What are the requirements for international students? — КиберПедия 

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What are the requirements for international students?

2017-09-30 824
What are the requirements for international students? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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A first degree is required to study at postgraduate level. Your performance in previous schooling is also very important to your application profile. The specific entry requirements for each course of study are listed on the individual course webpages.

In addition to the general admission requirements, international students must submit:

✓ a transcript of university courses and grades, translated into English;

✓ results of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) or Test of English as a Foreign language (TOEFL), unless you have received an English-medium education for at least one year. Applicants must have a minimum IELTS score of 6.5 or a TOEFL score of 580. The pass level may differ according to your study topic.

How much are tuition fees for international students studying in the UK?

The average cost per year of study in the UK for international students is around an average of £11,000 per year in tuition fees. However, some fees can be £8,000 to £9,000 a year or up to £30,000 a year.

Find further details on the UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA) website.

What sources of funding are available in the UK for international students?

Ø Chevening Scholarships – the UK government’s global scholarship programme. The scheme awards to outstanding scholars with leadership potential from around the globe to study postgraduate courses at UK universities.

Ø Scholarships for international students who want to study in Scotland.

It is also worth contacting the national branch of the British Council to see if there are other forms of help.

(b) Look at this email from Katie, who is applying to study at Wanstow University. Use some of the words in bold type to fill the table:

Hi Charlene,

At last I’ve filled in my application form and sent it off. It took ages. As well as all my personal details, they wanted the names of two referees, financial guarantees, and I had to attach a personal statement saying why I wanted to go to Wanstow. Anyway, the deadline is next Friday, then the website said they’d take about six weeks to process the application after they acknowledge it, then I might be called for an interview. By that time the references have to be in. The tuition fees are pretty high, but I can get a student loan if I am accepted.

Love, Katie.

1) a printed list of questions that you answer in order to try to get a job, borrow money, get a place at university etc
2) to say that you have received it
3) a person who knows you and who is willing to describe and, usually, praise you, to support your application
4) a statement from someone who knows you that gives information about you
5) formal acceptance of financial responsibility and ability to pay (e.g. a proof of a bank account)

(c) Use the information from the text and the table to complete the statements:

1. The university wants ________________________________ to make sure that the student is making accurate claims about him/herself on the application form.

2. The university wants ________________________________ to make sure that the student will be able to pay the tuition fees.

3. The university wants ________________________________ to gain an impression of what kind of person the student is and how motivated he/she is with respect to the course being applied for.

4. The university wants ________________________________ to make sure that the student has an appropriate academic background for the course applied for.

5. The university wants ________________________________ to make sure that the student’s level of English is good enough to cope with English-medium instruction.

(d) Number the actions to show the order in which they usually happen for a prospective student:

… wait for the application to be processed

… find an appropriate course

… attend an interview

… attach a personal statement to the form

… decide on what career they would like to do

… be offered a place

… be called for an interview

… ask referees if it is all right to put their names on the application form

… check that they fulfil the necessary entry requirements

… fill in an application form

(e) Complete the missing words in this email. The first letter of each words is given to help you:

Hi Miles,

I’d love a c_______________________ as an international lawyer and I believe I can get in to Wanstow Univeristy to do a p_______________________ course in law there. I’ve filled in all the necessary forms and just hope that my academic p_______________________ will be good enough for them. I think I fulfil all their e_______________________ r_______________________ but who knows! It took me ages to get the t_______________________ of my college g_______________________, etc translated but I managed to get everything in by the d_______________________. So now I just have to wait to see if they c_______________________ me for an interview or not. Fingers crossed!



An Academic Course Description

23. (a) Read this extract from an Oxford University’s web page [14]. What skills do students master while taking this course?

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