V. Study the vocabulary to read and understand the text better. Prepare for a discussion. — КиберПедия 

Папиллярные узоры пальцев рук - маркер спортивных способностей: дерматоглифические признаки формируются на 3-5 месяце беременности, не изменяются в течение жизни...

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V. Study the vocabulary to read and understand the text better. Prepare for a discussion.

2017-09-26 230
V. Study the vocabulary to read and understand the text better. Prepare for a discussion. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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smart — нарядный

disguise — переодеваться

pagan — языческий

tambourine — бубен

carol — рождественский гимн

bear — носить

amateur — любитель, любительский, бел. аматар

forefathers — предки

barley [´bα:lı] — ячмень

immortality — бессмертие

fair — ярмарка

VI. Combine the words with the help of the preposition of:

1. groups 2. many countries 3. the masks 4. a sort 5. a symbol 6. eternity 7. the name 8. holiday 9. to get rid a. everything bad b. Christ’s birth place c. life d.«Kalyady» e. Goats and Bears f. immortality g. the world h. porridge i. merry young boys and girls

VII. Give the three forms of the following verbs:

to spoil, to come, to begin, to call, to hold, can, to treat, to bear, to disguise.

VIII. These words can be used both as verbs and nouns. Make up youe own sentences to show the difference in their usage:

work, visit, purpose, feature, treat.

IX. Write the derivatives of the following words:

Verb Noun Adjective

X. Read the text consulting the dictionary:

"Kalyady" Has Come!

"Kalyady"! If you want to feel the real joy of life you should come to Belarus when "Kalyady" is being celebrated. Catholics celebrate it from December the 25th to January the 6th when the sun turns its gaze towards spring and the days begin to become longer. As for Orthodox Christians and the old calendar, the mysterious time of the year continues from the 7th until the 19th of January.

People say that “Kalyady” is God's holiday. In Russia, all days and nights from Christmas until Christening are called “svyatki”. This includes all holidays and celebrations during the period when everyone enjoys himself and has a jolly time.

Work when you work, play when you play! During “Kalyady”, groups of merry young boys and girls in fancy dresses go from house to house in Belarusian villages and towns. “Kalyady” celebrations have ancient, pagan traditions. In many countries of the world, people have carnivals and masquerades to see the New Year in. Such festivities are also held in Belarus.

Each person within the groups of young people who take part in the “Kalyady” celebrations has some role according to his character and temperament. One of them bears the star, the others sing songs dedicated to “Kalyady”. Amateur musicians play an accordion or beat a tambourine. Amateur actors wear the masks of Goats, Bears, Storks, Horses, Gypsies, and Old Men in performances. The host and the hostess usually give generous gifts to the guests to thank them for the well-wishing, congratulations, and the singing and playing.

“Kalyady” is the time when three ritual suppers are prepared in every Belarusian home. The suppers are called “Kalyadnaya Kuttzya”. Our forefathers believed that “Kuttzya” (a sort of porridge, “kasha”, made from barley) was a sacred food, which could save and protect people's lives. So “Kuttzya” was a symbol of immortality and the eternity of life.

On "Kalyady", Belarusians like to visit each other, to celebrate weddings, to arrange fairs. It was at the fairs in the old days when strolling players and puppeteers gave their performances. Small puppet theatres called “Batleika” were popular in Belarus. They featured stories from the Bible about Christ and his birth. The word “Batleika” originated from the word “Bethlehem” – the name of Christ's birthplace. So we can say that our theatre began from “Kalyady”.

The main purpose of “Kalyady” is to get rid of everything that is bad, ill, and dirty in one's life and to begin a new life cycle, living with joy and optimism.


XI. Give the Russian equivalents to the following words and phrases:

1. to feel the real joy of life;

2. the sun turns its gaze towards spring;

3. the mysterious time of the year;

4. Work when you work, play when you play!

5. to have ancient, pagan traditions;

6. according to his character and temperament;

7. to give generous gifts to the guests;

8. to be a sacred food;

9. a symbol of immortality and the eternity of life;

10. strolling players and puppeteers;

11. to featured stories from the Bible;

12. to originate from …;

13. to get rid of …

XII. Questions for discussion:

1. When do people celebrate «Kalyady» in Belarus?

2. How do people celebrate «Kalyady»?

3. How long do «Svyatki» last?

4. What masks do amateur actors wear during the holiday?

5. What traditional dishes are cooked during «Kalyady»?

6. What is the origin of the small puppet theatres in Belarus?

7. What is the main purpose of «Kalyady»?


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