Упражнения с результатами ответов — КиберПедия 

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Упражнения с результатами ответов

2017-06-05 320
Упражнения с результатами ответов 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Exercise 1. Insert one word instead the blank in the sentence.

1. The period of time which enriched Russian literature and made it a wide-spread through all over the world was the nineteenth century.

2. Pushkin and Gogol created the fundamental types of art which will be popular through all over the 19th century.

3. As for literary characters of Golden Age’s poetry, it is important for them.

4. A.S. Griboyedov wrote the verse comedy woe from wit.

5. Lermontov continued Pushkin’s traditions of making literary writings.

6. Griboyedov did what many other Russian novels did: pit the younger generation against the old.

7. Sholokhov decided to forgo any elevation of battle and depict in all of its brutality and sorrow the moment of the modern civilization in this four-novel series.

  Total point


Exercise 2.Match name of the author to his writing.

1. Chekhov (e) a. “Who is Happy in Russia?”
2. Dostoevsky (b) b. “Woe from Wit”
3. Griboyedov (f) c. “Eugene Onegin”
4. Lev Tolstoy (g) d. “A Hero of Our Time”
5. Lermontov (d) e. “The Complaints Book”
6. Sholokhov (h) f. “Crime and Punishment”
7. Pushkin © g. “War and Peace”
8. Nekrasov (a) h. “Quiet Flows the Don”
  Total point



Exercise 3. Solve the crossword.

1. Which writing was called The Great White Whale of Russian literature and had a 1,300 page that includes hundreds of subplots?

2. Who wrote the verse comedy Woe from Wit?

3. Whom did Lermontov introduce instead of Eugine Onegin of Pushkin?

4. Whose writings completed the "Golden Age" of Russian poetry?

5. Who was the father of Russian literary language?

6. Which novel used the artistic type of “a superfluous man”?

7. Whose plays are producing in theatres through all over the world?

8. How was called a new genre which appeared differing greatly from the postmodernist Russian prose of the late 20th century?

9. Which process was shown in Dead Souls by Gogol and made landowners count their serfs who were already dead?


                  4   U          
              3P       G          
  1W           E   7C H E K H O V  
  A           C       N          
  R           H   9   E          
  A   2G r i b O y e d O v        
  N           R       N          
  D           I       E          
  5P U S H K I N       G          
  E                   I          
  A                   N          
8L E V T O L S T O Y              


  Total point


Exercise 4. Match name of the authors with their photo.

V.A.Zhukovsky Gogol Pushkin Lermontov Chekhov


A) C) E) B) D)

  Total point



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