VII. Study the vocabulary notes before reading “A true story”. — КиберПедия 

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VII. Study the vocabulary notes before reading “A true story”.

2017-09-26 265
VII. Study the vocabulary notes before reading “A true story”. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
Заказать работу

support staff – зд. подчиненные

to take directions – принимать указания, распоряжения; подчиняться

counterpart – коллега; должностное лицо, занимающее аналогичный пост в другом отделе (организации)

incredibly – невероятно

xenophobia [ zenə´fəυbıə]– ксенофобия; ненависть к иностранцам

to give smb a dressing-down – задать кому-либо хорошую головомойку (выговор, нагоняй, взбучку)

coarse – грубый

mannerisms – манеры

insubordination – непокорность, неподчинение, непослушание

overhear (overheard, overheard) – подслушать

swatter – хлопушка для мух

interpersonal skills – навыки межличностного общения

to implement – осуществить, применить

to pay off – окупаться, приносить плоды

tough – жесткий

sensitive – чувствительный

abusive – оскорбительный, жестокий, негуманный

a violent atmosphere – атмосфера насилия

conducive – благоприятный

to pry in – вмешиваться, совать нос в чужие дела

to go out to – испытывать нежные чувства, симпатию (my heart goes out to her – я люблю ее всем сердцем)


VIII. Read the text. Get ready to comment on it.

A True Story

When I started working a few years ago, I realized that a few members of the support staff would not take directions from me. I am the only female professional at my work place. They would take directions from my male counterparts but never from me. It was incredibly difficult time for me. There was one particular person who especially was very rude and very coarse in her mannerisms. I attributed it partly to xenophobia and partly to a very patriarchal upbringing where men took decisions.

One afternoon I had a particularly difficult time and I lost it and of course gave her a dressing down. The following weekend my husband and I had gone to spend time with his old friend from Bombay. They had organized a dinner party and we met a lot of other couples. One of the guests, who is a successful doctor, did her residency in New York. She happens to be from Bombay as well. We started talking and I happened to mention this episode to her. She said that such insubordination happened to her when she was doing her residency. She was new in the country and that time the nurses and other staff would never listen to her and would make her life very difficult. She gave me advice on how to deal with the situation if it happens again.

My husband overheard her advice and told me that I “could kill more flies with honey than a swatter”. Kate also told me to treat it like a lesson in interpersonal skills. Anyway, I decided to implement Kate’s advice and started being extremely polite yet firm with this person. Every time she was rude, I would find humour and tell her off without getting ego into the picture. Kate’s advice paid off and I have learnt how to deal with people in different situations.

Gradually I got to know the person and realized that what I considered rude or impolite was normal conversation to her. She didn’t know anything better. I also found that appearances are deceptive and the tough girl is in fact very sensitive. As I got to know her I found that she was in an abusive marriage. What really shocked me was her inability to walk out of it. She has children but I don’t think a violent atmosphere is conducive for a child’s development. I haven’t really understood why she cannot leave the guy. Of course it is none of my business therefore I never pry in her personal life. This afternoon, however I saw an extremely vulnerable side to her personality and my heart goes out to her. Beyond that rough exterior lies an extremely vulnerable person whom life has been hard to. Life is never easy on anyone so one has to accept challenges and take decisions to the best of one’s abilities. Also one must learn from one’s past mistakes and move ahead. In this case I do hope that God gives her the strength to take some tough decisions to change her life.

IX. Answer the questions for discussion:

1. Do you always avoid dealing with rude people? Why?

2. Is it true that a woman should be twice or even three times better than a man to climb a professional ladder successfully?

3. What kind of advice did Kate give to the narrator?

4. Why did the narrator’s husband say that she “could kill more flies with honey than a swatter”?

5. How can interpersonal skills help you in relations with your group mates, fellow students, teachers, parents?

6. What is wrong in getting your ego into the picture?

7. Have you ever been sorry for making a wrong judgment from the first sight?


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