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2017-07-01 259
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1. Humber Estuary as one of Britain’s key habitats … migrating birds.

a. to b. on c. for d. from

2. The Outer Harbour development will con­sist … four deepwater ro-ro berths.

a. of b. on c. at d. from

3. The developments would result … a loss of about 31 hectares of inter-tidal mudflats.

a. at b. to c. on d. in

4. 80 per cent of all tanker spills arise … operational accidents.

a. in b. from c. to d. before

5. More specific to ports is the problem of oil becoming trapped … long wharves.

a. under b. over c. above d. between

6. It is sometimes feasible to force the oil … using ships’ propellers or fire hoses.

a. at b. from c. for d. out

7. It is sometimes possible to return these areas … their original condition quite quickly.

a. in b. to c. at d. for

8. The easiest shapes to deal … are long, flat walls.

a. for b. without c. with d. to

9. Survivability rates саn bе improved … adherence to relatively simple procedures.

a. by b. at c. from d. to

10. Damage … flying debris was severe and recovery times were hampered.

a. to b. on c. from d. at

Укажите буквами пары синонимов


1. currently – a. berth

2. demolish – b. cause

3. estimate – c. coast

4. facilities – d. collapse

5. feasible – e. condition

6. gain – f. contamination

7. impracticable – g. count

8. issue – h. fast

9. marine – i. get

10. opportunity – j. impossible

11. originate – k. now

12. pollution – l. place

13. provision – m. possibility

14. provoke – n. possible

15. rapid – o. question

16. reveal – p. sea

17. route – q. show

18. shore – r. structure

19. space – s. take place

20. wharf – t. way

Укажите буквами близкие по значению понятия

1. deploying booms and skimmers around an oil spill

a. contamination b. response c. facilities d. survival

2. the official protection or care of forests, rivers, animals, birds, etc

a. mudflat b. habitats c. conservation d. safeguard

3. spilling of oil into the sea

a. pollution b. accident c. obstruction d. action

4. chain around oil spill used to stop its spread

a. skimmers b. recovery c. vacuum units d. boom

5. continue to live, remain alive after a dangerous situation

a. insure b. survive c. provoke d. adhere

Укажите буквой правильный перевод подчёркнутых слов

1. ABP has committed to the crea­tion of 57 hectares of mudflat and salt marsh.

a. приступил b. согласился c. договорился d. имеет дело

2. The conditions in many ports can provide an ideal opportunity for effective recovery.

a. возможность b. восстановление c. воздействие d. доступность

3. Ventilation and accessibility are key health and safety issues for clean­up personnel.

a. экипаж b. персонал c. личный d. персональный

4. Booming around the immediate work area is also more difficult in tidal currents.

a. немедленный b. недоступный c. непосредственный d. относительный

5. Operations are guided by principles usually laid down in long-term contingency plans.

a. начальники b. принципы c. основания d. правила

Укажите буквой правильный перевод

1. The quay is the (предложенное) riverside berth development near Alexandra Dock.

a. was proposed b. proposed c. to be proposed d. was proposing

2. The conditions offered in many ports (защищённых) from wind and heavy wave action can

provide an ideal opportunity for effective recovery.

a. protecting b. were protected c. protected d. are protected

3. In some cases, the wharves are (строятся) with very short piles.

a. built b. building c. build d. builds

4. Especially time-consuming are round pilings that (окружены) by water.

a. surrounded b. are surrounding c. are surrounded d. were surrounded

5. Hurricanes Frances and Jeanne оn the Bahamas (вызвали) а claim оn thе Club.

a. are provoked b. has provoked c. were provoking d. provoked

Укажите буквой соответствующий английский эквивалент

1. среда обитания живой природы

a. live nature b. wildlife habitat c. natural habitat d. natural wildlife

2. возможность для восстановления

a. opportunity for recovery b. possibility of response

c. possibility for securing d. opportunity for survival

3. сдерживать распространение разлива нефтепродуктов

a. recover spill spread b. reveal oil spill

c. contain effect of spillage d. contain spread of spillage

4. загрязнённая поверхность

a. scraping floor b. contaminated surface c. trapped surface d. stranded space

5. разрушение и восстановление

a. consideration and recovery b. destruction and communication

c. destruction and recovery d. contingency and response

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