Exercise 22а. Repeat what the student said about the parents. — КиберПедия 

Папиллярные узоры пальцев рук - маркер спортивных способностей: дерматоглифические признаки формируются на 3-5 месяце беременности, не изменяются в течение жизни...

История создания датчика движения: Первый прибор для обнаружения движения был изобретен немецким физиком Генрихом Герцем...

Exercise 22а. Repeat what the student said about the parents.

2017-06-09 448
Exercise 22а. Repeat what the student said about the parents. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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b Read and translate the sentences in which the following expressions were used:




generally speaking

as far as I know

during my vacations

if I am not mistaken

in the end

most of all



с Translate into English:

1 В конце концов они пришли к согласию.

2 Если я не ошибаюсь, они проговорили целый час.

3 Насколько я знаю, необходимо договориться об интервью заранее.

4 Для Меня более интересно начало интервью.

5 Прежде всего необходимо продумать все вопросы.

Exercise 23a. Work in pairs. Reproduce the interview.

B Act out a similar interview. Imagine an English journalist is asking you similar questions.

с Agree or disagree with these statements and substantiate your points of view:

1 It is very easy to answer questions of any interviewer.

2 Everybody knows how to make an interview.

3 Grants and stipends are similar things.


Try to use some of these expressions:

I wouldn't say so

generally speaking

as far as I know

to my mind

Read the text

Academic degrees

Although Britain has a small number of students at universities compared with many countries, the number of graduates is large. This is because students are carefully selected and only 10 per cent leave without getting a degree.

At most universities an honours degree is taken in one main subject and one subsidiary, or secondary, subject. A general degree is taken in a variety of subjects, but carries less weight than an honours degree. If students pass their final exam, they get a degree marked first, second or third class. Some universities divide their second class into 2(1) and 2(2). Oxford offers a fourth class.

Few students get first class degrees, so these are a valuable qualification for a job. Students with any class of degree become Bachelors of Arts or Bachelors of Science, and can put B.A. or B.Sc. after their names.

If they want to go a step further and become Master of Arts or Master of Science, they have to write an original paper, or thesis, on some subject. Oxford and Cambridge graduates have a rather unfair privilege. They can buy their M.A.s and M.Sc.s for a small sum of money. All they have to do is wait for a few years before applying!

If students wish to become academics and perhaps teach in a university, then they will work for a higher degree, a Doctor of Philosophy — a Ph.D. For this, they will have to carry out some important research work.

If students wish to become academics and perhaps teach in a university, then they will work for a higher degree, a Doctor of Philosophy — a Ph.D. For this, they will have to carry out some important research work.


Exercise 24. Read the text and mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F):

1 Britain has a great number of university students as compared with many foreign countries. □

2 The number of graduates of British universities is big. □

3 The candidates wishing to get a place at university are carefully selected. □

4 Only ten per cent of British students get a degree. □.

5 At most British universities an honours degree is taken in one subject only. □

6 A general degree is taken in a few subjects. □

7 A general degree is much more important and prestigious than an honours degree. □

8 Students get a degree marked first class if they pass their first exam. □

9 Some universities divide their second class degrees into four groups. □

10 Oxford University has also a degree marked a fourth class. □


Exercise 25a. Complete the sentences as in the text and read them:


1 Few students get first class degrees, so these are...

2 Students with any class of degree become... Science.

3 Then they can put... after their names.

4 If they want to go a step further and become..., they have to write...

5 Oxford and Cambridge graduates... privilege.

6 They can buy their M.A.s and M. Sc.s for...

7 All they have to do is wait...


B Read the last paragraph of the text outloud paying attention to the sounds and intonation.

Read the text

Higher education in the USA

The United States of America has more than 1,500 universities, colleges and other institutions of higher learning.

Almost all institutions of higher learning in the USA use the German system of designation for academic degrees. Common postgraduate degrees are master's degrees or Ph.D.s, or specialized professional degrees such as a J.D. for a lawyer, an MBA for a businessperson, a Pharm. D. for a pharmacist or an M.D. for a physician.

As with the lower level public education system, there is no national public university system in the United States; each state has its own public university system. There are also many privately run colleges, universities, and trade schools, some of them religiously affiliated. State university tuition ranges from nearly free on up, but is generally significantly lower than at private schools, and is often lower for state residents than for out-of-state students.

The most prestigious private universities of the United States are the eight Ivy League schools. There are also a set of public schools known as the Public Ivies. All around the country, there are also many other colleges and universities, both public and private and of a variety of sizes, whose names carry prestige.

The US government provides some federal grants for higher education to many families. Most universities offer scholarships and need-based aid; however, many students assume some of the cost of their own education through work and loans.


Note: Ivy Leaque



Лига унивеситетов северных штатов, основанная в 1865 г., включает Гарвардский, Ельский, Принстон-ский университеты и другие (ivy — плющ, растение увивающее здания многих университетов)


Exercise 26. Read the text and mark the correct answers with a tick:

1 How many institutions of higher education does the USA have?

a) Less than one thousand.

b) More than one thousand.

2 What system of designation for academic degrees do American institutions of higher education use?

a) Their own system.

b) The German system.

3 What are common postgraduate degrees at American universities?

a. Master's degrees.

b. Bachelor's degrees.

4 What is the abbreviation for a master's degree?

a. M.D.

b. Ph.D.

5 Is there any national public university system in the USA?

a. No, as well as in the lower level public education.

b. No, unlike the lower level public education.


Exercise 27. Mark the meaning (with a tick) in which these words are used in the text:

public — государственный

— общественный

to run — бежать

— иметь

to affiliate — устанавливать связи

— устанавливать отцовство

state — государство

— штат

free — свободный

— бесплатный

school — школа

— факультет университета, дающий право на получение ученой степени

league — льё (мера длины)

— союз

scholarship — эрудиция

— стипендия

to assume — принимать

— предполагать

through — сквозь

— от начала до конца


Write English

Studying humanities


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