Supply the sentences with the missing words given in brackets below. — КиберПедия 

Кормораздатчик мобильный электрифицированный: схема и процесс работы устройства...

Поперечные профили набережных и береговой полосы: На городских территориях берегоукрепление проектируют с учетом технических и экономических требований, но особое значение придают эстетическим...

Supply the sentences with the missing words given in brackets below.

2017-06-13 303
Supply the sentences with the missing words given in brackets below. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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(lease, insurance, tenancy, consideration)

1. These measures are believed to be a good... against disorder.

2. She’s got private health....

3. The government has made it possible for council... to buy the houses and flats that they have been renting.

4. The estate contains 300 new homes about a third of which are... to the council.

Reading Practice


Before reading the text say why it is necessary for a businessman to get law knowledge. Do you have special private law agencies in your country which help big business companies? How do they work?


Small Business and the Law


1. Understanding business law takes many years. No one expects a small business owner to get a law degree or to have a complete understanding of legal concepts related to business ownership and operation. Because you will deal with numerous people, products and companies, you should be aware of your rights and responsibilities. Common sense and caution are essential in business. A general understanding of business law and insurance go hand in hand with good business management.

2. CONTRACTS. Agreements which a business owner makes in the course of carrying on a business may be called contracts. A contract is a legal agreement between two or more parties in which each has rights and obligations. Contracts may be enforced by the courts if they meet certain requirements. A contract must have the following characteristics to be legal: mutual agreement, consideration, form, competency and legal subject matter.

Since contracts can be enforced by law, it is important that people understand them. When an individual fails to honour a contract, the other parties to the contract can legally require that the contract be fulfilled or a satisfactory remedy be provided.

3. For an agreement to be mutual there must be a clear, definite, and serious offer and an unqualified acceptance. If there is to be mutual agreement, there is no need for a true meeting of the minds. This means that the parties involved need not to be thinking of the same thing. If a merchant offers to sell some goods for $55 and a customer accepts the offer, it does not really matter that the merchant intended to say $75. There is a binding contract at $55 if the party can prove the offer was made and accepted. This can be done by producing witnesses and documents. The subject matter of a contract must be stated in definite terms.

4. Parties to a contract must receive something of value and give something of value in return. This something of value is called consideration. The consideration may be cash, goods or a service, or it may even be a particular action.

A contract is made if there is an offer and acceptance, consideration, competent parties, and legal subject matter. The contract may be written or oral. A contract for the sale or transfer of land or real property must be in writing. Contracts which take more than one year to perform usually must be in writing. This includes leases of more than one year.

A competent party is one who has legal capacity to enter into a contract. A person must be of legal age and sane in order to be considered competent.

5. THE LEASE. Because of the greater capital required to own real property, most small business owners start out by renting or leasing business space. When an owner decides to rent, an agreement is made with the landlord specifying the amount of rent to be paid and other conditions. The conditions agreed upon when put into written form and signed by tenant and landlord, make up the lease.

A lease is a contract to rent land and/or buildings for a specified time for a consideration. A lease is usually written and states the tenant's rights and obligations. A written lease is common business practice.

The lease usually states the term of the tenancy in months or years. However, sometimes in unwritten agreements nothing is said about the length of time the property is to be rented to the tenant. This type of tenancy is known as tenancy at will. When the landlord wants the tenant to move, 30 days’ written notice must be given. The tenant, on the other hand, does not have to give the landlord any notice.

6. The length of the lease is an important consideration. You may not want a long lease, especially if your business is not successful. On the other hand, an owner does not want an increase in rent if the business does well. It may be desirable to have a short-term lease: with the option of renewing at the same rent. This is known as an optional term.

Leases may be classified according to the matter in which rent is paid. The term lease is a popular type of lease. It states the amount of rent to be paid for a specified time. Other types give the landlord a percentage of business income instead of a rent. This is called percentage lease. Sometimes the rental agreement is a combination of the term lease and the percentage lease. With this agreement, the landlord receives a fixed rent in addition to a percentage of business income.


Comprehension Check


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