The history of the Orenburg State University — КиберПедия 

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The history of the Orenburg State University

2023-01-01 35
The history of the Orenburg State University 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Orenburg State University is situated in one of the most amazing cities of Russia. During the reign of the empress Anne (1730-1740) the city was conceived as "a window to Asia", and located at the cross-roads of trade routes between Europe and Asia. There is a geographic boundary between Europe and Asia.

The history of the Orenburg Region is interesting and unique. It is a thriving, ethnically diverse community of over two million people. Orenburg offers numerous places of interest such as museums, theaters, restaurants, parks, etc.

One of the youngest and most dynamically developing universities of Russia – Orenburg State University is situated in the Orenburg Region.

In 1955 Kuybishev’s Industrial Institute opened it’s evening department in Orenburg with the first enrolment of 100 students. The department offered only two degree courses: "Mechanical engineering technology, metal-cutting technology and equipment" and "Electric power supply of industrial and technological complexes".

In 1965 students were offered day-time courses.

In 1971 Orenburg branch of Kuybishev’s Polytechnic Institute got the status of Orenburg Polytechnic Institute.

In 1994 Orenburg Polytechnic Institute became Orenburg State Technical University.

In 1996 Orenburg State Technical University got the status of Orenburg State University on January, 25.

Since 1996 Saint Tatiana’s day (25th of January) has been celebrated as OSU’s Foundation Day.Saint Tatiana's Day starts with a public prayer at the Chapel of Saint Tatiana. Then OSU Rector gives a briefing to the regional and city mass media about the events that took place at OSU during the previous year. The second half of the day is devoted to the ceremonial meeting of the OSU Academic Council. To crown it all a gala concert is arranged by the Students' Center "Russia" with deans, faculty members and students participation.


Tell about the history of the Orenburg State University.

Read the text.


Orenburg State University

Nowadays Orenburg State University is one of the biggest classical universities in Russia. It is the largest educational, scientific and industrial center with a powerful development potential.

The university campus is about 291 000 square meters. It consists of about 40 buildings including 16 teaching blocks, 5 hostels, the palace of culture “Russia”, the palace of sport “Penguin”, new fundamental electronic library and many others. The head of the University is Rector.

    There are 16 faculties (for example Faculty of natural science, Faculty of information technologies, Faculty of food production, Faculty of architecture and

Civil engineering, Transport Faculty and others); 4 Institutes (Aerospace Institute); 6 regional branches; 5 colleges; 2 lyceums at the OSU. Each Faculty has a number of specialized departments and headed by dean.

The University has a full – time, part –time and correspondence department. It trains specialists in about 120 specialties. The course of study lasts 5-6 years. During the academic year students attend lectures and practical classes and do laboratory works. Most of laboratories are equipped with modern devices and computers. The development of information technologies at the University began nearly 30 years ago with its first computers. Nowadays the number of University computers is up to 1500. Over 80% of computers are used for educational purpose. Over 500 computers have an access to the Internet. The powerful system of network technologies at the OSU includes: Center of Information Technologies, Internet Center, Modern Information Technologies in Education.

The academic year is divided into 2 terms: from September to January and from February to July. At the end of each term student take their tests and examinations. If the results of the examinations are good students get grants. On completion of studies the student presents a graduation thesis (diploma paper) and passes final state examinations. Students take an active part in research works. After graduating from the University students can continue their studies at the post-graduate course.

A highly qualified teaching staff and scientists from the leading research and educational establishments of Russia, vast stock of modern educational literature and equipment, computer rooms and laboratories, huge research potential, active innovation policy are some of the most appealing features of studying at OSU.



Answer the following questions:


1. What university do you study at?

2. What faculty do you study at?

3. What can you say about University campus?

4. How many faculties and Institutes are there at the University?

5. What departments does the University have?

6. What do students do during the academic year?

7. What can you say about development of information technologies?

8. What is your future specialty?


Look through the text and find English equivalents for the following word combinations:

- научный и промышленный центр

- территория университета

- очное отделение

- заочное отделение

- готовить специалистов

- курс обучения

- посещать лекции и практические занятия

- развитие информационных технологий

- доступ в Интернет

- представлять дипломную работу

- сдавать государственные экзамены

- принимать активное участие

- продолжить обучение в аспирантуре

- высоко-квалифицированный преподавательский состав

- современная образовательная литература


Read the sentences and correct them if the information is wrong

1. Since 1955 Saint Tatiana’s day (25th of January) has been celebrated as OSU’s Foundation Day.

2. OSU is the largest educational, scientific and industrial center with a powerful development potential.

3. The course of study lasts 3 years.

4. The university campus consists of about 40 buildings including 16 teaching blocks, 5 hostels, the palace of culture “Russia”, the palace of sport “Penguin”, new fundamental electronic library and many others.

5. It trains specialists in about 90 specialties.

6. The development of information technologies at the University began nearly 5 years ago with its first computers.

7. The powerful system of network technologies at the OSU includes: Center of Information Technologies, Internet Center, Modern Information Technologies in Education.

8. The head of the University is President.


Retell the text.



4. Read the information about some Faculties of Orenburg State University:


1. One of the oldest faculties is the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering. The following degree courses are available: design, industrial and civil construction engineering, building material technology, heat-gas supply and ventilation, real estate management, city cadastre, architecture, architecture environment design, and automobile roads, airdrome.

The Faculty offers its programs through its 7 departments: construction technologies, building structures, building materials and structures, automobile roads, architecture and design, hydromechanics and heat engineering, descriptive geometry and computer graphic.

All lecturers hold advanced degrees in the fields of construction engineering and design. There are three Doctors of technical sciences, six members of Russian Design Union, three members of Architects Union, four members of Russian Painters Union at the faculty.

2. Transport faculty trains specialists in the following specialties: Standardization and certification; Automotive engineering; Vehicle and mechanical equipment maintenance, Transport service, Road traffic organization and safety and Environmental protection management.

The Faculty has modern training laboratory base. Nine Doctors of Sciences, Professors and thirty-one Candidates of Sciences work at the Faculty Departments. The graduates of Transport Faculty easily find jobs in many industries.

3. The Faculty of Information Technologies through the Departments of Applied Computer Science, Computer and Automation Systems Software, Computers and Instrument Making, and Information Science offers the following degree programs: Applied computer science (in economics), Information systems and technologies, Computing machinery complexes, systems and networks; Computer and automation systems software, Radio-electronic equipment production technology and design, and Information science.

There are 10 computer classes, laboratories and teleconferencing rooms.

4. The Faculty of Power and Electrical Engineering trains specialists in the following specialties: electric power stations, electric power supply, electro-mechanics, electrical transport, electric drive and automation of industrial and technological complexes, industrial electronics, enterprises energy supply.

The Faculty has the following Departments: Industrial enterprises electric power supply, Electro-mechanics, Computer-aided electro-drive, Industrial electronics and measuring equipment and Theoretical and general electro-mechanics.

Highly qualified candidates and doctors of sciences work at the Faculty integrating theory and practice through close cooperation with leading regional industrial enterprises.

5. The Faculty of food production was organized in 1974. It offers the following degree programs: grain storage and processing technology, food industry machinery and equipment, chemical industry machinery and equipment, small enterprises food engineering, bread, confectionery and macaroni production technology, brewing and wine production technology, infant and functional nutrition production technology, public catering products production technology, meat and meat products production technology, and milk products production technology.

Practical classes and laboratory works are connected with technological processes. The students of this Faculty get practices on the food enterprises of Orenburg. Five Doctors of Sciences, Professors and twenty-three Candidates of Sciences work at the Faculty Departments. 


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