Global warming is one of the most serious issues that the world is facing today. What are causes of global warming and measures can governments and individuals take to tackle the issues? — КиберПедия 

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Global warming is one of the most serious issues that the world is facing today. What are causes of global warming and measures can governments and individuals take to tackle the issues?

2017-08-11 402
Global warming is one of the most serious issues that the world is facing today. What are causes of global warming and measures can governments and individuals take to tackle the issues? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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There is little doubt that global warming has been a major concern for some time. With increased waste and burning of fossil fuels, carbon dioxide becomes trapped in the atmosphere and acts like a blanket over earth. Though the problem is serious, there are measures that governments and individuals can take to address it.


There are many causes of global warming including, burning fuel and fossil fuels, certain farm practices and deforestation. Humans burn a tremendous amount of fuel and fossil fuels everyday, including gasoline, coal and oil. The resulting, additional carbon dioxide raises the temperature of the atmosphere. The same happens from methane emissions on farms, such as from cows and some fertilizers. Normally, trees help to cool the air by removing carbon dioxide. Through deforestation, however, an efficient method of cooling the air is eliminated.

Governments possess authority and resources, so they should be primarily responsible for addressing the problem of global warming. The most effective way to combat a problem is through education. Local and national governments should implement programs to educate people about global warming and some practical ways to deal with it. Legislators must set a limit on the amount of carbon dioxide that farms and companies can produce on a daily basis. Fines should be assessed for exceeding the limit. In addition, mass deforestation must be made illegal. Positive measures are also important. For instance, residents could be provided with free trees to plant in their gardens. Since trees are expensive, companies could get tax breaks for sponsoring these programs.

Individuals must be empowered to help solve the problem of global warming. There is much that ordinary people can do. For example, families can reduce their fuel consumption by line drying their clothes in summer and turning down their thermostats. People should also limit their use of artificial fertilizers. Composting fruits and vegetables is a more ecologically-friendly way to fertilize gardens and does not harm the atmosphere.

In conclusion, global warming is a real threat to the environment. Taking measures at both the government and individual level will help to reduce its effects. (348 words)

The best way to reduce poverty in developing countries is by giving up to 6 years of free education to children, so that they can at least read, write and use numbers. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement?

Education plays a crucial role in alleviating poverty. Take a look at the developed nations in the world. It is not hard to see that the biggest strength of these nations is their educated workforce. So, I agree with the argument that the best way to reduce poverty in developing nations is to provide free education to their children. While, six years of free education isn’t sufficient, it is definitely better than no education at all.

Education has the potential to change lives. Educated people can protect themselves from exploitation at the workplace. They earn better salaries. All of these improve their chances of freeing themselves from the shackles of poverty.

Besides improving the finances of a person, education helps them improve the overall quality of their life. Perhaps the biggest benefit of receiving education is that they will pass it down to the next generation. Educated parents will ensure that their children also receive education.

Education throws open many doors. An ability to read and write improves one’s understanding of one’s surroundings. Just because someone has received a few years’ of schooling, they are unlikely to be able to land a good job. Even so, a little education is much better than no education at all. An ability to read and write makes them aware of their rights. In many countries the government has several welfare schemes for the poor. However, many of them are not aware of these schemes and cannot take advantage of them. They are often deceived by unscrupulous leaders and politicians who pocket the benefits meant for them.

To conclude, even primary education has the potential to improve lives and reduce poverty. Therefore, I strongly agree with the argument that it should be free for all children.


Many developed countries are giving financial aid to poor countries. However, this hasn’t solved the problem of poverty in these nations and so other types of help are needed. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Developed nations have more money than they need, so they give financial assistance to undeveloped and developing nations. I certainly agree with the view that this financial aid hasn’t solved all the problems plaguing poor countries. However, it has definitely improved the situation in those countries to a certain extent.

Corruption is one of the biggest problems that poor nations face. Even if rich nations give financial aid, the money does not reach the people who need it. Millions of people living in poor countries lack education. They are not even aware of their rights and accept poverty as if it was their birthright. If a nation is to progress, it needs empowered people who are aware of their rights and who have the capability to fight for it.

An honest and efficient administrative system is required for the development of any nation. Corrupt officials and ignorant people who are not aware of their rights have never helped any nation. Unfortunately, developed nations that give the financial assistance cannot do much to improve the government or administrative system present in poor nations. No nation can interfere in another nation’s internal affairs beyond a certain level. So, other than giving financial assistance there is not much that rich nations can do to help poor nations.

To conclude, I certainly agree with the view that foreign aid hasn’t solved the problems of poor countries. However, this does not mean that developed nations should stop giving financial assistance. They should continue to give money but the purpose of giving financial assistance should be the empowerment of people. Eradication of poverty is equally important but as they say teaching a man how to fish is much better than giving him a fish.

5) Nations should cooperate with one another to solve environmental problems. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Human’s economic and industrial activities have had a negative impact on the environment. Since every country has contributed to the deterioration of Mother Nature, every nation ought to play a part in the attempt to control damage caused by human activity. However, many countries are still refraining from joining such a co-operation.

Environment is the concern of everyone. Since human’s existence depends upon a clean environment, we must tackle its problems together. Otherwise, ignoring the negative impact of human’s activity on the environment would ultimately lead to a disaster that can never be contained. At that point the damage would be irreversible and our own existence will become under threat. Fortunately, countries around the world have demonstrated a high level of co-operation that is embodied in the Kyoto protocol. Such a protocol compels signatory countries to greatly reduce their greenhouse emissions.

However, many countries do not seem to show a genuine intention to co-operate. The United states view any attempt to compromise the volume of its economy to be a vicious attack on its economic progress and political influence. Thus, countries such as the US are reluctant to join any environmental co-operation scheme fearing that it would compel the US to with new requirements at the expense of its astounding industrial base.

To sum up, I believe that the environment is the case of everyone and its problems ought to be tackled together. Failure to do so will result in a disaster with dire consequences that may jeopardize our own existence. After all, we want economic prosperity that is not at the expense of the environment.

6) Some people think it is our moral duty to help poor people. Some people think that big amounts of money do not reach the poor. Discuss and give your opinion.

Model Answer

There is no denying the fact that it is our moral duty to help the poor and the needy. Every religion in the world asks its believers to help those in need. Needless to say, many people help the poor by donating money to charities. But is that enough to eradicate poverty and suffering from the world? Does the money we donate reach the hands of the people who actually need it? Many people believe that it doesn’t. Let’s see if there is any truth in that argument.

For most people, charity means making generous donations to governmental and non-governmental organizations working for the poor. You can’t blame them. Only a few people have the time or drive to engage in social work. The rest of us simply donate money. It would have been enough if the money thus donated had reached the poor and the needy. Unfortunately, it doesn’t happen so. Only a fraction of the amount reaches people who actually need it. The rest reaches the hands of the corrupt and greedy officials who work for these organizations.

That, however, doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t help the poor at all. While it is true that many organizations and individuals working for the poor are corrupt to the core, there are several exceptions too. Take for instance, the case of Mother Teresa. She single-handedly proved that one person can make a difference to the lives of millions. The Missionaries of Charities, the organization she founded, is still changing the lives of the poor in Calcutta. There are several other examples too. Organizations like these can’t survive without the help of the public who donate time and money for the cause.

It is therefore felt that although large amounts of money do not reach the poor, we cannot refrain from donating at all. Instead, we must try to eliminate corruption by striving for greater degree of transparency. We must also donate time for the cause we believe in whenever that is possible.


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