The greatest architectural monuments — КиберПедия 

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Организация стока поверхностных вод: Наибольшее количество влаги на земном шаре испаряется с поверхности морей и океанов (88‰)...

The greatest architectural monuments

2017-09-30 347
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· The Temple of Amon at Luxor was erectedin 14 century BC. It was a customized/ customary (1) sanctuary. Its hall was connected with the Sphinx avenues, or Ways of God. The Ram-headed sphinxes related/associated (2) with Amon symbolized generative/generated (3) power.

· The Great Sphinx at Giza in Egypt is a huge figure of a mythical being/hero (4), half-lion with a humane/human (5) head, about 56 meters long, carved out of rock near the Pyramids on the bank of the Nile.


· The Coliseum is an amphitheatre for games and gladiatorial contests/conquest (6) built in Rome by the Emperor Vespasian (69-79 AD) and finished by his son Domitian. The great part of it is still/steel (7) there and it is one of the largest buildings in the world.


· The Great Wall of China must be the most astonishing work of construction in all history. Itis a fortified/empowered (8) wall with parapet along its entirely/entire (9) length, and with turrets 13 and 16 meters tall in intervals of about 200 meters. The Wall is amazingly long-over 2400 km. It was constructed largely in the reign/ruling (10) of emperor Huang-Ti (247-210 BC).


· Ka’aba at Mecca is a shrine in the courtyard of the Great Mosque in Saudi Arabia. It includes/contains (11) the Ka’aba stone, a black meteorite which Moslems believe was given to Abraham by the archangel Gabriel.


· The Forum Romanum began as a small meeting place and market in Rome. Over the centuries it expanded/extended (12) until it filled much of the centre/middle (13) of the city and contained triumphal arches, palaces, basilicas and monuments. It lies/lays (14) between the Capitoline and the Palatine Hills.


· A tourist visiting Rome was surprised to find that all the famous sights are sights called after London cinemas.


· An archeologist is the best husband a woman can have; the older she gets, the more interested he is her. A. Christie


1. Выберите подходящее слово из предложенных двух вариантов.


Geography has its origin in the Greek attempt/effort (1) to understand the world in which they found themselves. Once it was released/realized (2) that the earth was round, the next step was to appreciate/estimate (3) its size. This was achieved in the 3rd century BC by Eratosthenes. The classic/classical (4) achievement was summed up by Claudius Ptolemy. His world map was used for centuries.

Geographical knowledge next leaped forward in the age of exploration/investigation (5) that opened with the voyages of Dias and Columbus. The 17th century saw continual/continuous (6) discovery and greatly improved the methods of survey.

The 19th century brought with it the works of F. von Humboldt and Karl Ritter, the formal/former (7) stressing physical and systematic geography, the latter the human and historical aspects of the science.

Modern geography is a group of sciences comprising/consisting (8) biogeography, economic/economical (9) geography, physical geography, political geography, historic/historical (10) geography and applied geography, which embraces the appliance/application (11) of these branches to the solutions/resolution (12) of socioeconomic problems.


2. Выберите подходящее слово из предложенных трех вариантов.


Pangaea is a (1) ___ landmass, made up of all the (2) ___ continents, which is believed to have existed between 300 and 200 million years ago. The rest of the earth was covered by the Panthalassa Ocean.

This (3) ___ supercontinent which under plate tectonic action, split up to form two landmasses – Gondwanaland in the south and Laurasia in the north. In turn, these, too, split up to form our moderncontinents. These then slowly (4) ___ to their present position.

Stratigraphic and fossil (5) ___ suggests that the hypothetical southern hemisphere supercontinent, Gondwanaland, formed after Pangaea’s splitting (6) ___ what is now Antarctica, Australia, India, South America and other smaller units. Later, it (7) ___ broke up into several continents.

Laurasia, the ancient northern hemisphere supercontinent, (8) ___ to have comprised present Europe, North America and North Asia. The (9) ___ of the supercontinent was first (10) ___ by German meteorologist Alfred Wegener in 1912.


  Asole Bsingle Cunified
  Acontemporary Bpresented Cpresent
  Aprimeval Bprime Cprimary
  Adrifted Bdrafted Cdrew
  Adata Bwitness Cevidence
  Acomposed Bcomprised Cconsisted
  Aconsequently Bsubsequently Cconsecutively
  Alikely Bdisappeared Cappeared
  Aexistence Bpresence Cavailability
  Aoffered Bsupposed Cproposed


3. Образуйте соответствующее однокоренное слово.



Aurora borealis (“ northern lights ”) is color (1) light in the night sky near the earth’s magnet (2) poles in the northern hemisphere and aurora austral is correspond (3) in the southernhemisphere. Although auroras are restricted to the pole (4) skies, fluctuations in the sun (5) wind occasionally cause them to be vision (6) at lower latitudes. An aurora is usually seen in the form of a luminosity (7) arch with its apex towards the magnet (8) pole followed by arcs, bands, rays, curtains and coronas, usually green but often showing shades of red, and sometimes yellow or white. Auroras normally occur at high (9) of over 100 km; they are caused by a fast stream of charged part (10) from solar flares and low dense (11) “holes” in the sun’s corona.

Aurora borealis are the result of many complex proceed (12) taking place in the up (13) atmosphere. The know (14) of reactionrates is needed to understand the natural phenomena involved and how these reactions might be disturbed by art (15) emissions.



4. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами из предложенного списка.


ethnic native physical considered separated joins country inhabitants isthmus landbridge projection region subcontinent  

An isthmus is a narrow piece of land that (1) ___ two larger areas of land. A good example is the Karelian Isthmus which is a (2) ___ in the north-west of Russia between the Ladoga and the Gulf of Finland.

A peninsula is a long (3) ___ of land into the water, connected with mainland by an (4) ___. The Iberian peninsula, for example,situated in south-western Europe and (5) ___ from France by the Pyrenees, comprisesSpain and Portugal. The ancient names of this (6) ___ were Hispania and Iberia. The word Iberian can also refer to the ancient Iberia in the Caucasus, or anything pertaining to its culture, (7) ___ or language. It is sometimes used to describe the ancient (8) ___ of Georgia. By the way, Caucasian is used to describe not only a (9) ___ of the Caucasus, but also a member of the Caucasoid (10) ___ division, which is a major human division having certain distinctive (11) ___ characteristics such as skin color varying from very light to brown, and fine hair ranging from straight to wavy and curly. This division is (12) ___ to include groups of people indigenous to or inhabiting Europe, northern Africa, southwesternAsia, and the Indian (13) ___ and persons of this ancestry in other parts of the world. Interestingly, Georgia can refer to one of the American states.

5. Выберите подходящее слово из предложенных двух вариантов.



A common/general (1) mistake in hand-drawn maps is the tendency/

trend (2) to make Europe too large and Africa too small. People from all parts of the world tend/pretend (3) to draw the world this way, includingthe Africans. One of the facts/factors (4) involvedhere is that old maps were drawn with “Mercator projection technology/technique (5) ”, which makes the areas nearer the North Pole including Europe seem abnormally/normally (6) large. Other areas in the middle, such as Africa, seem smaller than in reality/realization (7). However, the Mercator maps also enlarge Greenland and Canada, and people usually do not make mistakes about their dimensions/diameter (8). Thus, a better explanation must lie in people’s ideas about relative/relevant (9) importance of the continents. The size of Europe tends to be exaggerated/deteriorated (10) because of its importance in people’s minds. Similarly/Analogously (11), Africa becomes smaller because people tend to underestimate/overestimate (12) its importance.



6. Выберите подходящее слово из предложенных трех вариантов.



What (1) ___ if someone asks you to draw the map of the world? The results can be (2) ___. Few people have (3) ___ ideas of what the world looks like. You might expect the (4) ___ in the (5) ___ of the countries. After all, this is a task that (6) ___ a certain skill with a pencil and good memory. But many people do not even know the (7) ___ size of the continents. They tend to (8) ___ them or make them smaller according to their point of view. For this (9) ___, the home continent is often drawn too large. A Brazilian, for example, (10) ___ to enlarge the continent South America, while the Vietnamese enlarges Asia.


  A occurs B happens C originates
  A confusing B puzzling C surprising
  A accurate B exact C sharp
  A faults B drawbacks C mistakes
  A position B situation C locations
  A requests B obliges C requires
  A relative B related C relating
  A exaggerate B enlarge C magnify
  A reason B cause C ground
  A tends B inclines C intends



7. Образуйте соответствующее однокоренное слово.

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