Designation of parties in a contract — КиберПедия 

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Designation of parties in a contract

2017-06-19 328
Designation of parties in a contract 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Parties of a contract are written with capital letter. In the introductory section of a contract the parties are put in the quotation marks. The parties can be:

Seller and Buyer

Supplier and Customer

Licensor and Licensee [ֽlaıs(ə)n′si:]



Agent and Principal


фрахтователь и (судо)владельцы (при заключении фрахтового контракта)




Сторона А и Сторона Б


(контракт на осуществление морских перевозок)


лицензионное соглашение

агентское соглашение

кредитное соглашение

контракт о рекламе

контракт о сотрудничестве

Обозначение сторон в контракте

Стороны контракта пишутся с

большой буквы. Во вступительной

части контракта они берутся в кавычки. Сторонами могут быть:

покупатель и продавец

поставщик и заказчик

лицензиар (сторона, продающая лицензию) и лицензиат (сторона, ее приобретающая)

агент и принципал (при заключении

агентского соглашения)

Charterer [′t∫a:tərə] and (Ship)owner




Сarrier (Haulier)

Part A and Part В



Контракт, как правило, включает преамбулу (Preamble), предмет контракта (Subject of the Contract), обязанности сторон (Obligations of the Parties), сроки поставки (Time of Delivery), условия оплаты (Terms of Payment), страхование (Insurance), форс-мажор (Force Majeure), арбитраж (Arbitration). В зависимости от своего типа контракт может также включать: упаковку и маркировку (Packing and Marking), санкции (Sanctions), другие условия (Other Terms), общие положения (General Provisions), разное (Miscellaneous) и пр.

Рассмотрим подробнее основные пункты Контракта на основе договора поставки товаров (Goods Supply Agreement). Попытайтесь перевести пункты договора, используя слова и выражения, данные после каждого пункта. Для самопроверки перевод всего договора приводится в Приложении Б.

Exercise 2. Read and translate the following contract.


This Good Supply Agreement № __ is concluded on _________, in Russia, by and between:

OAO ______________ a legal entity duly established and operating under the legislation of the Russian Federation, with its registered office at ___________ (hereinafter referred to as “the Buyer”), on the one side, and

OOO ______________ a legal entity duly established and operating under the legislation of the Russian Federation, with its registered office at ___ str. Moscow (hereinafter referred to as “the Supplier”), on the other side.

1) established and operating under the legislation − созданный и действующий

По законодательству

Registered office – место нахождения

3) hereinafter referred to as − именуемый в дальнейшем

Subject of the Agreement

The Supplier shall sell and the Buyer shall purchase the Goods, which are supplied by the Supplier to the Buyer, under any Contract concluded in accordance with the terms of this agreement.


The Price of the Goods, indicated in the Contract concluded in accordance with this Agreement, shall be determined on the basis of the Attachment № 1 to this Agreement.

In principle, the Price of the Goods will remain unchanged during the whole duration of this Agreement. However, on mutual agreement of the Parties, prices may be changed at any moment to reflect possible new situation with the Buyer, or with the Supplier, or new market situation. Change in price in the amount exceeding 15% is subject to written agreement of the Parties, through their implementing amendments of Attachment № 1 to this Agreement.

Attachment – Приложение

2) in principal − в целом

3) to implement amendments − вносить изменения

4) on mutual agreement − по взаимному соглашению

Settlement of Disputes; Governing Law

The legal relationships between the Parties under this Agreement shall be governed by the applicable legislation of the Russian Federation.

All disputes, differences, or claims arising out of, or in connection with, this Agreement or any Contract, concluded pursuant to this Agreement, including those concerning their performance, violation, termination, or invalidity, shall be settled as far as possible by means of negotiations between the Parties. If the Parties do not come to an agreement, the matter shall be submitted for settlement to the Arbitration Court of __________ city.

Settlement of disputes – разрешение споров

Legal relationships – правоотношения

To govern – регулировать

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