Of the first International Scientific conference «russia and the West: topical issues of Sociology, Political Science and International Relations in the era of globalization» — КиберПедия 

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Of the first International Scientific conference «russia and the West: topical issues of Sociology, Political Science and International Relations in the era of globalization»

2017-07-25 170
Of the first International Scientific conference «russia and the West: topical issues of Sociology, Political Science and International Relations in the era of globalization» 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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October 10-12, 2017

Izhevsk, Udmurt State University

Conference Organizers:

FSBEI of Higher Education “Udmurt State University”, Institute of History and Sociology,

MBGEI of Continuing Education “Information Resource Center for Youth” (“МИРЦ”),

The bureau of city projects “LIFT”

October 12

9:30-10:00 am – Registration. V.I. Zhuravlev Research Library of Udmurt State University. Izhevsk, UdSU, 4B Lomonosova St.

10:00 am - 1:00 pm – Plenary Session (11:20-11:40 – refreshment time)

· Opening address by G.V. Merzlyakova, President of Udmurt State University.

· «Russia, the West and global governance: contestation and cooperation». Averre Derek – PhD in Political Science, Associate Professor, University of Birmingham (Birmingham, Great Britain).

· «Studying the European Union: multiple challenges for political scientists». Cotta Maurizio – Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Director of the Center for Political Change, University of Siena (Siena, Italy).

· «The Russian-Polish relationship from western perspectives: Present and Future». McCook Brian – PhD in History, Head of Department - History, Politics & Philosophy, Associate Dean for Internationalisation (HLSS), Manchester Metropolitan University (Manchester, Great Britain).

· Nationalism vs. globalism in intellectual discourse. Fadeeva Lyubov’ Aleksandrovna – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of Political Sciences, Perm State University (Perm, Russia).

· Global challenges for modern universities. Ladyzhets Natalia Sergeevna – Doctor of Phylosophy Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of Sociology, Udmurt State University (Izhevsk, Russia).


Pm – lunch break

2:00-6:00 pm – work in the sections (15:50-16:10 – refreshment time)

  • Section of SOCIOLOGY. “Topical issues of interaction between education and society: the global and regional aspects of social analysis”

Moderators: Merenkov Anatoliy Vasilievich – Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin (Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation); Sannikova Olga Vladimirovna – Doctor of Sociology, Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the Department of Sociology, Udmurt State University (Izhevsk, Russian Federation).

  • Section of POLITOLOGY and INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. “Russia and the world: the formation of a new political agenda”

Moderators: Fadeeva Lyubov’ Aleksandrovna – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Perm State National Research University (Perm, Russian Federation); Zolotykh Vladimir Rudol’fovich – Doctor of History, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Modern and Contemporary History and International Relations, Udmurt State University (Izhevsk, Russian Federation); Malyshev Mikhail Yurievich – Candidate of History, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Political Science and Political Management, Udmurt State University (Izhevsk, Russian Federation).


Pm – business dinner.


October 13

9:30 am - 1:00 pm – continuation of work in the sections (11:00-11:20 – refreshment time).

Pm – lunch break.

Pm – round table in the bureau of city projects “LIFT”: “Russia and the West in a 10-year perspective: trends within labor market and university training in the socio-political area”.

Pm – a sightseeing bus tour around Izhevsk.

Pm – an excursion to M.T. Kalashnikov Museum and Exhibition Small Arms Complex Оружейно-выставочный комплекс стрелкового оружия им. М.Т. Калашникова (exposition of the museum and shooting gallery).

October 14

Am – a trip to the museum-estate P.I. Tchaikovsky (Votkinsk).

Pm – lunch in the restaurant “Ostrov” (Votkinsk).

Pm – a trip to the Church of the Ascension of the Lord and the Holy Dormition Convent in the village


Pm – Return to Izhevsk.


We currently accept articles in electronic format for publication in issues 3 and 4 of 2017. Articles shall be in accordance with the requirements of the journal "Bulletin of the Udmurt University. Sociology, Political Science. International Relations". We allow distance participation with an option of publishing in Russian or English. Contact e-mail: [email protected]

Requirements for publications and information for participants:

1. Articles shall be dedicated to the topics of the conference.

2. The Universal Decimal Classification (UDC), abstract (200–250 words) and keywords (up to 10) for Russian-language articles – in Russian and English, for English articles – in English only.

3. The volume of publications is between 8 and 16 pages, Word document, font Times New Roman, size 11, interval – single. Indentation – 1 cm. The size of page margins: bottom, left, right – 2 cm; top – 2.5 cm. UDC, the author's initials and surname (11th bold italics), title of the article (11th bold capital size, single line spacing) - all in one and a half interval from a new line without indentation – left alignment. References to the literature in the text are placed in the square brackets: [5. С. 15], [7. P. 12-14]. The authors' initials in the text are before the surname, in the list of references – after the surname. References – at least 10 sources.

4. Rubrics of the article: Abstract. Keywords 1. Introduction. 2. Theoretical background. 3. Method. 4. Results. 5. Discussion. 6. Conclusions. 7. References.

5. Information about the author: Surname, First name, Middle name. Academic degree. Place of work (in full), title, postal address of the organization. Personal e-mail address. For Russian-language articles – in Russian and English, for English articles – in English only.

6. Restriction for authors: articles of master’s students are accepted only in co-authorship with academic advisors.

7. In a separate file of the Application for participation in one of the two sections of the conference
(1. Sociology, 2. Political Science and International Relations) there should be included: full name, academic degree, place of work (in full), title, conference section, student status (full-time / part-time), title of the presentation, home address, cell phone number, and e-mail address.

8. Speech timeframe in the plenary session – up to 20 minutes; in sections – 10 min. Visual presentations are welcomed.

9. Application and a report must be sent to: [email protected] before September 20, 2017.

10. Without registration fee. Travel and accommodation are at your expense.


International Scientific Conference “Russia and the West: topical issues of sociology, political science and international relations in the era of globalization” will take place on the annual basis.


We look forward to meeting our first participants on October 12-14 of this year.



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