CA. - I’m very sorry. Please let me have it. I’ll reheat it and you will get your — КиберПедия 

Механическое удерживание земляных масс: Механическое удерживание земляных масс на склоне обеспечивают контрфорсными сооружениями различных конструкций...

Типы оградительных сооружений в морском порту: По расположению оградительных сооружений в плане различают волноломы, обе оконечности...

CA. - I’m very sorry. Please let me have it. I’ll reheat it and you will get your

2017-08-26 263
CA. - I’m very sorry. Please let me have it. I’ll reheat it and you will get your 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
Заказать работу

food in a moment.




P. - I want fish. How is it cooked?

CA. - It’s poached.

P. - What’s the name of the fish?

CA. - It’s trout.



Handing out the Menu (“Care”)



CA. - Mr. ………, here is today’s Menu and Wine list.

I’ll leave this with you to decide at your leisure.

P. - Thank you.



CA. - Have you had a chance to review the Menu?

P. - Yes.

CA. - Great, what would you like to start with?

P. - With the cold plate of……..

CA. - Let me repeat your order. You are starting with…., then…..


CA. - Good evening. I’ll leave today’s Menu and Wine list with you, Mr. … I’ll come back to discuss the Menu with you after take-off (in five

minutes or so).

P. - Thank you.



CA. - Have you been able to look at the Menu yet?

P. - Yes.

CA. - Will you be starting with the cold plate of………...

P. - Yes, please. I’d like …………….

CA. - Good. And to follow?



CA. - Mr. ………., we will be commencing lunch in about 30 minutes.

Is that comfortable for you or would you like to eat later?

P. - In 30 minutes, please.

CA. - You’re welcome.



Remember to use.

- Here is today’s Menu and Wine list.

- What would you like to start with?

- I’ll leave today’s Menu with you.

- Have you been able to look at………?

- Have you had a chance to review the menu?

- We can change to the dish you would like.

- Is that comfortable for you or would you like to eat later?

- Let me repeat your order.

- You are starting with….., then……., then……..

- Have you finished your lunch, madam?


Dessert serving.




CA. - Which cheese would you prefer:

Gouda, Emmental, Cheddar, process?

P. - Please three different slices of cheese.

CA. - Would you care for carrot and celery sticks?

P. - Please two celery sticks and two packets of crackers.

CA. - You’re welcome. Would you like a wine?

P. - A glass of red wine.



CA. - Would you care for Cheddar or Emmental cheese?

P. - Both, please.

CA. - Will you be taking the same wine?

P. - Yes, please. A white wine.



CA. - Which fruits would you prefer: apples, oranges, plums, grapes,

peaches, pears or bananas?

P. - Please one apple, one banana and some grapes?

CA. - Would you like Russian sparkling wine?

P. - Yes, please.



CA. - We will look at the Dessert menu after the main course.

Would that be all right?

P. - OK.




CA. - Would you care for dessert, Mr. ……...

P. - Yes.

CA. - We have melon, tangerines, kiwi, pears and grapes.


Hot drinks serving.


CA. - Would you care for tea or coffee?

P. - Tea, please.

CA. - We have black, green and fruit tea. Which of them would you


P. - Green, please.



CA. - Would you like to have (to take) tea or coffee?

P. - I’d like tea.

CA. - Would you prefer lemon or milk tea? (Russian or English tea)?

P. - Please two lemon slices in my tea.

CA. - With sugar or sugar substitute?

P. - Please, sweetener.



P. - I’d like a coffee.

CA. - Black or white?

P. - Black. Is the coffee instant?

CA. - Yes, but granulated.

P. - Is it Brazilian?

CA. - No, I’m sorry. It’s the Arabica bean which is an excellent blend

too, I think (suppose).



CA. - A liqueur or cognac with your coffee?

P. - A cognac, please.

CA. - Certainly.



Pastries assorted offering


CA. - Which pastry would you prefer, madam:

a chocolate éclair, a peach sponge cake, a small pine-apple

tartlette or a shortcake?

P. - A tartlette, please.



CA. - Would you like a piece of Prague cake (Torte), sir?

P. - No, thank you. But I’d like another cup of coffee.

CA. - You’re welcome. Some more cognac or liqueur, sir?

P. - A cognac, please.

CA. - There you are.



Remember to use (“Care”):


- Will you be taking the same wine?

- We will look at the dessert menu after the main course.

- Do you prefer milk or lemon with your tea?

- Would you like some more tea?

- Can I offer you another cup of coffee?

- How many pastries would you like?

- I’m sorry, but we are restricted in what we can carry on board.


Vegetarian Meal Serving



CA. - What can I do for you, sir?

P. - When are you going to serve lunch?

CA. - In 15 minutes.

P. - I’m a vegetarian.

CA. - Did you order your meal?

P. - Yes, I did.

CA. - Let me see your air-ticket.

P. - Here you are.

CA. - Excuse me a moment.

Please don’t worry. We’ve got your meal.



CA. - What would you like, madam?

P. - When are you going to serve breakfast/lunch/dinner?

CA. - In 30 minutes.

P. - Do you have a vegetarian meal.

CA. - Yes, I think so.

Did you order?

P. - Yes, I did.

CA. - May I see your flight ticket?

P. - Certainly. Here it is.

CA. - Excuse me a moment, please.

CA. - I’m sorry, but we haven’t got your meal. Did you confirm your

vegetarian meal?

P. - No, I didn’t.

CA. - That’s why we haven’t got your meal. You see, special meals, such as

Muslim, vegetarian or Kosher, must be confirmed. Are you a full vegetarian?

P. - No.

CA. - We can offer you a vegetable salad, rice, one apple or one orange, tea

or coffee with a roll.

P. - Fine. Thank you very much.

CA. - You’re welcome. May I remind you of confirming your vegetarian meal

next time you travel.

Babies Meal Serving



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