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Типы оградительных сооружений в морском порту: По расположению оградительных сооружений в плане различают волноломы, обе оконечности...

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XII. Напишите аннотацию к тексту

2017-09-10 477
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The problem addressed in this research project is one of extreme urgency. It is a long time since we have proclaimed public care for large families without any actual care being provided. In fact, both the children and their parents have often been left to cope with extremely complicated pedagogical, psycological and economic problems unaided.

Of course, the Perm model for providing social aid to large families can neither exhaust all available possibilities nor solve all problems. However, the basic ideas and the objective itself are so urgent that they could serve as the foundation for the development of a Russian version of social work with regard to large families.

The current demographical situation in Russia's major cities (Moscow, Leningrad) dictates that any family with three children can be considered as large. They are entitled to some benefits. However, this inconclusive kind of measures fall short of improving the demographic situation at large. It is a real catastrophy. Last year, the number of deaths exceeded that of births by 187,000 for the first time since WWII.

In the main, the situation comes a result of reckless government policies with regard to the family in general and large families in particular.,

The policies have been much acclaimed, large family mothers being awarded all sorts of orders and medals. However, the idea of a large family have inexorably been going down in public opinion. And it comes as no surprise for every fourth large family is a problem household.

I myself had a full experience of problems facing a large family when, having had my third child, I started working as a social pedagogue with the local social security committee. My colleagues and I had to face a number of practical aspects of helping large families. The problem was how to make it easier for the parents to provide several children with clothing, footwear, food and upbringing.

To answer all these questions, we had to study large families in order to identify their typical features, needs and requirements. It was even more difficult because there are virtually no specialist books available on the subject.


XIII. Подготовьте устное высказывание по теме «Poverty» (10-15 предложений).


В заданиях I – II установите соответствие между английскими и русскими терминами


1) absolute poverty 2) primary poverty 3) subsistence level 4) secondary poverty 5) hot line 6) poverty line a) вторичная бедность b) относительная бедность c) первичная бедность d) прожиточный минимум e) горячая линия f) прожиточный минимум g) абсолютная бедность


1) well-being 2) lack 3) living conditions 4) income 5) applicant 6) needs 7) poor 8) threat 9) scheme 10) subsistence   a) благополучие, благосостояние b) нехватка, недостаток; нужда c) доход d) потребности e) жилищные условия f) угроза g) схема h) бедность, нищета i) заявитель, проситель j) бедный k) существование, жизнь

В заданиях III – V выберите термин, являющийся синонимом подчеркнутому


III hot line 1. poverty line

2. crisis hotline

3. breadline


IV absolute poverty 1. primary poverty

2. relative poverty

3. secondary poverty


V subsistence level 1. level of living

2. breadline

3. poverty line


В заданиях VI – VIII выберите термин, который нужно поставить в предложение

VI … means a lack of the basic requirements to sustain physical life.

1. relative poverty; 2. absolute poverty; 3. secondary poverty.


VII … means poverty by referring to the cultural needs of individuals and families within the context of the rest of society.


1. relative poverty; 2. primary poverty; 3. absolute poverty.


VIII … is a communication system that provides for immediate and direct telephone contact for people having different problems.

1. hot line; 2. poverty line; 3. breadline.




I. Прочитайте и выучите новые термины и терминологические сочетания

abandonment – оставление ребенка
child pl. – children ребенок

adultified children – дети, несущие обязанности, характерные для взрослых людей

exceptional children – «исключительные» дети, т.е. с отклонениями от нормы в ту или иную сторону

gifted child – одаренный ребенок

home alone children – безнадзорные дети

latchkey children – дети, проводящие часть дня без присмотра взрослых

runaway children – дети-беглецы

stolen children – украденные дети

thrownaway children – беспризорные дети

unwanted child – нежеланный ребенок

care – забота, попечение

nursing care – уход за детьми

divorce – развод

hospital – 1. больница; 2. госпиталь; 3. приют

foundling hospital – приют для подкидышей

limitation – ограничения

orphanage – детский дом

parent – родитель

legal custodial parent – родитель, с которым после расторжения брака остаются несовершеннолетние дети

supervision – надзор

youngster – несовершеннолетний


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