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Харитонова Артема Николаевича

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Практическое занятие №35. Развитие навыка чтения

По теме «Англоговорящие страны»


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There are 5 English speaking countries in the world:


1) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

2) The United States of America (USA)

3) Canada

4) Commonwealth of Australia

5) New Zealand



1) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the islands in the northwest of Europe.

The Atlantic ocean is on the north of it and the North Sea to the east. The English Channel (21 miles) separates it from the continent. Great Britain is the largest island. The three main parts of it are Scotland. England and Wales. Northern Ireland is situated on the island called Ireland.

The population of the United Kingdom is about 60 million and its capital is London.

The united Kingdom is a highly developed country. Its main cities are London, Birmingham, Manchester and Glasgow.

2) The United States of America (USA) is located in North America. It is one of the largest countries in the world. The population of the USA is about 250 million people. The USA has 50 states. Its capital is Washington D.C. (the District of Columbia). Its main cities are New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Boston.

It is a highly developed country. People of very many nationalities live in the USA.

3) Canada is situated in North America. Three oceans surround it: the Atlantic, the Arctic and the Pacific. The capital of the country is Ottawa. About 30 million people live in Canada.

It is a great industrial country. Its main cities are Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver.

4) Commonwealth of Australia occupies the continent of Australia and a number of islands (the main one of which is Tasmania). It includes 6 states and 2 territories with a population of about 20 million people.

5) New Zealand consist of several large and many smaller islands its population is about 4 million people. The capital is Wellington.

The chief cities are Auckland, Dunedin and Nelson.

It is a highly developed agricultural country.


Упр.№1. Заполните таблицу.


Countries Geographical characteristics Population Capital Principal towns
1.The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland        
2.The United States Of America        
4.Commonwealth of Australia        
5.New Zealand          


Критерии оценивания

5 верных ответов – 5 (отлично)
4 верных ответа – 4 (хорошо)
3 верных ответа - 3 (удовлетворительно)
0-2 верных ответов – 2 (неудовлетворительно)

Практическое занятие №38. Развитие навыка чтения

По теме «Географическое положение Великобритании»


Прочитайте и переведите текст. Выполните упражнение № 1.


Some Facts About the UK

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland with an area of 244,000 square miles is situated in the British Isles, which are separated from the European continent by the North Sea, the Straits of Dover and the English Channel

It consists of four parts - England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The population of the UK is over 62 million. Four out of five people live in «towns. The largest cities in the country are London,

Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow and Edinburgh. Nevertheless, agriculture is also well- developed, especially sheep-breeding in Scotland.

The territory of the country is small but it has a wide variety of landscape and scenery. There are moors, rivers, lakes, mountains, hills and plams there.

Politically the UK is a monarchy: the head of state is the King or Queen. In practice the Sovereign reigns, but does not rule: Great Britain is governed by the Government. The present Sovereign is Queen Elizabeth II. The real ruler of the country is the Prime Minister representing the party in power.

The heart of the UK is England It is the richest, the most fertile and most populated in the country.

The north and the west of England are mountainous, but the remainder of the territory is a vast plain.

In Northwest England there are many beautiful lakes with green, wooded or grassy shores and grey mountains all around.

The smallest country is Wales. The largest part of Wales is covered with rocky mountains which are difficult to climb. Most people in Wales live in the coastal plains.

Scotland is a land of mountains, wild moorlands, narrow valleys and plains, famous lakes, known as lochs and no end of large and small islands. The Highlands of Scotland are among the oldest mountains in the world. One third of the people m Scotland live in or near its capital, Edinburgh, and its great industrial centre, Glasgow.

Northern Ireland became a part of the United Kingdom in 1920. The land is mountainous and has few natural resources. Farming, machinery and equipment manufacturing, food processing textile and electronics manufacturing are the leading industries. Belfast is the capital and the largest city.

The capital of the UK, London, stands on the Thames. The Thames is the busiest and the most important river in the UK, but it is not very long.



Упр.№1. Установите, верны ли данные утверждения. Скорректируйте неверные согласно информации в тексте. Прочтите вслух.


1. Great Britain consists of three parts._________________________________

2. The territory of the country is large: 244,000 square miles. (Transform it into square kilometres: 1 mile = 1,609 km.) ______________________________________________________________

3. The smallest part is Wales._________________________________________

4. Most people in Wales live in the mountains.___________________________

5. The Highlands are the oldest mountains in the world.____________________

6. They are situated in Wales._________________________________________

7. Glasgow is a great agricultural centre._________________________________

8. Northern Ireland is rich in natural resources.____________________________

9. The real ruler of the country is the Queen.______________________________

10. The United Kingdom is a parliamentary republic.________________________


Критерии оценивания

9-10 верных ответов – 5 (отлично)
7-8 верных ответов – 4 (хорошо)
5-6 верных ответов - 3 (удовлетворительно)
0-4 верных ответов – 2 (неудовлетворительно)


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