Read the text and make up questions to be a plan to this information. — КиберПедия 

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Read the text and make up questions to be a plan to this information.

2017-09-10 290
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The suspension system, part of the undercarriage of an automobile, contains springs that move up and down to absorb bumps and vibrations. In one type of

suspension system, a long tube, or strut, has a shock absorber built into its center section. Shock absorbers control, or dampen, the sudden loading and unloading of suspension springs to reduce wheel bounce and the shock transferred from the road wheels to the body. One shock absorber is installed at each wheel.

Modern shock absorbers have a telescoping design and use oil, gas, and air, or a combination to absorb energy. Luxury sedans generally have a soft suspension for comfortable riding. Sports cars and sport-utility vehicles have firmer

suspensions to improve cornering ability and control over rough terrain. Older automobiles were equipped with one-piece front axles attached to the frame with semielliptic leaf springs, much like the arrangement on horse-drawn buggies. Front wheels on modern cars roll independently of each other on half-shafts instead of on a common axle. Each wheel has its own axle and suspension supports, so the shock of one wheel hitting a bump is not transferred across a common axle to the other wheel or the rest of the car. Many rear-axle suspensions for automobiles and heavier vehicles use rigid axles with coil or leaf springs. However, advanced passenger cars, luxury sedans, and sports cars feature independent rear-wheel suspension systems.

Active suspensions are computer-controlled adjustments of the downward force of each wheel as the vehicle corners or rides over uneven terrain. Sensors, a pump, and hydraulic cylinders, all monitored and controlled by computer, enable the vehicle to lean into corners and compensate for the dips and dives that accompany emergency stops and rapid acceleration.


Try and guess the meaning of the following words and word combinations:

Рессоры, амортизатор, подвесная система, смягчать, дорогостоящий седан, независимые задние рессоры, спортивный автомобиль, столкновения, громкие удары, телескопический амортизатор, внезапные остановки, быстрое ускорение.

Make up a summary to the text.

B. Wheels and Tires

Read the information about wheels and tires.

Wheels support the vehicle’s weight and transfer torque to the tires from the drivetrain and braking systems. Automobile wheels generally are made of steel or aluminum. Aluminum wheels are lighter, more impact absorbent, and more expensive.

Pneumatic (air-filled) rubber tires, first patented in 1845, fit on the outside rims of the wheels. Tires help smooth out the ride and provide the automobile’s only contact with the road, so traction and strength are primary requirements. Tire treads come in several varieties to match driving conditions.


Translate the text into English.

Рессоры и амортизаторы не предохраняют автомобиль от мелких толчков, возникающих при наезде на небольшие неровности. Для поглощения небольших толчков и смягчения ударов при наезде на препятствия применяют пневматические шины. Смягчение ударов и поглощение мелких толчков осуществляются за счет сжатого воздуха в шинах и их упругости.

Автомобильная пневматическая шина состоит из трех частей: покрышки, камеры и обода (ободная лента). Основной и наиболее сложной частью шины является покрышка, которая защищает камеру от повреждения и обеспечивает хорошее сцепление колеса с дорогой.


Unit V

Control Systems

Vocabulary to be remembered.

steering system – система рулевого управления

braking system - тормозная система

adjust – регулировать

tie-rod - стяжка; круглая соединительная тяга

steering wheel – руль

steering shaft – рулевой вал

steering column – рулевая колонка

to augment - усиливать; повышать


A driver controls the automobile’s motion by keeping the wheels pointed in the desired direction, and by stopping or slowing the speed at which the wheels rotate. These controls are made possible by the steering and braking systems. In addition, the driver controls the vehicle’s speed with the transmission and the gas pedal, which adjusts the amount of fuel fed to the engine.


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