Read and translate the sentences in the Passive Voice — КиберПедия 

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Read and translate the sentences in the Passive Voice

2017-06-19 1075
Read and translate the sentences in the Passive Voice 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. The first Russian University was founded in 1755.

2. Books by Jack London are read by many readers with great interest.

3. Many books by American writers have been translated into Russian.

4. Most of the criminal and civil cases are tried by the district courts.

5. Future investigators, detectives are trained at the Krasnodar University of the MIA.

6. All the exams will be passed by me well.

7. This text has been already translated.

2. Choose a proper form (active or passive). Mind the word order where necessary:

1. Russia (washes; is washed) by seas and oceans in the North and in the East.

2. At our institute the students (teach; are taught) English, German, French.

3. The University (founded; was founded) in 1755.

4. I am sure the exams (will pass; will be passed) successfully.

5. Our English lab (equips; is equipped) well. It’s interesting to work there.

6. English (speaks; is spoken) at our English-tutorials.

7. Specialists of high qualification (train; are trained) at the Krasnodar University of the MIA.

3. Change the sentences from active into passive:

1. The students saw this English film.

2. I bought this book yesterday.

3. He left his notebook at home.

4. The Pacific Ocean washes the territory of Russia in the East.

5. The students attend lectures and seminars with interest.

6. The Krasnodar University of the MIA trains future detectives and investigators for Krasnodar territory.

7. She translated this text last time.

8. The Pacific Ocean washes the territory of Russia in the East.

9. The students saw this English film.

10. A Federal Court of Appeals serves each judicial circuit.

11. The President recommends much of the legislation to the Congress.



4. Translate the sentences using Passive Voice:

1. Меня спрашивали на прошлом занятии по уголовному праву (to ask).

2. Экзамены будут сданы нами успешно (to pass).

3. В институте обучают трем иностранным языкам (to teach).

4. Специальным предметам нас будут обучать на третьем и четвертом курсах (to teach).

5. Наша страна омывается морями и океанами на севере и востоке (to wash).

6. На занятии много говорилось о нашей будущей профессии (to speak of).


Сложные предложения с придаточным условия и времени

В предложениях с придаточным условия и времени в значении будущего времени употребляется Present Indefinite. В главном предложении сказуемое стоит в том времени, которое требуется по смыслу. Придаточные предложения времени вводятся союзами: when (когда), till (пока, до тех пор пока), as soon as (как только), before (прежде чем, до того как), after (после того как), while (в то время как), until (пока не).

Please stay here until I return.

I shall go for a walk as soon as I finish my work.

Придаточные предложения условия вводятся союзами: if (если), unless (если не), например:

If the weather is good on Sunday, we shall go for to the country.

Exercises 1. Read and translate the sentences

1. When my brother is 17, he will finish school.

2. If he doesn’t go to the cinema, he’ll ring us up.

3. When I have my holiday in August, I’ll go to the USA.

4. If you don’t learn these words, you won’t be able to write the test.

5. Read this article on criminal law while I do the translation.

6. Please, return my English textbook if you don’t use it.

7. We’ll phone you as soon as he gives the answer.

8. Speak to him about our plans when you see him.


Exercises 2. Put the verbs in the brackets into proper tense forms:

A farmer (to have) a friend who give (to grow) very good apple trees. One day he (to give) the farmer a small apple tree and (to tell) him to plant it. The farmer (to take) the tree and (to thank) his friend. But when he (to come) home he (not to know) where to plant it. ‘’If I (to plant) it in my garden’’, the farmer (to think), ‘’my son (to eat) the apples. If I (to plant) it near the road, other people (to eat) my apples’’. So he (to take) the tree to the forest and (to plant) it there. But the tree (cannot) grow without sunlight and soon it (to die).


Exercises 3. Translate into English:

1. Если мы не будем хорошо знать ОРД, мы не сможем расследовать преступления.

2. Мой брат будет поступать в Краснодарский университет МВД РФ, после того как вернется из армии.

3. Мы узнаем много нового и интересного, когда будем изучать криминалистику.

4. Мы не сможем читать книги на английском языке, если не будем учить слова.

5. Я посмотрю сегодня этот фильм, если закончу перевод статьи.

6. Как только он закончит университет, он пойдет работать в полицию.

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