разочарованный 44. generous -щедрый 45. exhausted - истощённый, изнурённый; измученный; обессиленный 46. anxious['æŋ(k)ʃəs] - озабоченный, беспокоящийся 47. to hesitate - колебаться; сомневаться, не решаться 48. to feel awkward - чувствовать себя неловко/неудобно/не по себе 1.3 49. a level test – тест на определение уровня 50. to appreciate - оценивать, (высоко) ценить; быть признательным, благодарным 51. provisionally – временно, предварительно 52. a course fee – плата за обучение 53. to refund the deposit – возмещать депозитный вклад 54. a trainee solicitor стажер-адвокат 55. to be on one’s best behavior - behave well when being observed 56. ridiculously - смешно, смехотворно, нелепо, абсурдно   1.4 57. off the hook – выпутавшийся из неприятной ситуации 58. I’m sort of new to the game – Я, типа, новичок 59. other than that- за исключением этого 60. Housing Officer - комендант 61. аn inhaler - ингалятор 62. a gap year – академический отпуск 63. incoming – заезд, прибытие, приход   V. Pattern-topic Written by a first-year student Nikonova Julia, 2013-2014 “A personality profile: in what way each person would be a good match for you to enjoy meeting socially” I consider that all people are very different, each person is unique. We should be able to get on with everyone, but it's very difficult. And I'm sure that everyone has ever imagined one's ideal of a person with whom one would enjoy meeting socially. So, how do I imagine such person? Firstly, this person has to be sociable because I dislike introverts. The silence is embarrassing for me because I don 't get used to keep myself to myself. Definitely, the person who wants to be a true friend of mine is to be kindhearted, sympathetic and helpful. If I get frustrated, my mate would encourage and help me and we get into discussing our problems. Then, we should have much in common. On the one hand, this person should be a good laugh, like me, so that I won't feel awkward when I'm with my mate. But on the other hand, I like down-to-earth and ordinary people because it's very hard to get along with self-confident people. Finally, I want to be particular about the background of my ideal friend because I try to avoid stupid or brain dead people. No doubt, the person must be smart and clever. Also, I appreciate such traits of character as loyalty, tolerance, self-reliance, mobility and generosity. To sum up, I can say that I'd like an absolutely pleasant person to meet socially. I suppose that this kind of mate would be like me and become a good friend. VI. Writing task.Написать сочинение ““A personality profile: in what way each person would be a good match for you to enjoy meeting socially” (200-220 слов), используя лексику Unit 1. VII. Grammar test I VIII. Workbook Unit I p4 - 8 IX. Внеаудиторное чтение Task 1. Рекомендации по выполнению заданий по внеаудиторному чтению. 1.Объем – не менее 5 000 печатных знаков (2 -3 страницы) аутентичного текста. 2.Выбранный текст необходимо перевести на русский литературный язык. Правильность перевода будет оцениваться преподавателем в ходе личной беседы с каждым студентом. 3. Необходимо составить глоссарий по тексту /объем не менее 40-50 новых слов с переводом, cлова выучить). 4.Написать summary текста (объем 100-120 слов). 4. Рекомендуемый источник для выбора текста: Steven Rosefielde “Comparative Economic System”, Chapter “Great Powers” p.81 -173 (Книга находится в читальном зале Института Экономики и менеджмента) Summary-pattern This extract is from "........."by.......... This text deals with the subject of macroeconomics. It is stated that macroeconomics is concerned with the behaviour of the economy as a whole. This includes such factors as booms and recessions, total output of goods and services, rates of inflation, unemployment, the balance of payments and exchange rates. To put it shorter, macroeconomics deals with the major economic issues and problems of the day. The author of this extract focuses on the issues called manageable, i.e. those essentials lying in the interactions among goods, labour, assets markets on the one hand and, in the interactions among national economics whose residents trade with each other, on the other. It is emphasized in the text that in macroeconomics we deal firstly, with the market for goods as a whole, secondly, with the labour market as a whole, thirdly, with the assets markets as a whole. In conclusion, it should be pointed out that the result of abstraction is increased understanding of the vital interactions among the goods, labour, and assets market. And we may come to the conclusion that omitted details sometimes matter. Phrases for summary
1. The article (paper, book, etc.) deals with…. 1. Эта статья (работа, книга и т.д.) касается….
2. As the title implies the article describes…. 2. Согласно названию, в статье описывается…
3. It is specially noted… 3. Особенно отмечается…
4. A mention should be made… 4. Следует упомянуть…
5. it is spoken in detail… 5. Подробно описывается…
6. …are noted 6. Упоминаются…
7. it is reported… 7. Сообщается…
8. The text gives valuable information on… 8. Текст дает ценную информацию….
9. Much attention is given to…. 9. Большое внимание уделяется…
10. The article is of great help to … 10. Эта статья окажет большую помощь…
11. The article is of interest to… 11. Эта статья представляет интерес для…


Unit 2

I. Устная тема: “ Surveillance society: pros and cons”

II. Грамматика: Present Perfect Simple and Continuous

-“Speakout” p.128, 1.2, p.130, 2.1

- “Business Grammar Builder”, p22-26

III. Ролевые ситуации:

1. You belong to one of four groups (the police, the local residents, parents, teenagers). Make a list of your reasons for and against the police plans to install the security cameras.


2. Roleplay “The happiness formula” p.28 - 29

IV. VOCABULARY: UNIT 2 (Student’s book)

V. 2.1

1. relief – облегчение

2. silly - глупый

3. surrounding -окружение

4. charity/ to do charity – благотворительность

5. to raise money- собирать деньги

6. vulnerable- уязвимый

7. fundraising campaign – кампания по сбору средств

8. ordinary people -обычные люди

9. to host -принимать

10. to attract attention to – привлекать внимание к

11. a telethon - телемарафон

12. to feature celebrities – показывать знаменитостей

13. to transmit - передавать

14. to inspire - вдохновлять

15. a bucket - ведро

16. to bring out - выявлять

17. to collect money – собирать деньги

18. eye-opening - поразительный

19. jelly - желе

20. to take a break - делать перерыв

21. generous - щедрый

22. to be in a good mood – быть в хорошем расположении духа

23. to hoot - громко кричать; гикать, улюлюкать

24. to sponsor - субсидировать, финансировать, спонсировать (концерт, телепередачу и т. п.)

25. unaccustomed - необычный, непривычный

26. to look worn out/exhausted – выглядеть усталым

27. donations - пожертвования

28. pub quizs – конкурсы и викторины,проводимые в пабах

29. pollution - загрязнение

30. poverty - бедность

31. drought [draʊt] - засуха

32. famine [ fæmɪn] - голод

33. drunkenness abuse

34. drug abuse– злоупотребление наркотиками, токсикомания

35. divorce - развод

36. domestic violence – домашнее насилие

37. obesity - ожирение

38. homeless - бездомный

39. ethical - этичный

40. rural - деревенский, сельский

41. urban - городской

42. flood - наводнение

43. earthquake - землятресение

44. forest fire – лесной пожар

45. landslide – обвал, оползень

46. tornado – [ tɔː'neɪdəu] - смерч, торнадо, шквал

47. tsunami [tsu'nɑːmɪ] - цунами

48. volcanic eruption – извержение вулкана

49. to decrease уменьшать

50. to increase- увеличивать


51. to record - записывать

52. to permit - разрешать

53. to appeal - призывать

54. to launch a project - начинать проект

55. awareness - информированность, осведомлённость

56. disaster - беда, бедствие, несчастье

57. to suspect - подозревать

58. a desert ['dezət] - пустыня

59. phone cameras - фотоаппарат мобильного (сотового) телефона

60. speed cameras - камера по определению скорости

61. street level cameras – камеры наружного наблюдения

62. microchip ['maɪkrə(u)ʧɪp] – микрочип

63. number plate - номерной знак (на автомобиле)

64. recognition - узнавание; знак узнавания, приветствие

65. surveillance technology [sɜː'veɪlən(t)s] - техника наблюдения

66. an invasion of privacy - вторжение в личную жизнь

67. evidence - основание; знак, признак, симптом; факты, данные

68. law-abiding citizens – законопослушные граждане

69. deterrent [dɪ'ter(ə)nt] – средство устрашения, сдерживающее средство

70. to be accountable for -отвечать за свои действия, отвечать за свои поступки

71. to monitor – смотреть, наблюдать

72. to log information - записывать информацию

73. to hand over -передавать

74. to keep track of somebody - следить

75. surge - подъём, рост; всплеск

76. security system - система безопасности, система защиты

77. CCTV cameras - видеодатчик с зарядовой связью

78. spot check - выборочная проверка

79. landline phones - стационарные телефоны

80. theft - воровство, кража

81. a thief/thieves – вор/воры

82. to fine - штрафовать

83. disturbing - беспокоящий, волнующий

84. illegal- незаконный

85. justifiable -извинительный, заслуживающий оправдания; позволительный

86. inevitable[ɪ'nevɪtəbl ]- неизбежный, неминуемый, неотвратимый

87. inoffensive - безвредный, безобидный, безопасный

88. sensible - благоразумный, здравомыслящий; здравый

89. outrageous- возмутительный; оскорбительный; вопиющий

90. surveillance - наблюдение (за подозреваемым в чём-л), надзор

91. to be clogged up- быть забитым (о дороге)


VI. V. Grammar test

VI. Pattern Dialogue /Unit 2

The situation: the police is going to install town-wide surveillance, the representative of the local residents meet s with the police representative in order to discuss merits and demerits (advantages and disadvantages) of these plans.

PR - police representative, LRR - local residents representative

PR: Good morning, thank you for coming.

LRR: Good morning, no problem, it’s our main concern.

PR: In brief, there has been dramatic increase in crime recently, so we decided to install the following security measures. CCTV cameras are to cover the whole town and speed cameras and number plate recognition are to be installed on all main roads. We strongly believe that these systems will help to reduce the number of car accidents and will contribute to improving the situation with crime in general.

LRR: May I cut in here? Some of our residents express their great concern about being watched every minute of the day. They consider this an invasion of privacy.

PR: Oh, come on. This is being done for your safety sake, not for the sake of monitoring your lives. Law-abiding citizens have nothing to worry about, besides, this surveillance technology will act as a deterrent to crime in our town.

LRR: OK, I see your point. These facilities might help to monitor and log information about potential criminals, keep track of them and in this way prevent more serious crimes. Moreover, it will help us to make people drive more carefully.

PR: All right, let’s move on further. We suggest monitoring social network websites in order to deter spreading illegal information such as terroristic propaganda, pornography, drugs and violence and the sites for teenagers are to be under special control.

LRR: We quite agree with you, that goes without saying. Our children must be protected f from this very dangerous information.

PR: Right, and one more item to be discussed. We suggest monitoring mobile and landline telephone calls.

LRR: We totally disagree with this. This is definitely violation of human rights and if you do this, we will file a lawsuit against you and will definitely win.

PR: All right, I take your point, but perhaps we’d better consider this item more carefully. So, to sum it up, in general you support our measures.

LLR: I suppose so, except the last one.

PR: Thank you.

VII. Pattern topic“ Surveillance society: pros and cons”


We are already living in a surveillance society.

• Video cameras are watching us everywhere – in buildings, shopping streets, roads and

residential areas. Automatic systems can now recognize number plates (and increasingly


• Electronic tags make sure those on probation do not break their release conditions, and

people arrested by police have samples of their DNA taken and kept whether they are

guilty or not. ‘Criminal tendencies’ are identified earlier and earlier in life.

• We are constantly asked to prove our identity, for benefits, healthcare, and so on. The

government now plans to introduce a new system of biometric ID cards, including

‘biometrics’ (fingerprints and iris scans) linked to a massive database of personal


• When we travel abroad, who we are, where we go and what we carry with us is checked

and monitored and the details stored. Our passports are changing: computer chips carry

information, and like ID cards, there are proposals for biometric passports.

• Many schools use smart cards and even biometrics to monitor where children are, what

they eat or the books they borrow from the library.

• Our spending habits are analyzed by software, and the data sold to all kinds of businesses.

When we call service centres or apply for loans, insurance or mortgages, how quickly we

are served and what we are offered depends on what we spend, where we live and who we


• Our telephones, e-mails and internet use can be tapped and screened for key words and

phrases by British and American intelligence services.

• Our work is more and more closely monitored for performance and productivity, and even

our attitudes and lifestyle outside work are increasingly scrutinized by the organizations

that employ us.

The surveillance society has come about almost without us realizing.

It is the sum total of many different technological changes, many policy decisions, and many social developments. Some of it is essential for providing the services we need: health, benefits,

education. Some of it is more questionable. Some of it may be unjustified, intrusive and oppressive.

People may have many different opinions. But in fact most people know very little about the

surveillance society: it is seen as the stuff of science fiction, not everyday life. So there has been

very little public debate about surveillance. The surveillance industry is already massive and

(especially since 9/11) is growing much faster than other industries, covering a massive range of goods and services from military equipment through high street CCTV to smart cards. The surveillance society has come about often slowly, subtly and by the unforeseen combination of many small paths into one bigger road. It is a road whose direction we urgently need to discuss and debate.

VIII. Supplementary reading

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