Read the text about marketing and promotion and decide how much they are important for success in business. — КиберПедия 

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Read the text about marketing and promotion and decide how much they are important for success in business.

2017-09-30 573
Read the text about marketing and promotion and decide how much they are important for success in business. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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When a company starts to sell goods in a new market, they often do some market research to see if the project is feasible. They research (inves­tigate) the market potential to see if they will make money by selling in the new market (i.e. to see if the product is viable ).

One way to assess the market potential is to take a stand toa Trade Fair where companies can exhibit samples of their products and see what response they get from prospective customers. The Trade Fair is an exhibition of goods, and a company exhibits a sample of its product at its stand. This is also a form of publicity (or advertising ) and the company representative will probably hand out brochures to advertise (or promote)the product further. Often journalists (the press) write about the Trade Fair and sometimes com­panies hold a press conference if they want to promote a particular model or range. (Each different type of a car, a bike etc. is a model. All the dif­ferent models made by a company make up its range. The full range of goods is normally displayed in the company's catalogue. The catalogue is a booklet or a brochure).

Another way of promoting (or publicizing ) a new product is to place advertisements in magazines or newspapers. Advertisements are also called adverts or ads for short. A plan to do a lot of advertising of one product is called a campaign. Starting an advertising campaign on a new product is known as launching the product.

The aim of publicity/promotion is to interest customers, clients (or buy­ers) in the product. Initially customers/clients might make inquiries about the product. When they decide to buy, they place an order. At a Trade Fair companies are trying to win (obtain) as many orders as possible. However, before a client places an order he wants to know many things: how long delivery takes, whether the company can supply spare parts, what the after sales service is like. (All the individual parts in a model are called compo­nents. If one of the components breaks the customer will want a spare part. If the product is complicated,skilled workers might be needed to fit spare parts or to service or maintain the machinery. Any maintenance or servicing the company does after it has sold the product is called after sales service).


research (study) – исследование

to research (investigate) – исследовать

feasible – выполнимый, осуществимый

viable – жизнеспособный

to assess – оценить

stand – стенд

Trade Fair – торговая ярмарка

to exhibit – выставлять

exhibition – выставка

sample – образец

response – реакция, ответ

prospective – перспективный, потенциальный

advertising (publicity) – реклама

to advertise (to promote) – рекламировать (содействовать продвижению товара)

range – ассортимент

to publicize – рекламировать

advertisement (advert, ad) – реклама, рекламное объявление

campaign – кампания (рекламная)

to launch – запускать

inquiries – запросы

to make inquiries – делать запросы

order – заказ

to place an order – размещать заказ

delivery – доставка

to supply – поставлять

spare parts (spares) – запасные части

after sales service – послепродажное обслуживание

component – деталь

complicated – сложный

to service (to maintain) – обслуживать

servicing (maintenance) - обслуживание

Exercise 1: Choose the right answer.

1. Before starting to sell its product, a company often

a) makes inquiries b) places an order c) does some market research


2. The Trade Fair is____________.

a) market research b) an exhibition of goods c) after sales service


3. All different models made by a company make up its ______.

a) catalogue b) brochure c) range


4. A plan to do a lot of advertising of one product is called ______.

a) campaign b) press c) publicity


5. If one of the components of the machinery breaks, the customer will want________.

a) an order b) a spare part c) a catalogue

Exercise 2: Next to the sentences below write a word or a phrase from the text which you can use instead of the word or words in italics.

1. The market research is often done to see if it is possible to launch a product/project.

2. A Trade Fair is a show where you can exhibit samples of your products.

3. The full set of goods is normally displayed in the company's catalogue.

4. Customers may ask questions about the products advertised.

5. If the product is difficult, skilled workers will fit spare parts.

6. It is very important for customers whether the company will give them spare parts.

7. When a company services the machinery after it has sold the prod­uct, it provides after sales service.


Exercise 3: In the text find the synonyms to the following words and phrases.

+ to begin to sell goods 4 to investigate 4 to show samples 4 future customers

+ to organize a press conference

+ to publicize

+ publicity

+ buyers, clients

+ service


Exercise 4: Translate into English an extract of a marketing specialist's report which was given at a marketing conference. Say if you agree with his statements.

Исследования рынка очень важны, так как они показывают, является ли данный проект осуществимым и жизнеспособным. Запуск товаров на рынок необходимо начинать вместе с рекламной кампанией. Рекламная кампания должна быть продуманной, так как от нее зависит, будут ли покупатели делать запросы о рекламируемой продукции.

Итак, для широкой рекламы товаров компаниям необходимо принимать участие в торговых ярмарках, где на стендах покупатели увидят образцы товаров. Часто на таких выставках представители компаний раздают потенциальным клиентам брошюры о своей продукции. Весь ассортимент товаров компании покупатели могут увидеть в каталоге компании тоже на выставке. После таких выставок или ярмарок целесообразно было бы дать пресс-конференцию. Журналисты напишут о рекламной кампании в газетах и журналах, а это – очень эффективная реклама для любой продукции.

Но самая лучшая реклама любого продукта – это его качество и то обслуживание, которое компания предоставляет своим клиентам. Сделайте сроки доставки вашей продукции минимальными, обеспечьте запасные части и послепродажное обслуживание, и вас ждет успех.


Text 2: Now read a newspaper article about the Rover car company which is launching a new model and is advertising it through the newspaper.


The Rover car company yesterday confirmed a 1400 million investment in a new luxury model and the creation of 1,000 new jobs.

The new car, code-named R40, will be built at Cowley near Oxford, thus securing the plant's long-term future.

Production at Cowley, currently at 55,000 vehicles a year, could double thanks to the new model, which will go on sale in spring, 1999.

The manufacturing of the new model — to replace the Rover 600 and 800 cars — will also lead to a further 5,000 new jobs in the component supply industry.

The public will get the first glimpse of the new car when it makes its debut at the Birmingham Motor Show in October.

No decision has yet been reached on a name for the new car, to be built on a new manufacturing facilities at Cowley which will include a new paint plant and vehicle assembly hall.

Rover Group chairman Walter Hasselkus said the car: "represents the modern face of Rover and the excellence of British design".

(From "Press and Journal", May 21, 1998)


to confirm – подтверждать

luxury – роскошь

creation – создание

vehicle – транспортное средство

to go on sale – поступить в продажу

to lead to – приводить к

facilities – оборудование, приспособление, аппаратура

assembly – сборка собирать

Exercise 5: Now read two newspaper ads and do the exercises after them.


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