Write out the following constructions from the given annotations — КиберПедия 

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Write out the following constructions from the given annotations

2022-12-30 32
Write out the following constructions from the given annotations 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Text 1

- Passive constructions ( Are given, is presented, are studied, are described, are analyzed, are examined, is shown, are considered.)

-  Noun Attributes (as complexes) ( Semiconductor production technology peculiarities, operation scheme, preliminary plate procedure, topological design creation, base-collector and emitter-base junctions, contact metallization, device testing, different semiconductor structure production)

- Gerund (as the Subject, the Attribute and the Adverbial Modifier) ( For obtaining


Text 2

- Passive constructions ( Is made, are considered, are analyzed, is paid, are studied, is given.)

-  Noun Attributes (as complexes) ( Semiconductor material requirements, semiconductor material properties, high quality semiconductor devices, semiconductor devices, alloying dopant distribution homogeneity, atmospheric influence resistance, temperature stability, electron and hole mobility, material properties, photo devices, light diodes, semiconductor material classification)

- Gerund (as the Subject, the Attribute and the Adverbial Modifier) ( For producing (attr.))

- Present Participle (as the Attribute and the Adverbial Modifier) ( Alloying (attr.))

- Past Participle (as the Attribute and the Adverbial Modifier) ( Needed, placed, needed, integrated (attr.))

Text 3

- Passive constructions ( Is suggested, is described, is paid, is considered, is given, are considered.)

-  Noun Attributes (as complexes) ( Brittle semiconductor materials, semiconductor materials, distraction mechanism, brittle semiconductor material, liquid presence, abrasive grains, abrasive material, abrasive material parameters.)

- Gerund (as the Subject, the Attribute and the Adverbial Modifier) ( Using (attr.))

- Past Participle (as the Attribute and the Adverbial Modifier) ( When treated (adv.mod.))

Text 4

- Passive constructions ( Are given, is considered, is chosen, are pointed out, is determined, is analyzed, is studied, is outlined, are thoroughly investigated.)

-  Noun Attributes (as complexes) ( Semiconductor ingots, diamond disc, interior cutting edge, proper frequency rotation, ingot delivery velocity, cutting process quality, cooling liquid flow rate, diamond disc stability, diamond disc, steel sheet plates.)

- Gerund (as the Subject, the Attribute and the Adverbial Modifier) ( Of cutting, of cutting (attr.))

- Present Participle (as the Attribute and the Adverbial Modifier) ( Using, cutting, cooling,cutting (attr.); while using (adv.mod.))

Text 5

- Passive constructions ( are pointed out, are considered, are described, is studied, are shown, are considered, are specified)

-  Noun Attributes (as complexes) ( semiconductor plate cutting, semiconductor plate division, semiconductor plate cutting principle diamond disc, metal sheets, wire cutting, abrasive usage, plate cutting, ultrasound unit, diamond scribing, square geometry)

- Gerund (as the Subject, the Attribute and the Adverbial Modifier) ( of cutting, of cutting, with cutting (attr.))

- Present Participle (as the Attribute and the Adverbial Modifier) ( cutting, using, applying (attr.))

Text 6

- Passive constructions (Are given, are analyzed, is considered, is presented, is discussed, is described, are studied, is done, are specified)

- Noun Attributes (as complexes) ( Semiconductor plate grinding, one-sided and two-sided treatment, plate surface treatment)

- Gerund (as the Subject, the Attribute and the Adverbial Modifier) ( For getting, of grinding (attr.))

- Present Participle (as the Attribute and the Adverbial Modifier) ( Grinding, grinding, grinding (attr.))

Text 7

- Passive constructions ( Are given, are studied, are presented, are investigated, is made, are pointed out, are suggested.)

-  Noun Attributes (as complexes) ( Semiconductor plate polishing, polishing and grinding process differences, polishing tissue choice, polisher qualities, semiconductor plate polishing process, abrasive suspension, polishing wheel preparation, different abrasive usage, semiconductor material polishing technique.)

- Gerund (as the Subject, the Attribute and the Adverbial Modifier) ( Consisting of (attr.))

- Present Participle (as the Attribute and the Adverbial Modifier) (Polishing (attr.), grinding (attr.))

 Text 8

- Passive constructions ( Is investigated, are given, are studied, are examined, are specified. )

- Noun Attributes (as complexes) ( Quality control, high quality technological parameters, finished semiconductor devices, quality evaluation, plate form control, surface treatment purity, mechanically distorted layer depth, structure control, mechanically distorted layer depths, validity criteria, semiconductor plate.)

- Gerund (as the Subject, the Attribute and the Adverbial Modifier) ( For obtaining, for determining (attr.))

- Past Participle (as the Attribute and the Adverbial Modifier) ( Finished, included, distorted, distorted (attr.))

Text 9


- Passive constructions ( Are determined, are studied, are given, are pointed out, are classified, are divided, is paid, must be taken)

- Noun Attributes (as complexes) ( Wafer preparation, wafer preparations, pure semiconductor wafer surface, techno chemical processes usage, semiconductor wafer impurities, impurity wafers, interaction character)

- Gerund (as the Subject the Attribute and the Adverbial Modifier)  ( Of obtaining, of removing, of solving (attr.)).

- Present Participle (as the Attribute and the Adverbial Modifier) ( While choosing (adv.mod.))


Text 10

- Passive constructions ( Are shown, are given, are studied, are investigated, are pointed out, are examined)

- Noun Attributes (as complexes) ( Semiconductor wafers, chemical treatment process, semiconductor wafer, speed variations, semiconductor material selfsolution, Silicon Carbide, Gallium Arsenide, substances peculiarities)

- Gerund (as the Subject the Attribute and the Adverbial Modifier)   In interacting (adv.mod.), for etching (attr.).

- Present Participle (as the Attribute and the Adverbial Modifier) Etching (attr.).


Text 11

- Passive constructions (Are pointed out, is paid, are presented, are described, are given)

- Noun Attributes (as complexes) ( Automation control systems, information theory, typical automation forms, object state, partial automation control, feedback automation control schemes, automation control devices)

- Gerund (as the Subject the Attribute and the Adverbial Modifier)  ( Monitoring (subj.))

- Present Participle (as the Attribute and the Adverbial Modifier) ( Differentiating (attr.))

- Past Participle (as the Attribute and the Adverbial Modifier) ( Used (attr.))


Text 12

- Passive constructions (Are pointed out, is given, are discussed, are shown, is described)

- Noun Attributes (as complexes) ( Automation control systems, automation control, automation control devices, automation control systems, regulation object, automation system, automation control system scheme, open circuit effect)

- Gerund (as the Subject the Attribute and the Adverbial Modifier)  ( Serving (attr.).

- Past Participle (as the Attribute and the Adverbial Modifier) Used (attr.).


Text 13

- Passive constructions (Are described, is shown, are considered, are pointed out, is given)

- Noun Attributes (as complexes) ( Transient process, closed automation control system-stability, transient process, closed automation systems, quality dependencies, transient process, time characteristics, regulation system)

- Gerund (as the Subject the Attribute and the Adverbial Modifier)  ( Interacting (attr.)).

- Past Participle (as the Attribute and the Adverbial Modifier) ( Regulated, regulated (attr.))

Text 14

- Passive constructions ( Is considered, is studied, is analyzed, was paid, is outlined, are discussed, are given, is described)

-  Noun Attributes (as complexes) ( automation regulation system; regulation system work; direct action regulators; rotation, pressure and voltage regulator performance)

- Gerund (as the Subject, the Attribute and the Adverbial Modifier) ( for improving (attr.))

- Present Participle (as the Attribute and the Adverbial Modifier) ( measuring, regulating, transforming, amplifying characterizing (attr.))

Text 15

- Passive constructions ( Are described, are studied, are divided, are described, is specified, is given, is investigated)

- Noun Attributes (as complexes)  ( Regulation elements, regulation element, regulation elements, regulation elements, non-electric and electric regulation elements, stabilizing element classification)

- Present Participle (as the Attribute and the Adverbial Modifier) ( Determining, stabilizing (attr.))

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