Евразийский открытый институт — КиберПедия 

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Евразийский открытый институт

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Евразийский открытый институт


Т.М. Гулая



English Tests


Москва 2009

УДК 811.111

ББК 81.2Англ.

Г 94


  Г 94 Гулая Т.М. ENGLISH TESTS. – М.: Изд. центр ЕАОИ. 2009. – 246 с. ISBN 978-5-374-00277-5 Данный сборник тестовых заданий предназначен как учащимся старших классов, самостоятельно или под руководством преподавателя готовящихся к ЕГЭ, так и тем, кто интересуется английским языком. Сборник ориентирован на преодоление основных сложностей грамматики и лексики изучаемого языка. Ключи к тестам помогут проверить знания и оценить уровень подготовки.



УДК 811.111

ББК 81.2Англ.



ISBN 978-5-374-00277-5 © Гулая Т.М., 2009 © Оформление. АНО «Евразийский открытый институт», 2009




Part 1. Grammar............................................................................. 5

Part 2. Vocabulary........................................................................ 75

Part 3. Reading Comprehension.................................................. 102

Part 4. Model tests....................................................................... 202

Keys to Tests................................................................................ 234



Целью предлагаемого сборника тестовых заданий является контроль навыков употребления грамматических и лексических явлений, представляющих определенную сложность для изучающих английский язык.


Пособие состоит из 4 частей.


Первая часть содержит грамматические тесты, вторая – лексические, третья – тесты на понимание содержания прочитанного текста, четвертая – тренировочные тесты по всему материалу, включенному в сборник.


Большинство тестов построено по принципу множественного выбора (multiple-choice tests) с заданием «Выберите правильный ответ».


Быстрота выполнения тестов такого типа позволяет успешно применять их для закрепления пройденного языкового материала и контроля за его усвоением как в аудитории, так и при работе вне аудитории как средство самоконтроля.


Ко всем тестовым заданиям даны ключи.


Лексической базой тестовых заданий, в основном, служит разговорно-бытовая и общая деловая лексика.


Part 1. Grammar


Test 1

Test 2

Из нескольких вариантов (1, 2, 3, 4) выберите единственно правильный.


1. When I … in London I hope to visit a friend of mine.

1. was 2. am

3. have been 4. will be


2. The documents... now.

1. checked 2. are checking

3. have been checked 4. are being checked


3. I didn't know the answer because I … the book.

1. wouldn't read 2. don't read

3. hadn't read 4. didn't read


4. He … the report for today's seminar.

1. doesn't prepare 2. hasn't prepared

3. isn't prepared 4. hadn't prepared


5. I wonder whether he....

1. come 2. comes

3. will come 4. would come


6. By the time we came back, the house... by an American.

1. was bought 2. had been bought

3. bought 4. will be bought


7. I … for you when you come out of the building.

1. am waiting 2. was waiting

3. be waiting 4. will be waiting


8. If you... them, they will come.

1. invited 2. invite

3. will invite 4. would invite


9. She … piano lessons since last June.

1. is taking 2. takes

3. has been taking 4. took


10. I … this wonderful film when I was 16.

1. see 2. have seen

3. saw 4. had seen


11. When we came back she... coffee.

1. makes 2. was making

3. will make 4. would make


12. At present our company....

1. was reorganized 2. has reorganized

3. is being reorganized 4. has been reorganized


13. She wondered if I... her letter.

1. will post 2. posted

3. had posted 4. post


14. When I arrived, there... nobody at all in the house.

1. was 2. is

3. has been 4. were


15. Let's phone him now before it... too late.

1. will be 2. is

3. was 4. would be


16. The papers … by the time I came.

1.were typed 2.will be typed

3.had been typed 4.were typing


17. She was sure she... him somewhere before.

1. would see 2. see

3. had seen 4. saw


18. Where... your parent company located?

1. is 2. has

3. does 4. will


19. When … you receive a telephone call from them?

l. have 2. were

3. did 4. are


Test 3

Test 4

Выберите правильный вариант перевода подчеркнутой формы глагола.

1. 1. find 2. will find 3. found 4. had found

5. would find 6. finds 7. has found 8. to find


1. Он сказал, что обычно находит информацию в Интернете.

2. Он позвонит, когда найдет необходимую информацию.

3. Он спросил, где я нашел эту информацию.

4. Трудно найти информацию за такое короткое время.

5. Я надеялся, что он найдет интересующую его информацию.


2. 1. works 2. had worked 3. work 4. will work

5. to work 6. would work 7. worked 8. have worked


1. Его спросили, где он работает.

2. Я бы хотел работать с вами.

3. Он не знал, будет ли он работать в субботу.

4. Он сказал, что раньше они работали вместе.

5. Он будет работать в этой компании, если пройдет собеседование.


3. 1. will have lunch 2. had had lunch 3. has lunch

4. had lunch 5. is having lunch 6. would have lunch

7. has been having lunch 8. have lunch


1. Он спросил нас, обедали ли мы.

2. Он обедает уже 40 минут.

3. Он сказал, что всегда обедает в этом кафе.

4. Давай пообедаем вместе!

5. Он сказал, что будет обедать дома.


4. 1. will sign 2. signed 3. had signed 4. sign

5. signs 6. would sign 7. to sign 8. had been signed


1. Мы не знали, что контракт уже подписан.

2. Если переговоры будут успешными, мы подпишем контракт.

3. Он сказал, что подпишет контракт, если условия его устроят.

4. Прежде чем ты подпишешь контракт, прочитай его.

5. Он заверил нас, что всегда подписывает контракты в отсутствии главы компании.

5. 1. know 2. will know 3. knew 4. had known

5. has known 6. would know 7. knows 8. to know


1. Он сказал, что знал ее адрес, но забыл.

2. Если я выиграю, ты узнаешь об этом первым.

3. Я был уверен, что он знает адрес.

4. Он знает их пять лет.

5. Он обещал, что я узнаю об этом.


6. 1. would produce 2. produce 3. are producing

4. produced 5. had been produced

6. to produce 7. will produce 8. had produced


1. Они сообщили, что производят офисное оборудование.

2. Наша компания хотела бы производить офисное оборудование.

3. Я не знал, где было произведено это оборудование.

4. Если мы получим ссуду в банке, то будем производить офисное оборудование.

5. Компания объявила, что будет производить новый тип оборудования.


7. 1. develops 2. was developing 3. would develop

4. to develop 5. has developed 6. had developed

7. will develop 8. is developing


1. Важно разработать новую компьютерную программу за 3 месяца.

2. Он сказал, что разработал эту программу несколько лет назад.

3. Я думаю, наши специалисты разработают эту программу.

4. Мой друг сообщил, что разрабатывает новую программу.

5. Им было интересно, разработает ли он эту программу.


8. 1. will revise 2. revised 3. revises 4. to revise

5. would revise 6. had revised 7. have revised 8. revise


1. Мы знали, что компания пересматривает цены раз в год.

2. Мы попросили их пересмотреть цены.

3. Вчера нам сообщили, что они пересмотрели цены.

4. Мы думали, что они пересмотрят свои цены.

5. Давайте пересмотрим наши цены!

Test 5

Выберите правильный вариант перевода подчеркнутой формы глагола.


1. «Ты уже выбрал (1.) свою будущую специальность»? – «Думаю, я буду сдавать (2.) экзамены в экономический вуз». – «Ты читаешь (3.) какую-либо специальную литературу»? – «Да, как раз сейчас я читаю (4.) очень интересную статью».


1. 1. did... chose 2. 1. …take

2. had … chosen 2. …am taking

3.... have chosen 3. …will take

4. have... chosen 4. …will have taken


3. 1. do... read 4. 1. …have been reading

2. will... read 2. …read

3. are... reading 3. …am reading

4.... are reading 4. …have read


2. «Ты уже написал (1.) свой доклад»? – «Нет еще». – «Сколько дней ты работаешь (2.) над ним»? – «Я пишу (3.)его с прошлого вторника. Надеюсь, к субботе я его закончу (4.)».


1. 1. did... write 2. 1.... have been working

2. have... written 2. are... working

3. had... written 3. do... work

4.... have written 4. have... been working


3. 1.... am writing 4. 1.... will be finishing

2.... write 2.... will have finished

3.... have been writing 3.... finish

4.... have written 4.... will finish


3. «Сколько времени ты учишь (1) английский язык?» - «Я начал (2) учить английский три года назад, потому что понимал, что буду пользоваться (3) им на работе. До этого я учил (4) французский. На следующей неделе я еду (5) на языковые курсы в Англию. Думаю, поездка будет ( 6) полезной и приятной».


1. 1. do... learn 2. 1.... had begun

2. are... learning 2.... have begun

3. have... been learning 3.... begun

4. have... learnt 4.... began

3. 1. … would use 4. 1.... learnt

2. … will use 2.... had learnt

3. … will be using 3.... have learnt

4. … would have used 4.... learn


5. 1. … go 6. 1. … would be

2. … am going 2. … is

3. … will go 3. … will be

4. … would go 4. … be


4. «Что ты читаешь (1.) сейчас»? – «Новый детектив. Он был опубликован (2.) месяц назад. Я читаю (3.) его уже три дня». – «Ты дашь (4.) мне его почитать»?


1. 1. do... read 2. 1. … published

2. have... reading 2. … is published

3.... read 3. … was published

4. are... reading 4. … had been published


3. 1. … am reading 4. 1. are... giving

2. … have been reading 2. shall... give

3. … read 3. do... give

4. … was reading 4. will... give

5. « Все письма уже отправлены (1.)»? – «Я отправил (2.) вчера три письма. Остальные письма еще печатаются (3.)». – «Почему вы не напечатали (4.) их к моему приходу»?


1. 1. have... sent off 2. 1. … have sent off

2. were... sent off 2.... sent off

3. did... send off 3.... had sent off

4. have... been sent off 4.... send off


3. 1.... are typing 4. 1. haven't... typed

2.... are typed 2. hadn't... typed

3.... are being typed 3. didn't... type

4.... have been typed 4. don't... type

6. «В следующий понедельник я еду (1.) в Лондон». – «Ты уже заказал (2.) билет на самолет»? – «Мой секретарь сделал (3.) это два дня назад». – «Сколько времени требуется (4.), чтобы добраться до Лондона»? – «Секретарь сказал, что потребуется (5.) 3,5 часа». – «Когда будешь (6.) в Лондоне, не забудь позвонить мне».


1. 1.... would leave for 2. 1. had... booked

2.... will have left for 2. did... book

3.... am leaving for 3. were... booked

4.... will leave for 4. have... booked


3. 1.... has done 4. 1.... takes

2. … did 2. do... take

3.... has been doing 3.... is taken

4.... had done 4. does... take


5. 1.... would take 6. 1.... would be

2.... takes 2.... are being

3.... would have taken 3.... are

4.... will take 4.... will be


7. « Ты сегодня видел (1.) нашего переводчика»? – «Я видел (2.) его вчера. Он сказал, что сделал (3.) для тебя перевод и принесет (4.) его на днях». – «Ты знаешь, когда он придет (5.)»? – «Нет, но я позвоню тебе, если он вдруг появится (6.)».


1. 1. do... see 2. 1.... have seen

2. had... seen 2.... saw

3. did... see 3.... seen

4. have... seen 4.... had seen


3. 1.... had been doing 4. 1.... bring

2. … had done 2.... will bring

3.... was done 3.... is bringing

4.... did 4.... would bring


5. 1.will... come 6. 1.... shows up

2.... comes 2.... will show up

3.... will come 3.... showed up

4.... came 4.... would show up


8. «Я знаю, что вы посетили (1.) несколько Европейских стран». – «Да, например, прошлый Новый год я отмечал (2.) в Лондоне. До этого я не был (3.) в Великобритании. В этом году, если у меня будет (4.) достаточно денег, я поеду в США. Мой дядя живет (5.) там уже 3 года, он пригласил (6.) меня».


1. 1.... visited 2. 1.... have been celebrating

2.... had visited 2.... was celebrated

3.... have been visiting 3.... celebrated

4.... have visited 4.... have celebrated


3. 1.... hadn’t been 4. 1.... have had

2. … wasn’t 2.... have

3.... didn’t have to be 3.... will have

4.... haven’t been 4.... had


5. 1.... was living 6. 1.... was invited

2.... lives 2.... has invited

3.... has been living 3.... invited

4.... has lived 4.... had invited


9. «Два месяца назад мой друг закончил (1) университет. Сейчас он ищет (2) работу. Он отправил (3) резюме нескольким компаниям. На днях его пригласили (4) на собеседование. Если ему предложат (5) интересную, высокооплачиваемую работу, он согласится (6)».


1. 1.... has graduated 2. 1.... is looking for

2.... graduated 2.... has been looking for

3.... was graduating 3.... has looked for

4.... had graduated 4.... looks for


3. 1.... sent 4. 1.... invited

2. … send 2.... has been invited

3.... had sent 3.... had been invited

4.... has sent 4.... was invited


5. 1. offered 6. 1.... will accept

2. is offered 2.... accepts

3. will be offered 3.... would accept

4. would be offered 4.... would have accepted

10. « Ник звонил (1.) тебе на этой неделе»? – «Нет, но два дня назад я встретил (2.) его на улице. Он шел (3.) в библиотеку. Ник сказал, что послезавтра он сдает (4.) последний экзамен, три экзамена он уже сдал (5.) и поинтересовался, нет ли у меня (6.) необходимой ему книги».

1. 1. did....call 2. 1.... was meeting

2. has... called 2.... have met

3. does... call 3.... met

4. was... calling 4.... was met


3. 1.... went 4. 1.... takes

2. … was going 2.... will take

3.... has gone 3.... is taking

4.... had been going 4.... would take


5. 1.... has passed 6. 1.... had

2.... passed 2.... have

3.... had passed 3.... was having

4.... was passed 4.... have had


11. «Посмотри! Здесь появился (1) новый бизнес-центр. Когда его построили?(2)» – «Он еще не закончен (3). Когда строительство будет завершено (4), он будет оборудован (5) самыми современными средствами связи». –«Три года назад, я не мог себе представить, что город так изменится ( 6) к моему приезду».


1. 1. … appears 2. 1. was … being built

2. … has appeared 2. has … been built

3. … was appeared 3. … built

4. … had appeared 4. was … built


3. 1. … hasn’t finished 4. 1. … will be completed

2. … wasn’t finished 2. … is completed

3. … isn’t finished 3. … complete

4. … haven’t been finished 4. … will complete


5. 1. … will equip 6. 1. …would have changed

2. … is equipped 2. …would change

3. … would be equipped 3. …will change

4. … will be equipped 4. …will be changed



Test 6


Из нескольких вариантов (1, 2, 3, 4) выберите единственно правильный.


1. If I had known you had a mobile phone I... you.

1. would contact 2. had contacted

3. contacted 4. would have contacted


2. If she could cook as well as you, she... a restaurant.

1. would open 2. will open

3. had opened 4. opened


3. If it … I'll come and meet you in the car.

1. rain 2. will rain

3. rains 4. would rain


4. It … wonderful if he had said that. But he didn't.

1. was 2. will be

3. would be 4. would have been


5. We'll go to the theatre to-night if we... the tickets.

1. get 2. will get

3. are getting 4. would get


6. If I had some spare time I... Spanish.

1. would learn 2. learn

3. will learn 4. have learnt


7. If I had known when your birthday was, I... you a present.

1. bought 2. would buy

3. will buy 4. would have bought


8. What will you do if your computer...?

1. won't work 2. don't work

3. doesn't work 4. wasn't working


9. If I … that you were busy, I wouldn’t have interrupted you.

1. know 2. knew

3. had known 4. will know

10. Her parents will be very glad if she … the university.

1.enters 2.will enter

3. enter 4. entered


11. It would be useful for you if you … this task a second time.

1. would do 2. did

3. had done 4. do


12. I … turn down their offer if they asked me.

1. won’t 2. wouldn’t

3.don’t 4. wouldn’t have


13.We … the match if it had been played in Moscow.

1. would win 2. will win

3. would have won 4. will have won


14.I won’t be able to help you, if you … me more information.

1. won’t give 2. don’t give

3. wouldn’t give 4. wouldn’t have given


15. If I … the right answer, I would tell you.

1.know 2. would know

3. knew 4. had known



Test 7

Test 8

Test 9

Test 10

Test 11

Из нескольких вариантов (1, 2, 3, 4) выберите единственно правильный.


1. My father doesn't let... his car.

1. me to drive 2. me driving

3. that I drive 4. me drive


2. I am looking forward... you again soon.

1. to see 2. to seeing

3. seeing 4. that I will see


3. I expect... an answer soon.

1. receive 2. him receive

3. to receive 4. receiving


4. Every major city keeps... and London is no exception.

1. changing 2. to change

3. change 4. having changed


5. The book made me... sleepy.

1. to feel 2. feeling

3. feel 4. felt


6. He felt like... the whole affair.

1. he gives up 2. give up

3. giving up 4. to give up


7. You had better... your personal stereo.

1. switch off 2. switched off

3. to switch off 4. switching off


8. Would you mind... to the library with me?

1. coming up 2. come up

3. that you come up 4. to come up


9. She was made... the truth.

1. telling 2. tell

3. having told 4. to tell

10. She suggested... to the zoo.

1. to go 2. us to go

3. going 4. we to go


11. I refused to let him... me.

1. help 2. helping

3. to help 4. helped


12. I did my best to make him... his mind.

1. changed 2. change

3. to change 4. changing


13. You'd better....

1. stop worry 2. don't worry

3. stop worrying 4. not to worry

Test 12

Test 13


Test 14

Special happened yesterday.

1. anything 2. nobody

3. nothing 4. none


Of you can do it.

1. somebody 2. everybody

3. any 4. nothing


Left the door open.

1. something 2. somebody

3. some 4. anybody


5. There aren't... shops in this part of the town.

1. some 2. none

3. any 4. anything


6. She said... but I didn't understand her.

1. anything 2. something

3. some 4. nothing


7. Are you doing... this evening?

1. any 2. something

3. anybody 4. anything


8. The house is empty,... lives there.

1. nothing 2. nobody

3. somebody 4. anybody


9. Нave you spoken to... else about it?

1. somebody 2. anyone

3. any 4. nobody

10. I've brought you... interesting books to read.

1. some 2. anything

3. any 4. something


11. … called you.

1. nothing 2. any

3. something 4. nobody


12. … of them could solve the problem.

1. somebody 2. every

3. none 4. nobody


13. I'd like some cola, but we haven't got...

1. some 2. any

3. nothing 4. something


14. I saw her... but I don't remember where.

1. nowhere 2. anywhere

3. somewhere 4. everywhere


15. Have you got... books on the subject?

1. some 2. any

3. nothing 4. anything


16. We don't know... about car engines.

1. nothing 2. anything

3. something 4. anybody


17. I'm sure there is... inside, just knock louder!

1. somebody 2. nobody

3. anybody 4. some


18. Some people never have... trouble learning new words.

1. no 2. any

3. every 4. anything


19. We haven't seen... interesting at this exhibition yet.

1. nothing 2. anything

3. any 4. something

20. I made the cake myself without... help.

1. some 2. somebody

3. any 4. anybody


21. I missed the concert because... told me about it.

1. somebody 2. anybody

3. everybody 4. nobody


22. The bus service is so bad that it's almost impossible to get....

1. everywhere 2. anywhere

3. nowhere 4. somewhere


23. … of us wanted to watch this show.

1. nobody 2. anyone

3. none 4. no one


24. I haven't heard... about him since we left school.

1. none 2. anything

3. any 4. nothing

25. Are there... students here from Japan?

1. any 2. some

3. anybody 4. somebody


26. If your English is too poor,... understands you.

1. nobody 2. anybody

3. none 4. nothing


27. There is always... I don't understand.

1. some 2. something

3. nothing 4. any


28. Can... of you help us?

1. anybody 2. any

3. somebody 4. some


29. I want... to copy this text.

1. someone 2. anybody

3. some 4. any


Test 15

Test 16

Test 17

Test 18

Test 1

Test 2



1. application 2. cooperation 3. significance 4. description

In fact

1. finally 2. contrary 3.at last 4. actually


1.rapid 2. permanent 3. slow 4.frequent

To predict

1. to recall 2. to forget 3. to forecast 4. to remind


1. broad 2. long 3. short 4. bright

To construct

1. to depend 2. to build 3. to ruin 4. to conceal


1. dependence 2. defense 3. conclusion 4. connection

To include

1. to save 2. to fulfill 3. to contain 4. to measure


1. seldom 2. often 3. suddenly 4. generally

To try

1. to cheat 2. to forgive 3. to attempt 4. to keep


1. increase 2. failure 3. guide 4. decline

To discover

1. to arrive 2. to find 3. to lift 4. to depart


1. constant 2. pleasant 3. horrible 4. full


1. later 2. earlier 3. after 4. since

To count

1. to cover 2. to detect 3. to calculate 4. to catch


1. clever 2. stupid 3. boring 4. strange

To link

1. to damage 2. to discover 3. to connect 4. to react


1. definite 2. complicated 3. complete 4. effective


1. mix 2. entry 3. foundation 4. component


1. idea 2. dispute 3. meaning 4. brain


1. quiet 2. engaged 3. boring 4. easy

To break

1. to destroy 2. to keep 3.to brush 4. to repair


1. useless 2. able 3. lazy 4. quick

To check

1. to blame 2. to move 3. to inspect 4. to request


1. creative 2. cruel 3. crucial 4. cozy


1. competent 2. easy 3. difficult 4. convenient

To permit

1. to allow 2.to comfort 3.to prohibit 4.to promise


1. priority 2. difference 3. likeness 4. significance


1. creation 2. feature 3. reason 4. decision

To protect

1. to fight 2. to defend 3. to attack 4. to provide


Test 3

Test 4


Выберите вариант ответа, соответствующий каждому предложению.

1.Reading English books in the original is very ….

1.useless 2.thoughtful 3.helpless 4.helpful


2. All students should … grammar together with vocabulary if they want to be successful.

1.bring 2.practise 3.teach 4.translate


3. It is the least interesting book I have ever read. It is so …!

1.boring 2.fascinating 3.exciting 4.enjoyable


4. …. it was raining, they decided to walk to the station.

1.Besides 2.Although 3.However 4.Because


5. Turn off that terrible music! It … too loud.

1.listens 2.hears 3.sounds 4.tastes


6. My friend … that he should help me with English.

1.insisted 2.refused 3.failed 4.succeeded


7. Don’t …me when I am talking.

1.complain 2.attract 3. interfere 4. interrupt


8. I can’t make up my … what to do next.

1.mind 2.idea 3.thought 4.opinion


9.They are learning English but they haven’t … much progress.

1.done 2.got 3.made 4.performed


10. I wasn’t … enough to get a seat.

1.hurry 2.fortune 3.lucky 4.fond


11. She was … her homework when I came.

1.learning 2.making 3.working 4.doing


12. He can’t … a new car.

1.afford 2.perform 3.survive 4.attempt

13. This box … everything you need.

1. applies 2.concludes 3.consists 4.contains


14. Today individuals, companies, and institutions use the Internet in many ….

1.habits 2.ways 3.customs 4.types

15. The state … in attracting new industries.

1.interested 2.appointed 3.succeeded 4.promoted

16. Electronic games are … of color, sound and visual effects.

1.filled 2.full 3.filed 4.fulfilled


17. Though this question has been raised several times, it is still under….

1.consideration 2.correction 3.condition 4. cooperation


18. Tourism has become an important … of income.

1.thought 2.source 3.deal 4.effort


19. It is difficult to cross this … street.

1.living 2.heavy 3.busy 4.disturbing


20. The chairman … our attention to the next issue.

1.took 2.drew 3.showed 4.gave


21. I don’t … of his staying at their place.

1.consider 2.approve 3.believe 4.like


22. Lunch is the biggest … of the day and lasts two or three hours.

1.course 2.dish 3.food 4.meal

23. Washinton D.C. was … solely as a seat of government.

1.found 2.founded 3.fond 4.flown

24. I’m … English and French classes.

1.following 2.attending 3.educating 4.going


25. Will you … my telephone number if you don’t write it down?

1.resemble 2.remind 3.remember 4.restore


26. I’ve just finished … my shopping.

1.doing 2.going 3.making 4.buying

27. To … the truth, I don’t think she meant any harm.

1.speak 2.say 3.tell 4.talk


28. Can you … your ideas in simple words?

1.express 2.impress 3.possess 4.access


29. Did you … the contract I gave you yesterday?

1.seem 2.sing 3.sign 4.sigh


30. I’m … my final exam next Monday.

1.passing 2.taking 3.making 4.failing


Test 5

Выберите номера суффиксов, при помощи которых можно образовать существительные от следующих глаголов.


1. 1. invite 1. -ion

2. resist 2. -ure

3. pay 3. -ation

4. protect 4. -ment

5. please 5. -ance

6. develop

7. educate


2. 1. connect 1. -ance

2. press 2. -ation

3. agree 3. -ment

4. appear 4. -ure

5. discuss 5. -ion

6. admire

7. arrange


3. 1. fulfil 1. -ence

2. pass 2. -age

3. combine 3. -ment

4. depend 4. -ation

5. depart 5. -ure

6. improve

7. correspond

Test 6


1. accident 2.middle 3.like 4.cars 5.first 6.installed 7.outside

8.railway 9.lights 10.operated 11.time 12.exploded


The … traffic signal was invented by a … signaling engineer. It was installed … the Houses of Parliament in 1868. It looked … any railway signal of the … and was operated by gas. However, it … and killed a policeman, and the … discouraged further development until … became common. Modern traffic … are an American invention. Red-green systems were … in 1914. Three-color signals, … by hand from a tower in the … of the street appeared in New York in 1918.



1.added 2.after 3.rock 4.immigrant 5.pockets 6.decided

7.used 8.made 9.call 10.miners 11. by 12.cotton


The first jeans were designed … Levi Strauss (1829-1902), who was a German … to the USA. Strauss arrived in San Francisco in 1850, just … gold was discovered there. He …to make trousers to sell to the gold …. The first pair was … of tent canvas, then strong … was imported from France. We … it “denim” nowadays. In 1873 copper rivets were … to the jeans. Strauss wanted to make the … stronger because the miners … to fill them with pieces of ….


1. bakery 2.designed 3.raged 4.many 5.jumping 6. to commemorate 7.high 8.separating 9.buildings 10. column 11.viewing


In 1666, the Great Fire of London … for four days and devastated four-fifth of the … of the City of London. The Monument, … by Sir Christopher Wren, was built in 1677 … the event. It is 61 meters (202 feet) …, which is exactly the distance … the Monument from the Pudding Lane … where the fire began. The … area at the top of the … was enclosed after six people died by … from it – nearly as … as perished in the Great Fire itself.


1. popular 2. played 3. pictures 4. names 5. game 6. called 7. team 8. knows 9. egg-shaped 10. carried 11. existed


Almost every school in Britain has its football … and every boy knows a lot about the …. He can tell you the … of the famous players, he has … of them and... the results of many matches.

Rugby is another … British sport which is … in other countries. It is also... rugby football. Rugby football has … in Britain since the 19th century. It is played with an …ball which may be … and thrown.



1. to dominate 2. children 3. convenient 4. films 5. watch

6. difficult 7. entertainment 8. think 9. arguments 10. role 11. bad

Television plays an important … in our life. It is … to say if it is good or … for us. Television is a convenient …. On TV you can see interesting …, concerts, football matches. But some people … that we are passive when we … TV. Besides, television begins … our lives.

There are other …for and against television. It is very …for old people. But is it good for...?



1. long 2. visit 3. holiday 4. poor 5. brought 6. families 7. rich

8. call 9. home 10. day 11. work


In Britain there is a... which.people … Mother's Day. In the old days many girls from … families in the country worked in..houses. They did all the house …and their working … was very... Once a year, it was usually a Sunday in March, they could... their mothers. They went …on that day and … presents for their mothers and for other members of their ….



1. letter 2. beautiful 3. countries 4. paid 5. famous 6. received

7. give 8. show 9. rich 10. cost 11. expensive


When there were no stamps in the world, people... much money to the postman for every … they... The postman did not … letters to people who did not pay him.

Many... have very …stamps. Stamps very often... the flowers, trees or portraits of... people of the country which makes them. Some stamps are very... and may... thousands of dollars. Only …people can afford them.


1. people 2. company 3. house 4. story 5. help 6. detective

7. discussions 8. problem 9. lived 10. come 11. answers


Conan Doyle wrote his first... about Sherlock Holmes in 1887. In this story the... meets his friend Dr. Watson.

Holmes and Watson... at 221 В Baker Street in London. Many... take place about where 221 В was. There is no... there now. But a large... has its office near the place. One of the clerks... twenty or so letters which still... every week to Sherlock Holmes, 221 В Baker Street. Most come from the USA and many …ask if Mr. Holmes can... them with some....


1. black 2. clubs 3. combination 4. art 5. jazz 6. only 7. they

8. different 9. especially 10. created 11. songs


Americans have contributed to many... forms, but jazz, a type of music, is the … art form that was … in the United States. Jazz was created by … Americans. Jazz is a mixture of... kinds of music. It is a... of the music of West Africa, the work … the slaves sang, and religious music. … bands formed in the late 1800s. … played in bars and … in many towns and cities of the South,... New Orleans.


1. people 2. most 3. affects 4. broadcast 5. good 6. since

7. television 8. to avoid 9. world 10. reflection 11. over


The first commercial television... was made on April 20, 1939 by Radio Corporation of America. …1939 it has become one of the... important facts of modern life. …is very much a part of modern …. Its effects are felt all... the world. Television is a... of modern world, say some …. It shows contemporary society. It …customs and culture, others say. … or bad, television is difficult …. It is here to stay!


1. held 2. thanks 3. holiday 4. harvest 5. settling 6. church

7. things 8. landed 9. home 10. passengers 11. turkey


Thanksgiving is a family ….Many people go to... in the morning and at... they have a big dinner with ….People gather to give …for all the good … in their lives.

The celebration was... in 1621 after the first... in New England. At the end of 1620 the... from the Mayflower... in America and started …there.



1. colored 2. give 3. legal 4. poetry 5. close 6. festival

7. favorite 8. ages 9. celebrated 10. greeting 11. heart


Valentine's Day is not a... or a national holiday. Banks and offices do not …, but it is a happy little.... It is widely... among persons of all... by the exchange of «valentines». «Valentines» are special … cards. They are often... red and have pictures of... and verses of love....

Flowers and candy are... presents which sweethearts, friends and family... each other.


1. coming 2. most 3. highly 4. ceremonies 5. seem 6. mix

7. have 8. modern 9. extent 10. quite 11. interruption


London has preserved its old... and traditions to a greater... than any other city in England.... of these traditions … been kept up without … since the 13th century. Foreigners... to London are impressed by... a number of ceremonies which... to be incompatible with the... traffic and technical conditions of a... developed country. But Londoners believe that old traditions … harmoniously with the city everyday life.


1. there 2. history 3. bookshop 4. everything 5. everywhere

6. novels 7. working 8. languages 9. tell 10. more 11. century


Foyles is the best... in London. There are books … – endless shelves of them. The people... in the shop will... you that there are... than four million books.... You can find anything and...: Italian poets of the 17th... and old English authors,... by American writers, dictionaries of almost all the … of the world, old maps and books on the... and geography of South America.



1. running 2. week 3. programs 4. things 5. buy 6. called

7. public 8. millions 9. to draw 10. used 11. companies


One of the most popular... on television in Britain is... «That's Life». The main job is... attention to ways in which the... may be cheated by …. The program is so popular that... of people watch it. And the team …it gets 2000 letters a... from people complaining about such... as bad products and tricks... by salesmen to make people... things they don't really want.



1.to keep 2.hours 3.work 4.during 5.called 6.helped 7.suburbs

8.population 9.invention 10.outside 11.buildings


Automobiles have... the growth of suburbs in the United States. … this century, a large part of the US... has moved to areas... the big cities. However, the … of elevators has helped... many people in tall city …. Therefore, many Americans... in the city but live in the.... These people are... commuters. They sometimes travel for one or two... in order to get to work in the morning and to get home at night.


1. centuries 2. museum 3. history 4. ancient 5. strongest 6. bank

7. find 8. prison 9. live 10. monarch 11. founded 12. personal


The Tower on the north... of the Thames is one of the most … buildings of London. It was... in the 11th century by William the Conqueror. But each... left some kind of... mark on it. For many... the Tower was a fortress, a palace, a... and royal treasury. It is now a... of arms and armor, and, as one of the... fortresses in Britain, it has the Crown Jewels. The ravens, whose forefathers used to... food in the Tower, still.... here as part of its ….


1. magazines 2. estimated 3. works 4. increase 5. population

6. activity 7. pop-music 8. sell 9. large 10. published

11. still 12. mystery


Despite the... in TV watching, reading is... an important leisure... in Britain and there is a very... number of magazines and books... on a wide variety of subjects.

The biggest-selling... in Britain are women's and... publications. The best-selling books are not great... of literature but stories of... and romance which... in huge quantities. It has been... that only about 3 per cent of the … read «classics» such as Charles Dickens or Jane Austen.



1. enjoy 2. another 3. family 4. popular 5. one

6. nature 7. others 8. back 9. well 10. houses

11. interested 12. fond


Perhaps one of the most... hobbies in Britain is gardening. Most British … have a small garden at the.... And many people, particularly men, are … of gardening and growing flowers.

As... as gardening, many men... repairing the house or the... car-particularly if it is an old ….

Most British schoolboys are … in motor cars, planes, ships or trains.... are more interested in …, especially birds.

Bird-watching is... hobby in Britain.


1. bells 2. largest 3. think 4. people 5. clock

6. top 7. hear 8. next 9. switch on 10. radio

11. famous 12. loud


Every day when... in the UK and overseas... their radio to listen to BBC... news, they can... one of the most … sounds in London. On the hour, the... of Big Ben ring... and clear. Many people... that Big Ben is the... or the whole tower... to the Houses of Parliament. In fact, it is the... of the five bells at the... of the tower.


1. every 2. traffic 3. carry 4. most 5. known 6. vehicles 7. railway

8. familiar 9. over 10. underground 11. operating 12. result


The London Underground, or «tube» as it is often..., was the world's first urban... railway. It began... in 1863. Even in those days... jams caused by the congestion of horse-drawn... generated complaints and letters to The Times, and as a... construction work began on the underground... in 1860.

London's buses... four million passengers... day, and bus routes cover... 1,800 miles of the capital's roads. The... double-decker buses are one of the... distinctive sights in London.



1. reason 2. arrive 3. for 4. overnight 5. must 6. house 7. towns

8. summer 9. biggest 10. tents 11. started 12. held


Cambridge … be one of the best-known... in the world. The principal.. for its fame is its University, which... during the 13 century.

Every year, in …, thousands of folk music fans... in Cambridge for one of the... festivals of folk music in England. The festival is... in the grounds of an old..., where there is plenty of room... people to put up their... if they want to stay....



1. views 2. open 3. popular 4. summer 5. topics 6. originally

7. performances 8. can 9. listen 10. enjoy 11. go 12. home


Hyde Park was … a hunting forest and is still … with horse- riders. People who … a good argument can … to Speakers' Corner, where they … listen to people giving their … on a variety of … to anyone who will ….

Regent's Park is now the … of London Zoo, and an … air theatre which delights … audience with … of Shakespeare's plays.



1. both 2. have 3. children 4. popular 5. mentally 6. recently

7. as 8. activity 9. flying 10. found 11. kinds 12. Among


Kite flying is very... in the USA. People have been... kites for 400 years, but it is only... that many people in the USA.... come to see it as a worthwhile... for all ages. Always popular with..., kite flying has a serious following... adults, who have... that making and assembling different... of kites is as much fun... flying them. And flying them is... good exercise and... relaxing at the same time.



1. first 2. disappointed 3. is 4. so 5. imagined 6. since

7. foreign 8. usually 9. night 10. much 11. small 12. things


Piccadilly Circus is the centre of... life in the West End. It is... top of everyone's list of... to see in London, because it is... well known. It is actually quite..., and most people are rather... when they see it for the... time because they... it would be... bigger! To the north of Piccadilly Circus there... Soho, which has been the... quarter of London... the 17th century.



1. busy 2. displayed 3. art 4. round 5. means 6. specialists

7. pastimes 8. wish 9. husbands 10. park 11. to look 12. money


One of the commonest everyday... in Britain is a walk... the shops or through the.... Wives especially, and many... too, love «window shopping» in a... commercial district. It... that they like... at the things which are... in the shop-windows. And they... they had enough... to buy them. Window display is an..., and big stores have... in window-dressing.



1. pessimistic 2. sounds 3. last 4. virtual 5. connected 6. real

7. around 8. feel 9. activities 10. going 11. specialists 12. grown


In the... thirty years, the Internet has... dramatically. In 1983 there were only 200 computers... to the Internet; now there are... 50 million and this growth is clearly... to continue.

Some experts are … about the future. One worry is the... of cybercriminals.

However, many... see our future in... reality – the use of computers with... and images that make you... as if you are in a … situation.


1. half 2. published 3. week 4. reporting 5. most 6. at least

7. days 8. began 9. sister 10. was 11. sells 12. developed


The Times is one of Britain's oldest and … influential newspapers. It … its life in 1785. It … started by John Walter. In those … it cost two and a … old pennies.

In the 19th century, The Times … a reputation for accurate … and independent editorial views. Now it... over 650,000 copies a day. It is … in London, along with its … newspaper, The Sunday Times, which has … ten sections and takes all … to read!


1. separate 2. include 3. than 4. sport 5. week 6. outdoor

7. jobs 8. more 9. going 10. ago 11. typical 12. holiday


British people now have... free time and holidays... they did twenty years.... Nearly all British people in full-time... have at least four weeks'... a year, often in two or three... periods. The normal working... is 35-40 hours, Monday to Friday.

... popular pastimes in the UK... listening to pop music,... to pubs, playing and watching..., going on holidays, doing … activities, reading and watching TV.


1. look 2. most 3. previous 4. connection 5. important 6. far

7. residence 8. found 9. palaces 10. aware 11. industry 12. colorful


You cannot go... in London without being... of the city's close... with the Crown. There are royal..., royal parks and... ceremonies; if you … at the souvenirs you can see how... royalty is to the capital's tourist.... The most important building, but not the... beautiful, is Buckingham Palace, which is the official... of the Queen. It overlooks St. James's Park where the... royal residence, St. James's Palace can be ….



1. thousands 2. wood 3. inhabitants 4. made 5. tools 6. ago

7. construction 8. enormous 9. highest 10. weighs 11. pyramids

12. primitive


About 5,000 years … – or maybe more – the … of Egypt started building … stone structures. Those were the … near Cairo, in the north of Egypt. The … pyramid is the Pyramid Hufu which was … of 2,300,000 stones. Each stone … more than 2 tons. … of men took part in the... of the pyramids. Those people were …. They used no metal and their … were made only of stone, bone and ….



1. variety 2. happy 3. hairdressers 4. business 5. too 6. to look

7. quality 8. there 9. key 10. favorite 11. to 12. conditions


Marks & Spencer is Britain's... store. Tourists love it ….It attracts a great... of customers, from housewives... millionaires. The store bases its... on three principles: good value, good..., and good service. But perhaps the most important... to its success is its..., well-trained staff.... of work are excellent.... are company doctors, dentists,... and even chiropodists … after the staff.



1. blocks 2. city-living 3. somewhere 4. pavements 5. royal

6. ensured 7. to escape 8. owned 9. jams 10. green 11. make 12. open


St. James's Park is one of ten … parks in and around London which are … by the Crown but are... to the public free of charge. The parks … a special contribution to … because their existence has … that there are areas of … between the flats, office … and other buildings, and that there is … quiet and attractive … to, away from traffic …, crowded shops and congested ….


1. diagnosis 2. true 3. accurate 4. everyday 5. has 6. working

7. to take 8. way 9. result 10. computers 11. questions 12. partially

Computers have become part of … life. Computer scientists are now... at the next generation of...: one, which will have... intelligence. The first step on the... is the development of «expert systems». An «expert system» is... intelligent.

At Stanford University a computer... been developed for medical....It can tell doctors which... to ask, and which measurements... It can then analyse the … and make an... diagnosis.


1. intelligent 2. try 3. ancient 4. automatically 5. since 6. kill

7. learning 8. trained 9. saving 10. however 11. same 12. all


There are many stories, … and modern, about dolphins … sailors from drowning. Ever … the film Flipper we have … seen how clever they are at... how to do tricks. … the truth is that dolphins are no more … than rats, which can also be … to do tricks. Dolphins... rescue anything which is about the … size as themselves. Sometimes they … sharks and then immediately … to rescue them.



1. years 2. development 3. was 4. youngest 5. village 6. for

7. world 8. entire 9. population 10.doubled 11. century 12. fast


Belfast is one of the... capital cities in the... and it has grown incredibly …. Today the city has a... of 400,000, nearly a third of the.

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