Administer  regulation  regulate — КиберПедия 

Архитектура электронного правительства: Единая архитектура – это методологический подход при создании системы управления государства, который строится...

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Administer  regulation  regulate

2022-12-20 25
Administer  regulation  regulate 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. The government must evolve new _______________to reduce unemployment.

2. The college loses a lot of money through poor _____________________.

3. There have been complaints about a lack of direction in domestic _______________.

4. The Navajo _______________ their own territory within the United States.

5. Good government can _________________ a high level of services while maintaining a fiscal discipline.

6. The proposal seeks to change the way the airline industry is __________________.

7. The government followed a ________________ of restraint in public spending.

8. They made all kinds of promises before the election, but have since failed to ____________________ the goods.

9. Some argue that government control of the economy must include an effective income ___________________.

10. The government has promised stricter _____________________ of the stock market.

11. The cuts will inevitably impact on service ______________________.

12. On September 27 a new coalition ____________________ was formed.

13. The government may find itself unable to _________________ on tax cuts.

14. The legislation was to be centrally ____________________ by the Board of Education.

15. There are too many rules and ________________ governing small businesses.


Ex.20. Complete the sentences with the appropriate English terms and word collocations.

1. (Государственныеслужащие) ______________________ also have an important managerial role, something more important than merely (ведениедел) ______________________ or following instructions.

2. The separation between (политикаиуправлениегосударством) ________________________________ was designed to counter the spoils system, then still (процветающий) __________________ in the United States.

3. Weber regarded (бюрократия) __________________________ as the highest form of organization, but it is also criticized for producing inertia, lack of enterprise, (волокита / канцелярщина) ______________________, mediocrity and (неэффективность) _____________________, all diseases thought to be endemic in (государственныйсектор) _________________________ bodies.

4. Ostrom advocates following the theory of (общественныеблага) ___________________________, which leads to a much reduced role for the (государственныйсектор) ____________________________.

5. The argument that individual (чиновники) ____________________ work for themselves, instead of the (интересыгосударства) _______________________, cannot be totally discounted.


Ex.21. Translate the following sentences into Russian orally paying special attention to the words in italics.

1. Some educational and administrativefacilities are located off campus for practical and operational reasons.

2. It offers a powerful tool for lobbying policy makers.

3. Whilst Russia, Austria, Prussia and France were becoming powerful monarchies with centralized administration, Poland had remained a weak feudal republic with an elected king chosen under foreign influence.

4.  Government officials who are deputed to watch the interests of the ministerial departments to which they belong have a merely consultative position.

5. The policy adopted after 1890 of incorporating in the ordinary budget the expenditure on war and public works, each under its own head, rendered the extraordinary budget obsolete.

6. Amidst this sea of financial troubles the government drifted helplessly on, without showing any inclination or capacity to initiate a strong policy of reform in the methods of administration which had done so much to ruin the country.

7. The British government, which awarded a large annual subsidy to the king and queen at Palermo, claimed to have some control over the administration.

8. Further, as the country became more consolidated and the central government extended its authority over economic affairs, new regulations came into force, new organs of government appeared, which were sometimes in conflict, sometimes in harmony, with the existing system.

9. The Agreement provides for establishment of an AdministrativeArrangement to implement the provisions of the Agreement.

10. The AdministrativeArrangement was signed at the African Union Summit in Addis Ababa.

11. The aforesaid co-operation between the two Parties is planned to last for 30 months from the date of signing this Administrative Arrangement by both the parties...

12. All employees are expected to adhere to these standards, rulesandregulations. And management is responsible for ensuring compliance.

13. The Office provides the required consultations to guarantee your legal rights and interests throughout the administrative procedure – we shall draft the required documents and represent your interests in the respective governmental and local government institutions or in court, if required.

14. Many government money laundering schemes are technically legal, since the laws concerning these corrupt practices are written and enforced by the perpetrators.

15. One administrativeauthority with jurisdiction for investigating alleged infringements of human rights is the Ombudsman.

16. Lithuania detains high-ranking law-enforcement official from Belarus.

17. Compliance with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) is a critical business issue for international companies with operations in the United States.

18. They believe that without a totally planned economy the incomespolicy can never work, the excess money in the economy greatly distorting other areas.

19. We therefore urge the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission to enactaregulation that is line with the objective of the Nagoya Protocol.

20. A bureaucrat is a member of a bureaucracy and can compose the administration of any organization of any size, although the term usually connotes someone within an institution of government.


Ex.22. ► Translate the following sentences into English in writing.

1. Увеличение налогов не может оставаться единственным инструментом фискальной политики.

2. Эти реформы позволят нам более эффективно предоставлять услуги в области здравоохранения.

3. Для соблюдения правил пожарной безопасности должны быть установлены детекторы дыма.

4. Приходившие на смену прежним правительства игнорировали эту проблему.

5. Существуют строгие правила, регулирующие использование химических веществ в продуктах питания.

6. Муниципальные советы (localcouncils) несут ответственность за предоставление большинства основных услуг.

7. Доложите об инциденте местному правительственному чиновнику.

8. С помощью бюрократической системы правительство стало прямым поставщиком общественных благ.

9. Общественность требует улучшения механизмов отчётности правительства.

10. Считалось, что мотивацией государственных служащих должен быть именно общественный интерес.



Ex.23. Study the guidelines.


Ø To be a good debater, try to act confident, even if you’re not, by making eye contact with your opponent and standing up straight, which can make your argument appear more believable. Also, remain calm at all times, and never shout or get angry since it will only make your argument seem weak. You should also make sure you’re speaking clearly and loudly enough so your opponent and anyone else listening can understand what you’re saying.

Ø Usually there is a statement and two or more teams or single debaters will be assigned to either agree or disagree with the idea. You’ll then take turns making your points according to a set period of time.

There are two essential things that make the discussions: special language discussion techniquesand the manner of behaviour. During the discussion it is advisable that you should:

Ø Learn and use speech patterns of discussion techniques which will help you:

a) to introduce your opinion and express your attitude to the problem,

b) to agree or disagree with the speaker,

c) to put forward defending arguments,

d) to break into the discussion,

e) to bring the discussion back to the point,

f) to express doubt and hesitation when you are in two minds,

g) to ask for explanation and clarification,

h) to come to conclusions.

Ø Mind your manner of speaking and behavior during the discussion:

· Remember that you are discussing a problem and your attitude to it with your friends who are the participants of the discussion and not with the teacher who is only to prompt you with a word, to help the group when the discussion comes to a deadlock.

· Address your friends properly when you share views with the group.

· In order to break into the discussion when somebody is talking wait patiently for the person to finish. If the person is speaking too long, interrupt him politely when his idea is clear to you and when he finishes a sentence but not in the middle of it.

· Formulate your ideas in a clear way.

· React properly during the discussion.

· Be persistent in defending your point of view but don’t be afraid to change your mind,if necessary, during the discussion if your friends’ arguments were very convincing.

Discussion Strategies

A. To take part in the discussion:

I’d like to raise the question of… / May I make a point about… / I think it is important toraise / to consider the question of…

B. To introduce / state opinions:

I’m convinced / sure / absolutely certain that… / It seems to me evident / obvious that… /Well, I’d like to say that… / My idea is… / As far as I know / remember …/I’m going to concentrateon the main points.

C. To break into a discussion:

If I could get a word edgeways … / If you’d let me get a word in / If you’d only listen tome … / Sorry to interrupt, but… / If I could have your attention for a moment … / (afterbeing interrupted) You didn’t let me finish.

D. To raise objections against arguments:

There’s nothing that can persuade me that … / You haven’t convinced me that… / I’m afraidI can’t accept that… / I disagree/I’m not sure that’s true / correct / right. / I take / see yourpoint, but… / There’s no evidence / no proof that …



Ex.24. ◄► Discuss the following questions:

1. What was the beginning of public administration like?

2. Why is the traditional model of public administration being replaced now?

3. What are the seven fundamental principles of traditional public administration?

4. How and why have these principles been challenged?

5. What changes in organizational culture were brought about by the economic problems of the 1980s?


Ex.24. ◄► Prepare Power Point Presentations on the following topics. Follow theguidelines in Appendix 1.

1. Theoretical foundations of Woodrow Wilson and Frederic Taylor.

2. Theoretical foundations of Max Weber2 in Germany.

3. Theoretical foundations of the Northcote-Trevelyan Report of 1854 in the United Kingdom.


Ex.25. ◄► Topics for Impromptu talks practice. Comment on these ideas.

1. The essential difference between Administration and Management.

2. Attempts to find the one-best-way in Public administration is elusive and can lead to rigidity in operation.

3. Delivery by bureaucracy is not the only way to provide public goods and services.

4. The public demands better mechanisms of accountability where once the bureaucracy operated separately from the society.



Part 2

Reading 1

Ex.1. Skim the text below to find out

· what features of management become especially important in a competitive economy.

· what "Theory Y"is, what the purpose of advancing itwas.

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