Chapter Thirty-four – Rufus. Youtube justice. — КиберПедия 

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Chapter Thirty-four – Rufus. Youtube justice.

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Chapter Thirty-four – Rufus. Youtube justice. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Ruof-ytrihT retpahC



dehsilpmocca si ssentaerg sih ecneH

ssentaerg eht htiw flesmih tcirtser ton seod tnias a esuaceB

taerG eht sa dezingocer eb yam sihT

retsam rieht sa tca ton seod tI dna tI ot sevil rieht tsurtne sgniht lla teY

llams mees yam dna serised on sah oaT fo diov eurt ehT

ton setanimod tub sevil lla dna sgniht lla erutrun ot evol taerg sevig tI

noissessop mialc ton seod tI dehsilpmocca si krow stI nehW

meht yned ton seod tI dna tI yb evil sgniht llA

gnihtyreve ot flestI tsujda nac tI

tneserp reve si oaT taerg ehT



deh (oh, yeah – Indonesian) silp (syllable) mocca (mocha coffee) si (if) ssen (sen – its – Finnish) taerg (terg – tease) sih (you know – Indonesian) ecneh (Ecne) ssen (sen – its) taerg (terg – tease) eht (to drive) htiw (wanted) fles (bottle) mih (Misha) tcirtser (tcirt – justice – Irish - justicer) ton seod (jewellery – Irish) t (you) Nias a (but) esuac (Isaac) eb (f*ck) taerg (terg – tease) eht (to drive) sa (saddle) de (of) zin (sense – Dutch) gocer (goc – migration – Turkish - immigrant) eb (f*ck) yam siht (target) ret sam (сам – oneself) rieht (judges) sa (saddle) tca (true cost accounting) ton seod (jewellery) ti (you) DNA ti (you) ot (from) sevil (loved – Turkish) rieht (judges) t (you) surt (goes out – Catalan) ne (not) s (with) gniht (goodnight) lla (la – the) Tey llams (llam – call – Spanish) Mees yam DNA s (with) erised (erased) on sah (saw – German) oat (sheep kasha) fo (for) di (of – Italian) ov (of) eurt (berth) eht (to drive) ton Seta (Set’s) ni (neither) mod (mode) tub sevil (loved) lla (la – the) DNA s (with) gniht (goodnight) lla (la - the) eru (guru) trun (worm –Vietnamese) ot (from) evol (evolution) taerg (terg – tease) se (he – Spanish) vig ti (you) noisse (noise) ssop (sop) mi (me) alc (alcohol) ton seod (jewellery) ti (you) deh (oh, yeah) silp (syllable) mocca(mocha coffee) si (if) krow (crow) sti (in – Greek) neh (no f*cking(w (into) meht yned (yes – Welsh) ton seod (jewellery) ti (you) DNA ti (you) yb evil s (with) gniht (goodnight) lla (la – the) gnih (bend them) tyreve (theirs – Albanian) ot (from) fles (bottle) ti (you) tsuj (repress – Hmong) da (yes) nac (neither) ti (ти – ты - you) t (you) ne (not) serp (serpent) reve (to dream - French) si (if) oat (sheep kasha) taerg (terg – tease) eht (to drive)



oh, yeah. a mocha coffee syllable. if its tease… you know, Ecne. its tease. to drive wanted. bottle Misha – a justicer. ton. jewellery. you are Nias, but Isaac. f*ck. tease. to drive a saddle of sense; an immigrant. f*ck. yam. a target – a ret oneself – judges. a saddle. true cost accounting. ton. jewellery. you DNA. you are from loved judges. you go out not with goodnight. the Tey’s calls. Mees. yam DNA with erased. on saw sheep kasha for of… of berth. to drive ton. a Set’s mode – neither. tub loved. the DNA with goodnight. the guru worm from evolution. to tease – he is vig, you are noise. sop… me alcohol. ton. jewellery. you. oh yeah. a mocha coffee syllable. if a crow in… no f*cking into meht – yes, ton. jewellery. you. DNA. you are yb – evil with goodnight. the “bend them”. theirs from a bottle. you repress – yes. nether you… you are not a serpent to dream. if sheep kasha tease – to drive.


Chapter Thirty-five - An Extremely Vulnerable Individual. Youtube justice.

Evif-ytrihT retpahC



detsuahxe ro detelped eb ton nac tI

draeh eb ton nac tI

nees eb ton nac tI

secnaraeppa yranidroartxe tuohtiw nialp si oaT fo gnihcaet ehT

yliraropmet yats ot yb-sressap tcartta ylno nac ycaciled dna serusaelP

ynomrah dna ecaep htiw deredner eb lliw dna demrah eb ton lliw dlrow eht mih gniwollof yB

dlrow eht fo ecnadiug eht eb llahs oaT taerG eht secarbme ohw eH



det (detective) sua (your – Portuguese) hxe (hardcore) rodet (messy – Danish) elped (helped) eb (f*ck) ton nac (neither) tidra (come – Maltese)) eh eb (f*ck) ton nac (neither) ti (you) nees (new – Greek) eb (f*ck) ton nac (neither) ti (you) sec (second) Nara eppa (how – Tamil) yra (ura – hooray) nid (not – Welsh) roar t (you) xe (car – Vietnamese) tuo (your – Italian) htiw (wanted) ni (neither) Alp si (if) oat (sheep kasha) fo (for) gnih (bend them) caet (shut - Welsh) eht (to drive) yl (ul – street) ira rop (an unfortunate situation) met yats (young females) ot (from) yb sres (mr – Spanish) sap t (you) cartta (карта – card) yl (ul – street) no nac (neither) yca (moon - Polish) ciled (Kyled) DNA serusa (cell – Japanese) elp (help) yno (there - Welsh) mrah (time – Arabic) DNA eca (эка – экая – what a…) ep (extended play) htiw (wanted) de (of – French) render (speaker – German) eb (f*ck) lliw (live) DNA de (of) mrah (time) eb (f*ck) ton lliw (live) dl row eht (to drive) mih (Misha) gni (bend) woll (wall) of yb dl row eht (to drive) fo (for) ecna (Ecne) Diug eht (to drive) eb (f*ck) llahs (Elahs) oat (sheep kasha) taerg (terg – tease) eht (to drive) se (he – Spanish) carb me oh weh



a detective… your hardcore – messy. helped. f*ck ton. neither come. eh. f*ck ton. neither you are new. f*ck ton. neither you… a second. Nara – how? hooray. not roar – you are a car. your are wanted. neither Alp. if sheep kasha for… bend them - shut. to drive the street. Irene met an unfortunate situation. yats from yb. mr Sap! you are the card… street. no. neither moon Kyled! DNA. cell’s help. there time… DNA. what an… ep – wanted... of speaker. f*ck. live DNA of time. f*ck ton. live! dl row. to drive Misha. bend the wall of yb. dl row. to drive for Ecne. a Diug! to drive. f*ck Elahs – sheep kasha tease. to drive him. carb me! oh, weh.


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