E) Find the following words and expressions in the dialogue, translate them into Russian and make up your own phrases with them — КиберПедия 

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E) Find the following words and expressions in the dialogue, translate them into Russian and make up your own phrases with them

2017-08-24 327
E) Find the following words and expressions in the dialogue, translate them into Russian and make up your own phrases with them 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. it doesn't matter

2. The thing is …

3. the same

4. right now

5. unfortunately

6. share (my / your) ideas (with)

7. have enough experience for …

8. I'm looking for somebody who can …

9. complicated

10. … don’t / doesn’t know how to …

11. I suppose …

12. look for

13. at least

14. trust

15. true

16. be a real box-office hit



Exercise 13 In pairs make up and act out your own mini-dialogues on the patterns:

1. How are you doing? - I'm doing pretty well, how about you?

How is it going? - Just fine! What about you?


2. Guess what? We are making a new movie! - Really? That’s interesting!

Are you? How very interesting!


3. What's it about? - It's a story about … who …. One day …

What’s the film about?

What’s the book about?


4. Well, your film is going to be really …. - Do you really think so?


5. I know how to … - That's good.


6. Are you saying that you're …ing? - Yes, that's what I'm doing.


7. Is that true that you are …ing? - No, not anymore.


8. I'd better get going. Good luck! - Good luck to you!


Обратите внимание!

тоже, также в утвердительных предложениях и в вопросах – also, too, as well,

в отрицательных предложениях - either.

Напр.: I like it too. Do you also like it?

I don’t like it either.

Exercise 14Translate into English

1. Я тоже ничего не хочу.

2. Вы тоже сейчас ищите натуру?

3. Мы тоже не пишем музыку.

4. В настоящее время они тоже не снимают.

5. Я тоже учусь на первом курсе.


Exercise 15Act our your own dialogue:

Student A: you are a film director shooting a new movie. Who is going to be in your production unit? It's funny to say that you are going to engage some world-famous filmmakers as well as your groupmates!

Student B: you are a journalist conducting an interview with a film director. Ask your interviewee about the plot of his film, the budget, the cast and the production unit.

Don't forget to swap the roles!



I. слово состоит из одного слога:


big - bigg er (than) - the bigg est

near - near er (than) - the near est


Nick is older than me.

He’s the oldest in the group.


II. слово состоит из трёх или более слогов:


important - more important (than) - the most important


My new camera is more expensive than the old one.

It’s the most expensive camera.


III. слово состоит из двух слогов


А) и заканчивается на “ y ”:


easy - eas ier (than) - the eas iest

B) и заканчивается на другую букву:


modern - more modern (than) - the most modern




good / well - better (than) - the best

bad / badly - worse (than) - the worst

many / much - more (than) - the most

little - less (than) - the least

far - farther (than) - the farthest

further (than) - the furthest

V. независимо от количества слогов:


bright - less bright (than) - the least bright

beautiful - less beautiful (than) - the least beautiful


VI. если сравнительную степень нужно уточнить, то уточнение ставится

перед ней, и неважно, по какой модели она строилась:


two years younger - на два года младше

three times more expensive - в три раза дороже

a little / a bit longer - немного длиннее

much / a lot / far more important -гораздо важнее


VII. конструкция (not) as … as, not so … as …:


А) as short as … - такой же короткий, как и …

not so interesting as … - не такой интересный, как …


В) если отрицание надо усилить: not nearly asas …

Exercise 16 Write the opposite

Example: bigger – smaller

the most intelligent – the silliest


1. heavier 2. the quickest 3. more boring

4. the youngest 5. weaker 6. better

7. the most expensive 8. more difficult 9. further

10. the hottest 11. the most 12. shorter

13. the highest 14. less 15. the worst


Exercise 17 Complete the sentences with a comparative:

1. I’m not very interested in science. I’m … in art.

2. The music isn’t loud enough. Can you make it …?

3. Why aren’t you serious? You should be ….

4. This furniture isn’t modern. I like … furniture.

5. Ireland isn’t a big country. Russia is … Ireland.

6. That chair isn’t comfortable at all. This chair is … that one.

7. Sorry, five o’clock isn’t convenient to me. Six o’clock is … five.

8. Penny doesn’t work very hard. The other students work … her.

9. This juice doesn’t taste very good. Orange juice tastes ….


Exercise 18 Combine two sentences using a bit / a little / much / a lot / far and a comparative:


1. Belorussian is easy to learn. Chinese is very difficult to learn.

2. Helga’s 19. Boris’s 20.

3. I speak English a little. Martha speaks English fluently.

4. Ian isn’t a very good football player. Alex is an excellent football player.

5. Gary weighs 94 kilos. Steve weighs 62 kilos.

6. Olga’s 1m68sm tall. Greta’s 1m69sm tall.

7. The black jumper costs $30. The blue jumper costs $34.

8. The film begins at 7:30 pm. The news begins at 9 pm.


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