Bacterias from a sea water from — КиберПедия 

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Bacterias from a sea water from

2023-01-02 26
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- the Red Sea (Erythrobacter pelagi)

- the western Sargasso Sea (Fulvimarina pelagi)




Перевод на английскй Яндексом рассказа А.Н.Чехова "Ванька" (1886)


A. P. Chekhov. Roly

anton chekhov

Vanka (1886)


Vanka Zhukov, a nine-year-old boy who had been sent three months ago to study with the shoemaker Alyakhin, did not go to bed on Christmas night. When the masters and apprentices had left for Matins, he took a bottle of ink and a pen with a rusty quill from the master's closet, spread out a crumpled sheet of paper in front of him, and began to write. Before writing out the first letter, he glanced fearfully at the doors and Windows several times, glanced sideways at the dark image on either side of which were shelves of stocks, and sighed fitfully. The paper was on the bench, and he was kneeling in front of it.

"Dear grandfather, Konstantin Makarych! he wrote. — And I'm writing you a letter." I congratulate you on Christmas and wish you all the best from the Lord God. I don't have a father or a mother, only you are the only one left."

Vanka turned his eyes to the dark window, in which the reflection of his candle flickered, and vividly imagined his grandfather Konstantin Makarych, who served as a night watchman for the Zhivaryovs. This is a small, skinny, but unusually brisk and mobile old man of 65 years, with an eternally laughing face and drunken eyes. During the day he sleeps in the people's kitchen or plays tricks with the cooks; at night, wrapped in a spacious sheepskin coat, he walks around the estate and knocks on his knocker. Behind him, with their heads down, walk the old Chestnut and the dog bindweed, so called for its black color and body, long as a weasel. This bindweed is extremely respectful and affectionate, looks equally affectionately at both its own and others, but does not use credit. Beneath his deference and humbleness was hid the most inquisitorial maliciousness. No one is better at sneaking up on time and grabbing a leg, climbing into a glacier, or stealing a man's chicken. He had had his hind legs kicked off more than once, had been hanged twice, and had been flogged half to death every week, but he always revived.

Now, perhaps, my grandfather is standing at the gate, squinting at the bright red Windows of the village Church and, tapping his boots, making jokes with the janitor. His mallet is tied to his belt. He splashes his hands, shakes them against the cold, and chuckles like an old man as he pinches the maid and the cook.

— Can we smell tobacco?" — what's the matter? " he says, offering his snuffbox to the women.

Women sniff and sneeze. The grandfather is filled with indescribable delight, bursts into merry laughter and shouts:

— Tear off, is frozen!

Give a sniff of tobacco and dogs. Kashtanka sneezes, twists her muzzle and, offended,walks away. The same Viun deferentially refuses to sniff and wags his tail. And the weather is great. The air is quiet, clear, and fresh. The night is dark, but you can see the whole village with its white roofs and streams of smoke coming from the pipes, trees, silvered with frost, snowdrifts. The whole sky is strewn with gaily flashing stars, and the milky Way looms as clear as if it had been washed and rubbed with snow before the holiday...

Vanka sighs, dips his pen and continued to write:

"And yesterday I had a reprimand. The owner dragged me by the hair into the yard and scolded me with a spandrem for rocking their baby in a cradle and accidentally falling asleep. And this week the mistress told me to clean a herring, and I began to tail, and she took the herring and stuck its snout into my face poking. The apprentices make fun of me, send me to the tavern for vodka, and tell me to steal cucumbers from the owners, and the owner hits me with whatever he gets. And there is no food. In the morning they give bread, in the afternoon porridge and in the evening also bread, and to tea or soup, the owners themselves crack. And they tell me to sleep in the hall, and when their child cries, I do not sleep at all, but swing the cradle. Dear grandfather, do God's mercy, take me home from here, to the village, there is no way I can... I bow to your feet and will forever pray to God, take me away from here, or I will die...»

Vanka twisted his mouth, rubbed his black fist over his eyes, and sobbed.

"I will RUB your tobacco," he continued, " and pray to God, and if anything, whip me like a Sidorov goat. And if you think I don't have a job, then for Christ's sake I'll ask the clerk to clean my boots, or instead of Fedka, I'll go to podpaski. Grandfather dear, there is no possibility, just one death. I wanted to walk to the village to escape, but no boots, afraid of frost. And when I grow up big, then I will feed you for this very thing and I will not let anyone offend, but when you die, I will pray for the peace of my soul, just like for Mamma Pelagia.

And Moscow is a big city. The houses are all manor houses and there are a lot of horses, but there are no sheep and the dogs are not evil. The boys don't go with the star here, and they don't let anyone sing in the choir, and once I saw in a shop on the window hooks are sold directly with a fishing line and on all sorts of fish, very worthwhile, even there is one hook that will hold a pood catfish. And I've seen some shops where there are all sorts of guns in the manner of barinovs, so I suppose a hundred rubles is enough... And in butcher shops and black grouse, and grouse, and hares, and in which place they shoot, about the sitters do not say.

Dear grandfather, and when the gentlemen have a Christmas tree with gifts, take me a Golden nut and hide it in a green chest. Ask the young lady Olga Ignatyevna, say, for Vanka."

Vanka sighed convulsively, and again stared out the window. He remembered that his grandfather always went to the forest to buy a Christmas tree for the masters and took his grandson with him. It was a fun time! And grandfather quacked, and frost quacked, and looking at them, and roly quacked. Sometimes, before cutting down the Christmas tree, my grandfather smokes a pipe, sniffs tobacco for a long time, and laughs at Vanyushka who is cold... Young Christmas trees, shrouded in frost, stand motionless and wait for which one to die? Out of nowhere, a hare flies like an arrow through the snowdrifts... Grandfather can't help shouting:

"Here, here.".. hold it! Ah, the little devil!

The grandfather dragged the cut-down Christmas tree to the manor house, and there they began to clean it... Most of all, the young lady Olga Ignatyevna, Vanka's favorite, was busy. When Vankina's mother Pelageya was still alive and served as maids for the masters, Olga Ignatyevna fed vankya with candy and, having nothing to do, taught him to read, write, count to a hundred, and even dance a quadrille. When Pelagia died, the orphan Vanka was sent to the people's kitchen to his grandfather, and from the kitchen to Moscow to the shoemaker Alyakhin...

"Come, dear grandfather," continued Vanka, " I pray you by Christ, take me away. Have pity on me, you poor orphan, and then I'm still pounding and I want to eat passion, and boredom is such that you can not say, I cry all the time. And the other day the owner of the block hit on the head, so that he fell and barely regained consciousness. My lost life, worse than any dog... And I bow to Alyona, Krivoy yegorka, and the coachman, but don't give my harmony to anyone. I remain your grandson Ivan Zhukov, dear grandfather come."

Roly rolled up a four-fold sheet of paper and put it in an envelope that he had bought the day before for a penny... After a moment's thought, he dipped his pen and wrote the address:

To my grandfather's village.

Then he scratched himself, thought about it, and added: "to Konstantin Makarych." Satisfied that he was not prevented from writing, he put on his cap and, without putting on a fur coat, ran out into the street in his shirt...

The butcher shop attendants, whom he had questioned the day before, told him that letters were dropped into mailboxes, and that from the mailboxes they were carried all over the land in post-office triplets with drunken coachmen and ringing bells. Roly ran to the first mailbox and put the precious letter in the slot...

Lulled by sweet hopes, he was fast asleep an hour later... He dreamed of the stove. My grandfather is sitting on the stove, his bare feet dangling, reading a letter to the cooks... A loach walks around the stove and twirls its tail...


Translated by Yandex




Милый дедушка,

а когда у господ будет елка с гостинцами,

возьми мне

золоченный орех и в зеленый

сундучок спрячь.





Попроси у барышни Ольги Игнатьевны,

скажи, для Ваньки.



[ золоченный орех и в зеленый

сундучок спрячь


Золоченный Орех и в Зеленый

СундучОк Спрячь





= Спасите Наши Души! СОС

= СпасиНасСкорей! СОС


золоченный орех и в зеленый

сундучок спрячь



возьми мне

золоченный орех и в зеленый

сундучок спрячь.


Милый дедушка,

а когда у господ будет елка с гостинцами,

возьми мне

золоченный орех и в зеленый

сундучок спрячь.





Попроси у барышни Ольги Игнатьевны,

скажи, для Ваньки.



[ Ольга Игнатьевна



Исполняющий Обязанности   

= Acting

= Актинг

= Ахтунг

= Achtung!

= Внимание!

= Аттеншин"

= Attention! (= Аттеншин) Внимание! Ахтунг!


Ахтунг == фараон имя ассоциативно просится какое то Эхнатон



Эхнатон (ок. 1375—1336 гг. до н. э.)

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