To perform, to get, to treat, to enter, to die, to study. — КиберПедия 

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Типы сооружений для обработки осадков: Септиками называются сооружения, в которых одновременно происходят осветление сточной жидкости...

To perform, to get, to treat, to enter, to die, to study.

2017-09-27 445
To perform, to get, to treat, to enter, to die, to study. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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VII. А. В следующих предложениях обратите внимание на глаголсказуемое, его образование и время совершения действия. Ответьте на вопросы:

I am writing an article now. Я пишу статью сейчас. The teacher is examining Учитель экзаменуетстудента a student at this moment. (в этот момент). They are reading at present. Они читают сейчас (в настоящий

момент) .

Как и когда происходит действие, выраженное сказуемым? Как называется такое время? 2. Дайте формулу Continuous Tense и назовите в ней изменяемую часть. 3. Можно ли образовать Past и Future Continuous исходя из этой формулы?

Б. Прочтите следующие предложения и ответьте на вопрос:

They are not carrying out Они не проводят опыт сейчас.

An experiment now.

Is he preparing Latin at present? Готовит ли он латынь сейчас?

No, he is not (isn̓t). Нет.

Как образуются: а) отрицательная форма; б) вопросительная форма; в) краткий ответ?

VIII*. Поставьте изменяемую часть сказуемого в соответствующей форме (письменно):

1. What (to be) you doing now? I (to be) preparing for my credit test in Physics. 2. Yesterday from 2 till 6 o̓clock we (to be) working at our scientific laboratory. 3. When I was at my sister̓s at 4 p.m. yesterday she (to be) learning Latin. 4. Tomorrow at 5 p.m. I (to be) preparing a lecture.

IX. Напишите общий и специальные вопросы к следующему предложению:

They were taking the examination at 10 o̓clock yesterday.

X. Выучите следующие словосочетания, обращая внимание на предлоги:

To happen to, devoted to, to fight for, to fight against, to be going to, to listen to, first of all, to be true to smb (smth), to do harm to smb.

XI. 1. Прочтите текст G. Найдите в нем предложения, содержащие Continuous Tense, повелительное наклонение, и переведите эти предложения. 2. Опишите Бориса. 3. Выучите слова клятвы врача. 4. Выпишите английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

как тебе посчастливилось-?; произносить речь; не вредить (своим) больным; бывшие студенты.

Text G. The Oath of Future Doctors

O.: Hallo! Where are you going from, Boris? В.: Hallo, Oleg! I am returning home from the Institute. O.: Why so late? В.: I was at the meeting. O.: What meeting? В.: The meeting was held1 to mark the graduation from the Institute of

Our sixth-year students. O.: And how did you happen to be there? В.: I was invited (меня пригласили) to attend the meeting. O.: Tell me, please, was there anything interesting at the meeting? В.: First of all I must say that it was a very solemn (торжественная)

Ceremony. Our former sixth-year students, now young specialists,

Looked very happy and excited. O.: Who made a speech? B.: The rector did. While he was making his speech everybody was

Listening to him with great attention. You know, our rector is a brilliant speaker. I shall always remember the words of the professional oath which the young specialists were repeating after the rector.

O.: What is the essence (сущность) of this oath?

В.: The young specialists promised (обещали) to give all their strength, knowledge and abilities to people who need their help. They promised to devote all their life to the protection of people̓s health, to the fight against diseases, not to do any harm to their patients. They promised to be true to their profession.

O.: Really, it is a great oath.

B.: Then one of the former sixth-year students handed over our Institute banner (знамя) to a first-year student. When he was doing that I felt great excitement. Now I understand still better all the responsibility which I am going to take after my graduation, that great responsibility which my future work of a doctor will require.




XII. Form the nouns and translate them: a) from the verbs by the suffix -ment: to achieve, to treat, to appoint, to require, to excite; b) from the adjectives by the suffix -(i)ty: human, able, active, possible, responsible, real, formal, rapid.

XIII. Substitute the words of close meaning for the words in bold type:

He was nervous. 2. They came back in time. 3. When I was reading my sister was preparing her lessons. 4. We received a letter yesterday. 5. They appointed the time of their meeting. 6. We are grown-ups and understand well our responsibility for the health of people.

XIV. Translate the participles. Give the corresponding infinitives:

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