Exploitation of natural resources — КиберПедия 

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Exploitation of natural resources

2017-08-24 223
Exploitation of natural resources 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. deposit | repository (formal) [ countable ] a layer of a mineral, metal or another substance that is left in soil or rocks through a natural process месторождение, залежь, залежи: a mineral / iron ore / coal / oil / gas deposit | underground deposits of gold and diamonds | rich deposits of oil and natural gas | There is the equally important matter of safeguarding mineral deposits. | Mineral undertakers have long-standing powers to obtain rights over land containing mineral deposits. | This area happens to be the repository of most of Iraq's oil.

to discover / find / identify a deposit: Rich mineral deposits have been discovered in the area. | There's a huge amount of oil that hasn't been discovered. | Valuable new deposits of tin have been found in Bolivia. | Typically, they hunt vast areas to find suitable deposits. | In March 1988 Glencar announced that it had found deposits of gold, estimating the reserves at £300 million. | Its companies have identified billions of dollars' worth of oil and mineral deposits.

2. coal field | coalfield | coal deposit [ countable ] an area where there is coal under the ground that is suitable for mining месторождение / залежь / залежи угля, угольное месторождение; угольный бассейн: Coal-fired plants are mainly located inland, and very close to existing coalfields. | Other coalfields have changed in similar ways. | A detailed revision of the coalfield areas commenced in 1902.

3. coal mine | coal pit (British English) [ countable ] a place from which coal is dug out of the ground угольная шахта, угольный карьер: They used to live in the county of Saepiol in North Hamgyong, where the father worked in the Aoji coal mine. | Cerrejon is the second largest open pit coal mine in the world.

4. oil field | oilfield | oil deposit [ countable ] an area of land or sea under which there is oil месторождение нефти; нефтяной бассейн: As more oilfields were discovered, petroleum products increased by more than 16 times in the 1920s. | Five more oilfields were producing oil from the North Sea continental shelf in 1976, including the massive Brent and Alpha fields. | The purpose of the visit was to review North Sea technologies with a view to utilizing them in their own oilfields. | Drilling will continue on the site to assess the dimensions of the new oilfield. | The country’s economy should pick up more speed over the next few years as big new deep-sea oilfields come on stream.

to operate an oil field: Under a 1986 standstill agreement, the fields are still partly the property of the American oil companies, though they have been operated by the Libyan government.

5. gas field | gasfield | gas deposit [ countable ] an area of land or sea under which there is natural gas месторождение (природного) газа, газовое месторождение; газоносная площадь: There are indications that in this gas field a secondary fracture porosity may exist. | Mr Stevenson said he expected to get at least $60 million from the sale of the company's Australian fuel retailing business and more than 30 million for its 8.5 per cent stake in a Pakistani gasfield.

6. coal field | oil field | gas field COLLOCATIONS

in / on a coal field / oil field / gas field: During their period production trebled in the coalfield. | Labour unrest followed in the coalfields, in the cotton mills and on the railways. | The era of class confrontation in Britain's coalfields had been confined mainly to the short period 1910-26. | But on the coalfield and in the factories of the towns there was an increasing demand for labour. | The work on the coalfields was intensified and a widespread search for minerals which were normally imported was carried out.

7. to prospect | to explore | to dig [ intransitive ] to examine an area of land or water, in order to find gold, silver, oil or another valuable substance проводить разведку, искать, производить поиск, делать изыскания, разведывать (месторождение); исследовать

to prospect (for sth): The oil companies are already prospecting not far from here. | The company is prospecting for gold in Alaska. | He prospected for minerals everywhere from the Gobi Desert to the Transvaal. | Oil companies spend much of their profit in prospecting for oil.

to explore (sth) for sth | to dig for sth: Central to the operation is a mile-deep well, dug originally to explore for oil. | The government is allowing the areas of inshore coastal waters to be explored for oil and gas. | Already this year, some 120 companies have joined Libya's first open bidding process to dig for new oil in 15 areas; the bid results are expected in January.

8. to mine [ transitive – usually passive; intransitive ] to dig large holes in the ground in order to remove such a mineral as coal, gold, copper, tin, lead, diamonds добывать, разрабатывать месторождение / рудник

to mine sth (from sth): They mine a lot of copper around these parts. | Copper has been mined here since the sixteenth century. | This area has been mined for over 300 years. | In Britain in 1690 three million tons of coal were mined. | Gold is mined from deep under ground. | For centuries small amounts of coal had been mined from shallow pits.

to mine for sth: The company first started mining for salt in 1851. | Most of the new settlers came here to mine for gold. | Explorers have been mining for gold in this area for several years. | People still mine for coal in this area.

9. to extract [ transitive ] to carefully remove a substance from something which contains it, using a machine, chemical process etc добывать: 42 tons of gold were extracted at the mine in 2004.

10. prospecting | exploration [ uncountable ] the examination of an area of land or water, in order to find gold, silver, oil or another valuable substance разведочные / поисково-разведочные работы, изыскания, изыскательские работы, разведка (месторождения), ведение поиска / разведки; старательство; рудоискательство: Gold prospecting in Ireland started much earlier than this – in 1957 Anglo-United were prospecting for gold in Clentibret. | The government has announced the opening of the first tender for exploration on its continental shelf. | The legislative and regulatory framework applied to gas exploration is also included in the study. | We are acknowledged leaders in many aspects of gas exploration, production and supply. | The rest will be open to exploration companies under tight restrictions.

prospecting for sth: Increased tin and gold metal prices from 1980 onwards encouraged prospecting for these commodities.

exploration for sth: The exploration for new sources of energy is vital for the future of our planet.

to carry out / conduct / be involved in prospecting / exploration: Little mineral exploration has been carried out in the area which is poorly exposed except in coastal sections. | The Group conducts substantially all of its oil and gas exploration and development activity through unincorporated joint ventures. | He was involved in oil, zinc and lead prospecting.

exploration facility / equipment разведочное оборудование / снаряжение: oil exploration facilities in the North Sea

11. oil rig [ countable ] a large structure on the land or in the sea, which has equipment for getting oil from under the ground or the bottom of the sea нефтяная вышка; установка для бурения нефтяных скважин: It is rumoured that an oil rig is to be set up on the local water meadows. | He works on the oil rigs. | Five oilmen were injured when a gas explosion shook a North Sea oil rig yesterday.

oil (rig) platform a large structure in the sea, which has equipment for getting oil from under the bottom of the sea нефтепромысловая платформа, нефтепромысловое основание: Balder is a semi-submersible crane barge designed for work in constructing oil rig platforms.

12. pipeline | oil / gas pipeline [ countable ] a line of connecting pipes, often under the ground, used for sending gas, oil, water etc over long distances трубопровод; нефтепровод; газопровод: This pipeline will supply the major Greek cities with Russian natural gas. | Gas and oil pipelines have staunched many creeks and rivers, swamping prime pastures and crop lands. | Cities are full of gas stations, motor vehicles, natural gas pipelines, and the like. | Many problems lie ahead for the development of gas pipelines, but the prospects are increasingly positive. | What should be the first region to be developed for the long-distance gas pipeline? | To fill the gap, imports from the Siberian gas pipeline are envisaged.

through a pipeline по трубопроводу: Gas exports through the new trans-Siberian export pipeline from Urengoy have helped in the past and will help in the future.

to build / construct / lay a pipeline строить / прокладывать трубопровод: A consortium plans to build a natural-gas pipeline from Russia to supply eastern Germany. | The East-West pipeline is nearly half welded and laid.

the building / construction of a pipeline: But the war is also about the building of a gas pipeline. | Soviet agreements with the Shah included credits for arms purchases and the construction of an oil pipeline.

to carry / transport sth by pipeline | to push / ship sth through a pipeline подавать / перекачивать по трубопроводу, транспортировать по трубопроводу: Natural gas is transported by pipeline. | Another is to transport coal slurry by pipeline from mines to power stations situated in areas of high electricity demand. | What do you push through the pipeline that makes you the most amount of money and provides the most benefit? | No further oil was shipped through Lonrho's pipeline, causing the company loss of revenue.

transportation by pipeline: Transportation by pipeline and handling are simple, and local storage is not required.

a pipeline bursts трубопровод лопается / разрывается: Thousands of gallons of oil flowed into he river when an oil pipeline burst.

13. prospector [ countable ] someone who examines an area of land or water, in order to find gold, silver, oil or other valuable substances геолог-разведчик, изыскатель; старатель, золотоискатель; рудоискатель: The discovery of gold and silver brought a flood of prospectors into the Arizona and New Mexico Territories.

14. coal miner | pitman | collier (British English) (old-fashioned) [ countable ] someone who digs coal in a coal mine шахтер, горняк: The Government's prime motivation is to carry out an act of revenge on coal miners and coal mining communities. | The coal miners throughout the Soviet Union went on strike. | Many of the older pitmen may never work again.



Sources of energy


1. energy | power [ uncountable ] power that is used to provide heat, operate machines etc such as oil, gas and coal энергия: We have reduced the energy we get from coal. | Thousands of Chicago customers lost electric power because of the storm.

to generate / produce energy / power производить энергию: Wind turbines will be used to generate energy. | This station generates power for the whole region. | The committee will debate the role of nuclear power in supplying energy. | In 1909 an abortive attempt was made to produce hydroelectric power.

to convert sth to / into energy / power преобразовывать / превращать в энергию: All these provide indirect means of converting solar energy to forms of energy which are useful to us. | This occurs as the result of toxins that form as mechanical energy is converted to electrical energy. | Because the truth would emerge as soon as you converted the energy into a different form.

to provide energy / power (for / to sb) | to supply energy / power (to sb) | to provide / supply sb with energy / power обеспечивать / снабжать энергией, поставлять / доставлять энергию: The belt provides vast material resources, vast amounts of solar power, and vast elbow room. | Power for the lighting is supplied by a generator. | Power is provided by a small 9 volt battery.

energy / power supply | (the) supply of energy / power: There will be a discussion document on our future energy supply. | The renewable energy sources must eventually dominate world energy supply.

to use / make use of / consume energy / power использовать / потреблять энергию: However, far more use is made of geothermal energy for direct heat. | The international conference was in part to discuss how to get the West to consume less energy. | Other companies are also looking for ways to reduce the amount of energy consumed in the major processes for making polymers.

(the) use / consumption of energy / power | energy / power use / consumption: Towards this end, agreements were signed on fishing, trade, environmental protection and the peaceful use of nuclear energy. | One reasonable solution is to combine conservation strategies with the increased use of solar energy. | The UK's total energy consumption could be cut if we all make the effort. | Within 18 months, they had reduced energy consumption by 30 percent. | The overheating causes an increase in overall energy consumption of only 7 %.

application(s) of energy / power | use(s) for energy / power: He led the team that developed the Soviet Union's atomic bomb and began seeking peaceful applications of nuclear power. | Yet these represent a relatively tiny portion of the uses for solar power.

to conserve / save energy / power беречь / сберегать / экономить энергию: Good insulation helps to conserve energy and reduce costs. | We must save 25 percent of energy through better insulation and so on. | Insulating your home is a good way to save energy.

to waste / squander energy / power безрассудно тратить / разбазаривать энергию

energy / power efficiency эффективность использования энергии: Energy efficiency and renewable energy go hand in hand. | Both groups favour investment in energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. | It doesn't take much to improve the energy efficiency of your home.

atomic / nuclear energy / power атомная энергия: They had a plan for the international regulation of atomic energy. | Nuclear energy as an alternative is opposed by many because of the massive devastation an accident can cause. | Nuclear energy is only one viable alternative to coal or gas. | By then nuclear energy should be contributing more than one-fifth of electricity generation. | Many people are opposed to the use of nuclear power. | It has also adopted nuclear power as a solution to the greenhouse effect. | Much of our energy comes from nuclear power.

hydroelectric / water power гидроэлектроэнергия, гидроэнергия: By 1942 we possessed something no other country did: a huge surplus of hydroelectric power. | There was an abundance of water power.

thermal energy / power тепловая энергия

geothermal energy / power energy pertaining to the internal heat of the earth геотермальная энергия: Indigenous oil discoveries proved disappointing and efforts have been directed towards hydroelectric power, nuclear and geothermal energy.

solar energy / power солнечная энергия: This is a heating system that utilizes solar energy. | Much of the expansion in solar energy has been funded with loans from international lending institutions. | Engineers have recently experimented with the concept of capturing solar energy. | Other renewable options – biomass and solar power – are also being explored. | The price of solar energy relative to traditional fuels has been dropping steadily, and if environmental concerns were factored into the cost, solar power would already be significantly cheaper.

wave energy / power энергия волны

wind energy / power энергия ветра: Many congressmen are keen to revive research into renewable energy sources like solar and wind power. | The market could grow much bigger if countries further subsidize wind power to curb greenhouse gas emissions. | The success of wind power represents a litmus test for renewable energy. | Environmentally friendly energy sources include water and wind power.

tidal energy / power энергия приливов: The most important are nuclear fission, wind, wave and tidal energy sources and solar energy by direct conversion and biomass.

energy / power shortage(s) | a shortage of energy / power нехватка / недостаток / дефицит энергии: A world energy shortage is far more dangerous and could even lead to wars. | The coalition partners predict further elections in six to eight months, and the energy shortage threatens to hamper their reform plans.

energy crisis энергетический кризис: Like the oil crisis of the 1970s, the California energy crisis is fuelling an investment boom in alternative energy. | Oil shortages have brought on an energy crisis.

2. source of energy / power | energy / power source [ countable ] источник энергии; источник питания: The ultimate aim is to replace gasoline altogether by using battery power or other non-polluting energy sources. | But they are strongly opposed to his expected tax on oil, coal and other energy sources.

renewable energy / power source | renewable source of energy / power: The best rule is to conserve energy and to increase funding for research into renewable energy sources. | Attention should be focused on developing renewable energy sources. | The renewable energy sources must eventually dominate world energy supply.

alternative energy / power source | alternative source of energy / power: It is 40 percent more expensive than coal, and there is an abundance of alternative energy sources. | The nuclear plants will not be phased out until the alternative energy sources are ready to come on-stream. | Any and all ideas about alternative sources of energy are seriously being considered and explored. | This requires the development of alternative sources of energy that are either renewable or inexhaustible. | Although it is desirable to have a wider range of energy options, other alternative sources of power are not likely to provide large-scale solutions in the foreseeable future.

environmentally friendly energy / power source | environmentally friendly source of energy / power: Environmentally friendly energy sources include water and wind power.

3. electricity | (electric[al]) power [ uncountable ] a form of energy that is carried by wires, cables etc, and is used to provide light or heat, to make machines, computers, televisions etc work электричество, электроэнергия, электрическая энергия: The electricity has been cut off. | More than 18,000 consumers were left without electricity when snow brought down live cables. | In one case, a town went without electricity for a week. | Few people realize how much we live by electricity. | The power came back on. | Many of the mergers were designed to set up monopolies to raise prices in industries such as steel, electric power and railways.

to generate / produce electricity / (electric) power производить / генерировать / давать электричество: Household waste could be burned to generate electricity. | The gas will drive turbines to generate electricity for the local grid. | The possibility of using wood to generate electricity should also be explored. | Domestic refuse can be burned to produce heat and electricity. | A power station could produce enough electricity to supply a small town.

to provide electricity / (electric) power (for / to sb) | to supply / deliver electricity / (electric) power (to sb) | to provide / supply sb with electricity / (electric) power обеспечивать / снабжать электричеством, поставлять / доставлять электричество: The utilities couldn't deliver electricity at a fair price because the government forced them to sell at an unfairly low price. | But two reactors are still operating, providing heating and electricity to Tomsk. | Pinchot wanted to dam the Tuolumne River and flood the valley to provide water and electricity to San Francisco.

electricity / (electric) power supply | (the) supply of electricity / (electric) power: The electricity supply will be cut off if we don't pay our bill. | Within the state sector, the statutory public monopoly of electricity supply and express delivery service has been ended. | The company was also legally bound to promote competition in the industry and ensure electricity supplies met standards of supply and quality.

to use / make use of / consume electricity / (electric) power использовать / потреблять электричество: Anyone who used electricity or drove a car had no right to tell peasants to stop felling trees.

(the) use / consumption of electricity / (electric) power | electricity / (electric) power use / consumption: Worse was expected to come as industrial and domestic consumption of electricity picked up after the attrition of the war years.

to conserve / save electricity / (electric) power беречь / сберегать / экономить электричество

to waste / squander electricity / (electric) power безрассудно тратить / разбазаривать электричество

to cut (off) (the) electricity / (electric) power | to cut (off) the electricity / electric power supply отключать / выключать электричество, прекращать подачу электричества: They cut off the electricity last week. | Lightning from the storm cut off the electricity. | They threatened to cut off gas and electricity to Moldava, of which the Dnestr region supplied almost 80 percent. | If the electric power could be cut, industry everywhere would be brought to a standstill. | The electricity supply had not been cut off and nor had the telephone.

to turn off / switch off the electricity / (electric) power выключать свет: The electricity has been turned off. | Turn off the power before starting to repair the machine. | Switch off the electricity before you attempt any repairs. | Make sure the power is switched off first.

to run on / be powered by electricity / (electric) power работать на электричестве: The machines run on electricity. | In the auto shop, students are retrofitting trucks from Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to run on electric power.

(electric) power line линия электропередачи / электроснабжения; линия высокого напряжения: Living close to overhead electric power lines causes health hazards.

4. fuel [ uncountable; countable ] a substance such as coal, gas, oil, or petrol that can be burned to produce heat or energy топливо, горючее: Coal is one of the cheapest fuels. | Wood, coal, oil, petrol and gas are all different kinds of fuel. | When the war ended, the most pressing need was to provide food and fuel. | Gas is also competing directly with coal for the heavy fuel oil market. | Polar ice also would provide hydrogen for rocket fuel and for industrial processes.

fuel supply | fuel supplies поставки топлива: Officials now warn that fuel supplies could be seriously disrupted this winter. | The nation's fuel supplies will not last forever.

fuel shortage(s) | a shortage of fuel нехватка / недостаток / дефицит топлива: They said there was a fuel shortage. | Refugees are facing serious food and fuel shortages.

liquid / solid fuel жидкое / твердое топливо: Do you have room to store oil or solid fuel or wood?

nuclear fuel ядерное топливо: Revenues, from reprocessing domestic and imported nuclear fuels, are not expected to exceed £5.2 billion. | Officials have still to decide how the radioactive dust and nuclear fuel inside should be cleaned up. | After three years' work the last consignment of nuclear fuel rods has been removed. | Energy Department officials say nuclear fuel rods have been safely transported for decades.

lead-free / unleaded fuel топливо, не содержащее тетраэтилсвинца: How will unleaded fuel affect the performance of my car? | New vehicles will be required to comply with set standards from 1995, while unleaded fuel will become available in 2000.

fuel oil топливная нефть, жидкое топливо, мазут: Prices of fuel oil, diesel and kerosene were also raised.

bunker fuel / oil флотский мазут; котельное топливо для судов: Up to that time coal was chiefly used as a domestic fuel but from 1812 onwards it went to sea as bunker fuel.

spent (nuclear) fuel отработанное ядерное топливо: At that stage the inspector did not mention spent nuclear fuel. | If the spent fuel cannot be reprocessed, alternative dry storage is needed. | Reprocessing spent nuclear fuel rods increases the volume of waste and should be undertaken only when necessary for safety reasons.

fuel consumption расход / потребление топлива: Just as fuel consumption grows disproportionately as speeds rise, so does the emission of air pollutants. | Given that pollution levels relate to fuel consumption, private cars and taxis are also the greatest polluters.

fuel efficiency топливная экономичность (двигателя): Greater fuel efficiency is essential and there are now prototype cars that can travel between 52 and 100 miles per gallon. | The only certain way of cutting CO2 emissions is to encourage fuel efficiency.

fuel leak утечка топлива: Delays were caused by the discovery of dangerous fuel leaks.

to burn / use / consume fuel использовать / потреблять топливо / в качестве топлива: Do we carry on burning fossil fuels at rapid rates? | Mr Livingstone has offered exemptions for business deliveries and if vehicles use green fuels. | In addition to better economy, diesel cars use cheaper fuel and are no less environmentally-friendly than petrol-engined models fitted with catalytic converters.

the use // burning / combustion of fuel: We are hastening this process with the burning of fossil fuels. | It has not yet been established that global warming is due to excessive combustion of fossil fuels.

to produce fuel производить топливо: Development costs could be reduced by expanding these existing nuclear sites which are currently used primarily to produce fuel for military purposes. | Environmentalists argue that the costs of producing the fuel must also be taken into account.

to run on / be powered by fuel работать на топливе: Most cars run on unleaded fuel. | By 2000 the great majority of cars will run on unleaded fuel.

to run out of fuel растратить / израсходовать топливо: They ran out of fuel.

to discharge fuel (into sth) сливать / выливать топливо: The defendants negligently discharged fuel oil into Sydney Harbour.

to save fuel экономить топливо: Drivers are being encouraged to save fuel. | Now, remaining supplies of fossil fuels should be saved, not squandered.

to economize / save on fuel экономить на топливе: Higher taxes encourage people to economize on fuel. | Also, in his view, it saves on fuel and oil costs.

5. petrol (British English) | gasoline | gas (American English) [ uncountable ] a liquid obtained from petroleum that is used as fuel for cars and other vehicles бензин

leaded petrol / gasoline этилированный бензин: As a first step, the sale of leaded petrol will be banned from January 1992. | What is the situation with regard to leaded petrol? | The leaded petrol market is shrinking so fast that some major petroleum companies have discontinued refining leaded petrol. | In the United State, (the) use of leaded gasoline was phased out on January 1.

lead-free / unleaded petrol / gasoline неэтилированный бензин; бензин, не содержащий свинца: Some people say that once the car is adjusted I should alternate between leaded and unleaded petrol? | In February unleaded gasoline fell 3. 75 cents to 54. 44 cents a gallon.

petrol consumption расход горючего

filling station | petrol station (British English) | gas station (American English) бензозаправочная / автозаправочная станция, бензоколонка: At gasoline stations it is illegal for customers to pump more than 10 gallons a minute.

to run on / be powered by petrol работать на бензине: All models run on unleaded petrol. | It will take many years to phase out existing cars that run on high octane leaded petrol.

to run out of petrol растратить / израсходовать бензин: He forgot to switch over fuel tanks, so he thought he ran out of petrol when he didn't.

6. oil refinery [ countable ] a factory where oil is made purer нефтеперегонный / нефтеочистительный завод: When oil was first imported this was the place chosen for an oil refinery. | By June 29 a further solidarity strike had halted production at the country's only oil refinery. | The company also plans to invest in some of its remaining 11 refineries to make them more efficient. | New investors would be allowed to set up oil refineries without government permission. | They have to put up with a giant oil refinery right on their doorstep.

7. (electric) power station (especially British English) | (electric) power plant | (electricity) generating station [ countable ] a building where electricity is produced to supply a large area электростанция: The power station burns coal from the Ruhr region. | Nearly all the power stations have worked out much more expensive to build than was estimated. | Our power stations are notoriously inefficient. | The electricians at the power stations went on strike and stayed out nearly five days. | The government's priority is to build more power plants. | In an electric power plant the heat converts water into high-pressure steam.

conventional power station / plant one using coal, oil, or natural gas as fuel, as contrasted with heat from a nuclear reactor электростанция на традиционных источниках энергии

thermal power station / plant тепловая электростанция: Thermal stations burning coal, oil or nuclear fuel work 24 hours a day and their output is less easy to adjust.

hydroelectric / water power station / plant гидроэлектростанция, гидроэлектрическая станция: It welcomed the realization of the joint hydroelectric power station project.

nuclear power station / plant атомная электростанция: Nuclear power stations are notoriously unreliable and construction costs go way over original estimates. | The Government insisted that Britain's nuclear power stations are as safe as houses. | The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986 scattered radioactive contamination over a large part of Europe. | The concern arises when a nuclear power plant is refuelled.

geothermal power station / plant геотермальная электростанция

solar power station / plant солнечная электростанция, гелиоэлектрическая станция: But the idea of full-blown solar power stations is unrealistic in the foreseeable future.

coal-burning / coal-fired / coal-powered / coal-fuelled power station / plant электростанция, работающая на угле: Coal-fired power stations are among the worst offenders in the production of sulphur gases. | Even a new cleaner generation of coal-fired power stations is 10 years away. | Trees consume carbon dioxide emitted by coal-fired power stations and other sources. | This is because of the higher levels of carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired stations compared with natural gas.

oil-burning / oil-fired / oil-powered / oil-fuelled power station / plant электростанция, работающая на нефти / мазуте / жидком топливе: The power company is considering converting several of its rarely-used oil-fired stations for use with orimulsion.

gas-burning / gas-fired / gas-powered / gas-fuelled power station / plant / (electricity) generating station электростанция, работающая на природном газе: Of 32 planned gas-fired power stations, three-quarters are badly designed and likely to waste more than half the gas they use. | Emissions from a gas-fired plant are about half those from a coal-fired one. | Its last gas-fired plant was built in 1972 in Pittsburg. | Several large gas-fired electricity generating stations will begin to operate and that will inevitably take away a proportion of the market. | Will the Labour party shut down the new gas-fired generating stations, break those contracts and lay off the men?

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История развития хранилищ для нефти: Первые склады нефти появились в XVII веке. Они представляли собой землянные ямы-амбара глубиной 4…5 м...

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