Професионально-ориентированному иностранному языку — КиберПедия 

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Професионально-ориентированному иностранному языку

2017-06-02 664
Професионально-ориентированному иностранному языку 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Рекомендации студентам по работе с учебными текстами по специальности





















Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку предназначено для студентов 1-2 курсов отделения педагогики и методики начального обучения, ранее изучавших английский язык в средней школе.

Цель пособия - подготовить студентов к самостоятельному чтению и переводу литературы по специальности (педагогика и психология) и развить у них навыки устной речи в пределах изученной тематики.

1-ый раздел включает в себя оригинальные английские тексты по педагогике, знакомящие студентов с особенностями системы образования в России и в странах изучаемого языка и информацию о выдающихся педагогах.

2-ой раздел включает в себя оригинальные тесты по психологии, содержащие сведения об основных психологических направлениях, понятиях, а также о жизни и деятельности русских и зарубежных психологов.

3-ий раздел представляет собой тексты для дополнительного чтения из источников периодической печати, цитаты известных писателей, психологические тесты, тексты, представляющие собой фрагменты уроков с использованием игр, имеющих особое значение при работе с учащимися младшего школьного возраста.

Пособие состоит из текстов с комментариями, предтекстовых и послетекстовых упражнений, рассчитанных на закрепление лексики урока, а также текстов для самостоятельного изучения – перевода, краткого пересказа, реферирования на русском и английском языках. В текстах соблюдается повторяемость терминологической лексики, вводится оптимальное количество новых лексических единиц. Система упражнений способствует активному усвоению лексики с последующим выходом в речь. Тексты пособия представляют интерес с познавательной точки зрения, что позволяет поддерживать высокий уровень мотивации при их изучении.

Рекомендации студентам по работе с учебными текстами

по специальности

1. Произношение и чтение

Одной из отличительных особенностей английского языка является то, что не всегда имеется звукобуквенное соответствие при чтении вслух письменного текста. Прежде чем приступить к чтению, необходимо выучить произношение новых слов, встретившихся в тексте, обратить внимание на принципы словообразования и выучить слова и выражения, составляющие активную лексику текста.

2. Как работать с лексикой

Для лучшего запоминания новой лексики необходимо вести словарь, куда следует выписывать из текста новые лексические единицы с транскрипцией и переводом. Чтобы хорошо запомнить новое слово, необходимо произнести его многократно, громко и четко.

Усваивая и заучивая новое слово, обязательно воспроизводите внутренний образ слова одновременно со звучанием (старайтесь представить то, что это слово обозначает).

Заучивая слова и выражения, обязательно повторяйте их на следующий день.

Чтобы закрепить пройденные слова и выражения, рекомендуется:

- систематически перечитывать пройденные тексты;

- по возможности читать больше текстов общественно-политической и педагогической направленности.

3. Грамматика и работа над текстом

Между грамматическим строем английского и русского языков имеются большие расхождения. Отношения между словами в предложении передаются твердым порядком слов и строевыми словами (артикль, местоимения, предлоги, союзы, вспомогательные и модальные глаголы). Их необходимо выучить наизусть.

Грамматические особенности английского языка обусловили появление большого количества омонимов. Одно и тоже слово представляет различные части речи в зависимости от функции в предложении. В связи с этим студенты часто не могут осмыслить содержание текста, выписывают из словаря первое значение незнакомого слова, не учитывая функцию данного слова в предложении. Поэтому необходимо сначала определить частеречную принадлежность слова, затем найти глагол сказуемое, к нему подлежащее и перевести их. Только после этого выписывать их в словарь с соответствующим значением.

4. Работа над упражнениями

При работе с послетекстовыми упражнениями необходимо обращать внимание на следующие виды заданий:

1) Задания на произношение слов и их перевод

Read the following words paying attention to the pronunciation:

2) Задания на словообразование, например:



1) School teaches us moral values, helps to understand ourselves better and make our own decisions.

2) A student’s experience at school can influence how he or she relates to the rest of the society.

3) The kind of education a student receives will of course influence his or her job prospects.

4) The scientific knowledge, which pupils get at their lessons of chemistry, biology and physics, will be valuable to them.

5) This system of education is quite good: those who fill with studies can go working or in special places to learn this or that profession.

6) Good work habits, constant study and a good memory help us to acquire a serious knowledge of some subject.

6. Complete the sentences from the text:

1) School teaches us moral values, helps to understand ourselves better and …

2) … often responsible for producing the citizens of tomorrow.

3) Taking part in all kinds of contests, making reports and holding discussions give us opportunities …

4) The activities of the school day afford different opportunities for pupils to participate in sports …

5) But it is not a secret that studying at school isn’t easy …

6) We will need someone’s parent’s advice and daily practice and a friend’s help and …

7. Make up sentences of your own using the words and word combinations given below:

person, values, decisions, responsible, well-behaved, present-day, contributes, valuable, improvement, power, wealth.

8. Give the words of the same root:

person, values, decisions, friends, education, responsible, polite, use, culture, history, contributes, participate, music.


1. Read and translate the text.

Active Vocabulary:

1. nursery school – детский сад

2. private homes - частные дома

3. income - доход

4. Eleven Plus Examination - отборочный экзамен

5. local education authority's - местные органы образования

6. secondary education - среднее образование

7. clay - глина

8. primary school - начальная школа

9. addition - сложение

10. subtraction – вычитание


Pre-primary and Primary Education in Great Britain

In some areas of England there are nursery schools for children under 5 years of age. Some children between two and five receive edu­cation in nursery classes or in infants’ classes in primary schools. Many children attend informal play-groups organised by parents in private homes. Nursery schools are staffed with teachers and stu­dents in training. There are all kinds of toys to keep the children busy from 9 o'clock in the morning till 4 o'clock in the afternoon while their parents are at work. Here the babies play, lunch and sleep. They can run about and play in safety with someone keeping an eye on them.

For day nurseries which remain open all the year round the parents pay according to their income. The local education authority's nurse­ries are free. But only about three children in 100 can go to them: there aren't enough places, and the waiting lists are rather long.

Most children start school at 5 in a primary school. A primary school may be divided into two parts: infants and juniors. At infants school reading, writing and arithmetic are taught for about 20 minutes a day during the first year, gradually increasing to about 2 hours in their last year. There is usually no written timetable. Much time is spent in modelling from clay or drawing, reading or singing.

By the time children are ready for the junior school they will be able to read and write, do simple addition and subtraction of numbers.

At 7 children go on from the infants school to the junior school. This marks the transition from play to "real work". The children have set periods of arithmetic, reading and composition which are all Eleven Plus subjects. History, Geography, Nature Study, Art and Music, Physical Education, Swimming are also on the timetable.

Pupils were streamed according to their abilities to learn into A, B, С and D streams. The least gifted are in the D stream. Formally tо­wards the end of their fourth year the pupils wrote their Eleven Plus Examination. The hated Eleven Plus Examination was a selective procedure on which not only the pupils' future schooling but their future careers depended. The abolition of selection at Eleven Plus Examination brought to life comprehensive schools where pupils can get secondary education.


1. Practice in pronunciation of the following words:

nursery, infants, informal, pre-school, private, staffed, income, authority's, infants, juniors, arithmetic, taught, modelling, drawing, addition, subtraction, composition, Geography, Nature Study, Physical Education, streamed, abilities, Plus Examination, selective, procedure, future, careers, abolition, selection, comprehensive, secondary, education.

2. Give Russian equivalents to:

nursery schools, receive edu­cation, nursery classes or infants’ classes, primary schools, informal play-groups, staffed with teachers, keeping an eye on them, according to their income, local education authority's nurse­ries, infants and juniors, gradually increasing, do simple addition and subtraction of numbers, Eleven Plus Examination, selective procedure, future careers, comprehensive schools, secondary education.

3. Give English equivalents to:

дошкольное и начальное образование, детские сады, в дошкольных учреждениях, неофициальные дошкольные игровые группы, частные дома, под чьим – либо присмотром, исходя из их личных доходов, дошкольные учреждения, в ведении местных органов образования, начальная школа, выполнять простейшее сложение и вычитание, отборочные экзамены в 11,5 лет, отмена отборочных экзаменов, единая средняя школа, среднее образование.

4. Answer the following questions:

1) What can you say about pre-primary edu­cation in England?

2) What can parents choose for their children?

3) Nursery schools are staffed with teachers and stu­dents in training, aren’t they?

4) What can children do in nursery school?

5) When do most children start primary school?

6) How may a primary school be divided?

7) When do children go on from the infants school to the junior school?

8) Is the Russian system of pre-primary education the same? Are there any changes in it?

9) Where can pupils get secondary education in England?


1. Read and translate the text.

Active Vocabulary:

1. available - доступный

2. academic grammar schools - средняя классическая школа

3. a comprehensive school - общеобразовательная школа

4. selective - выборочный

5. to pass an exam - сдать экзамен

6. unfair – несправедливый

7. craft - деревообработка

8. ability – возможность


Secondary education in Great Britain

Since the 1944 Education Act of Parliament, free secondary education has been available to all children in Britain. Indeed children must go to school until the age of 16, and pupils may stay on for one or two years more if they wish.

Secondary schools are usually much larger than primary schools and most children – over 80% - go to a comprehensive school at the age of 11. These schools are not selective – you don’t have to pass an exam to go there. In 1965 the Labor Government introduced the policy of comprehensive education. Before that time, all children took an exam at the age of 11 called – the ‘11+’. Approximately the top 20% were chosen to go to the academic grammar schools. Those who failed the ’11 +’ (80%) went to secondary modern schools.

A lot of people thought that this system of selection at the age of 11 was unfair on many children. So, comprehensive schools were introduced to offer suitable courses for pupils of all abilities. Some LEAs (Local Education Authority) started to change over to comprehensive education immediately, but some were harder to convince and slower to act. There are a few LEAs who still keep the old system of grammar schools, but most LEAs have now changed over completely to non-selective education in comprehensive schools.

Comprehensive schools.

Comprehensive schools want to developthe talentsof each individual child. So they offer a wide choice of subjects, from art and craft, woodwork and domestic science to the sciences, modern languages, computer studies, etc. All these subjects are enjoyed by both girls and boys. Pupils at comprehensive schools are quite often put into ‘sets’ for more academic subjects such as mathematics or languages. Sets are formed according to ability in each subject, so that for example the children in the highest set for maths will not necessarily be in the highest set for French. All pupils move to the next class automatically at the end of the year.


1. Read the following words paying attention to the pronunciation:

parliament, available, secondary, comprehensive, selective, Labor, policy, approximately, unfair, suitable, courses, abilities, Authority, immediately, individual, choice, domestic, science, languages, necessarily, automatically.

2.Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

Education Act of Parliament, free secondary education, not selective, to pass an exam, the policy of comprehensive education, the academic grammar schools, to offer suitable courses, Local Education Authority, the talentsof each individual child, the talentsof each individual child, woodwork and domestic science, move automatically.

3. Give English equivalents to the following words and phrases:

свободное среднее образование, сдать экзамен, примерно 20% лучших, различные способности, предлагать широкий выбор, деревообработка, в соответствии со способностями по каждому предмету, переходить автоматически.

4. Express agreement or disagreement with the following saying:


1. Read and translate the text.

Active Vocabulary:

1. to divide - разделять

2. to get a degree - получать степень

3. to depend on - зависеть от

4. spent abroad - проведенный за границей

5. to receive grants - получать гранты

6. to last for - длиться


1. Read and translate the text.

Active Vocabulary:

1. independent life - независимая жизнь

2. to comprise - включать

3. to choose a profession - выбирать профессию

4. source of funding – источник финансирования

5. to be admitted into - быть принятым в

6. to achieve a success - достигать успеха

7. to gain reputations –завоевать репутацию

Higher Education in the USA

Finishing school is the beginning of an independent life for millions of school graduates. Many roads are open before them. But it is not an easy thing to choose a profession out of more than the 2000 existing in the world.

Out of the more than three million students who graduate from high school each year, about one million go on for “higher education”. Simply by being admitted into one of the most respected universities in the United States, a high school graduate achieves a degree of success. A college at a leading university might receive applications from two percent of these high school graduates, and then accept only one out of every ten who apply.

The system of higher education in the United States is complex. It comprises four categories of institution. The university may contain:

- several colleges for undergraduate students;

- the four-year undergraduate institution – the – college;

- the technical training institution;

- the two-year, or community college.

Any of these institutions, in any category, might be either public or private, depending on the source of its funding. Many universities and colleges, both public and private, have gained reputations for providing their students with a higher quality of education. In the United States it is generally recognized that there are more and less desirable institutions. The more desirable institutions are generally more costly to attend. Still, many Americans are not satisfied with the condition of higher education in their country. Perhaps the most widespread complaint has to do with the college curriculum as a whole and with the wide range of electives in particular. The National Institute of Education (NIE) issued a report, “Involvement in Learning”. In its report, the NIE concluded that the college curriculum has become “excessively vocational and work-related”. The report also warned that college education may no longer be developing in students “the shared values and knowledge”.

American higher education is changing, as it has throughout its history. In fact, the next charge in American education may be a trend for people to continue their education in college – for a lifetime.


1.Read the following words paying attention to the pronunciation:

Independent, existing, admitted, achieves, percent, accept, comprises, ranging, variety, source, gained, reputations, particularly, majority, satisfactory, advantages, employment, curriculum, knowledge.

2. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

an independent life, the most respected universities, a degree of success, a wide variety of, the source of funding, gained reputations, the great majority, quite satisfactory, more and less desirable institutions, the condition of higher education, the college curriculum.

3. Give English equivalents to the following words and phrases:

Окончание школы, независимая жизнь, более чем из 2000 существующих, самый преуспевающий, система включает 4 категории, может содержать, продолжительностью от 6 месяцев до 2 лет, источник финансирования, завоевать репутацию, преобладающее большинство, не удовлетворены состоянием, учебная программа.

4. Fill in the blanks with articles if necessary:

1. Finishing school is … beginning of … independent life for millions of school graduates.

2. But it is not … easy thing to choose … profession out of more than …2000 existing in …world.

3. …system of higher education in … United States is complex.

4. Still, many Americans are not satisfied with … condition of higher education in their country.

5. In fact, … next charge in American education may be … trend for people to continue their education in college – for … lifetime.

5. Write the basic forms of all the irregular verbs in the text:

6. Ask all types of questions:

1. Finishing school is the beginning of an independent life for millions of school graduates.

2. But it is not an easy thing to choose a profession out of more than the 2000 existing in the world.

3. A college can accept only one out of every ten who apply.

4. The system of higher education in the United States comprises four categories of institution.

5. The great majority of these institutions are generally regarded as quite satisfactory.

6. The more desirable institutions are more costly to attend.

7. Many Americans are not satisfied with the condition of higher education in their country.

7. Underline the suffixes and state their meaning:

independent, profession, education, applications, technical, duration, majority, generally, satisfactory, desirable, employment, American, National, involvement, vocational, traditionally, direction.

Translate into Russian.

The American system of education differs from ours in its freedom and personal approach. There are electives – subjects one choose freely for the semester. They make up only part of the total number; there are required courses also. American professors take their job as a teacher more seriously; they are serious, honest teachers, taking their work as a duty. American teachers value the student’s viewpoint as his or her essential right – “an inalienable right”. It is the right to express their thoughts, to fulfill their potential, to feel themselves equal to the teacher – not in age or experience, but in mental capabilities.



1. Read and translate the text.

Active Vocabulary:

1. lot – судьба, участь

2. female - женский пол

3. intense - напряженный

4. persistent - настойчивый, стойкий

5. male - мужской пол

6. self-conscious - застенчивый, сознательный

7. fall ill - заболеть

8. afford - позволять

9. rage - ярость, гнев

10. rewards - награды

11. expectations - ожидания




1. Say «teacher» and a clear image forms in people’s minds.

2. People usually think that teachers, if female, are intense, persistent creatures, and if male, are a little strange.

3. Teachers themselves have a particularly self-conscious view of their role.

4. They tend to feel isolated and to grow away from friends who work a standard office day.

5. Teacherssit and brood about the children’s needs and always feel that they could be doing more.

6. If a teacher falls ill he can afford to stay in bed till he gets well.

7. The experience, they have at school, have a great influence on their attitudes to job and people.

Insert the missing words.

1. Say «teacher» and a clear image forms in …

2. Teachers themselves have a particularly self-conscious view …

3. They tend to feel isolated and to grow away from …

4. They sit and brood about the children’s needs and always feel …

5. Extremes of behavior are more common in the classroom …

6. Many teachers discover in themselves depths of bad temper, even rage …

7. But the rewards of the job are so special that teachers learn to maintain high expectations …

7. Make up sentences of your own using the words and word combinations given below:

clear image, tend to feel, to grow away, to alter outlook, behavior, characters, attitudes, the emotional impact, high expectations.

8. Translate into English:

Учитель должен быть творческой личностью и применять различные методы и приемы при обучении. Он должен любить учеников и свою работу. Юмор обязательно должен присутствовать на уроке, тогда дети не боятся делать ошибки, у них есть шансы исправиться.

Необходимо относиться к каждому ученику так же, как и ко всем детям в классе. Никогда нельзя выплескивать негативные эмоции в классе.




1. Read and translate the text.

Active Vocabulary:

1. applied pedagogics - прикладная педагогика

2. trust - доверие

3. management - управление

4. scope - сфера, охват

Punishment - наказание

Vasily A. Sukhomlinsky


Sukhomlinsky started his pedagogical work as a village teacher in the Kirovograd Region. From 1948 he worked as director of a secondary school in the village of Pavlysh.

Sukhomlinsky is the author of numerous works in the field of applied pedagogics. He worked on questions concerning management of schools, teacher's professional skills, problems regarding intellectual, ethical, labour, esthetical and physical education of children. In his school he initiated an integral pedagogical system, based on trust and respect towards the child as an individual, on the idea of turning learning into a creative process, limiting the scope of group influence over an individual, and educating without resorting to punishment. Sukhomlinsky was a devoted advocate of humanitarian ideals in education, substantiated his theoretical concepts by his own daily practical work. As a pedagogue, he was an ideal of a popular teacher, who "gave his heart to children". His school was a scientific laboratory, where the whole school participated in its director's innovations. It was here that a "School of joy" for the six-year old was opened for the first time, here were organized psychological consultations, classes for senior pupils in ethics and family life psychology, school for parents and many other projects that later on were introduced into general practice of pedagogy.
Sukhomlinsky's views on education repeatedly led to conflicts with the official pedagogics and to heated discussions with its most conservative representatives.


1. Practice in pronunciation of the following words:

pedagogical, village, director, numerous, applied, concerning, management, regarding, intellectual, ethical, labour, esthetical, initiated, integral, trust, influence, punishment, humanitarian, substantiated, theoretical, pedagogue, consultations, representatives.

2.Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

a village teacher, works in the field of, applied pedagogics, questions concerning management of schools, teacher's professional skills, integral pedagogical system, based on trust and respect towards the child, a creative process, limiting the scope of group influence, a devoted advocate, humanitarian ideals, director's innovations.

3. Give English equivalents to the following words and phrases:

педагогическая деятельность, многочисленные работы, прикладная педагогика, профессиональные умения, основываться на доверии и уважении, творческий процесс, ежедневная практическая работа, научная лаборатория, новшества.

4. Find the right word order:

1. S ukhomlinsky started his pedagogical work as a village teacher in the Kirovograd Region.

2. Sukhomlinsky is the author of numerous works in the field of applied pedagogics.

3. He worked on questions concerning management of schools, teacher's professional skills.

4. In his school he initiated an integral pedagogical system.

5. Sukhomlinsky was a devoted advocate of humanitarian ideals in education.

6. His school was a scientific laboratory, where the whole school participated in its director's innovations.

7. Sukhomlinsky's views on education repeatedly led to conflicts with the official pedagogics.

5. Give the answers to the following:

1. How did Sukhomlinsky start his pedagogical work?

2. Where did he work as director of a secondary school?

3. Is Sukhomlinsky the author of numerous works in the field of chemistry?

4. What didhe initiate in his school?

5. He was foreducating without resorting to punishment, wasn’t he?

6. A "School of joy" for the six-year old wasn’t opened for the first time, was it?

7. Did Sukhomlinsky's views on education repeatedly lead to conflicts with the official pedagogics?

6. Fill in the blanks with prepositions if necessary:

1. Sukhomlinsky started his pedagogical work as … village teacher in … Kirovograd Region.

2. From 1948 he worked as …director of … secondary school in … village of Pavlysh.

3. Sukhomlinsky is … author of … numerous works in … field of applied pedagogics.

4. In his school he initiated … integral pedagogical system.

5. Sukhomlinsky was … devoted advocate of humanitarian ideals in … education.

6. His school was … scientific laboratory.

7. Point out the nouns, adjectives and verbs and write them down in three columns:

Pedagogical, work, worked, pedagogics, professional, profession, intellectual, ethical, esthetical, physical, intellect, ethic, aesthetics, physic, individual, creative, create, punishment, punish, theoretical, theory, practical, practice, pedagogue, pedagogy.

8. Make up sentences of your own using the words and word combinations given below:

a teacher, professional skills, trust and respect, a creative process, punishment, humanitarian ideals, daily practical work, innovations.




I. Read and translate the following international words. Mind the pronunciation.

Psychology, psychologist, sociology, anthropology, biology, psychiatry, mental, laboratory, hospital.

Human – humanity

Social - sociology

Clinic - clinical

III. Active vocabulary:

Study - изучение

Mind – сознание

Mental – душевный

State - состояние

Behavior – поведение

Development - развитие

Science – наука

To set up – основать

To observe - наблюдать

Describe – описывать

To use - использовать

Functioning - существование

To provide - обеспечивать

Care - забота

Health - здоровье

IV. Read and translate the text:

Psychology as a science

A psychologist can often be asked "What is psychology?" Probably, you do not get clear-cut answers. The term “psychology” seems to be familiar to many people but is understood by far less.

A standard psychology textbook would tell you that psychology is the scientific study of the human mind, mental state and behavior.

Psychology has numerous subfields, for example, clinical psychology, developmental psychology, cognitive psychology, social psychology and many others. Psychology is connected with many sciences including sociology, anthropology, biology, and psychiatry.

Psychology as a formal science was born in 1879, when Wilhelm Wundt set up the first official psychology laboratory in Leipzig, Germany. The scientist used introspective research method, in other words he observed his own mental processes and described it. Later psychologists abandoned Wundt's method, but not his basic ideal of understanding or describing human functioning within a scientific context.

What kind of job does a psychologist do? As a rule psychologists provide mental health care in hospitals, clinics, schools. Some specialists work as consultants for companies and government agencies. Other psychologists work as managers in hospitals, mental health clinics, schools, universities, and businesses.


I. Give Russian equivalents of the following:

clear-cut answer, to be familiar to many people, human mind, mental state, behavior, developmental psychology, cognitive psychology, set up the laboratory, research method, observed his own mental processes, abandoned Wundt's method, kind of job, provide mental health care, work as consultants and managers.

II. Suggest the English for:

вероятно, не получите ясного ответа, кажется, сознание человека, многочисленные направления, клиническая психология, психология развития, психиатрия, основать лабораторию, использовать метод исследования, другими словами, человеческое существование, как правило, работать консультантом, клиника.

III. Express agreement or disagreement with the following using:

Yes, you are right (= it is correct)

No, you are not right (=you are wrong)

1. Psychology is the scientific study of the human body and physical processes.

2. Psychology has numerous subfields, for example, clinical psychology, developmental psychology, cognitive psychology, social psychology and many others.

3. Wilhelm Wundt is considered to be a founder of psychology.

4. As a rule psychologists provide physical health care in hospitals, clinics, schools.

IV. Insert the missing words:

1. The term “psychology” seems to be … to many people.

2. Psychology is … with many sciences including sociology, anthropology, biology, and psychiatry.

3. Wilhelm Wundt … the first official psychology laboratory in Leipzig, Germany.

4. As a rule psychologists … mental health care in hospitals, clinics, schools.

V. Complete the following sentences:

1. Psychology is the scientific study of...

2. There are numerous subfields of psychology such as …

3. Wilhelm Wundt set up …

4. Psychologists use Wundt’s basic ideal of …

5. Usually psychologists work as …

VI. Answer the following questions:

1. What is psychology?

2. What subfields of psychology do you know?

3. Who is a founder of the first official psychology laboratory?

4. What sciences is psychology connected with?

5. Do modern psychologists use the research method of Wilhelm Wundt?

6. Where can a psychologist work?

7. Psychologists provide physical health, don’t they?

The words you may need: human mind, mental state, numerous subfields, to be connected with many sciences, as a formal science, research method, to understand or describe human functioning, provide mental health care, psychologists.


I. Read and translate the following international words. Mind the pronunciation.

Academically, socially, emotionally, mental, motivation, organization, style, effective, problem, situation, individually, group, program, crisis, talent.

III. Active vocabulary:

Youth - молодежь

2. to succeed – преуспеть, добиться успеха

To train - обучать

5. education - образование

Development - развитие

Behavior - поведение

Solution - решение

Upbringing - воспитание

Disability - инвалидность

Drugs - наркотики

14. to prevent - предотвращать

15. to manage - справляться

16. environment – окружающая среда

IV. Read and translate the text:

A School Psychologist

School psychologists help children and youth succeed academically, socially, and emotionally. They collaborate with teachers and parents to create the best learning environments for pupils and to strengthen connections between home and school.

School psychologists are highly trained in both psychology and education. They deal with problems of mental health, child development, behavior, motivation. It is also necessary for them to be prepared in school organization, learning styles and effective teaching.

School psychologists find the best solution for each pupil and situation. School psychologists work with children individually and in groups. They also develop programs to train teachers and parents regarding effective teaching and upbringing. Their tasks are to work with pupils with disabilities or with special talents, abuse of drugs and other substances, as well as to prevent and manage crises.


I. Give Russian equivalents of the following:

School psychologists, succeed, collaborate with parents, learning environments, to strengthen connections, education, mental health, child development, learning styles, the best solution, teaching and upbringing, pupils with disabilities, abuse of drugs, to prevent and manage crises.

II. Suggest the English for:

сотрудничать, создавать наилучшие условия обучения, быть хорошо подготовленным, душевное здоровье, развитие ребенка, поведение, стиль обучения, наилучшее решение, работать индивидуально и в группах, обучение и воспитание, дети-инвалиды, справляться с кризисом, злоупотребление наркотиками.

III. Express agreement or disagreement with the following using:

Yes, you are right (= it is correct)

No, you are not right (=you are wrong)

1. School psychologists help grown-ups succeed academically, socially, and emotionally.

2. School psychologists are highly trained in both psychology and education.

3. Psychologists work with children individually and in groups.

4. School psychologists also develop programs to train teachers and parents regarding effective teaching and upbringing.

5. The only task of school psychologists is to help pupils in their studies.

IV. Insert the missing words:

1. School psychologists … to create the best learning environments for pupils and to strengthen connections between home and school.

2. Psychologists … problems of mental health, child development, behavior, motivation.

3. It’s necessary for a school psychologist … in school organization, learning styles and effective teaching.

4. School psychologists … for each pupil and situation.

5. The tasks of school psychologists are to work with … as well as to prevent and manage crises.

V. Complete the following sentences:

1. School psychologists help …

2. School psychologists deal with …

3. Psychologists in school work with …

4. School psychologists develop programs …

5. The psychologists’ tasks are …

VI. Mate adjectives in the left-hand column with the nouns in the right-hand column:

1. mental

2. child

3. learning

4. effective

5. the best

6. school

7. special

A) psychologist

B) talent

C) development

D) teaching

E) styles

F) solution

G) health

VII. Answer the following questions:

1. Whom do school psychologists help?

2. Why do school psychologists collaborate with teachers and parents?

3. What subjects are psychologists in school highly trained in?

4. How does a school psychologist work with pupils?

5. What programs do school psychologists develop?

6. What kind of pupils do psychologists work at school?


I. Read and translate the following international words. Mind the pronunciation.

Problem, discipline, depressed, alcohol, situation, community, typically, to demonstrate, student, discussion, personal, plan, future.

Discuss - discussion

school – schooling

Collaborate – collaboration

Esteem - self-esteem

III. Active vocabulary:

1. adolescent -подросток

2. to fall behind - отставать

3. to divorce - разводиться

4. suicide - самоубийство

5. concern – забота, проблема

6. to solve - решать

7. to trust - доверять

8. able - способный

9. self-esteem - самооценка

10. confidence – уверенность в себе

11. classmate - одноклассник

12. skill – умение, навык

13. to miss - пропускать

14. to relax - расслабляться

To improve - улучшать

16. to interfere (with) – мешать

17. verbal - устный

18. quality – качество

IV. Read and translate the text:


I. Read and translate the following international words. Mind the pronunciation.

organ, system, process, information, motivation, emotion, to control, abstract, concrete, dominant, artistic.

Nerve - nervous – nervously

Sensor - sensory

To divide – division

Sphere – hemisphere

Verb - verbal - non-verbal

To think – thinking

To solve - solving

III. Active vocabulary:

  1. brain - мозг
  2. central nervous system – центральная нервная система
  3. processing - обработка
  4. coding - кодировка
  5. sensory – восприятие органами чувств
  6. mediation – посредничество, связь
  7. memory - память
  8. hemisphere - полушарие
  9. speech - речь
  10. thinking - мышление
  11. left-hander - левша
  12. right-hander - правша
  13. lateral thinking – нестандартное мышление

IV. Read and translate the text:


The brain is the organ of the central nervous system responsible for the processing and coding of sensory and sensory information, for the control of regulatory processes in the body, and for the mediation of complex processes, such as motivation, emotion, learning, and memory.

The brain is divided into two halves which are called hemispheres. The left hemisphere controls the right side of the body and directs speech, writing and abstract thinking. The right hemisphere controls the left side of the body and directs the non-verbal memory, emotions and concrete thinking.

That is why the left hemisphere is dominant in right-handed people and vice verse the right hemisphere is dominant in left-handed people. As a result, left-handers are sometimes considered to be better at lateral thinking and problem solving and to be more artistic.


I. Give Russian equivalents of the following:

responsible for, processing and coding, sensory information, mediation of complex processes, to be divided into two halves, to direct speech, writing and abstract thinking, the non-verbal memory, vice verse, to be better at lateral thinking, problem solving.

II. Suggest the English for:

ответственный за, переработка и кодирование информации, связь сложных процессов, информация, поступающая от органов чувств, полушарие, преобладающий, наоборот, левша, правша, управлять речью, абстрактное мышление, невербальная память, нестандартное мышление, решение проблем.

III. Express agreement or disagreement with the following using:

Yes, you are right (= it is correct)

No, you are not right (=you are wrong)

1. The brain is the organ of the central nervous system.

2. The brain is divided into two halves which are called hemispheres.

3. The right hemisphere controls the right side of the body and directs speech, writing and abstract thinking.

4. The left side of the body the non-verbal memory, emotions and concrete thinking are controlled with the left hemisphere.

IV. Insert the missing words:

1. The brain is … responsible for the processing and coding of information.

2. The brain is … which are called hemispheres.

3. The … controls the right side of the body.

4. The right hemisphere … the non-verbal memory, emotions and concrete thinking.

5. Left-handers are considered to be better at … and to be more artistic.

V. Complete the following sentences:

1. The brain is …

2. Two halves of the brain are called …

3. The left hemisphere controls …

  1. The right hemisphere directs …

5. Left-handers are sometimes considered to be …

VI. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the brain?

2. What does the brain control?

3. How many parts is the brain divided into?

4. What does the left hemisphere control?

5. What does the right hemisphere direct?

  1. Left-handers are considered to be better at concrete thinking and problem solving, aren’t they?

VII. Speak on the brain.

The words you may need: organ of the central nervous system, motivation, emotion, learning, and memory, hemispheres, directs speech, writing, abstract thinking, non-verbal memory, concrete thinking, dominant in, left-handers, lateral thinking, problem solving.


I. Read and translate the following international words. Mind the pronunciation.

emotion, psychological, positive, negative, to communicate, biological, social, cognitive, stress.

To feel – feeling

Biology – biological

To expect – expectation

Conscious - consciousness

III. Active vocabulary:

  1. attitude - отношение
  2. inner state – внутреннее состояние
  3. mood - настроение
  4. feeling - чувство
  5. fear - страх
  6. anger - гнев
  7. to acquire - приобретать
  8. guilt - вина
  9. boredom - скука
  10. curiosity – любопытство
  11. to strain - напрягаться
  12. to lose - терять

Terror - ужас

Influence - влияние

IV. Read and translate the text:


What are emotions? Emotions are psychological states that show a person’s attitude to the world and other people. Emotions can be either positive or negative.

Emotions play a great role in our life. Due to them we can better understand each other and judge about people’s inner state. If we know about our friend’s or relatives’ feelings or mood it is easier for us to communicate and get along with them.

Many psychologists believe that we are born with a definite set of emotions –such as happiness, fear, anger, anxiety and wonder. They are called biological emotions. During his life a man acquires also social emotions like pride, guilt, etc. When being in the society every person needs to be loved, needs to follow or exceed expectations of his nearest and dearest. It’s necessary to mention about cognitive emotions, for example interest, boredom or curiosity.

All the emotional states are classified accordingly to their force and duration. So mood, stress, affect are the forms of emotions. Mood is a pervasive and sustained emotion, experienced by a person. It is not difficult to see what the mood of your friends or parents is. Children can’t hide their mood at all. Stress means that a person strains to the limit. The reason of stress may be any difficult, dangerous situation. A person feels anxiety and tries to find a way out of such a situation. Affect is characterized as conflict emotional state. People lose control over their consciousness and act under the influence of some strong feelings like fear, terror or anger.


I. Give Russian equivalents of the following:

psychological state, a person’s attitude to smth., inner state, to get along with, to be born with a definite set of emotions, during one’s life, needs to be loved, to follow or exceed expectations, nearest and dearest, to be classified accordingly to, sustained emotion, to strain to the limit, to find a way out, to lose control, under the influence of.

II. Suggest the English for:

показывать отношение человека, играть важную роль, ладить с кем-либо, рождаться с определенным набором эмоций, приобретать эмоции, родные и близкие, оправдывать ожидания, скука или любопытство, согласно силе и продолжительности, вообще не уметь скрывать, напряжен до предела, найти выход, терять контроль, под влиянием.

III. Express agreement or disagreement with the following using:

Yes, you are right (= it is correct)

No, you are not right (=you are wrong)

  1. Emotions are psychological states that show a person’s attitude to the world and other people.
  2. Due to emotions it is easier to communicate and get along with friends and relatives.
  3. People are born with a definite set of cognitive emotions.
  4. Pride, guilt, happiness and fear are the biological emotions.
  5. When being in stress a person feels anxiety and tries to find the way out of such a situation.

IV. Insert the missing words:

1. Emotions are …to the world and other people.

  1. If we know about … it is easier for us to communicate and get along with them.

3. When being in the society every person needs … of his nearest and dearest.

4. Mood is … experienced by a person.

5. Stress means that … to the limit.

V. Complete the following sentences:

  1. Emotions can be either …
  2. Due to emotions we can …

3. Many psychologists believe that …

4. When being in the society every person needs to …

5. Mood is …

6. The reason of stress is …

7. People lose control …

VI. Find antonyms to these words in the text:

little, negative, to misunderstand, difficult, indefinite, misfortune, to hate, weakness, to find, to relax, unconsciousness.

VII. Answer the following questions:

1. What are emotions?

2. Why do emotions play a great role in our life?

3. What set of emotions are people born with?

4. Interest, boredom and curiosity are the social emotions, aren’t they?

5. What are the reasons of stress?

6. What is the affect state?

VII. Speak on emotions.

The words you may need: psychological states, attitude to the world and other people, inner state, to communicate, a definite set of emotions, biological emotions, acquires social emotions, cognitive emotions, the forms of emotions, mood, to strain to the limit, to find a way out, affect, to lose control.


I. Read and translate the following international words. Mind the pronunciation.

Temperament, human, type, Latin, Greek, sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic, fluid, personality, theory, problem, classification, activity, balance, inert.

Person - personality

Describe – description

Observe – observation

Classify – classification

Active – activity

Patient - impatient

Inert - inertness

III. Active vocabulary:

Personality - личность

2. to be divided (into) – делиться (на)

Steady - уравновешенный

Vigorous – сильный, бодрый

Unrestrained - несдержанный

Impatient - нетерпеливый

Irritation - раздражение

Hot-tempered – вспыльчивый

Patience -терпение

Lack - недостаток

Weak - слабый

15. sensitive - чувствительный

16. cope (with) - справиться (с)

IV. Read and translate the text:


Through most of human history, it has been assumed that people are divided into four basic personality types, or "temperaments" (the Latin word temperament means “mixture, proportionality”). The great Greek physician Hippocrates made the first description of temperament in 400 BC. He named the four temperaments "Melancholic”, "Sanguine", "Choleric", and "Phlegmatic" after various human body fluids which he believed influenced personality. These fluids were blood, bladder, mucus and black bladder.

Thought Hippocrates' body-fluids theory turned out to be a dead end, his observations about human temperament were very accurate indeed. The vast majority of people tend to have one particular temperament. True, there are some people, which have features of two or more temperaments.

Over the years, a great number of scientists worked on this problem and several different class

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