Ex.1 Match the words with their translations. — КиберПедия 

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Ex.1 Match the words with their translations.

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Ex.1 Match the words with their translations. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Ex.1 Match the words with their translations.

слово перевод
1.to introduce 2.Black Sea coast 3.a first-year student 4.an appearance 5.a gymnastic 6.to break the arm 7.a mathematician 8.a chief accountant 9.several 10.joint venture a) математик b) поламать руку c) главный бухгалтер d) знакомить e) побережье Черного моря f) гимнастика g) несколько h)студентка первого курса i) внешность j) частный предприниматель


~My name is______________.

~I am ____________years old.

~I live in Donezk respublic.

~I fond of (music, sport, computer games, theatre, cinema, art gallery, foreign languages and so on).

~I finished the school № _________________________.

~The main aim in my life is________________.(family, children, romantic relations, career, well paid profession.

Ex. 3 Text

Hello, friends. Let me firstintroduce myself. My name is Vera. My surname or last name is Voronina. I was born on the13th of October in Sochi, Krasnodarsky Krai. This is the most beautiful city in Russia situated on the Black Sea coast. Now I am a first-yearstudent at the Faculty of Economics of Rostov State University,Now let me describe myappearance. I am tall and slim and have fair hair and blue eyes. My friends say that I am pretty. I love sports and music. I was very serious about a career ingymnastics when I was in the 4th form. But thenI broke my arm and doctors didn't let me to go in for gymnastics. I love to listen to the modern music and dance. I dance a lot and I hope I am good at it. I also love swimming. I always swim in the Black sea when I visit my parents.I would like to tell you about my family. There are five people in our family. My father's name is Mikhail Evgenyevich. He is amathematician by education but works at a bank now. My mother's name is Natalya Yakovlevna. She works as achief accountant at the hotel "Zhemchuzhina". She also has much work about the house after she gets home from work. But my sister and I always help her. Yes, let me introduce my younger sister. She is still a pupil. Her name is Tanya and she is in the fifth form. She is very pretty and a great dancer. We are good friends with my sister. My grandmother, my mother's mother, lives with us. She is very kind and helps us a lot.Our family is very friendly, we have many friends. In summer many relatives come to visit us. And of course they use a chance to spendseveral weeks in beautiful Sochi.In May I have finished school № 5 in Sochi. I did well in all the subjects but my favourite subjects at school were Computer Science and English. I also enjoyed Geography lessons. I am very interested in learning English because I always wanted to become an economist or a manager at somejoint venture. That is why I think it is necessary to know at least one foreign language. Besides, knowledge of foreign languages helps in everyday life.
Ex.4 Complete the sentences. 1. My friends say............................................... 2. I dance a lot and............................................ 3. There are five people..................................... 4. My father's name........................................... 5. She is very pretty........................................... 6. She is very kind............................................. Ex. 5 Put the words in the correct order. 1. ~My, name, or, last,is, surname, Voronina..................................... 2. ~Describe, my, let, appearance, me................................................ 3. ~Sister, my, help, I, her, always, and.............................................. 4. ~Still, is, she, pupil, a...................................................................... 5. ~We, good, are, with, my, friends, sister......................................... 6.~Relatives, come, many, us, to visit................................................

Ex. 1 (Match column 1 and column 2.)

1.I was born on the 13th of October a) in the Black sea when I visit my parents.
2.I am a first-year student b) the modern music and dance.
3.I was very serious about a career in gymnastics c) to spend several weeks in beautiful Sochi.
4.I love to listen to d) in Sochi, Krasnodarsky Krai.
5.I always swim e) you about my family.
6.I would like to tell f) and she is in the fifth form.
7.She also has much work about the house g) when I was in the 4th form.
8.Her name is Tanya h) at the Faculty of Economics of Rostov State University,
9.Our family is very friendly, i) we have many friends
10.And of course they use a chance j) after she gets home from work.


Раздел 1. Вводно- коррективный курс. Я - представитель молодежи

Listen to the dialogue and fill in the missing words.

My Visit Card

- What is your name?

- My name is Alexey Popov

- How old are you?

- I'm sixteen.

- Where do you live?

- I live in Kharzisk.

- Is your family large?

No, it is not. My family consists of four members.


- Do you have a sister or a brother?

I have a younger______She is six

- What are your parents?

- My father is a __, my mother is a____

- Who do you look like?

- I look like my dad. I have:::. hair, straight nose,:::: eyes.

What is your hobby?

I've got many hobbies, but my favourite is ______

- What qualities do you most admire in people?

- I admire tolerancy, _____, generosity.

- What characteristics annoy you most in people?

Selfishness annoys me most in people.

Работа c фразами

1. to get up at 7 o’clock

2. to do morning exercises

3. to have breakfast (dinner, supper)

4. to wash hands and face

5. to clean the teeth

6. to put on (a shirt, a skirt)

7. to read books

8. to watch TV

9. to help mother about the house


Ø Do you get up at 6 o’clock?

Ø Do you like to do morning exercises?

Ø Do you clean your teeth?

Ø When do you do lessons?


Задание 1. Прочитайте и запомните слова и словосочетания к теме:

surname – фамилия
first name – имя
second name – отчество
to be born – родиться
I was born – я родился
to move – переезжать в
avenue – проспект
to enter the university – поступать в университет
to fail at the entrance exams – провалиться на вступительных экзаменах
to serve in the army – служить в армии
last year – в прошлом году
to pass entrance exams – сдать вступительные экзамены
successfully – успешно
correspondence department – заочное отделение
a first-year student – студент первого курса
to do well at the university – хорошо учиться в университете
to try – пытаться
easy – легкий
difficult – трудный
to get married – жениться, выйти замуж
she is 22 years old – ей 22 года
to graduate from a pedagogical university – закончить педагогический университет
chemist – химик
to be fond of – любить
to be single – быть холостым, быть незамужем
to teach – учить, обучать
to be united – быть дружной (о семье)
to prefer – предпочитать
tactful – тактичный
to respect – уважать
grandson – внук
granddaughter – внучка
grandchildren – внуки
pensioner – пенсионер
nephew – племянник
housewife – домашняя хозяйка

Задание 2. Прочитайте и переведите текст, будьте готовы ответить на вопросы:

My Family and Myself

I am Sergeev Anton. Anton is my first name and Sergeev is my surname. I am 24 years old. I was born on April 8, 1978 in Vladimir. In June 1996 I finished the secondary school and wanted to enter Vladimir State University but failed at the entrance exams. I had to work at the plant as a worker. Then I served in the army in Siberia.

When I came back home I decided to become an engineer. Last year I suc­cessfully passed my entrance exams and entered Vladimir State University.

I study at the correspondence department. Now I am a first-year student of the university. I combine work and study and I must say it is not easy but I try to do well at the university.

My family is rather large. There are five persons in it. I have a wife, one child, a father, a mother and a sister. Two years ago I got married. My wife's name is Nina. She is 22 years old. Last year she graduated from the pedagogical university and now she works at school. She teaches history.

My little daughter was born one year ago. She is a nice child. My father is 52. He is a teacher of physics, he works at school number 10. My mother is 2 years younger than my father. She is a chemist. She works at the laboratory of tire plant. I have a sister. She is 26. My sister graduated from Ivanovo medical academy and now she works at the regional hospital. She is single.

Our family is very united. In the evenings and on week-ends when we all are at home we talk about our work and life. We also like to watch TV or just to discuss everyday problems.

All of us like to spend our week-ends out of town. We often go to the vil­lage to see our grandparents. They are old-aged pensioners now and prefer to live in the country. It is very important to have a good family where all people are tactful and respect each other.

Задание 3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Where and when was Anton Sergeev born?

1. When did he finish school?

2. Why did Anton have to work after finishing school?

3. Where did he serve in the Army?

4. What department of Vladimir State University did he enter?

5. Does Anton do well at the University?

6. Is it difficult to combine work and study?

7. How large is Anton's family?

8. Is Anton married? Has he got children?

9. What is his wife?

10. Has Anton brothers or sisters?

11. Do the members of Anton's family often visit their grandparents?

Тема 1.7 Мой друг.


Ex.1. Say what sentences are true or false.

  True False
1. Little Hans lived in his little house without family.    
2. The rich Miller was so devoted to little Hans, that he always brought him some flowers or some fruit when he was passing.    
3. The Miller used to say that felt very proud to have a friend with such noble ideas.    
4.“There is good in my going to see little Hans in winter,” the Miller used to say his Wife.    
5. Miller’s son suggested inviting poor Hans to their house.    
6. Miller didn’t want to make Hans feel bad.    
7. Hans would be glad to see his friend whenever he came.    

Ex.2 Text

MY FRIENDS. FRIENDSHIP Friendship is very great thing. An English proverb says: “A good friend is as the sun in winter”. I think it is a good proverb. A real friend makes your life happier and more interesting. He/she is clear to you and you want your friendship to last for a very long time. You must always think how to keep it, as it difficult to find a new friend. Friends have the same interests; they understand, help, respect and trust each other. As for me I have a friend, too… We like to be together. We often listen to music (go to the cinema, walk about the city, play games, read books) together. We have the same hobby and devote all our free time to it. We speak of all sorts of things. We tell each other our secrets and troubles. Together we decide what to do. It is interesting to discuss our school life, films that we have seen, interesting books, TV programmes, political news, and the results of sport events. I never quarrel with my friends (if we quarrel we try to make peace as soon as possible). We share the same ideas about sports (music, books, films friendship). But of course there are some issues on which we have different opinions. What I like in my friend is that she (he) is always willing to help, to share his knowledge (success, feelings). I like that she (he) is very sensitive, she (he) knows a lot, I can rely on her (him) in any situation. I trust her (him) a lot and she (he) never lets me down.I respect her (him) for her (his) fairness, strong will. She (he) is very kind-hearted, honest, serious, well-bred, modest, and intelligent. It is easy to get along with her (him). She (he) is always full of ideas. She (he) is good at sports, drawing and music. And there is only one thing I don’t like in her (him): she (he) is sometimes hot-tempered. Friendship helps me to feel strong and self-confident.

Ex.3 Questions

Ø What is friendship?_________________________________________________________________ Ø What is it based on?________________________________________________________________ Ø What proverbs and sayings about friendship do you know? Comment on them.__________________ Ø In what way can friendship influence people?_____________________________________________ Ø Does it help you to rid of your drawbacks?_______________________________________________ Ø Describe your friend. What do you have in common? Is hour friendship important for you?_________ Ø Why do we like our friends?___________________________________________________________

Тема 2.1 Досуг подростков.

Ex. 1 How often do you do these activities? Write often (O), sometimes (S), or never (N). § Aerobics________________________________________ § Computer activities________________________________ § Cooking_________________________________________ § Cycling_________________________________________ § Dancing_________________________________________ § Going to the cinemas (movies)________________________ § Reading_________________________________________ § Shopping________________________________________ § Swimming_______________________________________ § Walking_________________________________________ § Watching TV_____________________________________  

Ex.2 Text Mall rats


My friends and I go to the mall every day. We usually hang out or walk up and down looking at the clothes shop. We don’t often buy anything, but we go to the movie theater there or hang out in the ice-cream parlor.

The Kowalskis

We take the kids to the mall every weekend. We go to the bowling alley there, and the kids like eating at the food court – there’s so much choice: Mexican, Italian and plenty of fast food, of course! Sometimes Vanessa goes to the spar there. It’s great to have everything under one roof!


My friend and I go to the mall about twice a week. We play the games in the arcade, and we like to check out the latest DVDs and computer games in the shops. Sometimes if it’s raining at the weekend, we go to the indoor skate park at the mall too.


- Find the words for these leisure facilities in the text Mall rats. ~ The American name for a cinema. / the movie theatre/ ~ A café that specializes in milk and ice cream products. / the ice-cream parlor/ ~ A place where you can go bowling. / the bowling alley/ ~ An area where there are lots of different restaurants and takeaways. / the food court/ ~ A place where you can relax, eg. in a pool, sauna or steam room. / the spar/ ~ A place where you can play on games machines. / the arcade/ ~ A place where you can skateboard. / the indoor skate park/

Ex. 4 Text: Dancing in the street

Breakdancing emerged in New York in the 1970s. The style of movement, which combines dance, gymnastics and boxing, was performed by kids, often in teams, in competitions at street corners. It was a part of the large hip-hop culture that also incorporated rappers, DJs and the graffiti artists. The rock Steady Crew from the Bronx was one of the first hip-hop groups and became world famous. The group still organizes a Rock Steady Crew Anniversary every year in New York to celebrate hip-hop culture, and its main focus is always a street dance competition. The Anniversary attracts competitors from all over the world and over 20,000 observers.

Ex.1 Essential vocabulary

ü to jog ü to skating ü to skiing ü competition ü shape ü health ü slim ü trim ü weak ü to lose ü бегать ü кататься на коньках ü кататься на лыжах ü соревнования ü форма ü здоровье ü стройный ü в хорошей форме ü слабый ü проигрывать

Ex. 2 Text My Hobby

Tastes differ. Different people like different things, different people have different hobbies. I go in for sports, I like to play tennis. I go to play tennis every day.

Sport is very important part of our life. Many people go in for sports, they jogging, walking, swimming, skating, skiing, train themselves in clubs and different sections. Physical training is an important subject at school. Pupils play volleyball, football, basketball. I have been playing tennis for 5 years. Tennis became very popular now. I take part in different competitions. To be in a good shape I'm jogging every morning and do my morning exercises. Everyone should do all he can to stay healthy and choose the sport he is interested in. I do not understand people who say that they like sport, but they only watch sport on TV. If one goes in for sports he feels much better, looks much better, sleeps much better. Your physical appearance will change too. You will be slimmer and trimmer. And what is even more important you will not get sick often. Why do I go in for sports? Because I think that it is very important for a man to be strong and well-built. Sport is not for weak, because, you have to learn how to lose, and it's not

easy. My favourite proverb says: "A sound mind in sound body".


Ex. 3 Questions:

1. What is your hobby?

2. What sports do you go in for?

3. Do you like summer (winter) sports?

4. What does it mean to be healthy?

5. Why did you chose tennis?

6. Who is your favourite tennis-player?

Раздел 3. Образование и работа

Тема 3.1 Образование в нашей стране.


Ex. 1 Essential vocabulary

1. The system of secondary education a) Система среднего образования
2. primary b) начальная
3. junior c) Средняя
4. senior d) старшая
5. secondary e) высшая
6. preschool institutions f) дошкольные учереждения
7. nursery schools g) Ясли
8. kindergartens h) детский сад
9. comprise i) включать
10. technical schools j) техникум
11. Higher educational institutions k) Высшие учебные заведения
12. graduating l) выпуск
13. specialized colleges m) Специализированные коледжи
14. polytechnic institutes n) политехнические институты
15. specialized institutes o) специализированные интституты
16. departments p) Факультети
17. post-graduate q) Аспирантура
18. research work r) Научная работа
19. refresher courses s) Курсы повышения квалификации
20. fee-paying groups t) платные курсы
21. departments u) факультети

The Text

Education in our country

1.The system of secondary education in our country includes primary forms and junior and senior secondary forms. 2. Children usually go to school at the age of 6 or 7. 3. There are some preschool institutions, like nursery schools or kindergartens, but they are not obligatory. 4. Primary forms comprise 1 to 4 forms. 5. Junior secondary forms comprise 5 to 9 forms. 6. After the 9th form children can enter technical schools of different types. 7. Those who want to enter higher educational institutions should complete 10—11 forms. 8. Students can also enter higher educational institutions after graduating from specialized colleges or lyceums. 9. They prepare students in different fields, whether the humanities or the sciences. 10. Some of them are organized under the authorities of higher educational establishments. 11. The system of higher education is presented by universities, polytechnic institutes or specialized institutes. 12. Universities offer a five-year course of study and usually have from six to twelve departments. 13. Institutes train specialists for industry, agriculture and economy. 14. Most of them have been conferred the status of Academy or University recently. 15. Students are also offered post-graduate education and scientific research work. 16. Nowadays due to the state of our national economy not many young people are engaged in the research work. 17. But still in some fields of science there are outstanding discoveries and re-search papers. 18. Some universities and institutes have refresher courses. 19. Recently a great number of private educational establishments have appeared. 20. Some institutions have fee-paying groups or departments. 21. The students may get education there at the same high level as in the state institutions. 1. Система среднего образования в нашей стране включает начальную школу, средние и старшие классы. 2. Дети обычно идут в школу в возрасте шести или семи лет. 3. Существуют также дошкольные учреждения, такие как ясли и детский сад, но они не являются общеобязательными. 4. Начальные классы — с первого по четвертый. 5. Средние классы — с пятого по девятый. 6. После девятого класса учащиеся могут поступать в различных техникумов. 7. Те, кто хотят поступать в высшие учебные заведения, должны закончить десятый и одиннадцатый классы. 8. Студенты также могут поступать в высшие учебные заведения после специализированных колледжей или лицеев. 9. Они готовят студентов в различных областях как гуманитарных, так и естественных наук. 10. Некоторые из колледжей организуются при высших учебных заведениях. 11. Система высшего образования представлена университетами, політехнічними институтами, специализированными институтами. 12. В университетах курс обучения пять лет, там обычно от шести до двенадцати факультетов. 13. Институты готовят специалистов для промышленности, сельского хозяйства и экономики. 14. Большинству из них был недавно предоставлен статус академии или университета. 15. Студенты могут также поступить в аспирантуру, заниматься научно-исследовательской работой. 16. В наши дни за состояние нашей национальной экономики немного молодых людей занимаются научной работой. 17. Но все-таки в некоторых областях науки происходят выдающиеся научные открытия и научные труды. 18. При некоторых университетах и институтах есть курсы повышения квалификации. 19. В последнее время появилось большое количество частных учебных заведений. 20. В некоторых институтах есть платные группы или факультеты. 21. Там студенты могут получить образование на таком же высоком уровне, как и в государственных институтах.


1. Questions: 3 points

1. What does the system of secondary education include?

2. At what age do children go to school?

3. What is the system of higher education presented by?

4. Whom do the institutes train?

5. Do we have private educational establishments in Ukraine?

2. Write the right word or word combination 3 points

1. The system of _________in our country includes ____ forms and ___ and ___ secondary forms. 2. Children usually go to school at the age of ____ 3. There are some preschool institutions, like _____ schools or _____, but they are not obligatory. 4. Primary forms comprise 1 to 4 forms. 5. Junior secondary forms ____ 5 to 9 forms. 6. After the 9th form children can enter ____ of different types. 7. Those who want to enter higher educational institutions should ____ forms. 8. Students can also enter higher educational institutions after graduating from ___ or lyceums. 9. They prepare students in different fields, whether the humanities or the sciences. 10. Some of them are organized under the authorities of higher educational establishments. 11. The ____ is presented by universities, ____ or specialized institutes. 12. Universities offer a five-year course of study and usually have from six to twelve ____. 13. Institutes train specialists for industry, agriculture and economy. 14. Most of them have been conferred the status of Academy or University recently. 15. Students are also offered ____ education and scientific ____. 16. Nowadays due to the state of our national economy not many young people are engaged in the research work. 17. But still in some fields of science there are outstanding discoveries and re-search papers. 18. Some universities and institutes have refresher courses. 19. Recently a great number of private educational establishments have appeared. 20. Some institutions have ____ or departments. 21. The students may get education there at the same ___ as in the state institutions.


3. Put the words back into the correct order. 3 points

1. Children, go, to, at, the, of, or, 7, usually, school, 6, age.

2. There, some,preschool, like, nursery, schools, kindergartens, they, are, not, obligatory, Are, institutions, or, but.

3. Primary, 1, to, forms, Forms, comprise, 4.

4. the, technical, 9th,form, can, After, enter, schools, of, different, types, children.

5. who, want, to, should, enter,higher, institutions, complete, 10—11 forms, Those, educational.

6. They, in,different, fields, prepare,the,or the sciences, Students, whether.

7. The, of, higher,education,system,polytechnic, is by,universities, institutes, or, specialized,institutes, presented.

4. Number these lines in the correct order. 3 points

()   Children usually go to school at the age of 6 or 7.
()   The students may get education there at the same high level as in the state institutions.
()   But still in some fields of science there are outstanding discoveries and re-search papers.
()   The system of secondary education in Ukraine includes primary forms and junior and senior secondary forms.
()   Most of them have been conferred the status of Academy or University recently
()   Some institutions have fee-paying groups or departments.
()   There are some preschool institutions, like nursery schools or kindergartens, but they are not obligatory.
()   Some universities and institutes have refresher courses.
()   Universities offer a five-year course of study and usually have from six to twelve departments.
()   Nowadays due to the state of our national economy not many young people are engaged in the research work.
()   Junior secondary forms comprise 5 to 9 forms.
()   Those who want to enter higher educational institutions should complete 10—11 forms.
()   But still in some fields of science there are outstanding discoveries and re-search papers.

Раздел 3. Образование и работа

Тема 3.2 Мой техникум


Ex. 1 Match the sides

  1. an electrician   a) 1. металлург
2. metallurgy b) 2. металлургический
3. metallurgical c) 3. металургия
4. rolling practice d) 4. прокатка
5. drawing process e) 5. Обработка металлов давлением
6. welding process f) 6. сварщик
7. technology of welding g) 7. Технология сварки
8.electrical equipment h) 8. Обслуживание и ремонт
9.maintenance and repair i) 9. электрооборудывание
10.mechanical metalworking j) 10. волочение
11.electrical engineering k) 11. электрик
12.engineering mechanics l) 12. механик
13.physical metallurgy m) 13. Металлургия черных металлов
14.mtallurgy of ferrous metals n) 14.материаловедение
15.control measuring appliances o) 15. контроль измерительных приборов
16.metallurgist p) 16. Техник
17. a technician q) 17. сварка
18. a mechanic r) 18. электротехника  

Ex.2 The Text

Our Technical School


There are many technical schools in our country. They train specialists for industry.

Our technical school is young. It was founded in 1967. It trains technicians, electricians and mechanics. The technical school is located in large three-story building in Nakhimova street. It has many laboratories, studies and other rooms. On the ground floor there is a laboratory of drawing process. Laboratorieфs of electrical engineering, engineering mechanics and physical metallurgy are on the first floor. A laboratory of control measuring appliances is on the second floor. There many measuring appliances in it: ammeters, voltmeters and others. Computer's laboratory is on the first floor. There many computers in it. With their help we can print our diploma paper works. Students do their laboratory works in the labs. They study in the classrooms which are on the first and second floors.

We have a good library. It is on the ground floor. There many different books, newspapers, magazines, fiction, dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias and others.

I study in the group of "Technology of Welding", "Electrical Equipment", "Mechanical Metalworkuig", "Maintenance and Repair".


P: What school do you going to?

S: I do at the technical school. I am a full time student.

P: And what do our school-leavers do?

S: Some of them take further education and the rest work.

P: What faculty are you in?

S: I study in the group of "Electrical Equipment".

P: What year are you in?

S: I am a first year student. I do well and I get grant.

P: What language do you study at the technical school?

S: I continue to study English: There many different clubs and societies at our

technical school. Many students of our group attend sport clubs and a literary

society. And where do you study now?

P: J work at a shop arid go to the evening polytechnical school I am a part-time

student. Excuse me, but I am in a hurry. I must be off.

S: So long.


Раздел 3. Образование и работа

Тема 3.3 Образование в Великобритании


Essential vocabulary

compulsory обязательный
primary начальный
comprehensive общеобразовательный
co-educational schools школы совместного обучения мальчиков и девочек
to graduate заканчивать
to accept   Принимать Answer the questions: 1. What do state schools in Britain provide their pupils with? 2. What can parents choose? 3. When do children start primary school? 4. When do pupils take a national exam called GCSE? 5. What prepares pupils for a national exam called "A" level? 6. How long do students study for a degree? 7. Whom do universities and colleges of higher education accept?
The British Education System. 1. All state schools in Britain are free, and schools provide their pupils with books and equipment for their studies. 2. Nine million children attend 35.000 schools in Britain. 3. Education is compulsory from 5 till 16 years. 4. Parents can choose to send their children to a nursery school or a preschool playgroup to prepare them for the start of compulsory education. 5. Children start primary school at 5 and continue until they are 11. 6.Most children are taught together, boys and girls in the same class. 7. At 11 most pupils go to secondary schools called comprehensives which accept a wide range of children from all backgrounds and religious and ethnic groups. 8. Ninety per cent of secondary schools in England, Scotland and Wales are co-educational. 9. At 16 pupils take a national exam called "G.C.S.E." (General Certificate of Secondary Education) and then they can leave school if they wish. 10. This is the end of compulsory education. 11. Some 16-year-olds continue their studies in the sixth form at school or at a sixth form college. 12. The sixth form prepares pupils for a national exam called "A" level (advanced level) at 18. 13. You need "A" level to enter a university. 14. Other 16-yearolds choose to go to a college of further education to study for more practical (vocational) diplomas relating to the world of work, such as hairdressing, typing or mechanics. 15. Universities and colleges of higher education accept students with "A" levels from 18. 16. Students study for a degree which takes on average three years of full-time study. 17. Most students graduate at 21 or 22 and are given their degree at a special graduation ceremony. Система образования Великобритании. 1. Во всех государственных школах в Британии обучение бесплатное и школы обеспечивают учащихся книгами и оборудованием для обучения. 2. Девять миллионов детей посещают 35 тыс. школ в Британии. 3. Образование обязательно с пяти до шестнадцати лет. 4. Родители могут отправить детей в ясли или в подготовительную группу, чтобы подготовить их к получению обязательного образования. 5. Дети начинают ходить в школу в пять лет и учатся там до одиннадцати лет. 6. Большинство детей учатся вместе, мальчики и девочки, в одном классе. 7. В 11 лет многие ученики идут в среднюю школу, называемую общеобразовательной, которую посещают дети различных социальных слоев, религиозных и этнических групп. 8. В 90% средних школ Англии, Шотландии и Уэльса обучение совместное. 9. В 16 лет ученики сдают экзамен для получения аттестата о среднем образовании и после этого они могут уйти из школы, если захотят. 10. На этом обязательное образование заканчивается. 11. Некоторые шестнадцатилетние продолжают обучение в шестом классе школы или в шестилетнем колледже. 12. В шестом классе учеников готовят к государственному экзамену, называемому "А-уровень" — "продвинутый уровень". 13. Этот экзамен сдается в 18 лет, он необходим для поступления в университет. 14. Другие шестнадцатилетние учащиеся идут в колледж для продолжения образования и получения дипломов о профобразовании, дающих возможность работать, например, парикмахерами, машинистами, механиками. 15.Университеты и колледжи высшего образования принимают студентов с 18 лет, сдавших экзамен продвинутого уровня. 16.Студенты учатся для получения ученой степени, учеба длится в среднем три года на стационаре. 17.Большинство студентов заканчивают университеты в 21 или 22 года, им присуждаются степени на торжественной церемонии выпускников.

Раздел 3. Образование и работа

Fill in the missing words

1. Children attend _______ and _______ school.

2. In some schools children wear a ________.

3. Usually pupils have _____ lessons every day.

4. Students have ________ in winter, spring, summer.

5. Biology, Chemistry, Physics is ________.


3. Make up the dialogue working in pairs, than read the dialogue aloud


- And what about the holidays?


- I wonder what subjects do pupils study in British schools?


- They have holidays three times a year: in winter, spring and summer.


- As for schools subjectsthey study History, Drama, Maths, Music, Science and some others.


4. a) Tick (\/) the words and phrases you think you’ll hear.

1 attend 6 popular subject 11 holidays

2 compulsory 7 bag 12 school

3 pay money 8 break 13 weekend

4 free 9 uniform

5 Handicraft 10 wear

b) make up sentences with these words, for example

We wear a uniform in our school.

(We have … I like … We attend … We study … I (We) want …)


  Russia Great Britain America
School days 5-6 days 5 days 5 days
Lessons 5-6    
Uniform have no uniform have uniform have no uniform
Subjects Russian, English, Literature, Handicraft Drama, History, Geography, English, Science Sport, Biology, English, Art
Holidays 4 times a year 3 times a year 3 times a year

Раздел 3. Образование и работа

Helen King

Helen King



Travelling by air -It's more comfortable, more convenient and of course, far quicker than other method. -There is none of the dust and dirt of a railway or car journey. -There is none of the trouble of changing from train to steamer and then to another train. -This way of travelling is the most comfortable for young people who is flying on business, and for those who want to be on time everywhere. -If you feel hungry, you'll be provided with an excellent lunch. -It's the most thrilling method of travelling when you leave the earth behind you seem to belong to another world, a bigger freer world than one you left. -You can see the most wonderful scenes below and they are of indescribable beauty. On foot - It’s the cheapest method of travelling. -The walker leaves the dull broad highway and goes along little winding lanes where cars can't go. -You can see real country, the wild flowers, the young birds in their nests, the deer in the forest. -You're closer to the nature and feel its quietness and calm. -You com observe the flora and the fauna of this or that part of our beautiful earth and then use this experience later in your study or work. You become more intellectual, wiser. -You may travel on foot for the purpose of discovering something new or in search of pleasure and adventure. -You can write a book about it.-It's a way of travelling which gives one a chance to see much without spending anything.
By sea -It's lovely to feel the deck of the ship (boat) under your feet. -It's more existing journey when you see the rise and fall of the waves and fell the fresh sea wind blowing in your face and hears the cry of the sea-gulls. -There are many beautiful beaches of the coast and it is so nice to have a swim there or visit some paints of interest there. -Cruise premises more interesting impressions for a long time. -It's fascinating thing for me to look at a huge white floating city. -On board they offer all modern convince and a wide choice of entertainment facilities In the evening you have an opportunity to enjoy the sunset, the beautiful sunset at sea. -It's simply marvelous. By train -With a train you have speed, comfort pleasure combined. -You have a splendid view of the whole country side from the comfortable corner seat. -If you're hungry, you can have a meal in the diming-car. -If the journey is a long one can have a wonderful bed in a sleeper. -Besides do you know any place that is more interesting than a big railway-station the gaiety of people going away or waiting to meet friends?

Раздел 4. Образование и работа

Тема 4.3 Красивый Непал.

Essential vocabulary: (to work with the vocabulary)

Delayed, beggars, barber, cracked, pavement, escaped, peaks, breathtaking, trekking, trail, shade, put up, ancient, annual, hired, tug-of-war contest, kick off, candlelit, craftsmen, handicrafts, drums, backpacks, nasty.

Active phrases:

beggars: poor people who ask strangers for money

barber: male hairdresser

escaped: got free

peaks: tops of mountains

local: belonging to a specific area

ancient: very old

annual: yearly

nasty: mean; unpleasant

craftsmen: people who make things with their hands

Beautiful Nepal!

Sun 5th April - Kathmandu
We arrived safely in a very foggy Kathmandu after our short but delayed flight from India. We caught a local bus to the hotel, passing street vendors, beggars, shoeshine boys and even a barber with his chair and cracked mirror out on the pavement! This morning we escaped the dust, noise and pollution of the city to visit the incredible Monkey Temple up in the hills. There really were hundreds of monkeys there — they were running around everywhere. There were lots of steps to climb but it was worth it — the view of the snowy peaks of the Himalayas in the distance was absolutely breathtaking!

Tues 7th April - The Himalayas
We woke up yesterday morning feeling so excited! Finally the day we would begin our 2-day trekking excursion to the Himalayas had arrived! We took a small plane journey from Kathmandu and then trekked for hours up and down the rocky mountain trail. It was hot in the bright mountain sun but quite cold wherever there was some shade. You can't imagine how spectacular the scenery was! We finally reached a village called Phakding where we put up our tent and camped outside a teahouse. We tried some local dishes, which were delicious, and then got into our sleeping bags. It got cold very quickly once the sun had gone down! I awoke the next morning to the most amazing sunrise I had ever seen! I took a walk down to the river where I ran into two young boys playing. They were really friendly. Nepalese villages are very poor, but everyone we met in the mountains seemed happy.

Thurs 9th April - Bhaktapur
Returning from the mountains, Kathmandu seemed even busier than when we left! We took a taxi to the ancient town of Bhaktapur today as we had heard that its annual festival Bisket Jatra was taking place. When we got there, we hired a guide, who took us to see the noisy tug-of-war contest that kicks off the festival every year. Apparently, the festival is based on a fairy tale and continues for days. It includes a wild parade, a candlelit procession and two more tugs-of-war! Later in the day, we went on a guided tour of Bhaktapur's magnificent temples, then we went shopping for souvenirs. The city is full of craftsmen selling paintings and handicrafts. I bought some beautiful pottery and Jake found a fantastic pair of hand-made drums!

Sat 11th April - Home Sweet Home!
Jake and I finally put on our backpacks for the last time and flew home today after 5 weeks, 4 countries, 2 nasty viruses and countless temples, mountains, beaches and cheap campsites and hotels! I'll never forget the amazing experiences I've had backpacking through Asia, but right now I'm looking forward to some home comforts and a good night's sleep...

1) Look at the travel diary above. Where were the travellers? What did they see/do? Listen and read to find out.

2) Read again and decide if the statements are true or false. Compare with your partner. Correct the false statements.
1 The weather wasn't very good when the travellers arrived in Kathmandu.
2 Kathmandu was clean and quiet.
3 The view from the Himalayas was great.
4 The two young boys asked the travellers for money.
5 Bhaktapur is a modern town.
6 Bisket Jatra takes place once a year.
7 Bisket Jatra lasts a week.
8 Jake and the author went back home by plane.
9 The author missed home.
10 The author didn't sleep at all during the holiday.

3) Answer the questions.
1 What was the weather like in Kathmandu? the Himalayas?
2 What means of transport did they use while in Nepal?
3 Where did they stay?
4 What did they do and see in each place?

6) Choose the correct word. Check in your dictionary. Use the other word in sentences of your own.
1 The class went on an excursion/exhibition to the Louvre.
2 He ordered some travel leaflets/ brochures online.
3 Miami has got fantastic sandy coasts/ beaches.
4 She doesn't like package/packed holidays.
5 The room had a great scenery/view of the sea.
6 You need to fix/book in advance or you won't be able to find a place to stay.
7 All passengers/travellers waiting for flight TWK255 should go to Gate 11.
8 You can prolong/extend your stay in the hotel and stay one more week if you like.
9 It was too hot in the sun, so we found a place to sit in the shadow/shade.
10 It's best to take/catch a taxi to the airport.
11 We rented/hired a little cottage by the sea.
12 The setting/scenery in the park was spectacular.


Воскресенье 5 апреля – Катманду
Мы благополучно прибыли в очень туманный Катманду после нашего короткого, но задержанного рейса из Индии. Мы сели на местный автобус в отель, проезжая мимо уличных торговцев, нищих, мальчиков, которые чистят обувь и даже парикмахера с его стулом и треснувшим зеркалом на тротуаре! Сегодня утром мы избежали пыль, шум и загрязнение города, чтобы посетить невероятный храм обезьян в горах. Там действительно были сотни обезьян - они бегали повсюду. Там было много ступеней, чтобы подняться, но оно того стоило - вид на снежные вершины Гималаев на расстоянии абсолютно захватывает дух!
Вторник 7 апреля – Гималаи
Мы проснулись сегодня утром, чувствуя себя таким возбужденным! Наконец день, когда мы начнем наш 2-дневный походную экскурсию в Гималаи настал! Мы взяли небольшое путешествие самолетом из Катманду, а затем шли в течение нескольких часов вверх и вниз по скалистой горной тропе. Было жарко под ярким солнцем горы, но довольно холодно в тени. Вы не можете себе представить, каким захватывающим был пейзаж! Мы, наконец, достигли деревни под названием Пхакдинг, где мы поставили нашу палатку и расположились за пределами чайной. Мы попробовали некоторые местные блюда, которые были восхитительны, а затем легли в наши спальные мешки. Стало холодно очень быстро, как только зашло солнце! Я проснулся на следующее утро в самый удивительный восход солнца, который я когда-либо видел! Я спустился вниз к реке, где я столкнулся с двумя маленькими мальчиками, которые играли. Они были очень дружелюбны. Непальские деревни очень бедны, но все, кого мы встретили в горах, казались счастливыми.
Четверг 9 апреля – Бхактапур
Возвращаясь с гор, Катманду казался еще более оживленным, чем когда мы уехали! Мы взяли такси до древнего города Bhaktapur сегодня, когда мы услышали, что ежегодный фестиваль Bisket Jatra проходит там. Когда мы добрались там, мы наняли гида, который взял нас, чтобы увидеть конкурс по шумному перетягиванию каната, который начинает фестиваль каждый год. Видимо, фестиваль основан на сказке и продолжается в течение нескольких дней. Она включает в себя дикие парад, шествие свечах и еще два буксира для военнопленных! Позже в тот же день мы отправились на экскурсию великолепных храмов Bhaktapur, потом мы пошли по магазинам за сувенирами. Город полон мастеров, которые продают картины и поделки. Я купил красивую керамику и Джейк обнаружил фантастическую пару самодельных барабанов!
Сб 11 апреля – Дом милый дом!
Джейк и я, наконец, одели наши рюкзаки в последний раз и полетели домой сегодня после 5 недель, 4 стран, 2 неприятных вирусов и бесчисленных храмов, гор, пляжей и дешевых кемпингов и отелей! Я никогда не забуду удивительный опыт, который я имел альпинизмом через Азию, но сейчас я с нетерпением жду домашний комфорт и крепкий ночной сон...

Тема 4.4 Пирамиды Египта

Пирамиды Египта.

Я хочу больше знать о технологии, применявшейся при строительстве египетских пирамид.


I would like to know more about the technology which was used in the construction of the Egyptian pyramids.


Инопланетяни когда то построющие на земле Египетские пирамиды, возвращаются назад чтобы завоевать Землю.


Aliens who built Egyptian pyramids are returning to take ownership of the Earth.


Мне хотелось бы узнать больше о технологии, которая использовалась при строительстве египетских пирамид.


I would like to know more about the technology which was used in the construction of the Egyptian pyramids.

Египетские пирамиды — одно из семи чудес света.


The pyramids of Egypt are one of the seven wonders of the world.


Ты можешь представить себя одним из создателей Египетских пирамид или Эйфелевой башни?


Can you imagine yourself as one of the creators of the Pyramids or the Eiffel Tower?


Пирамиды были усыпальницами египетских фараонов


The Pyramids entombed the dead kings of Egypt


If someone wants to see the longest river in the world, ancient structures and real mummies, he should go Egypt. This country is situated in the north-east of Africa, although the Sinai Peninsula connects with south-west Asia. That’s why Egypt is often called a Middle East country. The population of the country is more than 86 million people, wh

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