Ant and a nuclear explosion that at the moment creates humanity on the planet, reminds me of an anthill at the test site. — КиберПедия 

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Ant and a nuclear explosion that at the moment creates humanity on the planet, reminds me of an anthill at the test site.

2017-06-13 188
Ant and a nuclear explosion that at the moment creates humanity on the planet, reminds me of an anthill at the test site. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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That ants toil from year to year accumulation of reserves, development of an anthill, the ants increase, and all of them believe that they are waiting for a happy future. The attack, or whether any of their enemies is not very scary, because if they are together can not defeat the enemy, you will be able to transfer your house to a new location. But, because of their limited intelligence, they cannot foresee, and can not, and does not want to know what 500 meters is preparing to produce a nuclear explosion. And now, after the explosion, nobody knows about the existence of the anthill. And the ants don't need more supplies, and they did not save their offspring. So I like the efforts of politicians, and in General all the actions of intelligent people who support all the possible war, or invest huge funds and efforts in environmental destruction, destruction of all living things to obtain the second gain, and do not behave like the representatives of the most intelligent beings on the planet. For example: the State does not react and does not attempt to regulate the production of environmentally friendly items. That is why it is impossible to oblige the manufacturers to produce only the packaging materials and containers, which could be called reusable. Again back to the experience of the Soviet Union, when glass containers were used repeatedly. Yes, it is not as profitable as the use of plastic, but for the state it should be a priority. Why?

25) Container for liquids (glass, plastic)

Well, imagine how long plastic decompose how much money you will have to apply to future generations for its collection and disposal, and what environmental damage will be inflicted. Even the trash we pack in plastic bags almost all products are packaged in not degradable materials, and the materials were of artificial origin. Instead, how to solve all these problems of the state spending billions on the invention of the means to destroy all life. That's why no one tries to invent and build the release, for example, filters for cleaning of gases from cars. You can also make the camera with filters on the exhaust pipe, creating a vacuum for the passage of products of burnt fuel through the filters. And to establish control over the disposal of these filters. The same is not carried out absolutely no control over the disposal of used elements and frictional elements of vehicles. Also, the state does not wish in any way to protect people from the consequences of technological disasters, like Chernobyl. Why not just build these sarcophagi, which are now planning to build on Chernobyl NPP that when the accident no particles got into the atmosphere, and to do all the stations with a closed reactor coolant system to eliminate the discharge of water in the natural environment. In my opinion, all this can be done, it would be only a desire. And if someone will say that it is expensive, then let call the cost of liquidation of consequences of Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident. And, in General, must be public opposition to marketing. It is necessary to engender logical thinking in society at large. Example: To stop the development of the Soviet Union, the Americans, or the British invented global warming. According to their logic, that human activity is causing climate change on the planet. But for some reason they have not signed these provisions, and Ivan signed. If you include the logic and to remember the history, at different times, the earth's climate has varied, regardless of, made person on an industrial scale or not. Why is it winter during the second world war was not so warm, though at that time and industry have been many, and the war did their work. If you think about the sun, then all will fall into place. The main, and really only the core of the earth certainly can be a source of heat, but this is problematic, as the resources won't warm source of heat for earth is the sun. Here is another task for a human. It is known that the sun is a star, where thermonuclear reactions occur. That is, the radiation, under certain conditions, is the source of life. A man, a reasonable man, who boasts that was able to carry out a nuclear explosion, is afraid of radiation like the plague. Here's how to fool people. To make him afraid. You need all the energy person to direct the study of nuclear reactions and applications of these reactions for good. If able to recreate the conditions which gave nature (distance from the sun to the earth ozone layer), then it will be possible to develop the ice planet. And studying nuclear processes will provide an opportunity to create a nuclear engine for cars. And the problems of the used nuclear fuel can be solved by selecting do not need the planet, and take back the missiles. And, to improve environmental safety need to enact laws, to take at least car, which would regulate and control the consumption and disposal of contaminated water. For example, the owners of cars to wash their cars only at the sink, for example, once a week, and producers of household detergents to oblige with the issue of dosimeters is not more than 5 MLG. for depression. If humanity actually believes that it is reasonable, it should set goals rational use of the whole surface of land and resources, as well as a priority for the entire planet should be space exploration. For the rational use of surface is necessary to unite all countries, or should I say the abolition of all borders.

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