States of matter: solids, liquids and gases. — КиберПедия 

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States of matter: solids, liquids and gases.

2017-07-01 469
States of matter: solids, liquids and gases. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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To understand the various states of matter and their con­nection to each other, we must understand the meaning of the word molecule.

We can divide a piece of material into small parts and then subdivide each of these small parts into still smaller parts. We shall continue this process of division until the parts be­come very, very small. In the end they will become so small that it will be impossible to divide them further. We call these smallest particles atoms. They are the fundamental building blocks of all materials and they have a definite at­traction for each other.

Atoms combine into molecules and molecules may contain one, two, three and more atoms. In metals there is only one atom in a molecule, for example.

The molecules of a solid are very close together and have a great attraction for each other. The closer they are together, the heavier is the solid; however, the molecules are in a state of continual vibration. In this state their attraction for each other is very great, and that is why it is very difficult to change the shape of a solid.

Now, if we heat the solid, the molecules begin to vibrate more and more and therefore there is less attraction for each other. Thus, a solid expands when we heat it. When the mole­cules are quite far apart from each other, the solid changes into a liquid.

If we continue to heat the liquid, the molecules begin to vibrate so strongly and they move so far apart from each other that they will have very little attraction for each other. Now the liquid becomes a gas which has no definite size.

The three states of matter — solid, liquid and gaseous — are very close to each other and more heat or less heat will change the substance from one state to the other. Ice, water and steam are examples of this change of state.




various – различный

to divide – делить(ся), разделять

to subdivide – подразделять(ся)

division – деление, разделение

attraction – притягивание

to contain – содержать, вмещать

each other – друг друга

continual – беспрерывный

shape – форма

size – размер

to heat – нагревать

heat - тепло

...have a great attraction for each other – сильно притягивают друг друга

they move so far apart from each other – они так далеко отодвигаются друг от друга


1. Haйдите в тексте перевод следующих словосочетаний:

Различные состояния материи, значение слова «молекула», этот процесс деления, невозможно делить их дальше, молекулы твердого тела, очень трудно изменить размер твердого тела, три состояния материи, лед, вода и пар.


2. Заполните пропуски словами, опираясь на содержание текста:


1. We can divide a piece of ….. into small parts.

2. We call these smallest particles …...

3. Atoms combine into ….. and molecules may contain one, two, three and more …….

4. In metals there is only one …. in a molecule.

5. The molecules of a ….. are very close together.

6. If we heat the …, the molecules begin to vibrate more and more.


3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What do we call atoms?

2. Do atoms combine into molecules?

3. What do molecules begin to do if we heat the solid?

4. When does the solid change into a liquid?

5. What are the examples of the change of state?


4. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:


1. Молекулы состоят из атомов.

2. Из чего состоят все вещества?

3. Воздух – это смесь нескольких газов.

4. Мы называем эти мельчайшие частицы атомами.



1.Напишите степени сравнения следующих прилагательных и переведите их на русский язык:


Little, simple, small, difficult, good, great, early, possible, far, much, important, bad.


2.Определите степени сравнения прилагательных и переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. The smallest particles that we see through a microscope are much larger than the molecules.

2. Lighter molecules move with greater speeds than heavier molecules.

3. Water is one of the most common things in our life.

4. From the earliest times people dreamed of air flights.

5. The greatest part of the matter around us is liquid or gas.

6. Zink is cheape r than other metals.

7. The planet Mars is much less massive than the Earth but its density (плотность) is greate r than that of the crystal rock (порода) of the Earth.

8. Silver is one of the best conductors of electricity.

9. Lead is one of the heaviest metals.


3.Вставьте нужную форму прилагательного (сравнительную или превосходную) и переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:


1. Liquid nitrogen is (light) than water.

2. Liquid oxygen is not as (light) as liquid nitrogen.

3. Lead is (heavy) than aluminium.

4. Zinc is one of the (cheap) metals.

5. Metals are the (good) conductors of electricity.






In 1896 Ernest Rutherford began investigations of radio­activity at Cambridge. Four years later he continued them in Canada. He studied the radiations from the element thorium arid showed that atoms were splitting up. This was a great shock to the chemists of the time as the atoms had always been regarded as the smallest indivisible units.

Further research showed that the atom was made up of smaller particles and that its structure was very complex: it resembled the solar system with a central nucleus and a num­ber of electrons, very much smaller than the nucleus and revolving around it. Rutherford's results made a great impres­sion on the scientific world because the splitting of the atom opened to man a new and enormous source of energy. The most important results have been obtained by splitting the atom of uranium.

World War I interrupted much of the scientific work in England. In 1918 the work on radio-activity was resumed with additional workers from England, the United States and the Soviet Union. Rutherford died in 1937, but the work which he began has not yet been finished.


Words and word combinations:


investigate – исследовать

investigation – исследование

radioactivity – радиоактивность

radiation –радиация

thorium – торий (хим.элемент)

to split – расщеплять(ся)

to regard – смотреть на, считать

indivisible - неделимый

to made up – состоять из

to resemble – походить, иметь сходство

nucleus – ядро

enormous - огромный

to revolve - вращаться

research – исследование, исследовать

to interrupt – прерывать

to obtain – получать

to resume – возобновлять. продолжать




1. Найдите в тексте следующие словосочетания:


Четыре года спустя, элемент торий, величайший удар для химиков, мельчайшие неделимые единицы, иметь сжодство с солнечной системой, произвести огромное впечатление, огромный источник энергии, Первая мировая война, научная работа, Советский Союз, работа, которую он начал.


2. Заполните пропуски, опираясь на содержание текста


1. Rutherford began investigations of …. at Cambridge.

2. He showed that ….. were splitting up.

3. Further research showed that the atom was made up of smaller …...

4. Rutherford’s results made a great …. on the scientific …..

5. ….. … … interrupted much of the scientific work.


3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. When and where did Rutherford begin investigations of radioactivity?

2. What did he study?

3. What did further research show?

4. Why did Rutherford’s results make a great impression on the scientific world?

5. World War I interrupted much of the scientific work, didn’t it/

6. When did Rutherford die?


4. Перескажите текст урока.




1. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на конструкцию “neither.. nor


1. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.

2. One hundred years ago there were neither motors nor telephone.

3. We have got neither instruments nor devices.

4. He was neither a scientist nor an inventor.


2. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на значение союза “as…as”, “not so … as”.


1. Water is as necessary as air.

2. No planet is as hot as the Sun.

3. Gold is not so light as aluminium.

4. The ocean of air as well as the ocean of water is material.

5. Metals as well as minerals are of great importance in industry.

6. This modern device is not so expensive as that one.


3.Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на различные значения слова “that”:


1. Atomic energy can serve people but one should never forget that that energy can also destroy the world.

2. That research in the field of converting solar energy into electricity is very important today is quite evident.

3. It is heat that causes many chemical changes.

4. We may say that every matterpossesses energy.






Industry depends on power. For centuries coal, oil, and water were its main sources. In the 19-th century they were used to produce steam.

In the first half of the 20th century — electricity. Our time is the age of atomic power. A new fuel and a new source of power has been put to the service of man. The fuel is uranium and the source of power is atomic energy. For more than one century scientists of different countries were working hard to discover the secret of the atom. Owing to a series of outstand­ing scientific achievements nuclear energy finds its application in different branches of our economy. In future it will be widely used not only to drive our machines and power our factories but to light and heat our homes. The energy of atom is trans­formed into electric energy at atomic power plants. The world's first atomic power station was put into operation in the Soviet Union in 1954. One of the great advantages of such plants is that they can be built in the very regions where power is to be used. Another advantage is their low fuel consumption. The total capacity of the new station will amount to 600,000 kW. For all the power stations planned under this program it will be counted in millions and millions of kilowatts.


Words and word combinations:

advantage - преимущество

to depend on – зависеть от

for centuries – в течение столетий

main sources – основные (главные) источники

is becoming – становится

has been put to the service of man – поставлен на службу человека

more than – более чем

were working hard to discover – работали усердно (не покладая рук) для того, чтобы открыть

owing to – благодаря

application – применение

was put into operation – пущена в действие

in the very regions – именно в тех районах

amount – количество, величина

under this program – по этой программе

consumption – потребление, расход



1. Найдите перевод следующих слов и словосочетаний в тексте:


Новое топливо и новый источник, ученые разных стран, применение в различных отраслях нашей экономики, энергия атома, освещать и обогревать наши дома, другое преимущество, научные достижения.


2. Заполнить пропуски, опираясь на содержание текста.


1. Industry depends on …..

2. In the first half of the 20-th century - …..

3. The source of power is ….. energy.

4. In future it will be ….. used not only to drive our machines.

5. The energy of atom is …. into electric energy.

6. Another advantage is their low fuel …….


3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.


1. How long were coal, oil and water the main sources of power?

2. Is the 20-th century becoming the age of atomic power?

3. What kind of new fuel is put to the service of man?

4. How long were scientists of different countries working to discover the secret of the atom?

5. Does atomic energy already find its useful application?

6. Where can nuclear energy be used?

7. Is the energy of atom used to produce electric energy?

8. Where was the world’s first atomic power station put into operation?

9. What are the advantages of atomic power stations?

10. Does scientific progress in our country create all conditions for the use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes?


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