Insurance – pays the one who does not violate and is not getting something in return — КиберПедия 

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Insurance – pays the one who does not violate and is not getting something in return

2017-06-13 192
Insurance – pays the one who does not violate and is not getting something in return 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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This is the official, state-supported, born and invented by capitalism, a system of divorce people for money. The most disgusting that it imposed on us, with no advertising, and the system itself. This is a distinctive feature of the capitalist apparatus. If you have a little money, we will find a way to take them from you. And whether you want it or not. The system itself will have no pity, taking into account the views of consumers with regard to their rights. It is directed only to a certain group of people built up their capital through the rest of the. And, if you offer anything else, that will not bring the money that a certain group of people, then you will immediately be outlawed. For example, insurance. Everything seems to be logical. Caring company in case of trouble will come and save You. Your task is only to pay money. But what if there were a mass output of the car down, and money is not enough to fix all cars? Immediately, the company will tell the insurance case. The same situation with real estate. Of natural phenomena not in the books. Why? We pay the money, but in the end we say, sorry, but this case is not insurance, and even if it and insurance, then the debasement of our dignity, the insurer, suspecting us of fraud, as some criminals will look for the cause of non-payment, such as the guaranteed amount. And we, the whole society is so brainwashed that we think it's normal. And, what happens? Here goes a man 10 years without breaking anything, without taking damage, pay insurance, and in return what? What he gets in return? Nothing. Why do companies not just give him the tools for trouble-free, say over the last 5 years? Why would the government not make a law that if a person does not have an accident and insurance cases, he is exempt from paying the insurance? Or why the government does not equate to the insurance company of people, voluntarily United, and decided to help each other in case of an accident? It's very simple. Those who do not violate, or those who drive well are a source of funds for profit. Without them, the capitalists do not make profit. Realizing this, it's safe to say who the government works, and why it exists, and why insurance is mandatory in the capitalist countries.

Capitalism and democracy are incompatible (the power of the people and of the majority)

Having considered the above various issues, unwittingly come to the conclusion that capitalism and democracy are incompatible even. And in today's world we present them as a single unit. Why are they not compatible? Because capitalism always co-operate closely with government, it has supported and supports him, and the common people, not having Finance on paper have the right and opportunity to get into power, and especially how to influence the work of the state, and the enactment of laws. If you look at the composition of any capitalist society, it will be seen that poor people and middle class the most, but the power is in the hands of the few, the rich, first and foremost, the government helps them and not the majority. Even the crisis has shown that the government just found the funds to support the business needs and the solution of the problems of the homeless, starving, unemployed or just in need of housing, the state will never find the funds, although theoretically these people to learn quite a lot of specialists, and they also could bring profits to the state. Only it is expensive, and they state do not care, because they'll bring the penny, but the company will give millions. It's not a government of the people, under capitalism, cannot go and speeches.

Authorship date

There should not be contradictions in normal people. If there is a product that was created by the author, then it must be nothing easier than to prove their rights. And, those who assumed other people's work should immediately put on trial. Well, explain to me please, who the hell comes up with these laws that if the person is to work, writes, invents, and comes nerd, like a thief, and seeing or stealing the work, the idea, calmly assigns it yourself? Why not just create a website or Agency where the person went in, and entering your room (about which I wrote in issue 35), registers his idea or the work? Just need to record the time and date. And all that later, should not be stolen, and thieves to be fined 10 times the amount of the estimated cost of the idea or work. Then drop the pirates and plagiarists, and there will be funds to pay the authors compensation. And in General companies should not be allowed to assign someone else's inventions and ideas. Why people runs for their rights? Why do companies not run for inventors and idea generators? If you create a system, then the people capable of inventing, there will be funds for further work. You need to make sure that the inventor, or who invented the idea remained the owners of the rights to the invention and the idea, and everyone who wants to use their labor, pays for the use. All the works must belong to specific people, not organizations. Another interesting point in a capitalist society is authorship. No one wondered why the words of politicians, businessmen not plagiarism, and the works of writers, or should I say all involved in creative work, constantly trying to steal. Just the system is designed so that people of creativity, especially without a name, beginning, as workers in the factories - powerless. Yes, written on paper, but in fact you're a nobody. And again, the state is not on the side of ordinary and the poor, because they take nothing, and on the rich side. How else to explain the laws, what if I have no money to publish, and my job suddenly got into the wrong hands, is published, it is already not mine, and I have no rights to it, and I have to prove in court that not a camel. This is another capitalist detail: bandits, thieves device relations. Or rather who is stronger is right. The laws written by the rich and for the rich, and adjusted with the help of lobbyists in the right direction. All capitalism is built on taking from the weak, and not to give him to become strong. That is why beginning writers it's just a cash cow for editors, and famous authors. While politicians and businessmen have power, so God forbid You assign them words. The same problem with patents for inventions, and the improvement of engineering and technology. On paper everything is beautiful, but in fact companies own these patents and they don't give the common man to earn. They are pennies to buy the patents and make millions. Where is the vaunted market system? Why is it in the store, the consumer runs, and looking for sellers, and the patent and copyright world inventors and writers are running around trying to find a seller. Why did the producers and editors do not seek their producers? A solution to the problems of authorship can be solved quite easily, there is a will: question 35. Then organizations will look for deals, not people banging on the doors of companies, government officials, and inventors will have the means for life and its improvement.

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