Translate into English. Use either the Past Continuous or Past Indefinite. — КиберПедия 

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Translate into English. Use either the Past Continuous or Past Indefinite.

2017-06-29 351
Translate into English. Use either the Past Continuous or Past Indefinite. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1) Она смотрела интересную передачу, когда кто-то постучал в дверь.

2) Я знаю точно, что в 8 часов он работал не в лаборатории, а в читальном зале.

3) Я собирался поступить в этот институт, но мне не повезло.

4) Вчера Анна играла на пианино весь вечер.

5) Было поздно, темнело. Мы возвращались домой. Когда мы подошли к дому, во дворе еще играли дети.

6) – Этот студент плохо отвечает. – Ничего удивительного, он постоянно пропускал занятия в прошлом семестре.

7) Он намеревался перевести эту статью вчера, но у него совершенно не было времени.

8) – Какую передачу вы вчера смотрели по телевизору в 9 часов вечера?

9) Когда мы вышли из дома, все еще шел сильный снег.

10) Почтальон принес телеграмму, когда я выходила из дома.

11) Во время перерыва мы ждали ее, но она не пришла.

12) Пока студенты готовились отвечать, экзаменатор просматривал их письменные работы.

13) Я собирался позвонить тебе вчера, но забыл.

14) Вы ведь путешествовали в это время в прошлом году, не так ли?

15) – Где ты был в 11 часов? Я тебе звонил, но твоя сестра сказала, что тебя нет дома. – Я катался на лыжах.

16) – Почему ты улыбалась, когда твоя младшая сестра вошла в комнату? – Потому что на ней были мои туфли на высоком каблуке.

17) Вчера весь вечер они обсуждали планы на каникулы.

18) У нее был попугай, который все время говорил.

19) Когда преподаватель объяснял новое грамматическое правило, один из студентов задал вопрос.

20) Студенты нашей группы играли в теннис на спортивной площадке, пока вы тренировались в спортивном зале.


Read the stories and reproduce them.

1) Eddie was naughty, and his mother punished him. When his father came home, Eddie was sitting in a corner of the room and crying. The anxious father asked him, "What's the matter with you, my son?" Eddie wiped his tears and answered, "Nothing much, daddy, I have only had a quarrel with your wife."


2) When Karl came in to breakfast, he saw that a bright greeting card was lying on the table. The card was from his cousin. Karl's elder brother Walter was eating. His sister Mary was in the kitchen. She was always doing something in the kitchen. Karl looked up from the card he was reading. "Cousin is coming to us for the summer," he said. "Oh, my!" exclaimed Mary, "We haven't seen him for ages." She was standing in the doorway with a coffee pot in her hands and smiling. “It will be nice to see him again”, she said.


3) The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning. They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa. A few hours earlier someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds. When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield. Two men took the parcel off the plane and carried it into the Customs House. While two detectives were keeping guard at the door, two others opened the parcel. To their surprise, the precious parcel was full of stones and sand!




F o r m a t i o n


The Future Continuous is formed with the Future Indefinite of the auxiliary verb to be + the Present Participle (the Infinitive + ing).


The negative is formed by putting not after the auxiliary verb to be + the Present Participle.


The interrogative is formed by inverting subject and the auxiliary verb to be + the Present Participle.


Affirmative Negative
I shall/will be walking in the I shall/will not be walking in the
You will be walking park (= I shan't/won't be walking) park
He/she/it will be walking at this You will not be walking at this
We shall/will be walking time He/she/it will not be walking time
They will be walking tomorrow. We shall/will not be walking tomorrow.
    They will not be walking  

Interrogative Negative Interrogative
Shall/WillIbe walking in the Shall/Will I not be walking in the
Will you be walking park (= Shan't/Won't I be walking park
Will he/she/it be walking at this Will you not be walking at this
Shall/Will we be walking time to- Will he/she/it not be walking time to-
Will they be walking morrow? Shall/ Will we not be walking morrow?
    Will they not be walking  


U s a g e

The Future Continuous is used to denote:

1) actions in progress at a stated future time: At 10 o'clock tomorrow Simon will be working in the garden.

2) actions which are the result of a routine (instead of the Present Continuous): I' ll be seeing John tomorrow. (We work in the same office so we'll definitely meet.)


The following time expressions can be used with the Future Continuous: tomorrow, tonight, next week/month, this time next week, soon, the day after tomorrow, in some days, etc.


REMEMBER: Use the Present Continuous instead of the Future Continuous after while: We 'll be playing basketball, while they are playing football.




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