Exacerbation of duodenal ulcers is known to occur in spring and autumn. 2. Renal and splenic infarctions are likely to occur in endocarditis. — КиберПедия 

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Exacerbation of duodenal ulcers is known to occur in spring and autumn. 2. Renal and splenic infarctions are likely to occur in endocarditis.

2017-09-27 785
Exacerbation of duodenal ulcers is known to occur in spring and autumn. 2. Renal and splenic infarctions are likely to occur in endocarditis. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Brain cortex stimuli are considered to send impulses to the stomach and duodenum.

XIII. Finish the sentences according to Text A:

The corticovisceral theory of the pathogenesis of ulcer was a further development of- 2. Male patients at the ages of 25 to 40 are known to suffer from ulcers more- 3. At the onset of the disease the patients with ulcer complain of pain which is- 4. According to corticovisceral theory it has been proved that gastric and duodenal ulcers are due to- 5. It is known that an irregular diet as well as emotional overstrain may- 6. In young patients the course of ulcer may have no- 7. The Russian scientists consider that the lesions of the central and peripheral nervous systems lead to-

XIV. Answer the following questions:

What does salt consist of? 2. How much gastric juice is secreted in the stomach within 24 hours? 3. What substances do milk products contain?

How many hours may the movement of food in the intestines of a healthy person last?

XV. 1. Read Text B. 2. Name the factors contributing to the development of gastritis. 3. Say about what symptoms of gastritis you have learned from the text.

Text B. Chronic Gastritis

The term “chronic gastritis” must be limited to those cases in which evidences of inflammation or catarrhal changes in the stomach are clear.

Chronic gastritis is known to occur as a separate or primary disease or it may be associated with other diseases, particularly chronic liver and kidney disease. In these diseases chronic impairment of the mucous membrane of the stomach is an important factor in causing the catarrhal condition.

The most important causes of chronic gastritis proved to be alcohol, inadequate food and a bad diet regimen.

The characteristic clinical manifestations of gastritis are an increased secretion of mucus and a diminished secretion of acid and pepsin. In severe forms of gastritis secretion is observed to be completely reduced and even absent due to the lesion of the mucus membrane.

The most frequent symptoms of chronic gastritis are loss of appetite, slight pain and general epigastric discomfort after meals. In severe cases nausea and vomiting of mucus, particularly in the morning, are often observed. Frequently the stomach becomes moderately enlarged.

The course of the disease is chronic and the symptoms are continuous. They may become worse from time to time if a sick person does not follow the diet regimen strictly.



I. Прочтите следующие слова. Переведите их:

cancer ['kfnsə], carcinoma [,kasi'nəυmə], aetiology [,i:ti'ɒləei], tumour ['tju:mə], epigastric [,epi'gfstrik], anaemia [ə'ni:miə].

II. Выучите следующие слова: malignant [mə'lignənt] а злокачественный

hot [hɒt] а горячий, жаркий suggest [sə'eest] v наводить на мысль, предполагать; предлагать support [sə'pɔ:t] n поддерживать, подкреплять (доводы) hereditary [hi'reditəri] а наследственный node [nəυd] n узел; нарост, утолщение digestion [di'eestʃən] n пищеварение; усвоение (пищи) bleeding ['bli:diŋ] n кровотечение remain [ri'mein] v оставаться empty ['empti] а пустой

III. Следующие слова и словосочетания распределите по колонкам:

Angina pectoris, perspiration, murmur, intermittent fever, benign and malignant tumours, occlusion, dullness, crepitation, fatigue, ulcer, haemorrhage, epigastric pain, carcinoma, loss of appetite and weight, pleurisy, anaemia, fibrillation, vomiting, nausea.

IV. Напишите слова, близкие по значению:

Disturbance; 2) to radiate; 3) to result in; 4) a damage; 5) continuous; 6) influence; 7) fever; 8) constant; 9) mild; 10) acute; 11) internal; 12) adequate; 13) onset; 14) to diminish; 15) ache; 16) to rise; 17) to involve; 18) carcinoma; 19) to nourish; 20) state; 21) bleeding; 22) to extend.

V. Напишите слова противоположного значения:

Gradually; 2) to increase; 3) to diminish; 4) mild; 5) internal; 6) to be due to; 7) to follow; 8) onset; 9) base; 10) to accomplish; 11) to be admitted; 12) adult; 13) to decrease; 14) to disappear; 15) to divide; 16) dry; 17) exertion; 18) to rise; 19) to improve; 20) physical; 21) cold; 22) benign; 23) to leave; 24) to doubt.

VI*. Найдите и переведите предложения со сложным дополнением и предложения со сложным подлежащим:

Academician A.N. Bakulev is considered to be the founder of a new branch of surgery - cardiosurgery. 2. The cardiologist expected the patient to undergo the heart operation if the therapeutic measures proved to be ineffective. 3. Hypothermia is known to be employed in cardiosurgery to enable the surgeon to correct small congenital or developed heart defects. 4. The evidence of gastric ulcer seemed to be confirmed by nausea and vomiting, though such a sign as intermittent fever was not characteristic of the disease.

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