ПО ПРИЧИНЕ- for the reason of, because of — КиберПедия 

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ПО ПРИЧИНЕ- for the reason of, because of

2017-09-27 188
ПО ПРИЧИНЕ- for the reason of, because of 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Студент не смог сдавать экзамены по причине болезни.

The student could not sit for the examinations because of his illness.

У меня бессоница по причине аллергии. 1 have insomnia be­cause of my allergy.

See also ввиду.

з.б.52. ПО СЛУЧАЮ - on the occasion of

у Киры собрались гости по случаю её дня рождения. Кira had some guests at her place on the occasion of her Ьirthday.

з.б.S3. ПО ЧАСТИ - in the line of, in respect of, as far as... is concerned

По части образования наш штат впереди других штатов. ~s far as education is concerned оцг state is ahead of the other states.

З.б.54. ПРИ ПОСРЕДСТВЕ - Ьу the means of, through, thanks to

«Он всё старался воду в баню провести при посредстве архимедова винта, как в книжке вычитал, да не сумел­(Шишков). 11Не kept on trying to supply water to the bathhouse Ьу the means of the Archimedean screw, that he learnt about in the book, but could not ецссеео" (Shishkov).

Они действовали при посредстве общественности. They acted through the community.

See also посредством, с помощью (при помощи).

3.6.55. СО СТОРОНЫ - on the part of

Со стороны студентов возражений не было. There were no objection on the part of the students.

3.6.56. С ПОМОЩЬЮ (ПРИ ПОМОЩИ) - with the help of

С помощью своего брата Кира сдала экзамены. Kira passed her examinations with the help of her brother.

Туристы преодолели пороги горной реки при помощи резиновой лодки. The bush-walkers were аЫе to clear the rapids of the mountain stream with the help of а rubber boat.

See also посредством, при посредстве, путём.

3.6.57. С ТЕЧЕНИЕМ - in the course of

С течением времени дети выросли и разъехались из Родного дома. ln the course of time the children grew up and moved away from home.

N. Ryan


С ЦЕЛЬЮ -with the aim of

Неприятель подходил к нашей границе с целью захвата новых территорий. The enemy gathered near our border intending to take new territory.

Студенты собрались с целью обсуждения экзаменов. The students gathered intending to discuss their examinations.

В ЗАВИСИМОСТИ ОТ - depending on

Студенты смогут перейти на второй курс в зависимости от результатов экзаменов. The students would enroll into their зес­ond year depending on their examination results.

В ОТЛИЧИЕ ОТ - unlike

В отличие от других студентов Кира играла на пианино.

Unlike other students, Кira played piano.

В отличие от других островов наш остров - большой и красивый. Unlike other islands, our island is large and beautiful.

В СТОРОНУОТ- awayfrom

Мальчик отошёл в сторону от других детей. А Ьоу walked away from the other children.

Чтобы дойти до театра, нужно идти в сторону от школы.

То reach the theatre, one should proceed away from the school.

исходя из этого пре~положения мы решили изменить наWУ программу. Ргосеесшо from this assumption we decided to change our program.

7 2 НАЧИНАЯ С - starting with


начиная с марта Ки_ра стала ходить на все лекции. Starting

m March Kira was attend1ng all lectures. fro

начиная с понедельника мы решили каждое утро читать

газету. Starting from Monday we decided to read the newspaper every morning.

з.1.з. НЕ СЧИТАЯ - not counting

не считая Олега в классе было десять мальчиков. There were ten boys in the class not counting Oleg.

не считая одного неудачного экзамена Олег окончил гад хорошо. Not counting one unsuccessful examination, Oleg finished the year rather well.

NB: ln some cases the primary preposition became а prefix and it is written as one word, as for example: ввиду* - in view, where as, вследствие* - owing to, on account of, in consequence of, наподобие - like, not unlike.

Genitive case prepositional constructions with complex verbal prepositions

Complex verbal prepositions consist of а gerund and а primary preposition, the verb determines the meaning of this complex preposi­tion.

ИСХОДЯ ИЗ - proceeding from

Кира так поступила исходя из своих возможностей. Кira did that within the limits of her possiЬilities.

N. Ryan




1. о,.егов С.И. Словарь русского языка. - М.: Русский язык, 1977

2. тихонов д.Н. Словообразовательный словарь русского языка; В 2 т. - М.: Русский язык, 1985.

з. Словарь синонимов русского языка /Под.ред. А.П. Евгеньевой:

В 2 т. - Л., 1971.

4. Русская грамматика / Под. ред. Н.Ю. Шведовой: В 2 т. _ м.

Наука, 1980.

5. Словарь русского языка / Под. ред. А.П. Евгеньевой: В 4 т. _

М.: Гос. изд-во иностранных и национальных словарей, 1957.

6. Кайдалова А. И., Калинина И. К. Современная русская орфография. - М.: Высшая школа, 1983.

d Ct·1on ··· ···· · · · · ·· · ··· · · ·· ·· · ·· ······· ···· ·····

t,tro u....... 4

"'hapter 1. Genitive case formation.

1.- 1_1. мasculine nouns in ~he genitive case singular ·..::.·.·.·.::.'.'.'.:;

1 1 1 The -а/-я end1ng.

.. 7

· 1.1.1. 1. Zero-endlng nouns and those ending i~ ·~й· ~~· ~·~·.. ·". Masculine nouns with stressed о, е, Ei in the final 7

syllaЫe of th~ ~tem 7

1.1.1.З. lrregula~ gen1t1ve case 8

1 1 2 The -и/-ы end1ng............................ 9

1 · 1 ·з· The -у/-ю ending:::::: 9

1: 1:4: ldiomatic expressi~ns and set-phrases...:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::·, 1

1.2. Feminine gender nouns 1n the genitive case singular 13

1.2.1. The endings and -и. Regular feminine gender nouns 13

1.2.2. lrregular feminine nouns 14

1.з. Neuter gender nouns in the genitive case singutar 14

1.з.1. The endings -а, -я and -ени 14

1.з.1.1. Nouns with а stem ending in а hard consonant 14

1.з.1.2. Nouns with the stem ending in ц, ч or щ 15

1.з.2. The ten neuter gender nouns which end in -мя in nominative

singular 15

1.4. The genitive plural of nouns 16

1.4.1. Masculine nouns in the genitive case plural 16 The ending -ов 16 The -ов/-ев/-ёв genitive case endings 16

1.4.1.З. The -ей genitive case ending 17 Dropping the singular ending 17 Dropping the singular ending -ин 18 Retention of the nominative singular form as the

genitive plural form 19

1.4.2. Feminine gender nouns in the genitive plural 20 Dropping the singular ending 20 The -ей genitive case ending of feminine gender

Nouns 20 Dropped ending -а or -я and the insertion of а

'fleeting vowel' 21 The ending -ий 22

1.4.3. Neuter gender nouns in the genitive case plural 23 Zero-endlng in the genitive plural 23 Dropping of -е/-о ending and the insertion of the

'fleeting vowel' е 23 The -ев genitive case ending 24

N. Ryan

RUSSIAN GEN/ТIVE: ITS FORMS AND USAGE The -ий genitive case ending. Neuter gender nouns that end in -м~·i·~·n·······:····:········· 24

. om1nat1ve


1.4.4. Nouns that have по singular form......... · · · · · · · · ·.. ·..... ·... 24

. 2 Zero-end1ng............................. ·.. ·.. 5 The endings -ов and -ев 25

............. 2

1 4 4 3 Th d. -............ 5

.... е en 1ng -еи................................ · · ·.. ·

········· 26

1.4.5. Adjectival nouns.................................

1.5. The genitive case of adjectives and participles 26

· · ························ 27

1.5.1. AdJect1ves............................ 27 Hard stem in singular........ 27 Soft stem in singular 27 Exceptions in singular::::::::::::::::::· 28 Plural............................. · 28

1.5.1.~. _Exceptions in plural::::::: 29

1.5.2. Part1c1ples 29

1.6. The genitive case of numerals 3О

1.7. The genitive case of pronouns 33

1. 7.1. Personal pronouns 33

1.7.2. lnterrogative pronouns 34

1.7.3. lndicative pronouns 34

1.7.4. Personal reflexive pronouns 35

1.7.5. Personal possessive pronouns 35

1.7.6. Attributive pronouns 36

Chapter 2. Grammatical functions of the genitive case.

Uses of genitive case without prepositions 37

2.1. Adnominal genitive 37

2.1.1. Ownership/possession 37

2.1.2. Relationship 38 Attributes of quality or property 38 Object of regret 39 The whole and the part 39

2.1.3. Comparison 39

2.1.4. An agent/object of action 39 The agent of action 39 The object of action 40

2 1 5 Measure and quantl·ty 40

... ·····································. The exact quantity 40 lndefinite quantity 41 Genitive plural after words denoting collective

notions 42

2.1.6. The partitive genitive 42

2.1.7. The nouns following adjectives and participles 42

2.1.8. Genitive.c.ase of time...... 43

2 2 Adverb1al gen1t1ve......................... · · · · · ·...

·. ····························· 43

2 2 1. ObJ·ect of а verb..

.. ·············· 43

2.2.2. Nouns used in impersonal constructions ~it·h·~~~·~·~~~b~.

and adverbs.

2.2.3. Nouns used with transitive verь~::::::::·.:·.:·.:::·························· 44

2 2 4.The genitive case of negation ·························· 44

.. ·············· 45 (а) lmpersonal constructions ··················

························· 45 (Ь) l~perso~al co~structions with unspecified ·~·bj~~t·:: 46 (с) Dtrect.obJect w1th negation 46 (d) Negat1ve verbal adverbs or participles 47 (е) Stressed absolute negation 47 (f) Set phrases with negation 47 (g) Direct object is an abstract noun or pronoun

это - this/that/it 47

2.2.5. The verbs which govern the genitive case 48

Chapter 3. Grammatical functions of the genitive case.

Prepositional genitive case 5о

з 1 lntroduction................................................... 50

.. ····························

3.1.1. Simple primary prepositions 50

3.1.2. DouЫe primary prepositions 51

3.1.3. Simple adverЬial prepositions 51

3.1.4. Simple nominal prepositions 53

3.1.5. Simple verbal prepositions 53

3.2. Complex prepositions 53

3.2.1. Complex adverЬial prepositions

(an adverb + primary preposition) 54

3.2.2. Complex nominal prepositions (а primary preposition +

а noun in oЫique case) 54

3.2.3. Complex nominal prepositions consisting of а primary preposition + а noun in oЫique case + а primary

preposition 57

3.2.4. Complex verbal prepositions 57

3.2.5. Prepositions followed exclusively Ьу the genitive case 57

3.3. Examples of prepositional constructions 59

3.3.1. БЕЗ - without 59

3.3.2. БЛИЗ/ВБЛИЗИ - near, close Ьу, close to 60

3.3.3. ВВИДУ - in view of, as, since 60

3.3.4. вдоль - along 61

3.3.5. ВЗАМЕН - instead of, in place of 61

3.3.6. ВМЕСТО - instead of, in р\асе of 61

3 3 7 ВНЕ - ошвше out of 62

... ' ·····································

3.3.8. ВНИЗУ - at the foot of, at the bottom of 62

N. Ryan


11 О

3.3.9. ВНУТРИ - inside, within (indicates location) 62

3.3.1 О. ВНУТРЬ - in (to), inside (indicates direction) 63

3.3.11. ВОЗЛЕ - Ьу, near, close Ьу 64

3.3.12. ВОКРУГ - around, round 64

3.3.13. ВПЕРЕДИ - in front от, ahead, before 65

3.3.14. ВРОДЕ - like, not unlike, such as 65

3.3.15. ВСЛЕДСТВИЕ - owing to, on account of,

in consequence of 65

3.3.16. ДЛЯ - for 66

3.3.17. ДО - as far as, till, up to, until, before 66

3.3.18. ИЗ - from, от, out of 67

3.3.19. КАСАТЕЛЬНО - touching, concerning 68

3.3.20. КРОМЕ - except, besides 69

3.3.21 МЕЖДУ/МЕЖ - among, between 69

3.3.22. МИМО - Ьу, past 70

3.3.23. НАВЕРХУ - above, on the top of 71

3.3.24. НАКАНУНЕ - on the eve of, shortly before 71

3.3.25. НАПОДОБИЕ - like, not unlike 71

3.3.26. НАПРОТИВ - opposite 72

3.3.27. НАСЧЁТ - as regards, concerning, about, of 72

3.3.28. НИЖЕ - lower· than, shorter than 72

3.3.29. ОКОЛО - about, агоцпп, Ьу, near, close to 73

3.3.30.ОТ - from 73

3.3.31. ОТНОСИТЕЛЬНО - concerning, relative to, about 76

3.3.32. ПОВЕРХ - over the тор, on top of 77

3.3.33. ПОДЛЕ - beside 77

3.3.34. ПОЗАДИ - behind 77

3.3.35. ПОМИМО - besides, apart from, without 78

3.3.36. ПОПЕРЁК - across 78

3.3.37. ПОРЯДКА - of the order of 79

3.3.38. ПОСЛЕ - after, since 79

3.3.39. ПОСРЕДИ - in the middle of 80

3.3.40. ПОСРЕДСТВОМ - Ьу means of, Ьу the use of 80

3.3.41. ПРЕЖДЕ- before 81

3.3.42. ПРОТИВ - against, opposite 81

3.3.43. ПУТЁМ - Ьу means of 82

3.3.44. РАДИ - for the вакэ of 83

3.3.45. С - from, off 83

3.3.46. СБОКУ - from one side, on one side 85

3.3.47. СВЕРХ - over, besides, above, beyond 86

3.3.48. С8ЫШЕ - over, more than, beyond 85

3.3.49. СЗАДИ - behind 86

3.3.50. СНИЗУ - from below 87

3.3.51. СРЕДИ (СРЕДЬ) - among, in the midst of, amongst 87

3.3.52. ТИПА - kind of, like, similar to 88

N. Ryan

3 3 53 у - at, Ьу, near.

· ·. 88

З.4. Genitive case prepositional constructions with douЫe.

prepositioпs ·.. ·.. · ·.. · ·.. · · · · · · · · · ·... 89

3.4.1. ИЗ-ЗА - from агоцпс, from behi~d:·ь·~~~~~·~·~f:·~~i~~·t·~·:::: 89

3.4.2. ИЗ-ПОД - from under 90

3.4.3. Special uses of.d.ouЫe preposit~ons 90

з.б. Genitive case ргерозйюпа! сопэшюпопв with complex adverЬial

Prepositions · · · · ·.............. 91

3.5.1. ВБЛИЗИ ОТ - close to::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 91

3.5.2. 8ДАЛЕКЕ ОТ - far from, in а distance 91

3.5.3. ВДАЛИ ОТ - far from 92

3.5.4. ВПРЕДЬ ДО - until ····· ·················· 92

3.5.5. ВПЛОТЬ ДО - right up to 92

3.5.6. НАИСКОСЬ ОТ - oЫiquely/crosswise from 92

3.5.7. НЕ8ДАЛЕКЕ ОТ - not far from 92

3.5.8. НЕЗАВИСИМО ОТ - irrespective of 92

3.6. Genitive case prepositional constructions with complex nominal

preposItIons 93

3.6.1. БЕЗ ПОМОЩИ - without help of 93

3.6.2. БЕЗ СОПРО8OЖДЕНИЯ - without attendance of 93

3.6.3. 8 АДРЕС - in address of 94

3.6.4. 8 8ИДЕ - as, in а form of 94

3.6.5. 80 8РЕМЯ - during, in the time of 94

3.6.6. 80 8СЕОРУЖИИ - in full capacity of, fully armed with 95

3.6.7. 8ГЛУБЬ - into the depths of, into the heart of 95

3.6.8. 8 ДЕЛЕ - for the cause of, for the business of,

in the matter of 95

3.6.9. 8 ДУХЕ - in the spirit of 95

3.6.1 О. 8 ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ - in conclusion 95

3.6.11. 8 ЗНАК - as а sign of, as а token of 95

3.6.12. 80 ИЗБЕЖАНИЕ - in avoidance of 95

3.6.13. 80 ИМЯ - in the mane of, for the sake of 96

3.6.14. 8 ИНТЕРЕСАХ - in the interest of 96

3.6.15. 8 КАЧЕСТ8Е - in character /capacity of 96

3.6.16. 8 КОЛИЧЕСТ8Е - in the number of, in the quantity of 96

3.6.17. 8 КРУГУ - in the circle of, in the company of 96

3.6.18. 8 ЛИЦЕ - in the person of 97

3.6.19. 8 МЕРУ - to the extent of, in accordance with 97

3.6.20. 8 НАПРА8ЛЕНИИ - in the direction 97

3.6.21. 8 НАЧАЛЕ - at the beginning of 97

3.6.22. 8 ОБЛАСТИ - in the field of, in the area of 97

3.6.23. 8 ОБРАЗ Е - in the person/image of 97

3.6.24. 8 ОТНОШЕНИИ - in respect of 98

3.6.25. 8 ПОЛЬЗУ - in favour of, for the benefit of 98

3.6.26. 8 ПОРЯДКЕ - in order of, as а matter of 98


3.6.27. в ПРОДОЛЖЕНИЕ - during, for, in the course of 98

3.6.28. в РАМКАХ - within the framework of 98

3.6.29. в РЕЗУЛЬТАТЕ - as а result of 98

3.6.30. В СВЕТЕ - in the light of · · 99

3.6.31. в СИЛУ - Ьу virtue of, owing to, Ьу force of 99

3.6.32. в СЛУЧА Е - in the case of 99

3.6.33. в СМЫСЛЕ - in the sense of, in the meaning of 99

3.6.34. в ТЕЧЕНИЕ - during, for а period от, all through 99

3.6.35. в ХОДЕ - during, in the course of 100

3.6.36. в ЦЕЛЯХ - for the purpose of 100

3.6.37. в ЧЕСТЬ - in honour of 100

3.6.38. ЗА ИСКЛЮЧЕНИЕМ - with the exception of 100

3.6.39. ЗА СЧЁТ - at the expense of 101

3.6.40. НА ВЕРХУ - above, on the top of 101

3.6.41. НА ДЕЛО - for the cause of, for the purpose of 101

3.6.42. НА ПРЕДМЕТ - for 101

3.6.43. НА ПРОТЯЖЕН И И - for the duration of 101

3.6.44. НА ПУТИ - on the way to 101

3.6.45. НА СЛУЧАЙ - against the eventuality of, in case of 102

3.6.46. НА ФОНЕ - against the background of 102

3.6.47. ПОД ВИДОМ - on the pretext of 102

3.6.48. ПО ЛИНИИ - along the line of, in the field of 102

3.6.49. ПО МЕРЕ - as 102

3.6.50. ПО ПОВОДУ - witt1 regard to 102

3.6.51. ПО ПРИЧИНЕ - for the reason of, because of 102

3.6.52. ПО СЛУЧАЮ - on the occasion of 103

3.6.53. ПО ЧАСТИ - in the line of, in respect of, as far as.

is concerned 103

3.6.54. ПРИ ПОСРЕДСТВЕ - Ьу the means of, through,

thanks to 103

3.6.55. СО СТОРОНЫ - on the part of 103

3.6.56. С ПОМОЩЬЮ (ПРИ ПОМОЩИ) -witt1 the help of 103

3.6.57. С ТЕЧЕНИЕМ - in the course of 103

3.6.58. С ЦЕЛЬЮ - with the aim of 104

3.6.59. В ЗАВИСИМОСТИ ОТ - depending on 104

3.6.60. В ОТЛИЧИЕ ОТ- unlike 104

3.6.61. В СТОРОНУ ОТ- u.way from 104

3.7. Genitive case prepositional constructions with complex verbal

prepositions 104

3.7.1. ИСХОДЯ ИЗ- proceeding from 104

3.7.2. НАЧИНАЯ С - starting with 105

3.7.3. НЕ СЧИТАЯ - not counting 105

BiЫiography....................... 106

........................................... ··············

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