Стр. 40 С (найти в упражнениях предложения,такими словами и записать) — КиберПедия 

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Стр. 40 С (найти в упражнениях предложения,такими словами и записать)

2017-08-23 955
Стр. 40 С (найти в упражнениях предложения,такими словами и записать) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Стр. 42 F

1. One of the main aims of any government is to administer justice.

2. The conception of justice refers to morality.

3. The conception of justice is subjective. It depends on many factors.

4. We are all equal before the law.

5. Murder is a crime against the state so the victim’s relatives have no right to take the law into their own hands and punish the murderer themselves.

6. A fair trial is an open hearing, an impartial court and equality before the law.

7. The law gives each side an equal chance to state its arguments.

8. If you feel that the law is unfair you have the right to appeal against it.

9. Our company always hires the best lawyers.

10. According to the Russian law polygamy is illegal.

11. The work of the policeman is risky.

12. This lawyer doesn’t deal with criminal affairs.

13. Administration of justice involves a legal system which deals with people who break the law.

14. It is unfair that rich people can escape justice.

Стр. 44 D

Студент А

1. Yes, It is. I think students should not pay for their education because they don’t have money.

2. Yes, I do because they don’t do illegal or immoral things.

3. I need 40 minutes to get to the university.

4. No, I am not because I don’t do illegal or immoral things.

5. Sometimes I do.



1. I know 5 of them: don’t steal, don’t tell a lie, don’t murder,don\t make false statements against other people, don’t be unfaithful to your spouse.

2. I study law because I want to know the rights of people and help all who need it.

3. I don’t know all the words.

4. Sometimes it is.

5. We like to have picnics in the country.

Стр. 44 E

1. What is the basic law of the land?

2. How often do Russian courts apply the foreign law?

3. Where do you study?

4. What is your mother?

5. What does your job involve?

6. When does the hearing of the case in court start?

7. Where are they now?

8. Why does the law limit the rights of citizens?

9. What do you deal with?

10. How much is this lawyer’s fee?

11. What is ombudsman?

Стр. 45 F

1. Are you a student? – yes, I am. I study the law at the university.

2. Is your brother? – No, he isn’t.He is a lawyer.


Упражнение A (c. 50)

Be – was/were -быть

Leave – left - оставлять, уезжать, покидать

Shout – shouted - кричать

Transfer – transferred – переносить, перемещать

Throw – threw – бросать, кидать

Search – searched - искать

holdout – heldout – иметьнадежду, выдерживать, держаться до конца, удерживать

shoot – shot – стрелять

threaten – threatened – угрожать

make (заставлять) хЗ – made – заставлять, делать, изготавливать

ask – asked – просить, спрашивать

come – came –приходить, приезжать

go – went – идти, ходить

take – took – брать, взять

offer – offered - предлагать

sell – sold - продавать

find – found – находить, обнаружить

walk – walked – гулять, ходитьпешком

steal – stole – красть, воровать


Упражнение B (c. 50)

a) A gang held out a rich man's son and asked formoney. Бандаудерживаласынабогатогочеловекаитребоваладенег.

b) She went to her ex-husband's house and shot himdead.Она пошла в дом своего бывшего мужа и застрелила его.

c) A passenger on a flight made the pilot land in a desert.Пассажир рейса заставил пилота совершить посадку в пустыне.

d) After the party the man made the woman have sex withhim.После вечеринки мужчина принудил женщину к сексу с ним.

e) We came home from holiday and found that our TV had gone.Мы вернулись из отпуска и обнаружили, что наш телевизор украли.

f) Someone sold marijuana during the concert.Во время концерта кто – то продавал марихуану.

g) When the boarder police searched his car, it was full of cigarettes.Когда таможенная полиция обыскала его машину, она была полна сигарет.

h) Someone threw paint on the statute in the park.Кто – то плеснул краску на статую в парке.

i) He threatened to send thephotos to a newspaper if theactress didn't pay him a lot of money.Он угрожал отправить фотографию в газету если актриса не заплатит ему много денег.

j) An armed man walked into the bank and shouted "Hands up!Вооруженныйчеловеквошелвбанкизакричал: «Рукивверх!»

k) A man transferred company money into his own account.Мужчина перевел деньги компании на свой личный счет.

I) A builder offered t he mayor a free flat in return for a favour.Застройщикпредложилмэрубесплатнуюквартирувобменнауслугу.

m) Two men left a bomb in the supermarket car park.Двое мужчин оставили бомбу в машине на автостоянке супермаркета.

n) Somebody stole my car last night from outside myhouse.Вчера вечером кто – то украл мою машину, стоявшую у дома.

o) A man took a knife and made me give my wallet.Мужчина вытащил нож и заставил меня отдать мой кошелек.


  Crime Criminal Verb
i blackmail blackmailer toblackmailшантажировать
l bribery   tobribe - взяточничество
e burglary burglar to break in/burgle – квартирнаякража
f Drug dealing drugdealer toselldrugs – торговля наркотиками
k fraud fraudster to commit fraud/ - мошенничество deceive
c hijacking hijacker tohijack- угон самолета
a kidnapping kidnapper tokidnap – похищение людей
o mugging mugger tomug - хулиганство
b murder murderer tomurder - убийство
d rape rapist torape - изнасилование
j robbery robber torob - грабеж
g smuggling smuggler tosmuggle -контрабанда
m terrorism terrorist to set off bombs, etc. - терроризм
n theft thief to steal – кража, угон
h vandalism vandal to vandalize – вандализмdeliberately damage property

Упражнение C (c. 51-52)

1.He isn't a murderer. He didn't shoot the old man.

2. Kate isn't a blackmailer. She didn't blackmail the businessman.

3. Mr. Big isn't a rapist. He didn’t rape that woman....

4. Stephan isn't a mugger. He didn’t mug that woman.

5. They aren't terrorists. They didn’t set off bombs in the cafe.

6. Elena isn't a fraudster. She didn’t commit fraud.

7. That young man isn't a drug dealer. He didn’t sell drugs.

8. Mr. Swan isn't a thief. He didn’t steal those documents.

9. They aren't robbers. They didn’t rob her house.

10. Alan isn't a smuggler. He didn’t smuggle.

11. We aren't vandals. We didn’t damage any property.

12. Mr. and Mrs. Smith aren't terrorists. They didn’t set off bombs.


УпражнениеD (c. 52)

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